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建立健全企业党建工作考核评价体系,是新形势下加强和改进企业党建工作的有效措施,也是发挥党建工作优势,提升基层党建工作科学化水平的有效手段。本文通过本单位党建工作考核评价机制的调研分析,结合企业管理中平衡计分卡考核工作思路,初步形成了基于平衡计分卡的党建考核评价体系,为促进基层党建工作进一步科学化、规范化提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

资源环境和创新是企业可持续发展的两大支柱和根本,卡普兰提出的平衡计分卡绩效评价体系专门将创新与学习作为一个评价维度,却没有考虑资源环境的重要性。文章引入资源和环境,构建了五维平衡计分卡体系,并选取宝钢股份,综合运用层次分析法、模糊综合评分法进行了案例应用。评价结果显示,五维平衡计分卡能够更加全面地对企业进行绩效评价,资源和环境维度在钢铁企业的绩效评价中表现出重要的战略性地位。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展和企业改革步伐的不断加快,客观形势对国有企业管理水平的要求不断提升熏国有企业现行的经济责任制体系的局限性日益明显。文章以平衡计分卡为基础,分析了我国企业现行经济责任制发展的特点及存在的问题,提出借鉴平衡计分卡的管理思想,对经济责任制体系进行改造,构建适合企业实际的新的经济责任制综合考核体系。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡不仅为企业提供了一种创新的业绩评价系统框架,也为企业的战略管理与业绩评价之间建立系统的联系提供了思路与方法,使业绩评价体系成为企业战略管理的组成部分。文章结合平衡计分卡,对物流企业进行战略分析与战略制定,通过建立物流企业的绩效分析模型,全面解构物流企业各经营环节绩效对总体绩效的影响。  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡的企业绩效管理研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丽萍  刘静 《会计之友》2009,(16):15-16
平衡计分卡是一个系统的战略绩效管理和评价体系,其战略目标和绩效评价来源于组织远景和战略。作为一种全新的绩效管理工具,平衡计分卡自产生以来,受到国际知名公司的青睐以及中介机构的力举,但也面临一些国内外学者的质疑。本文梳理了有关平衡计分卡运用于企业绩效管理的研究文献,并对相关文献进行评析,进而提出了后续研究的思路。  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡的企业绩效管理研究述评   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
平衡计分卡是一个系统的战略绩效管理和评价体系,其战略目标和绩效评价来源于组织远景和战略。作为一种全新的绩效管理工具,平衡计分卡自产生以来,受到国际知名公司的青睐以及中介机构的力举,但也面临一些国内外学者的质疑。本文梳理了有关平衡计分卡运用于企业绩效管理的研究文献,并对相关文献进行评析,进而提出了后续研究的思路。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡不仅为企业提供了一种创新的业绩评价系统框架,也为企业的战略管理与业绩评价之间建立系统的联系提供了思路与方法,使业绩评价体系成为企业战略管理的组成部分.文章结合平衡计分卡,对物流企业进行战略分析与战略制定,通过建立物流企业的绩效分析模型,全面解构物流企业各经营环节绩效对总体绩效的影响.  相似文献   

平衡计分卡在我国医药连锁企业绩效评价中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用传统平衡计分卡(BSC)系统,通过财务、顾客、内部流程及企业的学习与成长等四个方面对企业的业绩进行评价,最大不足的表现:一是忽视了一些重要的利益相关者,如供应商、债权人、政府和社区等;二是存在对定性指标评价的主观性、随意性。本文将丰富和完善平衡计分卡的内涵,设计相应的指标体系,选择模糊评价法引入到平衡计分卡的定性指标评价中,提高平衡计分卡在企业绩效评价中应用的有效性和可信度,对企业的业绩作出评价。同时,在项目调研便利的情况下,用处于非常激烈竞争中的医药连锁企业——CZL公司的数据,对以上观点进行实证分析和验证。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡应用效果实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为管理界多年来最具影响力的战略管理工具,平衡计分卡的出现给国内外企业带来了新的管理理念.我国民营企业的发展状况决定了必须发挥后发优势,借鉴更多的先进管理理念,使企业能从容地应对越来越多的冲击和挑战.平衡计分卡为民营企业更好的发展提供了一个很好的工具.通过对企业规模、企业市场地位、平衡计分卡的应用和企业业绩之间的关系进行实证研究认为:规模大的企业更多地运用平衡计分卡,处于较强市场地位状况的企业也更多地运用平衡计分卡;同时也认为平衡计分卡的运用与企业业绩的提高有一定的关系,且这种联系同企业规模和企业的市场地位有关.  相似文献   

李飞 《现代审计》2013,(3):60-63
本文借鉴平衡计分卡方法,对建立内部审计质量评价体系框架及如何更有效地实施质量管理进行探究。  相似文献   

构建合理的供应商体系,对于采购方和供货方都具有深刻的意义。文章主要介绍了供应商的选择方法、分类方法,以及评价方法。简单介绍了六西格玛在供应商管理中的应用。  相似文献   

Previous information systems (IS) research has significantly improved the success rate of IS projects, but the result is still far from satisfying. The effort to advance IS project management theories continues. One notable effort is Ravichandran and Rai (2000). Based on quality management principles, they developed a model (the R&R model) describing a qualityoriented organizational system that leads to software development quality performance. This study analyzed Six Sigma to propose major revisions to the R&R model. Six Sigma is a recent approach to quality management with proven effectiveness. The analysis of Six Sigma suggested that several constructs in the R&R model need to be respecified, leading to the definition of a new quality‐oriented organizational system. More importantly, the revised model posits that the new organizational system leads to IS project success that can be measured by organizational performance improvement. This study contributes to the literature and provides practical guidance to IS project managers.  相似文献   

The evolving theory of quality management: The role of Six Sigma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While Six Sigma is increasingly implemented in industry, little academic research has been done on Six Sigma and its influence on quality management theory and application. There is a criticism that Six Sigma simply puts traditional quality management practices in a new package. To investigate this issue and the role of Six Sigma in quality management, this study reviewed both the traditional quality management and Six Sigma literatures and identified three new practices that are critical for implementing Six Sigma's concept and method in an organization. These practices are referred to as: Six Sigma role structure, Six Sigma structured improvement procedure, and Six Sigma focus on metrics. A research model and survey instrument were developed to investigate how these Six Sigma practices integrate with seven traditional quality management practices to affect quality performance and business performance. Test results based on a sample of 226 US manufacturing plants revealed that the three Six Sigma practices are distinct practices from traditional quality management practices, and that they complement the traditional quality management practices in improving performance. The implications of the findings for researchers and practitioners are discussed and further research directions are offered.  相似文献   

Six Sigma has been gaining momentum in industry; however, academics have conducted little research on this emerging phenomenon. Understanding Six Sigma first requires providing a conceptual definition and identifying an underlying theory. In this paper we use the grounded theory approach and the scant literature available to propose an initial definition and theory of Six Sigma. Our research argues that although the tools and techniques in Six Sigma are strikingly similar to prior approaches to quality management, it provides an organizational structure not previously seen. This emergent structure for quality management helps organizations more rigorously control process improvement activities, while at the same time creating a context that enables problem exploration between disparate organizational members. Although Six Sigma provides benefits over prior approaches to quality management, it also creates new challenges for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Six Sigma: The role of goals in improvement teams   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
The tenets of goal theory have been well established as a motivation mechanism in the management literature. However, some quality-management advocates, such as W. Edwards Deming, often criticize the use of goals. This research investigates the tension between goals and quality management in the Six Sigma context. We find empirical support that goals can be effective in Six Sigma improvement teams when teams adhere to the Six Sigma tools and method. However, challenging goals are counterproductive when Six Sigma teams do not use the tools and methods rigorously. This research reconciles the differences between quality management and goal theory by showing that the Six Sigma tools and method interact with goals.  相似文献   

张汉民  张璐 《价值工程》2007,26(10):82-85
高度自动化是现代制造系统的主要特征,自动化设备的广泛采用对质量提出了越来越高的要求。这就要求产品的质量不断的改进和提高,而六西格玛(6σ)理论是一套建立在统计学基础上的质量管理系统模式。它的本质是不断减少偏差,持续追求高品质。文中综述了现代产品的质量研究改进和六西格玛管理理论。  相似文献   

基于模糊聚类和灰色关联度的项目管理评标方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢颖  黄文杰 《价值工程》2007,26(10):124-128
通过客观公正地评标、选择最优的项目管理者是成功地实施项目代建的必要条件。首先通过分析项目管理招标评标的特点,建立相应的项目管理评标体系;然后,将模糊聚类理论与灰色关联分析相结合,对项目管理投标人进行综合评价。与以往的评标方法相比,招标人在获得最优投标人信息的同时,还能够对投标人按照综合能力进行分类对比,从而为招标人提供更加全面翔实的评标信息。  相似文献   

实施六西格玛的四大陷阱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先简述了六西格玛管理的应用,进而详细分析了实施六西格玛管理中的人才配备陷阱、项目管理陷阱、实施力度不够陷阱以及急于求成的心态这4个方面的常见陷阱,以帮助企业搬开六西格玛成功之路上的绊脚石。  相似文献   

文章分析了港口供应链物流管理模式现状及存在的问题,介绍了精益六西格玛管理思想的概念及特点,根据精益六西格玛思想对物流管理的影响与作用,提出了应用于港口供应链的精益六西格玛管理模式。  相似文献   

Organizational practices related to Six Sigma are believed to have resulted in improved organizational outcomes. The academic community, however, continues to lack understanding of the constructs and causal relationships underlying Six Sigma. Hence, discussion of Six Sigma is buffeted by anecdotal experience reported from practice. We evaluate Six Sigma through the lens of literature on theory development to explain why the Six Sigma constructs, assumptions, and causal relationships are inconsistent with theory development principles. Dr. Anilkumar N. Kharkar has retired from Corning Incorporated.  相似文献   

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