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排污权抵押贷款制度产生一系列的实践困境、现实困境等问题。为应对这些困境,本文着重论述了企业用其排污权向银行抵押申请贷款时,通过控制可抵押贷款的排污权比例、贷款发放的比例、贷款构成的比例,用排污权抵押贷款比例制这一方案来应对排污权抵押贷款制度带来的困境。  相似文献   

本文从我国法律建设的角度阐述房产抵押贷款的法律风险,并提出与其相应的措施,以达到防范商业银行房产抵押贷款法律风险的目的。  相似文献   

辛绵绵 《浙江金融》2007,(12):54-54,52
随着我国房地产业的迅速发展,以土地、房屋、在建工程抵押已经成为主要的担保方式。由于土地、房屋、在建工程抵押同时涉及企业、银行、购房人、在建工程承包人、税收部门、保险人、抵押登记部门等多方当事  相似文献   

陈勇  王晔 《海南金融》2006,(10):29-32
住房抵押贷款证券化是一项结构复杂的金融创新,涉及诸多法律问题。本文结合我国住房抵押贷款证券化的金融生态环境,探讨了投资者面临的假按揭风险、抵押物处置风险和房贷险等法律问题,提出了完善相关法律金融制度的建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the pricing of personal loans in the form of second mortgages to determine whether state-specific default laws have an effect on the availability and cost of that debt. We examine the pricing of loans to higher risk borrowers and whether borrowers in states that limit lender ability to seek default remedies pay higher credit costs. Our results indicate that, for the most part, lenders rationally price loans to higher risk borrowers. However, when we focus on borrowers with low credit scores, the results indicate that mean actual loan rates are higher than those predicted by our model. The results also indicate that state-specific default laws have an effect on the price of credit. Finally, the results show that there is a greater degree of error in the pricing of second mortgage loans to borrowers with low credit scores than to borrowers with high credit scores.  相似文献   

吉林省实施集体林权制度试点改革以来,银行业围绕改进"三农"服务,积极创新担保方式,通过开办林权抵押贷款等举措支持社会主义新农村建设,取得一定成效。但也遇到了一些难点和问题,文章对这些难点问题进行了详细分析,并结合实际情况提出政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper develops an equilibrium model of the commercial mortgage market that includes the sequence from commitment to origination and allows testing for differences by type of lender. From borrowers, loan demand is based on the income yield, capital gains, and expectations about return distributions. Lenders use prices such as mortgage rates and their distributions, and quantities in underwriting standards. There are separate equilibria in the markets for loan commitments and originations. Bank and nonbank lenders are not restricted to the same lending technology, nor to the weights placed on mortgage rates as opposed to underwriting standards. Empirical results for the United States commercial mortgage market indicate that banks use interest rates in allocating credit while nonbanks rely on underwriting standards, notably the loan-to-value ratio. A consequence is that nonbanks have a clientele incentive towards making low cap rate loans compensated by low loan-to-value ratios.  相似文献   

近年来,商业银行个人住房转按揭贷款在中国迅速发展.作为一种新型的融资方式,个人住房转按揭贷款涉及的当事人较多,法律关系较为复杂.本文根据转按揭涉及的主体不同将其划分为三类,并分别介绍了它们各自产生的动因和相关的法律依据.在此基础上,作者详细阐述了个人住房转按揭贷款中涉及的保险法律问题,以及银行在其中所处的法律地位.针对转按揭贷款业务的流程特点,笔者指出由于转按揭贷款在发放后的一段时间内没有抵押担保,银行由此面临风险,而加强银行之间的合作以及选择专业的担保公司作为保证人是防范上述风险的有效途径.  相似文献   

作为金融中介理论的重要组成部分,银行贷款定价理论围绕对银行行为的探讨而展开,已形成了较完整的理论体系。本文选择三种有代表性的银行贷款定价理论——基于市场结构的贷款定价、基于关系型贷款的定价和最前沿的基于风险的贷款定价理论进行介绍与评价,以期为我国银行贷款定价实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

保单质押贷款业务在近年快速发展,而我国现行法律对该业务的调整存在诸多空白。本文认为从质押业务法理分析,具有储金或现金价值的一切寿险或非寿险保单均可作为保单质押对象,但设质的财产权利应限于退保金或现金价值,不应包括保险金请求权。保单质押后,投保人、贷款人和保险人按照质押协议承担相应的权利和义务,同时,投保人在保险合同中享有的部分权利,当有可能减少或流失质物时,该项权利应被限制或冻结。  相似文献   

白云 《征信》2020,38(2):53-57
信息技术的广泛应用使个人信息的保护受到重视。赋予个人信息法定权利是个人信息保护的基础和前提。从个人信息权利的本质属性来看,个人信息权利不是财产权,而是人格权。但是,个人信息权利应与传统的具体人格权相区别,个人信息权利不应被隐私权所替代,也与其他具体人格权保护的客体不同,个人信息权利应当是一项独立的具体人格权,只有如此,网络空间的个人信息才能够得到完整、全面的保护。  相似文献   

文章在揭示住房按揭贷款的内涵与本质的基础上,总结出现阶段我国住房按揭贷款业务中借款人面临的主要问题有:开发商虚假承诺为业主办理按揭贷款、商业银行实施强制保险问题、商业贷款与公积金贷款问题、等额本金还款法与等额本息还款法的利息负担等。针对这些问题产生的原因以及影响,文章从保护借款人的角度分别提出相应的对策建议,包括:保费应与贷款余额同步减少,购房者应事前了解商业银行拒贷原因,购房者应结合自身的投资能力选择还款方式,人民银行应进一步明确对提前还贷违约金的规定等。  相似文献   

以2015—2017年河南省农村宅基地使用权抵押贷款试点县调研数据为依据,运用双重差分倾向得分匹配法(PSM-DID),实证检验了农村宅基地使用权抵押贷款收入效应。结果表明,农村宅基地使用权抵押贷款能够显著提升农业生产要素投入,从而提高农业产出。进而对农户收入具有显著且持续的推动作用,而且贷款周期越久,推动作用越大。为此,未来农村宅基地使用权抵押贷款政策完善的重点在于正视农户异质性,积极提供差异化产品,进一步优化农村金融生态环境,降低融资费用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the disciplinary role of borrowers, who are one of the key stakeholders in Turkish banks and are heavily affected when their banks experience difficulty. In the theoretical model, we show that borrowers prefer to have a relationship with less risky banks although it increases their cost of getting funds. Empirically, we examine the relationship between quality of a bank and its loan demand and find that as riskiness of a bank decreases, its loan demand increases significantly, suggesting the disciplinary role of borrowers in Turkey.  相似文献   

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