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The vast changes in the Soviet economic structure did not begin with the recent failed coup; they have been progressing for several years. Despite the fact that everyone agrees on the importance of economic reform, it has been a slow struggle—partly because of individual expectations.  相似文献   

Business ethics and existentialism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Business ethics today: A survey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This essay surveys the state of business ethics in North America. It describes the distinctive features of business ethics as an academic sub-discipline and as a pedagogical topic, and compares and contrasts three rival models of business ethics current among philosophers. William H. Shaw is professor of philosophy and chair of the philosophy department at San Jose State University. Among other writings, he is the author of Business Ethics (Wadsworth 1991) and, with Vincent Barry, of Moral Issues in Business, 6th ed. (Wadsworth 1995).  相似文献   

Business ethics: a SWOT exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reflects on the present state of business ethics. The question has become more complex in an era of globalisation: cross‐border activities make it particularly difficult for companies to formulate effective ethical programmes which are true to core corporate values. The author presents his reflection in terms of a SWOT analysis, examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats likely to be experienced by business ethics in the new millennium. He concludes that the challenge for business ethics is to work for global agreement on common values and common approaches to issues of integrity and trust in global business.  相似文献   

Business ethics: a sustainable approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The author proposes sustainability as the criterion for business ethics. The argument here is that in today's world, business success depends on sustainability. This in turn depends on respect for the environment, employees, customers and stakeholders at large. Thinking about ethics in terms of sustainability involves thinking about ethics in strategic terms. Indeed sustainability could and should be raised to the status of a global ethic. There is evidence to show that corporate social responsibility pays; e.g. the Dow Jones sustainability group index outperformed the Dow Jones index by 36% over the past three-year period. This suggests that taking ethics seriously goes hand in hand with successful business.  相似文献   

Professional ethics, a contemporary topic of conversation among business professionals, is discussed using the perceptions of college business students as the focal point. This research relates to the issues of college instruction in professional ethics, differences in perceptions of ethical behavior attributed to gender, and whether or not students' perceptions of ethical behavior can be modified. After presenting a review of the more important historical developments and research related to professional ethics, this paper focuses on the results of a study that compared a set of ethical responses of various groups of college students with each other. The results of hypotheses testing show an ethics maturation process from students' initial exposure to business courses through the graduate level. These tests also show that formal ethics training, i.e., a separate professional ethics course or unit is an existing course, is not a significant factor in this process. However, one may conclude that the students' perceptions of proper ethical behavior matures toward society's expectations during college life.James R. Davis is a Professor of Accountancy at Clemson University. He has published articles on professional ethics and made several presentations on the subject at professional meetings. Currently he is evaluating the different attitudes toward professional ethics of students in different international environments.Ralph E. Welton, Jr. is an Associate Professor of Accounting at Clemson University. He teaches a graduate course on the accounting environment which includes units on professional ethics and legal responsibilities of accounting professionals. His research interests include comparative international perceptions of business ethics and the individual's longitudinal ethics development.  相似文献   

Although Friedman's The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Profits is widely read, the central argument is rarely identified. Stone's discussion of Friedman in Where the Law Ends, is often used as a companion piece. Stone claims that the most important argument in Friedman is the Polestar argument but never succeeds in explaining what it is. This paper shows that Friedman's position must be read in the context of his theory of political economy, and that at least four distinct utilitarian arguments are required to account for his views. Specifically, Friedman relies upon what I describe as Realistic Rule Utilitarianism in which utility is understood in terms of actual preferences. The weaknesses of this theory are then explained. John R. Danley is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophical Studies at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Danley has published pieces on Rawls and Nozick in Mind and Philosophical Studies and in applied ethics in The Journal of Business Ethics and The Journal of Business and Professional Ethics.  相似文献   

The comparative seriousness of business law and business ethics gives some business people the impression that there is nothing important in business ethics. The costly penalties of illegal conduct compared to the uncertain consequences of unethical conduct support a common illusion that business ethics is much less important than law for business people. To dispel the illusion I distinguish two perspectives from which we can view the relation of business and normative systems: the internal and external perspectives. I show that in one perspective, ethics is hardly less important than law, and in the other perspective it is more important, more fundamental than law. I conclude with a discussion of why business persons must place ethical and legal rules ahead of profits.Richard McCarty has been a lecturer in the philosophy department at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C. since 1986. He has published articles primarily in aesthetics and ethics.  相似文献   

Business ethics: A classroom priority?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“Schools of business are being blamed for much of the unethical behavior in business today” (Harcourt, 1990: p. 17); “Ethics can and should be integrated into coursework throughout students' college careers” (Spencer and Lehman, 1990: p. 7); “... business schools have been charged with inadequate attention to ethics” (Bishop, 1992: p. 291); “The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) encourages schools of business to incorporate business ethics throughout the curricula” (Davidet al., 1990: p. 26). These quotations indicate the concern for providing ethics education in today's business curriculums. In 1976, the AACSB urged business educators to include ethics in their course curricula, however, over 15 years later there is still concern as to whether the coverage of this topic in the business curriculum is adequate. A review of the literature indicates that professors are beginning to integrate this topic into its curriculum. But what are the techniques that work? And is the topic of ethics truly being integrated into the entire business curricula? This research assesses the integration of ethics into the business curricula today. Graduating seniors in the college of business of several universities were questioned to determine: (1) the courses in which the issue of ethics was addressed; (2) how much time was devoted to the issue by the professors; and (3) the methods employed to address the issue, and students' perceptions of their effectiveness.  相似文献   

With the increased attention paid to ethical issues in business practice, there is interest in the ethics gap between the U.S. and the U.K. and in the ramifications for educating college students for business management positions. This paper examines the differences in ethics judgments between U.S. and U.K. business students. The results indicate that differences in their demographic profiles do not influence their ethics judgments. However, consistently higher business ethics of female students from both countries are discussed in relation to providing business ethics education.Thomas W. Whipple is Professor of Marketing at Cleveland State University. His articles have appeared in theJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Communication, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Marketing Education, andJournal of Travel Research. He is the co-author ofSex Stereotyping in Advertising (Lexington, 1983).Dominic F. Swords is Director of Studies for Part Time MBA Programmes at Henley Management College in the U.K. His research interests include the Economics of European Integration and the relationship between Business Ethics and Business Policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issue of ethics policy in organizations. While the actions of top management may be the single most important factor in fostering corporate behaviour of a high ethical standard, there should be policy where policy is needed. The perceptions of three managerial groups — top- marketing- and purchasing managers — are compared regarding firstly, whether they see a need for policy on a range of ethically contentious issues, and secondly whether they believe there is policy covering these issues in their own organizations. No significant differences between the three groups of managers were found, either with regard to their perceptions of needs for policy, or as far as the existence thereof is concerned. However, an overall comparison of need for policy and the existence of policy showed a significant difference on the scenarios presented to respondents. Furthermore, the study identifies grey areas of ethics in business where managers believe policy is needed, but is not perceived to exist. The use of an ethics policy matrix in organizations is suggested as a practcial tool for the examination of ethically contentious issues. Deon Nel is Senior Lecturer in Marketing in the School of Business of the University of Pretoria. His BCom (Hons) degree is from the University of Port Elizabeth, and his MCom (in Marketing) from the University of Pretoria. He is currently in the final stages of his doctoral study, and his papers have been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing. Leyland Pitt is Senior Lecturer in Marketing in the School of Management at the Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. He holds an MBA and a DCom in marketing from the University of Pretoria. His articles have appeared in journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, The International Journal of Advertising, and The Journal of Business Ethics. Richard Watson is Head of the Department of Information Systems in the School of Business at the Western Australian College of Advanced Education. He holds a BSc and DipComp from the University of Western Australia, MAdmin from Monash University, and PhD in Management Information Systems from the University of Minnesota. His work has been accepted for MIS Quarterly and Large Scale Systems.  相似文献   

Business ethics in fiction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interest in teaching business ethics classes on college campuses has increased dramatically during the past decade. In the United States, virtually all graduate and undergraduate business programs teach business ethics in some form. While current pedagogy relies primarily on factual recounting of actual workplace incidents and actual and hypothetical case studies, calls for multidisciplinary approaches to teaching business ethics have not yet produced significant pedagogical change. We propose the use of fiction (novels, dramas, and short stories) to enrich current teaching materials. This paper illustrates the tremendous power of stories which deal with ethical dilemmas in business to illuminate moral issues in ways that lead to a clearer understanding of ethical theory. The fiction cited in this paper is all drawn from American literature. It seems likely that similar sources could be found in the literature of other countries.Ellen J. Kennedy is Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of St. Thomas. She has published articles inThe Journal of Marketing Education, Psychology & Marketing, andIndustrial Marketing Management.Leigh Lawton is Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of St. Thomas. His articles have appeared in such publications asThe Journal of Marketing, Business Horizons, Psychology & Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management andSimulation & Games.  相似文献   

Companies do have ethical responsibility and are not protected by limited liability from the consequences of their actions. A company's record and the preception of its ethics affect its reputation and ensure long term success or failure.The financial community has a history of placing moral considerations above legal or opportunistic expedients. But we are often exposed to moral dangers and the dangers of contamination are increasing. Deregulation and the technological revolution are sharpening ethical conflicts.Bankers' role is one of stewardship based on trust. We are trusted by those who ask us to look after their money and we have a duty to lend that money responsibly.Banking is about rewards reflecting real risks and ethical considerations form an important part of our risk-taking activities. The welfare of our borrowing customers, in good times and bad, is of major concern in any business proposition. Sometimes commercial considerations can be at odds where ethics and politics combine, for example, on the LDC debt question.We depend on people to run our business and to reflect our ethical standards. We have to let our people know what is expected of them and help them to avoid pressures and temptations.A bank's responsibility extends to Government, customers, shareholders, staff and the community. In the future, as we face increasingly complex and conflicting issues, our resolve and commitment to ethical behaviour will be tested.Mr Charles F Green, 58, was a Deputy Group Chief Executive of National Westminster Bank since 1 December 1986 and a Director since February 1982. Exercised oversight of UK Financial Services and Support Services, as well as shared in the Chief Executive's representational Sole.In July 1989, Mr. Green resigned from the National Westminster Bank.His outside commitments are largely Church based. Since 1980 a member of the Church of England General Synod, he is currently Vice Chairman of the Church's Board for Social Responsibility and is Chairman of its Industrial and Economic Affairs Committee and a Trustee of the Church Urban Fund.He is also Chairman of the Executive Committee of Business in the Community, Chairman of the CBI Overseas Committee and Treasurer of the Policy Studies Institute.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1987,30(2):16-21
Naive, impractical, moralistic—business ethics has been called a contradiction in terms. But despite the eloquent dismissal of Friedman and Drucker, business ethics is a subject that won't go away.  相似文献   

Business ethics: A literature review with a focus on marketing ethics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In recent years, the business ethics literature has exploded in both volume and importance. Because of the sheer volume and diversity of this literature, a review article was deemed necessary to provide focus and clarity to the area. The present paper reviews the literature on business ethics with a special focus in marketing ethics. The literature is divided into normative and empirical sections, with more emphasis given to the latter. Even though the majority of the articles deal with the American reality, most of the knowledge gained is easily transferable to other nations. John Tsalikis is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Florida International University. His articles have appeared in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, and Psychology and Marketing. David J. Fritzsche is a Professor of Business Administration at the University of Portland. His articles have appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Columbia Journal of World Business, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Ethics: Guidelines for Managers, and Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy.  相似文献   

This section will cover (a) definition of business policy: strategic decisions in the enterprise; (b) ethical behaviour above and beyond the requirements of the law: what might this involve e.g. in respect of products and markets in which the business is prepared to operate? (c) does business have a responsibility towards ‘society’? For example, should businesses decide without being legally required to do so, to undertake activities which they think are in the national interest even if this may appear to conflict with strictly commercial interests? (d) if ethical/social decisions are required, who is to make them — at what levels of an enterprise — e.g. does the board make them all or are they also expected below board level? This section will also cover: (e) practical examples in the light of changing attitudes towards business and market behaviour in the 1980's and 1990's; (f) implications of attitudes towards corporate crime and of behaviour which may not be illegal but which may be regarded as ‘unacceptable’: this will be discussed with examples from experience in Australia and other countries. The section will first explain the meaning of the phrase ‘business policy’ and will briefly outline the kinds of strategic decision which have to be made in business enterprises. It will go on to consider whether there are things a business ‘ought’ or ‘ought not’ to do even if they are within the law. The section will illustrate these problems with examples in the light of changing attitudes towards business policy and market behaviour in the 1980's and 1990's. It will take into account some recent cases of corporate crime in Australia and elsewhere and also of behaviour which while neither against the law or outside the power of the board, might be thought ‘inappropriate’.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey into the integrity of Dutch organisations. The Corporate Ethics Qualities Model has been used to develop a questionnaire:the Corporate Integrity Barometer. The endings show a varied picture of different kinds of integrity infringements and the weak and strong aspects of the ethical climate of Dutch organisations. The results provide organisations with tools to manage the integrity of their organisation and to benchmark their own level of integrity. By conducting this kind of research in other countries, we are able to gain a better understanding of the specifc ethical climate and salient issues relating to the integrity of corporations in each country.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the intensity of interest in the subject of business ethics has surprised even the most ardent defenders of the movement. It is easy to become euphoric over such developments. Yet, we should not be lulled into believing that such growth has no limits. The fact is that the movement stands at a watershed where certain alternative courses of action are available. In this paper, I outline what some of those crossroads are and what the consequences will be if certain actions are or are not taken. The key to success is dependent upon a multidisciplinary approach that relies on dialogue and cooperation among colleagues in the academy and in business. This will ensure a true mix of theory and practice.  相似文献   

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