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本文主要介绍OPGW光纤通信电缆,从其性能特点,结构形式,电缆施工架设,光纤接续与测试等方面阐述其在工程中应用情况和发展前景.  相似文献   

基于通过对几种电缆实时监测系统进行对比分析,对近年来研发出的分布式光纤温度传感技术进行研究,。对其“利用光脉冲测定温度的原理”“分布式光纤传感器的构造”和“分布式光纤传感技术”相对于传统测温技术的优势进行分析论述,进而对某电厂电缆分布式光纤测温系统的安装进行实地设计。  相似文献   

盐阜科技一枝花□方正育在浦东、在南京、在兰州,一条条光纤电缆在铺设延伸,你可知道,这延绵千里的光纤电缆外管竟出自一个乡镇企业——江苏珠花集团。这是盐都县伍佑镇一个镇办企业,十年前,一只锅、一座炉起家,几经周折,几乎到了破产的边缘,是高科技使这个名不见...  相似文献   

简述了我国光纤的发展历程,论述了在21世纪光纤发展的主流技术。分析了通信电缆的现状,对我国通信光缆和通信电缆技术的发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

光缆通信在我国已有20多年的使用历史,这段历史也就是光通信技术的发展史和光纤光缆的发展史。光纤光缆在我国的发展可以分为这样几个阶段,取代市内局间中继线的市话电缆5~IPCM电缆,取代有线通信干线上的高频对称电缆和同轴电缆。这两个取代应该说是完成了;现正在取代接入网的主干线和配线的市话主干电缆和配线电缆,并正在进入局域网和室内综合布线系统。目前,光纤光缆已经进入了有线通信的各个领域,包括邮电通信、广播通信、电力通信和军用通信等领域。  相似文献   

眼下,精打细算抓节约可谓蔚然成风.但有的单位抓节约,却缺乏长远的思维和眼光,眼前看是节约,事后看是浪费。比如,某单位在进行网络铺设时,把主干网由光纤电缆换成普通线材.节约了60多万元工程成本。但一年后企业进行信息化改造时,却因联网速率和接口难以与上级统一要求相匹配,不得不重新改造网络线路。结果,改造费用超出当初节约光纤电缆费用的几倍。这种“节约”难道不是更大的浪费?  相似文献   

光纤温度传感系统基于光纤后向拉曼散射进行温度实时测量,可以测量沿光纤分布每一点的温度值,适应于大范围多点温度的监测。系统可以准确地测量整根光纤上成千上万点的温度和位置信息,电缆监测系统的组成由分布式光纤测温主机,数据处理主机,分布式光纤测温应用软件,感温光缆,声光报警器液晶显示器,激光打印机,键盘、鼠标和其它装配附件等。应用在煤矿对高压电缆进行温度监测。异常温度变化报警,并将告警事件传送至电力监控系统,并输出报警声光信号提示值班人员,值班人员根据事件情况可以切断电源,避免煤矿电缆火灾事故发生及引起煤矿重大事故发生。  相似文献   

全国的市县乡镇有线电视系统正在迅速发展,而随着有线电视同步迅速发展的是光纤光缆步入有线电视系统.光纤光缆进入有线电视系统,市县与乡镇光缆与电缆混合联网,是当今有线电视传输的最佳选择.本文浅述光纤光缆的特性,保护光纤光缆的具体做法.  相似文献   

文章从测温原理、应用实例及价格等几方面,对感温电缆、分布式光纤温度传感器和光纤光栅温度传感器进行对比分析,肯定了光纤温度监测系统的先进性,建议推广应用,并对未来的研究方向提出新设想.  相似文献   

根据有关资料显示,在今后若干年,铝合金导线的国内外市场前景十分广阔。它不仅可用于输电线路和光纤复合架空导线(OPGW),还将大量用作CATV宽带网接入用户电缆的编制线。  相似文献   

In their classic work, Von Neumann and Morgensterndefined a game as simply the totality of the rules which describe it. Theydid not, however, elaborate a theory of rules. Such considerations lead toconceptualizing rules and rule configurations as mathematical objects, specifyingthe principles for combining rules, developing the theory of revising,replacing, and, in general transforming rules and rule complexes. Themathematics is based on contemporary developments at the interface ofmathematics, logic, and computer science. This article, drawing on themathematical theory of rules and rule complexes, extends and generalizes gametheory (GGT). The theory of rule complexes is used to conceptualize andanalyze diverse social relationships, roles, and games as particulartypes of rule complexes. A social role, for instance, is the major basisof an individual's action in a game. It consists of at least four majorcomponents – which are mathematical objects – in the determinationof action: value complex, model of reality (including beliefs and knowledgebases), a repertoire of acts, routines, programs, and strategies, and modalities,role-specific algorithms for determininig or generating action in gamesettings. The article focuses on three types of action modality routineor habitual, normative, andinstrumental modalities. The theory: (1) provides a cultural/institutionalbasis for a theory of gameswhere games, social relationships, and rolesare formalized in terms of rule complexes; (2) explains human action as a formof rule application or rule-following action, which underlies allmodalities of action; (3) formulates the theory that actors construct an action or make choices amongalternative actions by making comparisons and judging similarity (ordissimilarity) between an option or options considered and their norms and values,and, in general, determine whether or not, and to what degree, a value,norm, or goal will be realized or satisfied; (4)reconceptualizes ``game' as a social form and makes a distinction between open and closed games.  相似文献   

沈皓婉 《价值工程》2010,29(13):245-247
从社会和政治变化、电子音乐流派的发展,形成了电子音乐,科学和技术的发展对电子音乐有重大的影响。他们是四个不同历史时期的发展——未来派,法西斯主义,达达派、电子音乐的时期。从最早使用:麦架,嘘声,窃窃私语,爆炸等。音乐和表达感情的表现,在阶级斗争,政治变革和经济危机、发展迅速的电子音乐,用在许多不同的零件,例如播放音乐、电影、电视等,都成了一个必不可少的组成部分的音乐市场。  相似文献   

This paper establishes the existence and efficiency of equilibrium in a local public goods economy with spatial structures by formalizing Hamilton's [Hamilton, B.W., 1975. Zoning and property taxation in a system of local governments Urban Studies 12, 205–211] elaboration of Tiebout's [Tiebout, C., 1956. A pure theory of local public expenditures. Journal of Political Economy 64, 416–424] tale. We use a well-known equilibrium concept from Rothschild and Stiglitz [Rothschild, M., Stiglitz, J.E., 1976. Equilibrium in competitive insurance markets: an essay on the economics of imperfect information. Quarterly Journal of Economics 40, 629–649] in a market with asymmetric information, and show that Hamilton's zoning policy plays an essential role in proving the existence and efficiency of equilibrium. We use an idealized large economy following Ellickson, Grodal, Scotchmer and Zame [Ellickson, B., Grodal, B., Scotchmer, S., Zame, W.R., 1999. Clubs and the market, Econometrica 67, 1185–1217] and Allouch, Conley and Wooders [Allouch, N., Conley, J.P., Wooders, M.H., The Tiebout Hypothesis: On the Existence of Pareto Efficient Competitive Equilibria, (2004), mimeograph]. Our theorem is directly applicable to the existence and efficiency of a discrete spatial approximation of mono- or multi-centric city equilibria in an urban economy with commuting time costs, even if we allow the existence of multiple qualities of (collective) residences, when externalities due to traffic congestion are not present.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the fashion industry, one characterised by issues such as dramatic shifts in the scale and power of major retail buyers in the market, the advent of retailer own brands, and the nature of sourcing and supply chain decisions, issues that are increasingly global in nature. The aim of this research is to explore the nature of relationships between UK high street multiple fashion retailers and their contracted suppliers, many of whom are entrepreneurial firms by most definitions of the term. Four core themes emerge from the literature and provide a framework for the research, namely, power, process, partnership, and people. The research approach was qualitative, and conducted over a period of twelve months. The paper ends with an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

Based on a review of established U.S. management journals (1995–2003), six schools of thought are identified within the Anglo-American M&;A research: “Capital Market”, “Principal/Agent”, “Industrial Organization”, “Organizational Behavior”, “Human Resources” and “Strategic Management”. The literature review shows that the definition of M&;A success, the methods applied, and insights from empirical research differ according to the respective school of thought. Empirical studies focus on the resource combinations of merger partners, the specific circumstances of merger negotiations, and on integration management as antecedents of merger performance. Unfortunately, empirical findings have not yet provided reliable explanations for M&;A success. Based on the current state of Anglo-American M&;A research, the authors discuss implications for business practice, identify research gaps, and propose areas for future research.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of economic crises on the subsequent economic, performance, economic reform, democratization and institutional change. Our analysis is based on a sample of post-communist countries, most of which experienced severe economic, crises during the 1990s. We find that the severity of crisis has a positive impact on the subsequent pace of economic reform, economic growth and, with a delay, on investment and institutional change. Episodes of high inflation, moreover, translate into lower subsequent inflation. Crises thus serve as catalysts of reform and institutional change and lead to better long-term economic performance.  相似文献   

在嵌入式系统中,多媒体的应用变得越来越广泛,因此,开发一款功能齐全、便于跨平台使用的媒体播放器得非常迫切。本文以嵌入式ARM9开发平台为基础,利用开源Linux系统和跨平台Qt开发工具。在音频开发中采用Qt提供的Phonon多媒体框架,让应用程序更易于开发了;在视频开发中利用MPlayer作为其后端程序,加快了对媒体的处理速度。该播发器是以一个集音频,视频播放于一体的一款多媒体影音娱乐软件。该软件可以移植在汽车、飞机以及个人手持设备上使用。  相似文献   

任凯  代高琴 《价值工程》2012,31(2):60-63
中国是世界上自然灾害最严重的国家之一,灾害的多发性决定了其对工程建设项目具有不可忽视的影响。并且,最近几年我国各种自然灾害、极端气候的发生更加频繁,范围更加广泛,影响更加严重,所以在进行项目的建设时有必要加强对自然风险的管理。本文,首先对自然风险和风险管理进行了简单的介绍,然后从项目的质量、成本、工期、安全的角度浅谈了自然风险对项目的影响;接着从风险管理的角度,用定量和定性的方法对风险的识别和估计、风险评价、风险应对、风险的决策等方面对自然风险的管理进行分析和说明,最后得出一些结论和看法。  相似文献   

Organizational sustainability is a multi-facet paradigm widely used to address perennial business challenges such as climate change, industrial waste, the economies of scale and social well-being, etc. In the last three decades, extensive research has been performed on ecological or economic sustainability, ignoring the third pillar of sustainability. Given the importance of humans and society-a center-stage of inclusive development-this paper aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis to examine the growth of organizational social sustainability (OSS) from 2000 to 2021 during MDG & SDG periods. A total of 1566 publications are analyzed using Scopus and the Web of Science (WoS) database. Citation networks, bibliographic coupling, and thematic mapping have explored influential work, intellectual structure, and research gaps. The study findings demonstrated that most publications are during the SDG period, with Sustainability as the most productive journal and the USA as the most contributing country. The top 10 active institutions are from Australia, France, and Spain. The top contributing authors are from France, but the USA is at the top in citations. Contributions are lacking from large portions of Africa. Keyword analysis showed that “social sustainability,” “sustainable development,” “environmental sustainability,” “sustainable supply change management,” “circular economy,” and “social life cycle assessment” are the main topics. Keyword analysis and thematic mapping show that despite increased publications in the field of organizational social sustainability, OSS research is still far from focusing on the stakeholders' benefits, satisfaction, and subjective well-being. Moreover, quantitative assessment of OSS based on sustainability standards such as Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) and Value Reporting Foundation (VRF) standards was found scant in the given field. The present research concluded with scope and opportunity for future research in the area of OSS.  相似文献   

Resource-rich African countries are often saddled with high external indebtedness. Yet, their management of resource endowment, a logical source of debt repayment, also remains a challenge, alongside their characteristic weak institutions. We investigate the relationship between external indebtedness and welfare whilst considering the pervasive influence of both natural resource rents and the quality of institutions. Using a two-stage analysis, we find that the quality of institutions, mineral- and oil-resource rents negatively affect indebtedness, while rents of aggregated natural resources, which include agricultural commodities, increase indebtedness. In the second stage, we find that welfare is enhanced by the quality of institutions, mineral- and oil-resource rents. These sets of results are interestingly conditional on the degree of resource endowment and the income level of countries, alongside the interesting effects of external indebtedness on welfare, both of which, importantly, nuance past results on the “resource curse”. Furthermore, the proxy for welfare matters: the human development index proxy reflects more the theoretical expectations of unsustainable indebtedness on welfare, than does the GDP per capita alternative. These and other results of our paper, which hold useful policy guides for African countries, are robust to alternative estimation techniques and other checks.  相似文献   

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