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何莽 《旅游学刊》2012,27(8):68-77
文章对中央政府20多年来涉及高尔夫的政策研究表明,我国的高尔夫政策经历了“支持——限制——禁止”3个阶段.其中,规范和限制高尔夫用地类型的政策起到了较好效果,但限制和禁止高尔夫项目发展的政策失效;政策失效原因在于地方政府及文化、体育、旅游部门具有建设高尔夫项目的合理诉求和强烈动机,导致高尔夫政策前后不一致、部门不一致和上下不一致;对高尔夫采取规范发展政策将能起到更好效果,有利于高尔夫项目合理规划,促进高尔夫旅游科学发展.  相似文献   

高尔夫旅游发展模式研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘德云 《旅游学刊》2007,22(12):23-27
本文在考察《Golf Magazine》全球TOP100球场中高尔夫旅游组合发展情况的基础上,对高尔夫旅游发展模式的概念、特点以及在我国的发展现状进行了分析,并运用Delphi法和AHP法构建了高尔夫旅游发展模式影响因素指标体系,通过多类型相关专业人士的深入访谈以及多次不同地域典型球场的实地调研,分析我国高尔夫旅游球场发展影响关键因素,为我国高尔夫旅游发展模式选择和健康运营提供有益借鉴和探索。  相似文献   

江林  李祉辉 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):9-14
中韩两国历史源远流长,文化相似,地理相邻,两国人民世代交往不断。由于特定时期的政治原因,两国一度中断了联系。但自1992年中韩建交以来,两国之间的经济、文化交流日益频繁。中国已经成为韩国第二大旅游客源国,中国公民赴韩国旅游业已成为我国出境游市场的重要组成部分。本论文旨在通过对中国公民赴韩国出境游市场的现状进行分析,提出当前韩国游市场存在的问题,并从政府旅游部门、旅游企业及韩方相关机构角度提出相关对策建议,以利于促进中国公民赴韩出境游市场的持续、健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

1992年,韩国出境旅游人数达204.4万人,比1991年增长10.1%。尽管韩国出游者在1992年度中人均消费比1991年下降了10.2%,为1832美元,但同期去韩国的外国旅游者平均消费却只有1004美元。按此两项国际旅游中最基本的数字统计,1992年韩国国际旅游逆差达4.87亿美元,比1991年增加了1.3亿美元。国际旅游赤字引起了韩国政府的高度重视。今年年  相似文献   

于鹏  张宏梅 《旅游学刊》2016,(12):62-75
文章将旅游研究领域的国家形象界定为国际旅游者对目的地国家的总体认知和情感的心理表征,并将其划分为宏观国家形象和微观国家形象两个构成部分.以韩国作为旅游目的地国家,中国潜在旅游者作为调查对象,探讨潜在旅游者对韩国国家形象的感知,检验国家形象构成维度及其与旅游意向之间的关系.研究表明,宏观国家认知形象由国家特征、国家能力、国民特征、环境管理和国家关系5个维度构成,微观国家认知形象由旅游环境、旅游设施和文化氛围3个维度构成.国家情感形象对潜在旅游者的旅游意向有显著影响;微观国家认知形象显著影响国家情感形象,宏观国家认知形象中的国民特征因子显著影响国家情感形象;国家认知形象通过国家情感形象的中介作用对潜在旅游者的旅游意向产生影响.研究结论为韩国和中国旅游管理部门提升国家形象,应对旅游市场全球化的挑战以及参与国际旅游竞争提供一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

中国旅游研究国际影响度的比较分析与提升途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文在引入并分析旅游研究国际影响度的概念的基础上,提出了旅游研究国际影响度的测评指标体系,并选取"在国际主流旅游学术刊物上发表的论文数量"、"出任国际旅游学术刊物编委的学者数量"、"举办国际性旅游学术会议的数量"、"出任国际性旅游研究机构专家的学者数量"、"出任国际旅游学术刊物审稿专家的学者数量"等5个指标,对中国(两岸四地)与韩国的旅游研究国际影响度现状进行了比较,分析了中国两岸四地、韩国这5个地区在旅游研究国际影响度方面的差距、差异与共同点.文章最后针对中国内地旅游研究的国际影响度现状,提出了若干提升的建议.  相似文献   

韩国旅华客源市场的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国旅华客源市场的开发顾宇红中国国际旅行社总社散客部一、韩国旅华客源市场现状直到1990年以前,韩国一直不是中国的主要客源市场。然而到1993年,这个小国一跃成为当年我国第5大客源市场,开始引起中国旅游界的注意。最新资料表明,到1995年,韩国已成为...  相似文献   

韩国出境市场及旅华市场综述程伟进国家旅游局国际市场开发司一、出境市场概况韩国面积9.9万多平方公里,人口4600多万,其经济发展在近几十年里突飞猛进,受世人瞩目。六十年代以来,韩国推行外向型经济发展战略,成功地实施了一系列经济开发五年计划,达到了经济...  相似文献   

方栋 《西部旅游》2022,(20):58-60
山东省潍坊市地处山东半岛中部,非物质文化遗产众多,且乡村旅游资源丰富,但是乡村旅游产品同质化严重,发展受阻。基于此,如何将潍坊市的非物质文化遗产融入乡村旅游产业,成为当下需要思考的重点问题。文章首先总结了潍坊市非遗融入乡村旅游产业取得的成绩,并分析了潍坊市乡村旅游发展过程中存在的问题,然后以井塘古村为例,运用赫芬达尔指数法对非遗与乡村旅游的融合度进行研究,最终得出潍坊市非物质文化遗产融入乡村旅游产业的对策。  相似文献   

旅游市场分类研究及其意义--以佛山市这例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
彭华  钟韵  梁明珠  卓庆 《旅游学刊》2002,17(3):49-54
我们在佛山市旅游研究中使用了"市场分类研究法"和"产品-需求对应分析法",对不同的旅游吸引物所对应的旅游市场进行分类调研和分类处理,发现景点旅游者市场与城市过夜旅游者市场存在着明显的差异.认识这些差异,对于分析区域旅游发展的主导旅游吸引,分析旅游需求趋势和需求预测,对确定区域旅游发展的主动力模型和旅游发展动力机制,制定产品战略和市场战略具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

This study utilized MDS analyses to identify the position of overseas golf tourism destinations as perceived by Korean golf tourists. Out of a total of 247 questionnaires collected, 216 questionnaires were used for data analyses. The correspondence analyses were conducted with the use of KYST, PORFIT, and PREFMAP programs. As an example of the results, Australia showed a similarity to Hawaii in perceived image to potential Korean overseas golf tourists. Additionally, results of the PREFMAP analysis reported that Hawaii was perceived to be an ideal destination. The theoretical and managerial implications derived from the analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

The targeting of tourism market segments is considered to increase repeat visitations to tourism destinations because it allows destination marketers to accurately determine the needs and expectations of targeted tourists, develop more effective marketing strategies, which in turn, assists with ensuring that the targeted tourists segments support and return to the destination. Consequently, the aim of the study was to determine the profile of golf tourists attending an international golf event in South Africa by shedding some light on their key trip-related and general golf tourism behaviour patterns. To date, most research undertaken has focused on product-driven research concerned with golf course facilities and the marketing thereof and little emphasis on demand-side research concerning the golf tourist. Personal interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire involving 314 golf tourists selected through a systematic random sampling technique. The paper investigates the level of development of golf tourism, analyses the golf tourism market and highlights critical factors for its success, in South Africa.  相似文献   

A main goal of this study was to use the concept of specialization to segment and better understand Korean overseas golf holiday tourists' demographics, motivations, overseas golf tourism destination attributes, and preference for overseas golf tourism destination attributes. A total of 424 questionnaires were collected and 370 questionnaires were used for further statistical analysis. According to results of data analyses, the advanced segment was more likely to be motivated by the quality of overseas golf resorts and other benefits (such as business opportunities), compared to the beginner and intermediate segments. The beginner group was more likely to be a company employee or housewife who earn the least at between US$35,000–US$50,000 per annum, travel on full package tours, use information from family or relatives, and have a stronger preference for the Philippines or China as golf destinations. The study's results showed potential benefits using the concept of specialization in a sport tourism setting even though the concept has been popularly applied in the outdoor setting.  相似文献   

延边朝鲜族自治州地处东北边陲,旅游资源丰富,近年来旅游业发展迅速.中国朝鲜族是从朝鲜半岛琦入中国国境的跨界民族,与韩民族具有血缘关系和特殊的历史文化关系.作为中国朝鲜族曩大的聚居地,延边旅游业的发展与境外民族国家韩国怎息相关.本文通过SWOT分析,提出以当前中韩两国良好的政治经济文化环境为背景.充分利用跨界民族的优势条件,正视存在的问题,抓紧有利时机,是廷边发展旅游业的战略选择.  相似文献   

The proliferation of golf events has provided increased opportunities to watch professional golf tournaments. The purpose of this study is to examine a variety of leisure benefits sought by Korean golf event spectators and provide useful marketing strategies to fulfill their needs. Within the contexts of leisure benefits, different individuals tend to assign different meanings to the same leisure experience. In this sense, golf event spectators are likely to pursue heterogeneous leisure benefits from their engagement. This study identified four distinct spectator groups (i.e., escape seekers, exercise seekers, interest seekers, and excitement seekers) and uncovered significant differences among these segments. Results provided empirical support that event-based sport tourism marketers need to implement diverse strategies to increase and reinforce their customer base.  相似文献   

福建省国际旅游市场营销目标选择研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
黄秀娟 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):15-19
随着国际旅游业的发展,旅游竞争愈加激烈,旅游市场营销对一国或一地区国际旅游业的发展起着越来越重要的作用。而面对紧张的财政资金,如何利用有限的资金获得最大的营销效果,也是各国或各地区政府关心的问题。显然,准确的市场营销定位是旅游营销成功的必要前提。本文利用市场份额分析法对福建省的主要客源国在福建省入境旅游市场中外国人市场的地位以及发展潜力与这些国家在我国入境旅游市场中的地位及发展潜力进行了比较分析,由此将福建省的客源国分为4个类型:兴旺的市场、崛起的市场、成熟的市场和停滞的市场,据此提出了福建省未来市场营销的目标。  相似文献   

The medical tourism industry is a fast growing global niche market that generated $20 billion in income for destinations around the world. This study suggests and tests a mechanism to assess the medical tourism providers’ perceptions about the tourists’ perceived important product attributes when selecting a medical tourism destination. The results indicate that the various medical tourism providers groups do not vary in their perceptions regarding 24 important attributes of the medical tourism product and that they all agree that tourists perceive the medical variables to be more important than the tourism related variables. Using the Korean market for data collection, the study’s additional contribution is providing insights for Korean government agencies, operators of medical tourism hospitals, policymakers, and marketers.  相似文献   

Focusing on golf tourism in Hainan Province, this study examined the relationship between place attachment, golf tourism destination image, and revisit intention of golf tourists. Data were obtained using questionnaires distributed to golf tourists in Hainan Province, China in 2016. Survey data from 218 tourists indicated that destination image was positively related to place attachment. Moreover, place attachment mediated the relationship between destination image and revisit intention. Implications of these findings for golf tourism marketing strategies as well as future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Golf course communities are established to serve the needs of their members. However, the number of golfers in the United States has decreased from 30.6 million in 2005 to 25.7 million in 2011. This poses a real threat to the golf industry. Since employees deliver this service to members, human resource management and employee job satisfaction and motivation becomes paramount. The purpose of this study was to ascertain job satisfaction at golf facilities in Southwest Florida and to determine possible areas for improving job satisfaction in order to enhance organizational outcomes and golfer retention. While the research demonstrated overall job satisfaction was high, job interest among the lower skilled employees was low. A series of job enrichment strategies were recommended to improve job satisfaction among lower skilled employees.  相似文献   

Utilizing a discrete choice experiment, this study attempts to provide improved knowledge regarding how golf tourists arrive at complex trade-offs between different golfing constraints and resort to diverse negotiation strategies to attenuate the effect of those constraining factors. With a study sample of Korean golf tourists, we find that respondents place distinctive weights on several golf course attributes representing various types of golfing constraints to attain the greatest enjoyment. Among a range of barriers to golf trip participation, golf tourists place the highest importance on structural constraints associated with limited personal time resources and inadequate access to golf courses. The study results substantiate golf tourists’ heterogeneous preferences for negotiation strategies, which are dependent upon their levels of golf specialization. Multiple management suggestions are developed to help golf course professionals adapt to the gradually challenging business environment.  相似文献   

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