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While firms in consumer markets spend hundreds of billions of dollars on advertising each year, firms in business markets are comparably hesitant to adopt advertising as a means to drive business and generate sales growth. Instead, a widespread belief is that sales success in business markets results from a quality focus and sales force support. Challenging these beliefs, this study proposes that B2B advertising can have effects that are meaningful and unmatched by effects resulting from a quality focus and sales force spending. Furthermore, we hypothesize that B2B advertising can help unlock dormant potentials in the established success drivers. We test the proposed effects empirically, drawing on more than 12,000 observations of the advertising expenses, quality focus, sales force spending, and sales growth of more than 2000 U.S.-based B2B firms between 1990 and 2015. This research provides novel insights for researchers and managers concerning the benefits of B2B advertising spending and the interplay between different success drivers in generating sales growth in business markets.  相似文献   

Determinants of technology cycle time in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The focus of this study is to examine different factors that influence a firm's technology cycle time. The U.S. pharmaceutical industry is analyzed from 1977–1991. Specifically, the sample includes 21 firms that (a) primarily produce brand ethical drugs, (b) are publicly-owned companies, and (c) have pharmaceutical sales account for a substantial portion of company sales.
Our measure of faster technology cycle time is positively correlated to measures of the knowledge base level of firms, the breadth of firms' knowledge bases, size, and age; it is negatively correlated to advertising expenditures and the percent of US. firm sales to total sales. However, the most notable finding is that technology cycle time is significantly faster for firms that predominantly generate new knowledge internally, and slower for firms that rely more on external sources of new knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of informative advertising in which a firm builds a database using its historical sales records in order to directly target ads on those consumers who have a high probability of purchasing its products. We show that the firm can use this type of direct advertising as a screening mechanism to identify high demand consumers. As a result, direct advertising can work essentially as a device to increase a firm's monopoly power. From a social point of view, this implies that the transition from traditional mass-advertising to direct advertising can generate a trade-off between higher advertising efficiency and greater monopoly power. We compute the model to shed light on the relative strength of these two forces, and find that while direct advertising might have a substantial negative impact on consumers, this advertising technology can only occasionally reduce welfare.  相似文献   

When the manufacturer opens an online channel to compete with its traditional retailer, what valuable strategy can be utilized to alleviate the O2O (online to offline) competition and conflict and improve the performances of all channel members? Our research addresses this important question by initiating an innovative strategy considering the retailer's sales effort and the manufacturer's support in local advertising simultaneously in a manufacturer – retailer O2O supply chain. Our results show that although the retailer's sales effort helps improve the channel coordination and leads to a win-win solution for both the manufacturer and the retailer, investing in both the retailer's sales effort and manufacturer's support in local advertising is a more effective strategy to be employed to coordinate the O2O distribution and achieve higher profits for all parties in the manufacturer - retailer supply chain. In addition, our results also show that compared to the simultaneous mode, the Stackelberg leader-follower mode provides no competitive advantage to the manufacturer or the retailer when the retailer's sales effort and manufacturer's support in local advertising strategy is implemented to coordinate the O2O distributions.  相似文献   

Market Share in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with the factors that determine the market share of listings and the market share of sales for brokerage firms. Models are developed and tested in a SMSA that conveniently corresponds exactly to a particular Multiple Listing Service area. Indices of firm specialization and market concentration were computed in addition to more conventional characterizations of the market and the data used in the study.
The regression results reveal a small degree of consistency in the impacts of the explanatory variables over the two years of the study and over the listing and sales markets. The number of salespeople is the most consistently significant variable. Indeed, market share per salesperson appears to be a non-monotonic function of the number of salespeople. The presence of a franchise and the quantity of display advertising are occasionally significant. Classified advertising, Yellow Pages advertising, and open houses all do not significantly affect market share per salesperson.  相似文献   

This study derives a formal model of firm advertising behavior and applies it to the industry level to figure out the relationship between advertising and market structure. The firm advertising model shows that both consumer preference andfirm-specific advertising competence jointly determineprofit-maximizing advertising intensity. At the industry level, advertising intensity is represented multiplicatively by consumer preference and a measure of market structure, which reflects the joint distribution of the levels of advertising competence and market shares among firms. The new market structure measure suggests that those single-dimensional measures of market structure such as seller concentration and the Herfindahl index are inadequate in explaining interindustry differences in advertising intensity, and that the long-debated advertising-concentration relationship differs depending primarily on the appropriability of advertising. An empirical analysis of 426 five-digit Korean manufacturing industries shows that an inverted U-shaped relationship between the Herfindahl index and industry advertising intensity is observed for consumer goods industries but a lazy J-shaped relationship for producer goods industries.  相似文献   

A sample of 123 independent new ventures was classified into four industry growthlstrategic breadth categories. High growth industry environments were found to provide a favorable environment for new ventures to achieve sales growth; however, the highest sales growth rates were exhibited by new ventures pursuing broad breadth strategies in high growth industries. One-way ANOVA and contrast tests were also used to identify whether specific strategic variables varied across the four industry growth/strategic breadth combinations. New ventures in high growth industries chose to enter on a larger, more aggressive scale and placed more emphasis on new product development than those entering low growth industries. Broad breadth strategy ventures had higher levels of advertising and promotion expenses and placed greater emphasis on the dominance of marketing expertise in their top management team, developing new channels of distribution, and on brand name recognition. Ventures pursuing focus strategies emphasized specialty products and were less cost conscious.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the effect of differentiation on firms' optimal investments in advertising and product quality in the specific context of the motion picture industry. To guide our empirical analysis, we develop a stylized model uncovering that competition in advertising is the highest for intermediate levels of horizontal differentiation, while product quality increases monotonically in differentiation. We corroborate our theoretical predictions with a large dataset on the movie industry confirming both the inverted U-shaped relationship between advertising and differentiation, and the monotonically increasing relationship between product quality and differentiation.  相似文献   

Does advertising measurably affect sales? New technologies for tracking individuals’ sales and ad exposure facilitate studying a nationwide retailer’s online brand advertising effectiveness. A controlled experiment on 1,577,256 existing customers measures the causal effect of advertising on purchases, overcoming the attribution problem by exogenously varying ad exposure. The advertising produced a statistically and economically significant effect on in-store sales. The experiment permits a demographic breakdown. Surprisingly, the effects are large for the elderly. Customers aged 65+, comprising only 5 % of customers, increased purchases by 20 % due to the advertising. This represented 40 % of the total effect among all ages.  相似文献   

We examine the interrelationship between export and domestic sales. Our expectation is that they are simultaneously determined, and as such should not be examined in isolation. We also investigate how firm factors—such as R & D and advertising investments—and external factors—such as market growth and exchange rate changes—impact export and domestic sales. Using a non‐recursive system of equations, we test our arguments on a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms between 1990 and 1997. We find significant interrelationships between export and domestic sales with striking differences between Spanish‐owned firms and foreign‐owned firms operating in Spain. For Spanish‐owned firms, domestic and export sales are complements. These firms appear to focus on the domestic market and strength in the domestic market drives their export sales. In contrast, domestic and export sales are substitutes for foreign‐owned firms. These firms' export strategies appear subsumed under strategies of managing a multinational network in which the focus is sales outside of Spain. We discuss the importance of these findings for understanding and managing export strategies. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigated the correlation of seven hypothesized factors to outcomes of industrial advertising campaigns. It is based on a survey of advertising agency executives and advertising executives of corporations. The results indicate that the correlates of successful industrial advertising campaigns vary according to the intended objectives of a campaign: awareness, attitude, and sales.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to focus on one aspect of the marketing mix for industrial firms. Specifically, the control of promotion centers on the promotional mix, which includes personal selling, advertising, and sales promotion. The personal sales mix model (Figure 1) highlights those factors that are controllable by the industrial sales representative. Also, the uncontrollables involved in industrial selling are discussed. An understanding of the personal sales mix model should aid industrial marketers in satisfying buyer's needs through effective selling.  相似文献   

In today's highly competitive environment, many firms make the decision to outsource a business process on the well-established idea that it is better to contract for services that are not within the scope of a company's core set of competencies. While outsourcing was once limited to peripheral firm activities such as advertising, firms are expanding the types of functions they outsource. For instance, many firms have begun to outsource their sales force, or at a minimum, have begun to consider ‘renting’ a sales force rather than ‘owning’ their own sales force. Being a recent trend, very little is known about what prompts firms to outsource their sales forces, nor the consequences of doing so. As such, this research explores the factors associated with determining whether a firm should outsource their sales force as well as the value to be had by engaging in such a decision. Most importantly, we offer that beyond the standard cost-based analysis, there are numerous issues that deserve consideration and examination before a firm elects to outsource its sales force.  相似文献   

The question of how important firms’ investments in digital communication formats are for the commercial success of new products remains unexplored in the product innovation management literature. Drawing on reactance theory, the authors examine the extent to which investments in social media communication and online advertising are related to the sales volume and profits of new products within six months of being launched. Using dyadic survey data, an analysis of new products launched by 122 consumer durable goods firms reveals that sales volume and profits of new products are associated with (1) social media communication in a positive but diminishing shape, and (2) online advertising in an inverted U‐shape. Further analyses show that those curvilinear relationships are steeper for social media communication and flatter for online advertising at respective (1) higher levels of customer product involvement and (2) lower levels of product superiority. The results imply that there is an optimal level of investment in social media communication and online advertising, with the optimum dependent on a new product’s consumer involvement and superiority levels.  相似文献   

"Purely predatory advertising" has been defined as advertising which redistributes market share but does not affect market demand. Purely predatory advertising is commonly assumed in the industrial economics literature; but its existence is an empirical question. Since cigarette advertising is widely considered to epitomize purely predatory advertising, we analyze firm level panel data for the United States cigarette industry to study the question of existence using an econometric procedure which corrects for autocorrelation and contemporaneous correlation. Statistical tests support the hypothesis that cigarette advertising is purely predatory.  相似文献   

The importance of concession sales in the movie exhibition industry is widely acknowledged among economists and other social scientists that have studied this industry in the past. Despite this recognition, the lack of appropriate data has constrained existing studies that document the role that concessions play in movie theaters. Using detailed weekly movie theater data on concession sales, box office revenues and transaction characteristics from a major exhibitor in Spain, we shed light on the relation between concession sales and the following factors (i) theater attendance, (ii) non-traditional channels of ticket distribution, (iii) audience composition, and (iv) theater and market specific factors.   相似文献   

We develop a model of generic advertising in the context of vertically dependent markets wherein producers of an intermediate good financially support, through voluntary contributions, a generic advertising campaign aimed at consumers of a final product. The Nash equilibrium is characterized by free riding on the part of upstream firms because of the nature of generic advertising, leading to its underprovision with respect to joint, industry-wide profit maximization. We test the model in the U.S. fluid milk industry focusing on the effects of generic advertising on the intermediate demand for milk, since dairy farmers support the generic advertising. Taking this approach, we find that generic advertising had a positive influence on farm-level demand for milk, but did not achieve joint profit maximization.  相似文献   

When introducing new products to market, firms often leverage marketing signals in an effort to increase perceptions of product quality. While prior research mostly focuses on marketing‐controlled signals that firms can directly influence to affect consumer perceptions of product quality, the proliferation of nonmarketing‐controlled signals in the form of third‐party product reviews introduces a new layer of complexity to a consumer's inference process. Given the fact that propagation of marketing signals and third‐party reviews has made the marketplace more interactive, it is no longer diagnostic to analyze the impact of various quality signals on consumer perceptions, separately. The purpose of this study is twofold. There has been extant research on the individual effects of marketing‐controlled signals on quality perception, but research providing a simultaneous examination of multiple signals is scarce. The first purpose is to examine interaction effects between various marketing signals on consumer perceptions of quality. Firms may be able to control the communication strategy of internal signals (e.g., price, advertising), but third‐party signals are external to the firm, and hence are often perceived as being more credible and less biased than marketing signals. Despite the popularity of third‐party product reviews, there is scarce empirical research about how they impact perceptions in the presence of marketing‐controlled quality signals. Thus, the second purpose is to examine the interaction effects between marketing signals and independent third‐party reviews on perceived product quality. This study advances existing models of market signaling to account for the potential interactions between various types of quality signals. Hypotheses are tested using a longitudinal data set comprising all car brands that have existed in the U.S. automotive industry between 1990 and 2007. The automotive industry provides an ideal context for the analyses as quality is an indispensable yet not easily discernible attribute of cars. Furthermore, consumer perceptions of the quality of new vehicle introductions can have a profound effect on product performance. Data are compiled from various secondary sources, including Harris Interactive's Equitrend, Consumer Reports, and TNS Media Intelligence, among others. Econometric techniques are used to estimate the empirical model. Findings show that effects of quality signals are codependent such that third‐party quality ratings reduce the effectiveness of pricing and advertising, whereas they enhance the credibility of warranty signal. Furthermore, warranty positively interacts with price and advertising. It is also demonstrated that car sales in the previous period and the country of origin of the car brand significantly impact perceived quality. Overall, the research findings can help car manufacturers better understand how their initial product configurations and marketing strategies impact the perception of new vehicle introductions.  相似文献   

Advertising is very important for the newsboy problem because the shelf-life of the newsboy product is short and advertising may increase sales to avoid overstocking. In this paper, models to study the effect of advertising are developed for the distribution-free newsboy problem where only the mean and variance of the demand are known. As in Khouja and Robbins (2003), it is assumed that the mean demand is an increasing and concave function of advertising expenditure. Three cases are considered: (1) demand has constant variance, (2) demand has constant coefficient of variation, and (3) demand has an increasing coefficient of variation. This paper provides closed-form solutions or steps to solve the problem. Numerical results of the model are also compared with those from other papers. The effects of model parameters on optimal expenditure on advertising, optimal order quantity, and the lower bound on expected profit are derived or discussed.  相似文献   

We study the effects of a self-regulation effort, orchestrated by the European Commission in 2016 and finalized in 2018, that aims to reduce advertising revenues for publishers of copyright infringing content. Data on the third-party HTTP requests made by a large number of piracy websites lets us observe the relations of the piracy and advertising industry over time. We compare these dynamics to a control group of non-advertising services which are not subject to the self-regulation. Our results suggest that the effort is limited in its effectiveness. On average, the number of piracy websites that make requests to EU-based advertising services does not change significantly. Only when we allow for heterogeneity in the popularity of third-party services, we find that the number of piracy websites that interact with the most popular EU-based advertising services decreases by 42%. We do not find evidence that non-EU-based advertising services react to the self-regulation. This implies that only a small share of the firms in the market comply with self-regulation in a way that is visible in our data. We also do not find evidence that the demand for piracy websites decreases due to this “follow the money” initiative.  相似文献   

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