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This study examines the mechanisms through which companies domiciled within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) overcome market segmentation barriers which are the legacy of the Soviet Union. In contrast to a conventional cross-listing mechanism, leading CIS firms pursue reverse cross-listing or single-listing strategies, selecting the London Stock Exchange (LSE) as their main or only capital-raising platform. This study documents short-term IPO underperformance for single-LSE and dual-listed firms, suggesting that listing in London is risky, and that firms should consider alternative capital-raising strategies. Recent national regulatory reforms, which are expected to both improve capital market conditions and to encourage firms to list domestically, present CIS firms with such an opportunity. Finally, this study shows that CIS blue chips outperform the UK market in the long-run. This effect is more pronounced for dual-listed firms that also outperform the Russian market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the profitability of short-term contrarian and momentum strategies, which take into account the effects of trading activity, size/value characteristics, and asymmetric investor responses to news regarding stock markets in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore during 1990-2000. Except for the Taiwanese and Korean markets, “winner” (“loser”) portfolios experience subsequent reversal (momentum) of stock prices. Among actively traded stocks, significant contrarian profits can be obtained from only “winner” portfolios in Japan, while sizeable momentum profits from “loser portfolios” in both Japan and Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the source of momentum profits, while inferring the validity of the assumptions underlying rational and behavioural theories. Using a unique sample of securities listed in the Italian Stock Exchange from 1950 to 1995, we observe that buying better performing stocks in the previous 3-12 months and selling worse performing stocks over the same period yields significant profits in the short term (less than 1 year). Results also hold when conditioned upon different risk specifications. On the other hand, the continuation effect seems to significantly revert over a longer period. More importantly, in contrast with Conrad and Kaul [Rev. Financ. Stud. 11 (1998) 489], bootstrap and Monte Carlo simulations show that momentum profits are more likely to be generated by stock returns time series properties rather than by their cross-sectional differences. While the overall findings cannot reject the market efficiency hypothesis, we argue that behavioural theory may be a possible “story” to interpret the continuation effect.  相似文献   

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management - The possibility of combining the ranking period logic of contrarian (momentum) strategies with the holding period logic of momentum (contrarian)...  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-series evidence of asymmetric reverting patterns in stock returns that is attributable to “contrarian profitability.” Using asymmetric nonlinear smooth-transition (ANST) GARCH(M) models, we find that, for monthly excess returns of US market indexes over the period of 1926:01–1997:12, negative returns on average reverted more quickly, with a greater reverting magnitude, to positive returns than positive returns revert to negative returns. The results are quite consistent when the models are implemented not only for the different sample periods, such as 1926:01–1987:09 and 1947:01–1997:12, but also for portfolios with different characteristics, such as different firm-size portfolios and Fama–French risk-adjusted factor portfolios. We interpret the asymmetrical reversion as evidence of stock market overreaction.  相似文献   

This research examines the dynamics of volatility transmission and information flow between ADRs and the underlying stocks. Using a bivariate GARCH model with BEKK parameterisation, the study investigates how changes in volatility in the ADR market affect the volatility in the underlying equity market and vice versa. The findings suggest a bidirectional volatility transmission and information flow between the ADR and underlying stock markets. ADRs and underlying stocks respond to their own innovations as well as to the innovations in each other's market. The findings are consistent for all countries in the sample as well as for different sub-periods. The evidence suggests that the differences in synchronicity of trading period between the US market and other developed markets included in the sample has had no effect on the volatility transmission and information flow between ADRs and underlying stocks.  相似文献   

This paper examines factors influencing international firms’ decisions to cross-list as Global Depository Receipts (GDRs). We focus on differences in regulatory and accounting requirements between exchanges and the economic clustering that has arisen with increasing globalization. An important economic influence on this decision is the home country, reflecting trade ties. Higher US regulation and governance requirements influence firms from emerging markets to issue GDRs rather than ADRs on a US exchange. Using local GAAP or IFRS also tends to deter firms from listing as an ADR, suggesting that the cost of US GAAP reconciliation is an important consideration in the decision to list as a GDR or an ADR.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze using an econometric panel data model, for fixed and random effects, microeconomic determinants of access to external financing that affect the capital structure of companies in the industrial sector, which were listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) in 2000-2010, in order to demonstrate that the international financial crisis of 2007, modifies the relationship between these determinants and capital structure, which explains the changes in the policy of foreign currency funding that followed these companies. The findings show that export firms, issuers of ADRs (American depositary receipts) and the big large are finance in foreign currency before the crisis, and after it, only export firms and issuers of ADRs, although in a higher proportion export firms, which shows that to have better way to solve their problems of asymmetric information with your creditors, to have good collaterals in accounts receivable in foreign currency, and give investors a positive sign of a good economic situation, attained to continue financing in foreign currency despite the crisis.  相似文献   

对证券投资基金行为选择的研究,一直是金融经济学关注的焦点问题之一。本文对我国证券投资基金投资组合的构建和调整与其投资策略的匹配性问题进行了研究,发现绝大部分证券投资基金存在实际投资所承担的风险远远偏离其投资策略所表明的风险偏好类型。同时,由于市场环境的变化,无论是风险偏好型还是风险中性的基金,在实际投资中大多转型成了风险规避型基金。  相似文献   

This paper investigates time-consistent reinsurance(excess-of-loss, proportional) and investment strategies for an ambiguity averse insurer(abbr. AAI). The AAI is ambiguous towards the insurance and financial markets. In the AAI's attitude, the intensity of the insurance claims' number and the market price of risk of a stock can not be estimated accurately. This formulation of ambiguity is similar to the uncertainty of different equivalent probability measures. The AAI can purchase excess-of-loss or proportional reinsurance to hedge the insurance risk and invest in a financial market with cash and an ambiguous stock. We investigate the optimization goal under smooth ambiguity given in Klibanoff, P., Marinacci, M., & Mukerji, S. [(2005). A smooth model of decision making under ambiguity. Econometrica 73, 1849–1892], which aims to search the optimal strategies under average case. The utility function does not satisfy the Bellman's principle and we employ the extended HJB equation proposed in Björk, T. & Murgoci, A. [(2014). A theory of Markovian time-inconsistent stochastic control in discrete time. Finance and Stochastics 18(3), 545–592] to solve this problem. In the end of this paper, we derive the equilibrium reinsurance and investment strategies under smooth ambiguity and present the sensitivity analysis to show the AAI's economic behaviors.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to examine, using a vector autoregressive model, whether the difference in earnings growth rates caused different reaction speeds in stock prices. Monthly returns of stocks listed in the Taiwan stock market from May 2003 to April 2013 were used as empirical data in this study. The analytical results showed that the returns of portfolios with higher earnings growth rates significantly led those portfolios with lower earnings growth rates when size, trading volume, institutional ownership ratio, and revenue factors were controlled, respectively. This paper finds that the earnings growth rate is a significant determinant of the lead-lag patterns observed in monthly stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the risks and returns of Latin American stocks following American depository receipt (ADR) listings in U.S. equity markets and finds no systematic change in their volatility. This finding differs from previous results for ADR introduction on European and Asian stocks, although it is consistent with several prior findings on international stock listings. Importantly, it supports the predictions of Domowitz, Glen, and Madhavan's 1998 model of international cross-listings. This model predicts that the effects of such listings will differ across stocks because the net effect is indicative of the specific trade-off for each individual stock between benefits of enhanced intermarket competition and costs stemming from the diversion of information-linked orders out of the domestic market.  相似文献   

The literature on equity markets documents the existence of mean reversion and momentum phenomena. Researchers in foreign exchange markets find that foreign exchange rates also display behaviors akin to momentum and mean reversion. This paper implements a trading strategy combining mean reversion and momentum in foreign exchange markets. The strategy was originally designed for equity markets, but it also generates abnormal returns when applied to uncovered interest parity deviations for five countries. I find that the pattern for the positions thus created in the foreign exchange markets is qualitatively similar to that found in the equity markets. Quantitatively, this strategy performs better in foreign exchange markets than in equity markets. Also, it outperforms traditional foreign exchange trading strategies, such as carry trades and moving average rules.  相似文献   

We analyze how an individual should optimally invest in human capital when he also has financial wealth. We treat the individual's possibilities to take more education as expansion options and apply real option analysis. In addition, we characterize the individual's optimal consumption strategy and portfolio weights. The individual has a demand for hedging financial risk, labor income risk, and also wage level risk.  相似文献   

The ability to issue debt that pays in units of the domestic good leads a country to accumulate a large and negative net foreign asset position while maintaining a positive position in equity. This debt market advantage also helps to explain the weak relationship between the real exchange rate and relative consumption. Our stylized model matches the key facts about the U.S. international portfolio, the U.S. real exchange rate, and explains nearly 50% of the observed variation in the valuation effects. We find that taxing bond market transactions increases the volatility of the exchange rate, capital flows and allocations. In contrast, taxing equity positions stabilizes the exchange rate and capital flows while having little impact on the allocation. Lastly, the paper describes a global solution method for portfolio problems under incomplete markets.  相似文献   

The extant literature on behavioral corporate finance has explored the effects of overconfidence on investment–cash flow sensitivity (ICS) to explain overinvestment, yet it has overlooked the asymmetric behavior of investments in relation to changes in cash flow levels. This study examines whether investments behave asymmetrically responding to changes in cash flows and, if so, how managerial overconfidence affects asymmetric ICS. Using a sample of KOSPI and KOSDAQ firms in Korea, we find the incidence of downwardly sticky ICS in unconstrained firms. We then find that overconfident managers encourage ICS to be stickier than their rational peers do in unconstrained firms. Finally, we find that managerial overconfidence intensified by self-attribution bias induces ICS to get even stickier, suggesting more explicit evidence of corporate investment distortions. The results of alternative tests using the asymmetric models of Homburg and Nasev (2008) are qualitatively consistent with prior results. Overall, our findings imply a higher incidence of excessive investment commitments driven by overconfident managers.  相似文献   

We construct a set of household‐level background risk variables to capture the covariance structure of three nonfinancial assets and two financial assets. These risks are in general statistically significant and economically important for a household's stock market participation and stockholdings. A one‐standard‐deviation increase in background risks reduces the participation probability by 11% and the stockholdings‐to‐wealth ratio by 4%. The volatilities of labor income, housing value, and business income reduce a household's participation and stockholdings. A household with labor income highly correlated with stock (bond) returns is less (more) likely to invest in stock.  相似文献   

This paper uses population‐wide data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and the Survey of Consumer Finances to resolve the conflict between overtrading and inactivity shown in administrative data on brokerage and retirement accounts, respectively. Considerable inertia is found and linked to characteristics (e.g., limited education or resources), but less to index movements: the downswing has encouraged staying out, rather than getting out, of the market. The small minority with brokerage accounts exhibits important differences in trading patterns relative to the population and invests small fractions of wealth in brokerage accounts. Results strengthen the case for default options in retirement accounts and built‐in trading provisions in mutual funds.  相似文献   

运用动态最优控制理论与随机金融分析方法,研究由劳动收入的特质风险与借贷约束导致的非完全市场对消费者最优投资和消费策略、波动及福利损失的影响,得到相应的动态最优投资和消费策略.研究发现:非完全市场会显著抑制消费者的消费动机和投资动机,并加剧消费波动和投资波动.此外,财务困境下非完全市场会对消费者造成高达40% 的福利损失.  相似文献   

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