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研究纺织产业集群具有十分重要的意义,反映了纺织工业走新型工业化道路的客观要求.按照党的十六大报告的精神,科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少和充分发挥人力资源的作用,是新型工业化的主要特征,纺织工业需要按此要求付出努力.具体说有三个方面:一是用高新技术改造传统产业,经过改造的纺织工业仍然会保持着与时俱进的产业活力;二是加大改革力度,特别是要加快非公有制经济在纺织工业中的发展,进发出更多的体制活力;三是提高产业的集中度.一个产业的发展,不仅依靠总量的扩大和技术水平的提高,资源要素的集中配置或集聚也是一条有效的途径,因此发展产业集群并使之走上健康和良性轨道,有利于把纺织工业做大做强.  相似文献   

The German TV viewer catches CBS news by satellite. The Italian farmer watches a dubbed British documentary on a Dorset farming community. Harrods' shoppers see Soviet sports on TV screens on offer in this London store. A Parisian opera lover tunes into a Vienna Opera production, brought to him live via broadcast satellite and his Left Bank flat's earth station. Many of Europe's viewers stimultaneously take in a Coca-Cola ad specially conceived for the international satellite market.  相似文献   

1970年4月24日,我国自行研制的第一颗人造卫星——“东方红”一号,在“长征”一号火箭的运送下,准确进入预定地球轨道。卫星昼夜不停地向全球播送《东方红》乐曲和遥测信号,向全世界宣布中国已进入了宇宙太空,揭开了中国人民决心向宇宙太空进军的序幕。消息传开,全国顿时一片欢腾,各族人民热烈欢呼这一伟大的成就。正值全国各地庆祝“五一”劳动节,  相似文献   

2005年6月28~29日,广东油气商会选择在广东省的工业城市——东莞召开了“中国LNG卫星站专题研讨会”。虽然6月底的广东经过暴雨的洗礼更加显得闷热,但对于热切关注中国LNG产业发展的各界人士来说,天气热没有人们的心气热。LNG卫星站在整个LNG产业链中虽然只是一个小小的环节,却吸引了包括四大国家石油公司,许多民营企业以技国外石油公司在内的,  相似文献   

This article assesses the telecommunications needs of developing countries and the possibility of using satellite communications to meet those needs. Three primary technological factors provide a guide to this application: small inexpensive satellite earth stations can provide a solution to the problem of limited ground facilities; satellites can operate in a broadcast and multiple acess mode as well as in a conventional point- to-point mode; and, the capacity required to support a single interactive digital terminal is about 1000 times less than that required to support a voice telephone and abput 1 000 000 times less than that required for video transmission. These factors lead to consideration of new forms of national networks based on satellites, microprocessors and small earth stations which do not follow the North American model. These new advanced forms of networks can co-exist with conventional voice networks, and can provide a realistic alternative for consideration by national telecommunications authorities.  相似文献   

Regulatory decisions have controlled the possible technical alternatives in the use of artificial satellites, for both domestic and international telecommunications, since the enactment by the US Congress of the Communications Satellite Act of 1962. At the same time, advancements in technology have caused satellite systems to play a larger role in telecommunications. An updating of the 1934 Communications Act would allow for a more definitive statement of national satellite policy and for a revised regulatory standard. This article reviews some of the principle factors which have influenced communications satellite policy, and offers additional issues for consideration that can affect the development of communications satellite markets, systems and services.  相似文献   

我国第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红”一号研制和发射成功至今已35周年了,笔者作为参与卫星观测裙设计的一员,对当年参与研制工作的情景依然记忆犹新。  相似文献   

2006年7月6-7日,"2006年中国LNG卫星站专题研讨会"在风光秀丽的海南省海口市举行.会议由广东油气商会和深圳梓元咨询有限公司联合举办,吸引了包括中国三大石油公司、韩国SK集团、碧辟(中国)投资有限公司以及中国城市燃气、管道运输、电厂等相关行业250多位资深人士参加.会上,燃气专家分析趋势,业内人士介绍经验,设备厂商争相展示和介绍先进技术及设备;会下,嘉宾与代表亲切交流、深入探讨,还对海南海燃天然气液化厂和海南清澜燃气电厂进行了实地考察.炎炎盛夏,烈日热不过代表们的热情.通过两天的交流与探讨,代表不仅收获了有关LNG(液化天然气)及卫星站建设运营的信息,更增添了对中国LNG卫星站未来发展的憧憬和信心.  相似文献   

卫星式柔印机是柔印机中最重要的机型。它的技术性能和档次是由若干参数指标和结构特征决定的,主要包括: 1.承印材料(包括种类、厚度、定量) 2.料带宽度/印刷宽度范围 3.印刷色组数量(最大印刷色数) 4.印刷组合方式(正面印刷色数和反面印刷色数) 5.印刷图文重复长度及其变更方式(长度  相似文献   

在过去几千年中,人们通过积累经验,参考天上的星体来确定自己所处的方位,而今天,即使是在浓云密布的漆黑夜晚,人们也可以利用卫星定位系统准确地知道自己在地球上所处的位置。所以有人说,从利用自然天体到发射导航定位卫星是人类导航史上从自然王国走向自由王国的具有划时代意义的里程碑。  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of satellite television in the Asian countries and their policy change. It is found that many countries initially tended to forbid the reception of satellite television but, with the growth of satellite television, liberalization is on the way. In response to competition posed by satellite television, policy makers generally choose to deregulate their local television market in the hope that the quality of local television will improve through competition. The authors suggest that satellite television in Asia is likely to agglomerate the diverse markets into bigger cultural markets to gain the economy of scale. Satellite television will bring about a regional capitalist culture. Professional journalism modelled after the West may also grow. The general trend for Asia is towards further deregulation and greater openness.  相似文献   

Drawing on organizational learning theory and literature on guanxi, this study examines how and why ambidextrous learning balance influences firm innovation capability in Chinese business circles. We propose a U-shaped relation between ambidextrous learning balance and firm innovation capability which is mediated by guanxi inertia and knowledge inertia in different ways. Specifically, ambidextrous learning balance has an inverted U-shaped impact on guanxi inertia and further influences firm innovation capability. Whereas, ambidextrous learning balance has a linear positive influence on innovation capability through a decreased level of knowledge inertia. Based on survey data collected from, The results obtained from a sample of 197 Chinese channel enterprises using SEMs analysis provide strong support for our hypotheses. In addition, the findings based on firms with unbalanced ambidextrous learning indicate that as opposed to exploratory learning, higher level of exploitative learning leads to an increase in guanxi inertia and a decrease in knowledge inertia. These conclusions reveal how ambidextrous learning balance influence innovation capability for a firm with inherent learning preference which is not discussed by the extant research. At the same time, this study fills the gap of ambidextrous learning balance by considering the influence of culture. Our work also informs foreign practitioners of the optimal ways of learning for innovation in China.  相似文献   

Although gift giving, a catalyst of guanxi, plays an important role in doing business in China, few studies have examined how to give a proper gift within business-to-business guanxi. Drawing on guanxi and gift-giving literature, this study investigates gift acceptability in the light of gift type and guanxi in two dimensions (relational closeness and relative status) in a hierarchical Chinese business circle. We classify gifts into monetary and nonmonetary gifts. The findings from two scenario-based experiments indicate that a monetary gift versus a nonmonetary gift decreases gift acceptability through the increased level of perceived manipulation (PM) and face threat (FT) and these indirect effects are contingent on different guanxi types. The mediating roles of both PM and FT turn more significant when relational closeness (gift recipient's status relative to giver) increases. These findings help Western businesspeople select the right gift form to give to the right Chinese counterparts in the right way.  相似文献   

1970年4月24日21时35分,我国自行研制的第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红”一号在“长征”一号运载火箭的托举下成功发射升空!13分钟后,现场指挥部传来了“星箭分离、卫星人轨”的喜讯.研制人员热泪盈眶、欣喜若狂,尽情欢呼我国第一颗人造地球卫星发射成功。  相似文献   

运载火箭是人类开展航天活动的前提和载体,其发展直接促进了卫星应用、载人航天、D深空探测等技术的进步,推动了通信、导航、环境监测、资源勘察、科学研究等各领域的发展,并通过新技术、新材料、新工艺以及新的管理方法的推广,带来了巨大的社会效益和经济效益。运载火箭是一个国家航天能力的基础,也是国家高科技核心竞争力的标志,体现着一个国家最终能够利用空间和发展空间的水平。  相似文献   

当前,国际企业间的竞争日趋激烈,国外宇航公司为了满足用户对平台、有效载荷和任务的不同需求,在技术、管理等多方面进行了一系列的流程完善或流程再造,使公司满足用户需求的能力日益提高。中国空间技术研究院(CAST)也在加紧进行流程再造的研究和实践,通过流程再造提升研制能力  相似文献   

Comsat's proposal to launch a direct-to-home broadcast satellite (DBS) service has stimulated a vigorous policy debate on a wide range of issues. The authors examine briefly the economic and technological factors that seem to favour new DBS services, suggest a panoply of services that could be provided via DBS, and relate the policy issues to specific potential services. They also present a financial analysis of a hypothetical firm's DBS pay-TV service, enabling them to suggest the possible shape of a new DBS industry.  相似文献   

随着航天遥感技术的飞速发展,高分辨率遥感卫星相继发射成功并投入商业运营。高分辨率卫星影像能满足城市规划、土地管理、交通管理、电力建设、石油勘探等多个行业的需求。介绍了高分辨率卫星及其影像产品,探讨了高分辨率卫星影像在特高压输电工程可研设计阶段的应用以及在220kV输电工程全过程设计阶段的应用,提出了在特高压和220kV输电工程中应用高分辨率卫星影像的方法和作业流程。  相似文献   

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