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随着经济的快速发展,创业活动日益成为经济发展的重要推动力之一,对创业的理论研究,尤其是创业企业战略的研究也越来越深入。但是在现有的研究中,对新创企业的战略研究一直停留在原来的研究范式,将研究的焦点放在对外部环境的分析上。从资源基础观的研究视角,运用VRIO框架来研究创业企业战略管理,提出创业企业基于自身资源的寻租战略、成长战略和质量战略,以及各战略的制定、执行和控制的要点。  相似文献   

张泽谊 《商》2014,(23):281-281
企业战略管理教学作为高校工商管理专业中的主要课程,因而作为高校工商管理专业教师,为了更好地促进大学生创业教育的开展,就必须对企业战略管理教学进行改革。本文正是基于这一背景,首先分析了企业战略管理教学改革中加强创业教育的必要性;其次就如何在企业战略管理教学改革中加强创业教育的应用进行了探究;最后对全文进行了简单的总结。旨在与同行进行业务之间的交流,以更好地促进企业战略管理教学改革水平的提升,提高大学生的创业能力,培养更多符合时代发展的精英。  相似文献   

劳动力市场化使员工自由流动成为可能,尤其是对于那些高成长性与高风险性并存的创业型企业,如何吸引人才、培养人才和留住人才成为其人力资源工作的重点。本文从组织维度和个人维度提出创业型企业员工主动离职管理战略矩阵,并提出一系列可行性措施及建议。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,一些创业型中小企业在市场中的地位越来越重要,这些企业如何根据自身现有的资源来制定出正确的战略计划从而实现战略性的管理显得尤为重要,值得全社会的重视。在这样的背景下,文章主要对创业型中小企业的战略性管理策略进行了简单探讨,其中包括对于这些企业的战略计划的制订、实施战略管理所需要遵循的原则、选择的模式以及需要注意的事项等。  相似文献   

《战略管理》课程是工商管理专业的核心课程,是培育企业管理高级人才技能方法的重点课程。在国家与高校大力倡导学生创新创业的教育要求下,《战略管理》课程教学已不再是工商企业管理专业学生区别于其他管理类专业技能优势的重要体现。本文通过对高职院校工商企业管理专业《战略管理》课程知识模块化的教学改革,在进一步深化和提高工商企业管理专业人才技能优势的培养与实现路径的同时,实现非工商企业管理专业《战略管理》技能知识的兼容教学,加强高职大学生创新创业教育,提高大学生校园创业技能应用和创业效益。  相似文献   

企业战略管理理论发展评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从企业的全局出发并着眼于未来实施战略管理,对于企业的持续生存和发展具有重要的意义.企业战略是企业适应环境变化并实现长期发展的整体性谋略,如何正确制定并有效实施企业的经营发展战略是企业在复杂多变的环境中取得竞争胜利和实现成功管理的关键.本文主要评述了有关企业战略管理近期最新发展起来的各种理论学派和学术观点,试图从理论层面对现代企业战略管理规律进行概括和总结,进而给现代企业的战略管理工作提供指导.  相似文献   

企业在创业期如果战略选择不当,便会在企业竞争中失去竞争优势,从而在行业领域中消失。对创业期企业战略进行研究,可以为中小企业顺利度过存活期提供借鉴,具有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

本文以"腾讯"公司作为研究样本,从理论视角来分析创业企业成功转型的驱动力,结果表明资源(物质资本、人力资本、组织资本)和战略(多元化战略、追随战略)两者的整合会对创业企业的转型一定程度上产生积极的促进作用,使得创业企业获得卓越绩效和相对竞争优势。理论上推进了创业企业的转型机制,实践上为高科技类创业企业实施转型提供了一定的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

提升中国连锁商业企业竞争能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、核心竞争力与战略联盟理论 核心竞争力概念第一次正式提出是在1990年,美国密歇根大学的普拉哈拉德和英国伦敦商学院的加里·哈梅尔在<哈佛商业评论上>发表了其经典论文<公司的核心竞争力>,当时引起了战略管理理论界和实务界的重视,对此问题进行了广泛的研究,逐渐形成了新的战略管理理论,即核心竞争力理论.  相似文献   

如何对待创业元老,不仅是个感情问题还是企业发展战略问题——  相似文献   

Drawing from the attention-based view, this article extends the study of international entrepreneurship by investigating how the contribution of international ventures’ entrepreneurial strategic posture to their actual learning efforts in foreign markets depends on various flexibilities that underlie their operations. The results from a sample of international Chinese ventures indicate that an entrepreneurial strategic posture enhances international learning effort more to the extent that the ventures possess greater cognitive and political flexibilities. Somewhat paradoxically, greater structural flexibility impedes the translation of an entrepreneurial strategic posture into international learning effort. The findings have important implications for the growing body of research that adopts an international new venture perspective.  相似文献   

Using a sample obtained from a survey conducted in the United States during summer 2002, we study the variables related to observed differences in the rate of entrepreneurial involvement between black and white Americans. We find strong evidence that differences in subjective and often biased perceptions are highly associated with entrepreneurial propensity across these two racial groups. In addition, we find that black Americans tend to exhibit more optimistic perceptions of their business environment than other racial groups and are more likely than others to attempt starting a business. In fact, our results show that blacks are almost twice as likely as whites to try starting a business. Thus, our results suggest that the under representation of black Americans among established entrepreneurs is not due to lack of trying but may instead be due to stronger barriers to entry and higher failure rates.  相似文献   


Through the presentation of the case of James Reid, a hybrid entrepreneur that transitioned towards full-time entrepreneurship, this paper discusses a number of entrepreneurial marketing issues faced by a small business. When presented with several opportunities for business growth, Reid evaluates the extent to which growth could impact his business model, brand image and his passion. The case study demonstrates the importance of maintaining brand values and establishing a clear strategic orientation in order to create a strong brand. However, these are shown to also significantly limit the growth prospects of the business. The discussion of the case delves into these issues together with an examination of the entrepreneurial journey of a highly skilled transitory hybrid entrepreneur. This paper further introduces the concept of a comfort entrepreneur, one that willingly halts the growth of their venture, and examines the business implications thereof.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how entrepreneurs create wealth and capabilities in the early stages by practicing original equipment manufacturing (OEM) and later on transcend to original brand manufacturing (OBM). The author deliberately selects three cases of Taiwan's firms (Johnson Health Technology Corporation, CVC Technology Corporation, and HTC Corporation) to study firm growth and firm transformation by incorporating concepts from research fields of entrepreneurship, strategic management, and leadership. How Taiwan's firms thrive from transforming to create own brands and how they deal with ensuing issues of branding dilemma offer a useful lesson for latecomer economies.  相似文献   

目前,创业金融政策的发展呈现出新的态势:一方面政府参与创业金融的活动日益积极,相关政策越来越多样化;另一方面,各种政策之间的不协调性更加突出,政策体系结构碎片化特征日益明显。这种局面不仅造成创业资源的浪费,而且扭曲和伤害了创业文化价值的根基。创业金融政策多样性源自社会多元化的发展趋势与金融多元化客观需求,碎片化则是多样性与单一性相冲突的具体表现。造成冲突的直接原因是以商业银行为主导的金融产品供给难以满足多元化市场的需求,而更深层的原因来自对政策问题界定的偏差。  相似文献   

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor research program was designed as a comprehensive assessment of the role of entrepreneurship in national economic growth. The conceptual model reflected in a wide range of factors associated with national variations in entrepreneurial activity and the major contextual features. Empirical tests of the many relationships in the model required four major data collection activities: adult population surveys, unstructured interviews with national experts, self-administered questionnaires completed by national experts, and assembly of relevant standardized measures from existing cross-national data sets. Adult population surveys were implemented to identify those entrepreneurially active, which required a set of precise criteria and careful processing to ensure harmonized counts and prevalence rates across 41 countries. Existing evidence on measures of reliability indicates that the measures met contemporary standards and the project was cost-effective.  相似文献   

李潇伊 《中国商论》2021,(8):190-192
我国现阶段正处于创新驱动的环境中,从生态层面对大学生创新创业环境进行系统性研究,将大学生作为生态化的主要驱动力量,实施多种创新要素同时驱动,以推动创新服务环境的优化升级,进而在教育中逐渐塑造和培养学生创新创业的能力。在大众创业创新的环境下,高校积极培养创新型人才,引入开放式的教育思维,借助于产学研多种资源的合理利用,构建了有机生态链,实现动态化发展,形成多元化的教育环境。本文讨论了大学生创新创业的发展环境,然后进一步提出了开展创新创业环境建设的有效策略,对于大学生今后的创新创业活动发挥了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

Africa‐based research on gender and entrepreneurship is very limited. This study compares the characteristics and relative successes of men and women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia with a view of isolating the unique hurdles encountered by female entrepreneurs. While both genders in this sample were pulled, rather than pushed, toward entrepreneurship, women were more influenced by family factors. With regard to personality traits, men entrepreneurs in this study were generally more confident in their ability to succeed, whereas women exhibited higher fear of failure and external locus of control. Women entrepreneurs also reported lower business and entrepreneurial skills and relied more on government funding. Furthermore, male entrepreneurs outperformed females in terms of sales, employment growth, and profitability. The study identifies areas in which the skills and competencies of Ethiopian women entrepreneurs can be developed through targeted training programs to enable them to more clearly recognize entrepreneurial opportunities and achieve business growth. The findings of this study and the concrete suggestions it offers to strengthen the success of Ethiopian women entrepreneurs may be relevant to other African countries as well.  相似文献   

Based on the suggested five-pillar institutional framework, the study empirically investigates the impact of the institutional environment on internationalization aspirations of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies and maps their strategic responses against imposed institutional pressures. The data collected across five forest cluster SMEs in Saint Petersburg and Moscow are analyzed. Political instability, corruption, bounded cognition, over-patriotism, and high power distance act as the main constraints, while demands for new knowledge and funding are identified as the main drivers for internationalization. The classified institutional challenges are mapped against the possible strategic responses of the SMEs, such as acquiescence, compromise, avoidance, defiance, and manipulation.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown the existence of significant differences in the rate of new business creation between men and women. Specifically, it has been shown that women are much less likely to be involved in entrepreneurship than men worldwide. It is not yet understood, however, if such differences are the result of personal characteristics of the individual and of her economic environment or are, instead, the result of universal and, perhaps, evolutionary phenomena. Our empirical analysis is conducted using representative samples of population for 37 countries and a special form of bootstrapping that allows us to equalize individuals’ conditions and, as a result, analyze the choices of men and women put in identical economic environments and socio-economic circumstances.   相似文献   

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