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Peter Cutler 《Food Policy》1985,10(3):207-224
Much of the work done on Bangladesh's vulnerability to food emergencies has focused on the famine of 1974. However, it is also instructive to consider the experience of 1979, when outright famine was narrowly averted, although there were certainly excess deaths from starvation in some localities. This paper outlines the main features of the crisis and considers the degrees of usefulness of available macroeconomic indicators of stress which might be taken as a basis for government action in the future. The paper concludes by briefly outlining the kinds of action which are likely to be most appropriate to arresting a developing food emergency in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) is a major milestone in the EU's telecommunications policy. But is it such a step forward and are the technical and market developments such that the EECC is the endgame? An endgame would mean that sustainable competition is reached in all telecommunications markets. The current paper argues that the EECC's new policy goal of investment in very high capacity connectivity could actually lead to policies that end in sustainable infrastructure competition. The EECC's policies, however, are not courageous enough to reach this goal. This lack of courage also characterizes the EU's gatekeeper policies on call terminations and net neutrality. In both these areas an endgame with sustainable competition is possible.  相似文献   

John Wong 《Food Policy》1980,5(2):117-131
China is the world's largest foodgrain producer. It is also the world's major grain trader. China's participation in the world's grain market is unique because of its importance as both a grain importer and exporter, unlike other grain trading nations. This article considers the reasons for China's wheat import programme by following the controversy among Chinese academics, and attempts a more systematic appraisal by the application of regression analysis.  相似文献   

In the companies studied, the primary reason for “failure” of New Venture Departments (NVDs) did not appear to be ineffectiveness in new business development. An NVD was an effective structure for managing new ventures in many companies. The main reasons NVDs became inoperative were that (1) the corporate strategic situation changed and the NVD was no longer needed, and/or (2) the NVD's political position eroded within the company and it was rejected by the existing power structure. The NVD's performance may be a contributing factor to the erosion of its political position but in many companies there were more important factors such as the NVD's sponsor leaving the company, excessively high expectations generated or the NVD appearing to pose a threat to other divisions.  相似文献   

Peasant food shortfalls during the colonial period were not emergencies in that they were unexpected but rather were a part of peasants' existence arising from failure to effectively control their natural resource base against the vacillations of nature. State famine relief represents the most elementary attempt at regularizing the productive base of precapitalist modes of production in transition. Famine relief was a major function of the colonial state. Current theories about the present food crisis tend to overlook the historical legacy of famine and consequently sensationalize or moralize a phenomenon which has been part and parcel of precapitalist modes of production throughout history.  相似文献   

The authors identify three elements which will influence California's future. First, demographic shifts in the state's population have altered California's ethnic and cultural foundations. Second, the state educational system does not seem prepared to train larger numbers for information work, especially members of its growing ethnic population. Third, almost half the state's workforce is now employed in information-oriented work, whether in the industrial, service, or agricultural sectors. The authors demonstrate that the interaction of these elements has profound implications for California's development.  相似文献   

A model of the purchaser's satisfaction with supplier response to a formal buyer complaint is developed and tested. The authors answer two important questions: (1) what variables affect the purchasing agent's satisfaction with a supplier's response to a complaint? and (2) how can the supplier respond so as to keep that customer in the future?  相似文献   

Approaches for responding to an industrial buyer's indecision and price objections were uncovered. When an industrial buyer refuses to make a purchase decision or objects to price, an effective salesperson will seek understanding of the buyer's indecision, consciously look for common underlying objections, address the buyer's specific concern, and establish a decision deadline for the buyer.  相似文献   

The European Commission fears huge olive oil surpluses as a result of Spain's accession to the Community. It believes it can prevent this, at great cost, by increasing consumer aid for olive oil and adopting a protectionist policy towards other vegetable oils and fats. Thus, the burden would be shifted to consumers of other products and the outside world. Trade relations would suffer. The author considers that the Commission's analysis is unfounded and the Commission's remedies should be questioned. The author also points to possible budgetary savings in the Community's expenditure on olive oil.  相似文献   

In many companies, sales management pursues several objectives through the sales force compensation scheme, some of them qualitative and long-run. On the other hand, salesmen within the same sales force are likely to display heterogeneous preference patterns for compensation formulae. In this frequent occurrence, a jointly optimal compensation plan is not likely to be found (or even to exist), and a sales manager can only hope to find one of the best possible compromises between management's and salesmen's objectives. This paper proposes a seven-step procedure for finding such a compromise. An actual application is reported, and operational procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

In the last issue of Food Policy, two articles appeared on the subject of the Mexican Food System, or the Sistema Alimenticio Mexicano (SAM). The first article by Frank Meissner1 reviewed the background to SAM, the proposed strategies, intended targets, its funding and put forward a strong case for considering SAM as a constructive policy for alleviating Mexico's food and nutrition problems. However, Michael Redclift commented in his article that:2 ‘There are three principal points to be made of Dr Meissner's article: its interpretation of Mexico's recent agrarian development is questionable; it does not distinguish between the analysis provided in the SAM documents and the policy measures to which they give rise; and, it glosses over serious problems of implementation, giving too little weight to the participatory element without which SAM is doomed to failure’. This rejoinder is Frank Meissner's response to Michael Redclift's comments.  相似文献   

Ian Smith 《Food Policy》1981,6(1):52-57
A substantial shift in the balance of UK sugar supplies has taken place since entry into the European Economic Community (EEC) as a result of an increase in the production of domestic beet sugar, a fall in consumption, and a reduction in cane sugar imports. This shift in favour of beet sugar would have been greater had the domestic beet sugar industry been able to take full advantage of the increase in production quotas since 1975 under the Community's common sugar policy. A further increase in domestic beet sugar production might yet take place now that the Community's new sugar regulation, which was to have come into force in July 1980, has had to be deferred to 1981. The European Commission has proposed that under the new sugar regulation production quotas should be cut to reduce the size of the Community's structural sugar surplus. The UK government has issued a statement which welcomes the Commission's proposal to reduce the Community's sugar surplus but rejects any cuts in production quotas which would restrict the expansion of its own beet sugar industry.1  相似文献   

Measurement and prediction of salesmen's performance are perennial interests of marketing researchers [1, 5, 6]. The question of the criteria used to evaluate salesmen and the relationship between these criteria and the salesmen's career cycle, however, has yet to be systematically analyzed [4, 10]. The salesman's role includes several tasks, some of which impose conflicting demands upon him. This article explores the implications of conflicting demands on the performance of the role of a salesman, and considers their affect on his career path.  相似文献   

The importance of the sales manager to industrial marketing organizations has long been recognized. Consequently, much attention has been directed to alternative approaches for evaluating his performance. Yet, effective evaluation requires being able to suggest approaches to improve one's performance. In order to recommend corrective actions and diagnose performance problems, an understanding of the operating environment is necessary. Little understanding exists, however, on how variables in the sales manager's environment are interrelated. The focus of this study is an empirical identification of the interrelationships of variables in the sales manager's environment. This approach leads to diagnostic models of the sales manager's role along three dimensions: (1) Over-all performance; (2) administrative responsibilities; and (3) personal selling. Data from one division of a large industrial chemical company are utilized in this investigation. Information was gathered from internal records and questionnaires to the sales managers. Significant empirical results are found along the three dimensions of the sales manager's job. The managerial implications of the findings are reviewed in depth.  相似文献   

Although the demand on industrial establishments to resolve various social problems is ever-present, there is little substantive material in the literature concerning the industrial buyers' perceptions of the social responsibilities of their firm. Studies of executive's attitudes toward corporate social responsibility have focused heretofore on corporate personnel other than industrial buyers. Next to salespersons, however, industrial buyers have more contact with persons and businesses outside their company than other corporate personnel. People in purchasing, nonetheless, are perceived by many as conservative, hard-nosed negotiators either unconcerned about corporate social responsibility at best or denying such responsibility at worst. This article presents the results of a survey of industrial buyers concerning their attitudes toward various social issues.  相似文献   

This article proposes the implementation of a customer profile system to aid the industrial marketer in: making daily sales decisions involving the firm's customers; the development of the vendor's “buyer mix”; and the production of marketing analysis reports used by the firm. The components of the customer profile are presented and the procedures by which these elements can be incorporated into the firm's decision making are explained. Working examples are also provided to reinforce the concepts. Unfortunately the names of the actual corporations had to be deleted or changed for reasons of confidentiality.  相似文献   

The German TV viewer catches CBS news by satellite. The Italian farmer watches a dubbed British documentary on a Dorset farming community. Harrods' shoppers see Soviet sports on TV screens on offer in this London store. A Parisian opera lover tunes into a Vienna Opera production, brought to him live via broadcast satellite and his Left Bank flat's earth station. Many of Europe's viewers stimultaneously take in a Coca-Cola ad specially conceived for the international satellite market.  相似文献   

Recently, a ten-man delegation of the United States' IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) visited the People's Republic of China, at the invitation of the Chinese Electronics Society. It was the first formal visit arranged under the auspices of these two organizations. The delegation represented wide-ranging interests in telecommunications, computer technology and engineering education. This report reflects one delegation member's observations in the field of telecommunications.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship among an industry's levels of learning, expected demand growth, and concentration. The analysis uses comparative statics and simulations to explain how the incentives associated with learning can result in a positive relationship between the industry's expected demand growth and its equilibrium level of concentration.  相似文献   

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