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本文借助多准则决策分析法,解决企业战略决策中的最优战略方案选择问题,并构建基于AHP/PROMETHEE的决策模型应用于企业战略决策。利用层次分析法对企业战略决策问题进行结构化分析,确定评价指标权重,再结合偏好顺序结构评估法运算出最优战略决策方案。最后通过具体的案例分析,实际验证MCDA法在企业战略决策中的应用。  相似文献   

本文通过构建SWOT分析模型分析大连申报自贸园区的优势、劣势、机会、威胁,在定性分析的基础上,通过层析分析法确定出各个影响因素的权重,然后根据各种因素对于总目标的影响程度总排序,建立SWOT战略四边形并确定出战略选择的优先顺序。  相似文献   

薛琳 《商业会计》2011,(11):39-40
权变理论认为,没有最好的、普遍适用的管理理论和方法,管理者应该根据企业的内外部条件灵活选择最适合的管理模式、方法和技术。业绩评价就是根据企业一定时期的战略目标,设计相应的评价指标体系,确定科学的评价方法,根据特定的评价标准,对企业一定经营期间的经营效益做出客观、公正、准确的综合判断。企业业绩评价指标体系构建必须坚持权变原则,与企业管理的现状相适应,根据企业内外部环境的变化不断进行调整。由于企业所处的成长阶段、竞争态势、竞争战略、组织结构各不相同,经营特点和战略目标差异很大,因此不存在适用于所有企业的业绩评价指标体系。评价指标只有根据企业面临的环境变化而及时进行调整,才能保证评价指标与战略目标的高度相关性。权变理论在业绩评价指标体系构建中的应用,突出体现在以下三个方面。  相似文献   

1992年6月联合国环境与发展大会通过了《里约环境与发展宣言》,强调为了人类共同的未来,必须走可持续发展的道路.目前,可持续发展思想已经成为各国政府制定社会和经济发展战略的重要依据.为了实施可持续发展战略,必须制定出体现可持续发展思想的指标体系,以评价可持续发展的状态和可持续发展的程度,为决策者提供了解和认识可持续发展进程、确定可持续发展进程中优先顺序的有效信息.  相似文献   

以利益相关者理论为依据,以社会责任国际标准体系SA8000为指导,深入企业文化,研究构建了企业社会责任评价指标体系,并选取层次分析法确定指标权重,计算出企业社会责任综合评价值,进而确定评价企业的优劣顺序,客观反映企业社会责任构建的差距,起到鼓励企业改善社会责任状况的目的。  相似文献   

R&D项目组合选择的科学性与否直接影响着组织战略目标和最佳收益的实现。本文从经济学角度出发,把竞争型R&D项目组合的选择过程划分为初步筛选和详细选择两个阶段,并从项目间的搭接关系角度确定出了各项目的合理人员配备数量,运用0-1整数规划法构建了竞争型R&D项目组合选择模型;最后进行了实例分析。  相似文献   

  基于SNEI公司当前战略目标,结合公司现有绩效管理模式,通过深入研究当前平衡计分卡相关理论方法,定性与定量相结合,为SNEI公司建立起了一套更为优化的绩效管理指标体系并加以应用,达到了企业经济效益与自身健康可持续发展相兼顾的目的,从而可以更好地实现企业的战略目标。  相似文献   

财务战略目标选择在企业财务战略管理工作中日趋重要,笔者认为企业财务管理正在逐步转向以企业价值最大化为基本目标,因此,财务战略目标选择也应当以价值为基础,综合考虑各方面因素,并从企业的实际情况出发,设计一套财务和非财务的的业绩衡量指标体系,作为管理者实现其发展目标的基础。  相似文献   

某国有企业营销人员绩效考核指标体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究针对某国有企业营销人员工作现状,采用平衡记分卡对企业战略目标进行分解,通过问卷调查、结构性访谈以及专家评判等方法对各项指标及其权重进行判定,从而构建出该企业营销人员绩效考核指标体系;对该绩效考核指标体系在企业绩效管理中的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

财务战略目标选择在企业财务战略管理工作中日趋重要,笔者认为企业财务管理正在逐步转向以企业价值最大化为基本目标,因此,财务战略目标选择也应当以价值为基础,综合考虑各方面因素,并从企业的实际情况出发.设计一套财务和非财务的的业绩衡量指标体系,作为管理者实现其发展目标的基础。  相似文献   

战略性人力资源管理评价模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范明  张妮 《商业研究》2011,(8):68-71
基于匹配与柔性、执行性和有效性维度,本文对战略性人力资源管理进行评价,分析三个维度的相关性,进而提出评价的概念模型,并汇总指标体系;通过问卷调查的方式收集数据,运用统计分析方法对指标体系和三维度相关性进行验证,指出人力资源管理评估能促进企业战略目标的实现,并提出战略性人力资源管理评价模型和通过该评价模型有效调整和控制人力资源管理的措施建议。  相似文献   

关于传统财务指标评价体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前,我国传统的财务指标体系有其存在的优势,但随着评判市场的日益完善,其弊端也越来越明显.应从财务指标体系的产生及构成着手,充分借鉴财务指标和非财务指标相结合的理念,将企业绩效管理体系与战略目标密切结合起来,提高财务分析指标的准确度,并根据企业的发展战略目标研究制定绩效评价新的财务分析指标体系,以对企业价值做出更加公允的衡量,促使绩效评价管理体系成为企业战略目标实现的重要工具.  相似文献   

平衡计分卡是一个战略管理工具,应用了平衡计分卡的思想并结合高校的战略目标,从岗位职责、客户、绩效支撑、学习与成长四个方面设计了高校教师的绩效评估体系,以期为推进平衡计分卡在我国高校绩效评价中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper makes a contribution to the theory of the multinational enterprise (MNE) and, in particular, to why firms undertake foreign direct investment (FDI) rather than alternative strategies. We argue that FDI and its strategic alternatives involve different patterns of costs and returns over time, and hence different levels of risk and uncertainty. Traditional theories of the MNE conceptualize the firm as a risk-neutral decision-making entity with short-term efficiency objectives, and hence do not take these issues into account. This may be reasonable for firms with passive professional managers and widely-dispersed shareholders, operating in countries with the Anglo-American system of corporate governance. But many firms operate under quite different systems of corporate governance where concentrated shareholdings are commonplace and markets for corporate control are weak or non-existent. In these cases, shareholders exert considerable influence on all aspects of firm strategy including FDI. Furthermore, different groups of shareholders (State, family, institutions) are likely to have different objectives, different attitudes towards risk, and different decision-making time horizons. We thus suggest that the traditional theories of the MNE need to be extended to embrace consideration of corporate ownership (and other governance dimensions).  相似文献   

中国创意服务贸易及国际竞争力演进分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着创意产业日益成为世界各国经济发展的战略重点,创意服务贸易也得以快速发展,成为全球服务贸易增长的重要推动力。中国创意服务贸易增速远远高于世界平均水平,且自2004年起由贸易"逆差"转为贸易"顺差",但在全球所处地位仍然偏低,仍具有巨大的市场发展空间。按照TC指数和CA指数计量的中国创意及相关产业服务的国际竞争力,目前仍处于较低水平,但逐渐提升的演进趋势明显。为尽快提升中国创意服务国际竞争力,应尽快建立创意服务统计信息系统,把创意服务作为服务贸易的"战略性新兴产业"培育和扶持,采取有针对性的政策措施引进创意服务业发展所需稀缺生产要素,并建立创意服务发展部门间政策协调机制。  相似文献   

发展先导型商品流通结构的理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
先导型商品流通结构是在国民经济体系中具有重要战略地位,在国民经济规划中优先发展,并对其他产业发展起着导向作用的流通结构.这种结构是社会主义市场经济发展的客观要求,是全球经济一体化发展的必然趋势,也是商品流通自身发展的本质内涵.今后我们需要以物流为骨干建立先导型的流通结构框架,以连锁业为重点发展先导型的零售组织体系,以电子商务为枢纽强化先导型的经营结构功能.  相似文献   

This paper describes the concept of activity-based costing (ABC) and examines its relevance to the life insurance industry. The paper contends that the high overheads and diversified product lines of many life insurance companies makes them appropriate environments within which to apply ABC. It is considered that ABC can provide at least three important benefits to a life insurance company, namely: more accurate cost information, closer insights into the costs of production and better information concerning the strategic consequences of business decisions. These attributes can help a life insurance company to achieve important business objectives, such as the management of expenses and the continuous improvement in the quality of its products and services. However; the transition to ABC is not easy and it cannot be seen as a panacea for all corporate woes. Nevertheless, the paper concludes that with sound project management, an ABC system can provide life insurance companies with much better information for activity management and the achievement of longer term strategic goals.  相似文献   

构建北京市“三城一区”动态监测指标体系对指导现阶段北京市建设全国科技创新中心主平台,促进北京市产学研互动、南北城协调发展,进一步实现人才战略调整和产业结构的升级转型具有深远意义。本文基于“三城一区”规划发展现状及相关规划区的横向比较,通过深度梳理国内外创新指标体系的理论与实践研究,采用共性指标与特色指标相结合的方式构建了评价“三城一区”规划目标完成度的动态监测指标体系。具体而言,借鉴典型创新能力指标体系的构建原则遴选确定共性指标,结合各区战略定位和自身发展规划确定各区域的特色指标,并同时考虑了“三城一区”的协同联动。北京市“三城一区”动态监测框架能全面反映规划区域创新能力水平,为北京市创新优劣分析以及完成度评价提供新的参考。  相似文献   

In the context of underground coal mining industry, the increased economic issues regarding implementation of additional safety measure systems, along with growing public awareness to ensure high level of workers safety, have put great pressure on the managers towards finding the best solution to ensure safe as well as economically viable alternative selection. Risk-based decision support system plays an important role in finding such solutions amongst candidate alternatives with respect to multiple decision criteria. Therefore, in this paper, a unified risk-based decision-making methodology has been proposed for selecting an appropriate safety measure system in relation to an underground coal mining industry with respect to multiple risk criteria such as financial risk, operating risk, and maintenance risk. The proposed methodology uses interval-valued fuzzy set theory for modelling vagueness and subjectivity in the estimates of fuzzy risk ratings for making appropriate decision. The methodology is based on the aggregative fuzzy risk analysis and multi-criteria decision making. The selection decisions are made within the context of understanding the total integrated risk that is likely to incur while adapting the particular safety system alternative. Effectiveness of the proposed methodology has been validated through a real-time case study. The result in the context of final priority ranking is seemed fairly consistent.  相似文献   

A new approach has been presented based on relative entropy to rank all the alternatives in the group decision making with interval reciprocal relations. First we introduced the continuous ordered weighted averaging operator and used it to aggregate all individual interval reciprocal relations to derive the priority vector. Then we define the consensus indicator of the interval reciprocal relations to determine the weights of experts in the group decision making. Based on the conception of relative entropy, we construct an optimization model to minimize the difference between the group priority vector and all individual priority vectors. We also give the solution to the optimal model, in which we obtain the formula to rank the given alternatives in the group decision making for the collective reciprocal relations and select the most desirable one. Finally, a numerical example shows that the developed approach is feasible and the result is credible.  相似文献   

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