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资产注入:支付手段与市场反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以股改后我国上市公司控股股东对上市公司资产注入事件为样本,运用市场模型检验不同支付手段资产注入的市场反应。研究发现,在控制注入资产的规模、注入前上市公司流通市值的大小、注入前机构投资者持有公司股票的比例等因素影响的情况下,市场对采用股权作为支付手段的资产注入反应强烈;投资者对资产注入方案已经具备较强的辨别能力。本文据此提出了有关政策建议。  相似文献   

资产注入、证券市场监管与绩效   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
证券市场监管的效率一直是学术界和实务界所关注的问题。由于上市公司的资产注入可划分为经证监会核准的监管型资产注入以及仅通过公司董事会和股东大会批准就可实施的自愿型资产注入,从而为研究证券市场监管效率问题提供了新的契机。本文以2002-2006年五年间上市公司与其控股股东发生的重大资产注入为样本,实证检验了证券市场监管对资产注入绩效的影响。我们的研究发现监管型资产注入对上市公司的绩效产生了正面的影响,而自愿型资产注入对上市公司绩效的影响则并不显著,证券市场监管发挥了相应的效用。  相似文献   

郑恺 《证券导刊》2010,(2):76-77
地下市政建设市场远未饱和盾构机项目稳定增长重组进程将加快当前股价:13.89元今日投资个股安全诊断星级:  相似文献   

央企资产注入题材在经过去年的暴炒之后.已经偃旗息鼓了一段时间.近期长江电力和攀钢钢钒再启整体上市引起市场关注。由于央企乃是由国有资本控制.资产注入趋势确定性较高.未来有望成为大小非解禁的避风港。  相似文献   

庞琳琳 《证券导刊》2010,(12):19-19
在大盘震荡盘整的大环境中,以资产注入为投资主线的军工板块更具备投资优势,将会是二季度,甚至贯穿2010年全年的投资热点,提升板块投资评级至强于大市。  相似文献   

黄茂 《证券导刊》2008,(29):45-46
五粮液通过本次资产注入,将可以解决大部分的关联交易问题,估计收购实际能增厚每股收益0.09-0.12元,公司的股价已基本合理,但需要注意的是公司未来销售形势仍存在不确定性,今日投资个股诊断安全星级:★★★  相似文献   

卢平  王培培 《证券导刊》2010,(45):75-76
■业绩增长稳定■资产注入预期强烈■四季度消费旺季来临■今日股价:27.46元■今日投资个股安全诊断星级:公司地处我国六大无烟煤基地之一的山西阳泉,现有煤炭可采储量达10亿吨,大约可开采80年左右。  相似文献   

成志策 《会计师》2015,(7):12-13
我国股权分置改革自2005年开始后,资本市场进入"全流通"时期,大股东资产注入成为证券市场的一个新亮点,上市公司资产注入现象也越来越受到学术界和实务界的关注。大股东资产注入主要基于支持与掏空两种动机,即既可能向上市公司注入优质资产来"支持"上市公司,也可能向上市公司注入劣质资产来"掏空"上市公司。本文探讨了上市公司大股东的资产注入动机及其后果。  相似文献   

林锐 《福建金融》2010,(1):25-27
控股股东以定向增发方式向上市公司注入资产,可以减少关联交易、避免同业竞争、增强独立性,还可以提高上市公司资产质量、改善财务状况、增强持续盈利能力。本文立足证券市场立法和监管实践,从保护投资者角度出发.围绕强化公司治理和提高信息披露质量两个最重要的环节,对国内上市公司控股股东以定向增发方式,向上市公司注入资产的有关案例进行研究分析,以期为完善相关制度规定提供对策建议。  相似文献   

涂羚波 《证券导刊》2010,(49):74-75
业绩平稳增长竞争优势明显资产注入进入倒计时当前股价:23.85元今日投资个股安全诊断星级:公司是全国医药行业首家上市公司,公司产品包括西药、中药和保健品等88个品种被认定为高新技术产品。通过一系列的市场运作,目前聚集在哈药品牌麾下的49个优势品种,年销售收入均超过1000万元以上,13个产品年销售收入过亿元。  相似文献   

In an economy driven by ideas and intellectual know-how, top executives recognize the importance of employing smart, highly creative people. But if clever people have one defining characteristic, it's that they do not want to be led. So what is a leader to do? The authors conducted more than 100 interviews with leaders and their clever people at major organizations such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Cisco Systems, Novartis, the BBC, and Roche. What they learned is that the psychological relationships effective leaders have with their clever people are very different from the ones they have with traditional followers. Those relationships can be shaped by seven characteristics that clever people share: They know their worth--and they know you have to employ them if you want their tacit skills. They are organizationally savvy and will seek the company context in which their interests are most generously funded. They ignore corporate hierarchy; although intellectual status is important to them, you can't lure them with promotions. They expect instant access to top management, and if they don't get it, they may think the organization doesn't take their work seriously. They are plugged into highly developed knowledge networks, which both increases their value and makes them more of a flight risk. They have a low boredom threshold, so you have to keep them challenged and committed. They won't thank you--even when you're leading them well. The trick is to act like a benevolent guardian: to grant them the respect and recognition they demand, protect them from organizational rules and politics, and give them room to pursue private efforts and even to fail. The payoff will be a flourishing crop of creative minds that will enrich your whole organization.  相似文献   

Motivated from Ross (1989) who maintains that asset volatilities are synonymous to the information flow, we claim that cross-market volatility transmission effects are synonymous to cross-market information flows or “information channels” from one market to another. Based on this assertion we assess whether cross-market volatility flows contain important information that can improve the accuracy of oil price realized volatility forecasting. We concentrate on realized volatilities derived from the intra-day prices of the Brent crude oil and four different asset classes (Stocks, Forex, Commodities and Macro), which represent the different “information channels” by which oil price volatility is impacted from. We employ a HAR framework and estimate forecasts for 1-day to 66-days ahead. Our findings provide strong evidence that the use of the different “information channels” enhances the predictive accuracy of oil price realized volatility at all forecasting horizons. Numerous forecasting evaluation tests and alternative model specifications confirm the robustness of our results.  相似文献   

Commodity price shocks are shown to cause shifts in both the quantity and timing of risk in natural resource assets. We provide evidence that static risk measures understate the periodicity of price risk implicit in depleting assets. Risk measurement is demonstrated to be asset specific and to vary heterogeneously in response to the combined effects of state participation and market factors. We use a global sample of oilfield assets to demonstrate that oilfield participation terms cause corporate asset cash flows, volatility horizons and minimum variance hedge ratios to vary in response to oil price. We provide additional insights into movements in the timing of physical oil and gas asset risk, a hidden effect not recoverable from market oil prices. Temporal variance for physical assets is shown to be a hidden dimensional outcome of the effects of market factors and state participation.  相似文献   

Marius Berliet, a pioneer of the car industry, was one of the first to introduce Taylorism in France. He wanted to implement standard costing techniques in his company at the very same time they were conceived in the USA, around the time of the First World War. Given that this technique was to become popular in France only during the 1950s, this article seeks to understand the reasons which prevented it from being applied at Berliet's company forty years earlier. One obvious explanation is the burden of the cost accounting methods which prevailed in France until 1950. The paper also considers the hypothesis of a lack of interest, and skill by those who could have promoted this new technique, especially managers and engineers.  相似文献   

I review the state of empirical asset pricing devoted to understanding cross-sectional differences in average rates of return. Both methodologies and empirical evidence are surveyed. Tremendous progress has been made in understanding return patterns. At the same time, there is a need to synthesize the huge amount of collected evidence.  相似文献   

In a general real business cycle model, we derive a pricing kernel that involves only production function arguments. The productivity shock is the single factor and the capital stock relative to a productivity measure is the conditioning variable. The model compares favorably with the complementary consumption-based and market-based approaches and with the Fama-French three-factor model. A size premium arises from differences in unconditional sensitivities—small firms are more sensitive to productivity shocks—and a value premium from differences in conditional sensitivities to productivity shocks—growth firms are more sensitive to productivity shocks when the productivity risk premium is low.  相似文献   

王馨妍 《首席财务官》2012,(2):59-61,10
经过20多年市场萌芽期的坚守之后,全球清洁和消毒巨头——艺康终于在中国市场等来了一个漫长但不失完美的拐点。2011年10月18日,艺康全球第三大研发中心一期正式投入使用,总面积超过3000平方米。研发中心位于上海浦东,配置国际先进设备,整个项目完成后可供数百名科研人员研发新产  相似文献   

Firms and divisions which are not traded on organized exchanges are often valued without the benefit of market data. Accounting data is used instead. One suggested approach is to use accounting beta as a proxy for market return beta. In the context of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, we provide a theoretical justification for such a procedure. Our results provide a set of sufficient conditions so that return betas and accounting betas are equal. Our results also suggest a general methodology for evaluating projects and untraded firms using accounting data. The method underlying the derivation here is very general and can be applied in deriving testable restrictions between fundamentals, broader in context than that of accounting variables.  相似文献   

Scientific findings support the existence of nine planetary boundaries which define a safe operating space for humanity and the conditions necessary to sustain human life. The declining state of the environment (4 of the 9 boundaries have been breached) creates significant risk factors for asset impairment. Risks result not only from environmental challenges and resulting resource constraints (e.g. limits to fossil fuel extraction and carbon constraints) but also changing technology landscapes and social expectations. This article is one of the first to discuss the implications of changes in planetary boundary conditions for asset impairment and recognising an impairment event and sets out an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

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