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以人民文学出版社1980年出版的《西游记》为语料,我们重点研究了《西游记》中方言词介词"撩"的演变,重点分析动词虚化为介词的语法化问题,以期对《西游记》中方言词介词"撩"的语法情况有一个清晰的认识。通过研究进一步证明,动词到方所介词的语法化演变都是在连动式结构中发生的,介词的初始义多具有空间义,动词的介词化在某种程度上就是动词虚化为方位介词的过程。  相似文献   

通过对日本北海道内陆地区各年龄段人群的调查,以北海道内陆新十津川地区语言的词汇和语法分析为切入点,考察了该方言中某些动词、形容词、名词的使用率和动词的“命令、劝诱、可能”的表达形式及形容词的否定,分析了北海道内陆地区方言和标准语的使用比例情况。统计表明,北海道内陆方言正在演变为全国标准语,因而研究北海道方言的词汇和语法现象有着重要意义。  相似文献   

语言教师所接受的语言学理论,或其语言观,深刻影响着他的语言教学。从以使用为基础的认知语法角度,以英语中三个常见语法标记(名词复数标记,动词过去时标记,以及动词现在时第三人称单数标记)为例,论述语法标记不仅表示语法功能,更有着其独立具有的意义,并解释了英语学习者在习得语法标记过程中发生使用错误的原因。在此基础之上,提出了帮助英语学习者习得语法标记的建议。  相似文献   

刘伟 《经济研究导刊》2009,(23):211-212
复合动词本身从结构、意义和用法上都极具复杂性。日汉语序的不同对日汉复合动词的构成有制约作用,复合动词构成要素问形成的语义类型也不尽相同。日语复合动词的语义关系不仅与词汇性有关,还受到语法功能的影响,而汉语复合动词可以说只是语素间的结合。  相似文献   

词类活用是古代汉语一种很普遍的语法现象,正确认识这一现象,对我们阅读古籍,深入理解古汉语的语法特点都有相当重要的意义。因此本文从语法结构和词汇意义上讨论了名词活用为动词、形容词活用为动词等几类古汉语词类活用现象。  相似文献   

语言学研究一直都遵守“经济原则”,语言研究的目的就是要使复杂的语言学理论简约化。没有依据的、不合理的以及没有必要的理论和假设都应该被抛弃。在最简方案的框架下,探讨了结构经济原则与汉语名词谓语句的问题。根据结构经济原则的观点,结构应该越简单越好,换句话说,没有任何句法结构的形式是最经济的。汉语的名词谓语句在不违反任何句法规则的前提下,由名词或名词性短语充当谓语,满足主谓关系的要求,不包含任何动词性成分,完全遵守结构经济原则。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》是明清时期文学发展的顶峰。通过对《红楼梦》中“被”字句的句法结构、使用频率、运用特点等方面的分析研究。展示《红楼梦》中“被”字句总体特征。并得出“被”字句的应用特点。一是主语+被+宾语+动词;二是主语+被+动词;三是主语+被、为+宾语+所+动词;四是主语+叫、让+宾语(+给)+动词;五是“被+动词+之+名词”组成名词短语做主语。  相似文献   

江婷 《经济研究导刊》2011,(28):287-289
日语动词的的活用研究主要发生在江户时代,内容集中在“活用形”和“活用种类”两个方面。研究的一个重要成果就是将原本分散的动词按照一定的活用规则类型进行了归类,如“五段动词”、“一段动词”等。有鉴于此,以下将从活用研究萌发到成熟,对动词的活用形、活用种类这两方面的研究进行归纳和整理。明确动词活用研究的发展历程。  相似文献   

动词“ある”由于其语法特征,一般被分类归为形式动词或者助动词以及补助动词。在日语研究中,把“ある”和“いる”进行比较的研究,对“~がある”形式的多种用法进行记述的研究有很多。但理,“~がある”句的构造及其功能间的关系至今仍然不十分明确。  相似文献   

由于动词过去分词–ed形式与同样以–ed结尾的派生形容词大量重叠,而且动词be既可用作被动助动词,又可用作系动词,与前两者组成的结构及其象似,也往往产生歧义,既可能是被动结构,也可能是由派生形容词充当补语的系补结构。然而,这两种结构在构件成分、句法以及语义方面都存在本质差别。句法上,被动结构的主语由原动词组的宾语通过外化移位得来的派生成分,系补结构中的主语为基础生成的。语义上,被动动词的语义与对应的主动动词一致,而派生形容词补语始终表静态意义。  相似文献   

During the Cold War, “buffer” or “bastion” seemed a popular metaphor to describe Turkey. After the Cold War, “bridge,” (and, to some extent, the “crossroad”) metaphor started to dominate the Turkish foreign policy D??course. This article traces the use of “bridge” metaphor in this D??course in the post-Cold War period by the Turkish foreign policy elite. It develops two arguments. First, the word bridge is a “metaphor of vision” combining Turkey's perceived geographical exceptionalism with an identity and a role at the international level. As a “metaphor of vision,” the employment of the word “bridge” highlighted Turkey's liminality and justified some of its foreign policy actions to Eurasia and then to the Middle East. Second, because the bridge metaphor was used in different context to justify different foreign policy choices, its meaning has changed, illustrating that metaphors are not static constructs. It concludes by Say?ng that the continuous use of “bridge” metaphor might reinforce Turkey's “liminality,” placing Turkey in a less classifiable category than the regular “othering” practices.  相似文献   

This paper tries to make relevant for a finite economy the results of Shitovitz on the “pricing-out” of cores of economies with a non-atomles measure space of agents. It is hoped that the comparison of the two sets of results will shed light on the interpretation and modeling of a “large” trader.  相似文献   

We report results from two different settings of a three-player ultimatum game. Under the “Monocratic” rule, a player is randomly selected to make an offer to two receivers. Under the “Democratic” rule, all three players make a proposal, and one proposal is then randomly selected. A majority vote is required to implement the proposal in either setting. Although the two rules are strategically equivalent, different patterns of behaviour emerge as the number of interactions increase. Under the “Monocratic” rule, proposers seem to be entitled to claim a larger share of the pie, and receivers are more likely to accept, than in the “Democratic” rule. We speculate that institutions allowing more participation in the process of collective choice lead to a more socially responsible behaviour in individuals.  相似文献   

We provide a long‐term perspective on the individual retirement behavior and on the future of retirement by emphasizing the role of (negative) income effects. We consider a political economic theoretical framework, with actuarially “fair” and “unfair” early retirement schemes, and derive a political equilibrium with positive social security contribution rates and early retirement. A reduction in the wages in youth, consistent with the recent labor market trends since the massive introduction of temporary jobs, induces workers to postpone retirement, and—in the “unfair” system—leads to lower contribution rates. A reduction in the growth rate of the economy has opposite effects on the retirement decisions, leading—in the “unfair” system—to more early retirement. Aging induces a negative income effect, but has also an opposite political effect on social security contributions and retirement decisions. For an actuarially “fair” social security system, we provide conditions for the political effect to dominate; in an “unfair” scheme, numerical simulations confirm a slight predominance of the political effect, as contribution rates increase. These results may shed some light on the future of early retirement in aging societies.  相似文献   

This article investigates signaling and screening roles of wage offers in a single‐play matching model with two‐sided unobservable characteristics. It generates the following predictions as matching equilibrium outcomes: (i) “good” jobs offer premia if “high‐quality” worker population is large; (ii) “bad” jobs pay compensating differentials if the proportion of “good” jobs to “low‐quality” workers is large; (iii) all firms may offer a pooling wage in markets dominated by “high‐quality” workers and firms; or (iv) Gresham's Law prevails: “good” types withdraw if “bad” types dominate the population. The screening/signaling motive thus has the potential of explaining a variety of wage patterns.  相似文献   

基于民工异质的刘易斯模型改造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨国才 《技术经济》2006,25(9):58-61
刘易斯模型能够很好地解释我国长期低工资水平下的“民工潮”现象,但因其剩余劳动力完全同质的假设而无法解释我国当前发生的“民工荒”现象。本文依据“保留工资”高低将民工分成若干个类别,从而构建了一个基于民工异质的民工市场模型:经此改造的刘易斯模型分析的意义在于,它提供了一个能够同时解释“民工潮”与“民工荒”的统一的理论框架,揭示了“民工潮”与“民工荒”有可能交替发生,显示了破解当前“民工荒”问题的根本之策是提高民工工资,表明了“刘易斯拐点”在我国还远未出现:  相似文献   

中国土地市场存在明显的低价出让工业用地、高价出让商住用地的“两手”供地倾向,这种供地策略在促进制造业大规模集聚和发展的同时,也深刻影响着企业创新行为。本文利用中国土地市场网微观土地交易数据,测算283个地级及以上城市“两手”供地指标,并基于中国工业企业数据库、中国工业企业专利数据库和中国城市面板数据的匹配数据,分析地方政府“两手”供地对企业创新的影响机制。结果显示,地方政府“两手”供地对企业创新具有先升后降的倒“U”型影响,且多数城市“两手”供地带来过大的商住用地和工业用地价格“剪刀差”,已对企业创新产生明显的抑制作用。进一步研究发现,地方政府“两手”供地程度的不断加深,在长期内通过降低城市和企业研发投入、弱化集聚效应及抬升房价等机制阻碍了企业创新水平提升,且地方政府的增长竞争和财政最大化使“两手”供地与企业创新之间的“拐点”提前,进一步强化其对企业创新的抑制作用。此外,地方政府“两手”供地对企业创新的影响还具有明显的异质性特征,依赖于企业所有制类型、所在城市等级等方面。  相似文献   

In light of Wittman (1995) and Caplan (2007) this paper contends that the rational-choice approach to political science (“Public Choice theory”) has reached a dead end. By critiquing their treatment of rationality, knowledge assumptions, and views of the democratic process, an alternative is presented based on the core insight of the “Epistemic Primacy Thesis”. This subjectivist approach to political economy is introduced in light of an existing debate between the compatibility (or otherwise) of Austrian economics and Public Choice theory.  相似文献   


The central question in immigration policy is whether to support less immigration through more “restrictive” laws and procedures or whether to support more immigration through a “relaxation” of existing laws. Recently, however, a second debate has arisen on one side of this debate regarding the appropriate types of arguments that may be used to support “restrictive” immigration. Ross Douthat refers to this dispute as the “race versus economics” question: using “race-based” arguments is not legitimate; while an “economic” or a “fact-based” argument is regarded as legitimate. We argue that this distinction in anti-immigration rhetoric is more apparent than real. Using the two most common historical “tropes” in immigration policy, “criminal” and “worker,” we find that racist, anti-ethnic, and classist assumptions pervade U.S. immigration law and policy and have been far more influential in formulating actual policy than either economic or “fact-based” analysis. The central problem with restrictive immigration policy is that its primary purpose is to determine who is eligible to be an American, and who is not; in other words, immigration policy is, by its fundamental intent, invidious. The question is whether it is possible to exclude individuals on these “legitimate” grounds without relying on “illegitimate” invidious distinctions?  相似文献   

How Keynes could have been so persistently wrong in the liquidity preference versus loanable funds controversy remains a puzzling enigma. This paper attempts to shed some light on this puzzle by tracing the evolution of Keynes's thinking and by looking at some of the policy issues with which he was concerned. In particular, it argues that two errors were inherent in Keynes's reasoning process. As a result, he regarded the two theories as “radically opposed” and thought that the loanable funds theory was a “wrong” theory with misleading policy implications.  相似文献   

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