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创新是研究生教育的本质属性,研究生教育是实现创新的主要载体。在研究生创新能力培养体系中,高等院校要切实肩负起培养创新型人才的历史使命,以科学发展观为指导,贯彻落实"以人为本",培养研究生的自主创新能力。  相似文献   

培养模式在研究生教育体系中占据着一个重要的地位。研究生培养模式反映的是培养过程中各个环节的最优化设计以及诸因素的最佳组合,不同的研究生培养模式反映了社会发展对高层次人才的多样化需求。对我国现存研究生培养模式的现状与利弊的分析研究成为研究生教育的重要课题。  相似文献   

王畅 《企业导报》2010,(8):227-228
研究生规模的迅速扩大使其教育质量和培养模式越来越受到研究生培养单位和社会各个方面的关注,研究生教学管理工作作为研究生教育中核心的内容,成为当今研究生教育发展的主要问题。本研究旨在分析比较我国研究生教学管理中不同的工作模式,探索高效的教学管理工作模式。  相似文献   

研究生收费制度改革已经进入了全面收费的阶段,研究生教育作为"准公共产品",其收费制度既有改革红利,也出现很多的问题,学者们从不同角度提出了相应对策和建议,本文是从研究生参与的角度来提出新的解决途径的,论述了当前研究生全面收费的问题,在这个政策中培养研究生参与进来可以起到的解决问题的作用,以及培养政治参与意识的可能性和方式。  相似文献   

何开伦  周宏 《价值工程》2012,(27):248-249
随着研究生教育规模的扩大,地方院校在研究生教育过程中暴露出培养模式单一、导师队伍建设滞后、教学体系不合理、学位论文管理松懈、教育质量自我评价简化等问题,严重削弱了研究生教育质量。建立健全的研究生教育质量内部保障机制有助于提高教育质量,本文剖析了教育质量内部保障机制结构,以完善内部保障机制为目标,提出了"创新研究生人才培养模式、建立动态的导师队伍管理机制、优化研究生课程教学体系、推进研究生创新能力的培养、加强学位论文管理、建立健全的研究生教育质量自我评价体系"等建议,供地方院校相关部门和教师参考。  相似文献   

研究生教育是培养高层次专门人才、创新人才的主要途径,根本任务是培养高素质的创新人才.研究生教育的性质和任务决定了研究生教育必须是"创新教育","创新教育"是指注重培养学生创新能力的教育模式,如何突出创新能力的培养事关研究生培养的质量,是摆在我们面前的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

“申硕”地方本科院校联合培养研究生教育的价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟央文  陈烨  何标 《价值工程》2010,29(14):145-146
"申硕"新政的执行以及研究生教育改革方向的转变,使联合培养研究生工作对地方本科院校的"申硕"及发展起着更为重要的作用。通过绍兴文理学院联合培养研究生教育的实践探索,联合培养研究生工作是地方本科院校推动"申硕"进程的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展和研究生教育规模的扩大,需要加大应用型硕士研究生的培养。根据煤炭行业发展的需要和黑龙江科技大学的发展定位,学校在硕士研究生培养上突出煤炭行业特色,实施"六个一"的培养模式,积极创新研究生的应用能力培养。  相似文献   

事实上,研究生、本科、高职、中职教育培养的人应该是不同的,研究生和本科教育所培养的人应具有较高的理论水平,学生应更多地懂得"为什么"这样做,它们的教育应重在"理论",而高职教育应重在"实际操作"换句话讲,高职教育培养的人是"一线操作工",而不是研究员、高级管理人员,学生只需要一定程度地懂得"为  相似文献   

为了提高研究生数学教学质量,提出在融合建模思想的指导下,将"构思—设计—实现—运作"这一核心理念贯穿到整个数学网络教学平台构建中,使之具有教师日常教学功能。同时,以研究生能力培养为主线,构建网络自主创新教育平台,实现数学教育活动的创新能力及工程能力等个人素质和职业道德的培养。  相似文献   

杨维华 《价值工程》2011,30(3):207-207
根据笔者多年对速滑运动的训练的经验,认为速滑的教学是一个系统的培养工程,必须有科学的培养的计划,对于选材和训练方法以及指导思想等都必须提前有一个目的性的规划,建议分为不同的周期,在每个周期进行不同的训练。  相似文献   

赵柏林 《价值工程》2011,30(1):293-294
力量训练方法不同,效果不同。不同年龄、性别、训练水平采用的方法也应该尽可能不同。本文采用文献资料查阅、专家访谈、数理统计等方法,进行了系统、细致的调查访问,针对普通大学生不同的生理特点、不同训练水平,有的放矢的力量训练,可以达到事倍功半的效果。  相似文献   

通过对中小物流企业员工素质特点分析指出培训的必要,进而对培训现状进行分析,提出中小物流企业员工不同职位不同职级在不同的时间都有不同的培训需求,按此将培训分为入职培训和在职培训两类,其中入职培训包括公司入职培训和部门入职培训,在职培训包括轮训、经理人培训、整训和员工自我学习,最后针对每一类培训设计了相应的培训内容和方法。  相似文献   

刘赟 《价值工程》2014,(14):141-143
培训效果评估是培训过程的关键环节之一。如何对企业的培训效果进行评估,一直以来都是企业难以解决的问题。本文借助柯式四级评估模型,按不同的培训时间和阶段分层次,对案例企业进行了培训效果评估指标及评估方式的再设计,以完善企业在培训效果评估工作。  相似文献   

蒋文星 《价值工程》2011,30(30):184-185
加强中小学骨干教师的培养,在全面实施素质教育的今天势在必行,对于提高教师队伍的整体素质具有决定性的作用,而且会对培养具有创新精神和实践能力,适应现代社会需要的学生产生直接和深远的影响。本文作者通过对不同类型的骨干教师培养模式进行研究,在中小学骨干教师培养目标、中小学骨干教师培养原则、中小学骨干教师培养管理、中小学骨干教师培养模式以及中小学骨干教师培养中应注意的问题等方面进行了阐述,与同仁共享。  相似文献   

This article focuses on differences and dynamics with respect to the organization of learning at work. It starts with a reflection on actual research perspectives on the subject of training in organizations. Four perspectives, which are currently dominant in the educational and social sciences, will be discussed: the structure-oriented approach, the system-oriented approach, the actor-oriented approach and the network approach. The network approach is a particularly promising new development in training research. We will elaborate this approach here and illustrate its potential by applying it to the analysis of training systems in two different types of organizations: bureaucratic and professional organizations. Data from recent case studies demonstrate that these types of organizations show remarkable differences with respect to the basic processes of their training systems: the shaping of training policies, the development of training programmes and the execution of training activities. In practice, training systems are much more organization-specific than training literature usually suggests. A network approach to training can provide a better understanding of the backgrounds of this organizational variety.  相似文献   

汪海燕 《价值工程》2011,30(4):235-236
单片机是一门实践性和技术性很强的课程,如何设计激发学生的学习兴趣、让学生能运用学过的知识创造发挥的实验实训项目在单片机教学过程中非常重要。本文按"任务驱动法"对实验实训内容进行调整,合理安排实验实训内容,并针对不同的项目采用不同的教学方法,借此探索在传统实验方式上的教学课程改革,加强学生实践能力和创新精神培养。  相似文献   

There are different ways in which training providers and recipients assess the value and outcome of training programmes. Generally, evaluations by clients of training services in the public sector do not receive serious attention as one cohort of officials succeeds another. Such an approach restricts the prospect of improvement, particularly since the providers are not subjected to undergo self-assessment of their programmes. This article seeks to achieve a better understanding of the assessment by soliciting opinions of both clients and providers of training programmes offered by the Civil Service Training and Development Institute in Hong Kong. The views of both the trainers and recipients were collected through a number of surveys and interviews. The response from trainees and trainers reveal significant differences about the expectations and actual content of the training programmes. Interestingly, there were similarities as well in their assessment in some areas. A common position declared by the trainees is that training keeps them informed about the latest developments but does not help them to adjust to changing circumstances. The other complaint was that adequate training was not provided for performing on the job. Trainers expressed different views, but agreed on the fact that the institute is unable to cope with the task and responsibility of training the entire public service and conceded that it is difficult to anticipate the future training needs in the rapidly changing environment in which public administration takes place.  相似文献   

The study examines a relatively neglected, but important, aspect of the analysis and evaluation of training, namely trainees' immediate reaction to training. In particular, we focused on an analysis of the factors that affect participants' overall satisfaction with training. We first identified three key situational antecedents of training satisfaction, including trainees' perceptions of the efficiency and usefulness of the training, and their perceptions of trainer performance. Specific hypotheses relating each of these factors to training satisfaction were then developed and tested using data from a sample of about 3000 trainees from a range of Italian companies participating in a large-scale regionally-funded training programme involving over 300 different training courses. The results revealed that, although all three hypothesised antecedents were significantly positively related to training satisfaction, the perceived usefulness of training had the strongest effect. Importantly, the results also suggest the lack of any clear compensatory effects of the three antecedents on training satisfaction. Theoretical and policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to show how a well-conducted needs assessment coupled with a well-conceived training plan can improve training and, indeed, total organizational wellness. This is important on two fronts--organizational and individual. Conceptually, providing training is not much different than providing any other product or service. We often have no idea of how to get the ?right stuff to the right people at the right time under the right conditions.? Thus, this article will provide a framework for ?getting it right? (the first time)! The message? Make your training time and dollars count, no training simply for the sake of training; we must apply it to the training wellness equation.  相似文献   

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