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This paper takes a multidisciplinary approach to analyze the current debt crisis in Ireland. It briefly reviews Irish economic performance from 1980 to 2008 and in particular the Celtic Tiger years. The paper looks at changes in the Irish money supply and its contribution to the Irish housing bubble and the subsequent economic problems facing Ireland. An estimate of the negative wealth effect in Ireland since 2007 is made. Given that Ireland is a small open economy, a number of other factors which are both domestic and international are considered in an attempt to explain what has happened in Ireland, where might Ireland go from here and what lessons can be learnt. These factors include: the theory of political economics, the principal-agent problem, the theory of optimal currency areas, the Balassa Samuelson effect, the dynamics of a capitalist economy, neo-liberalism, European monetary integration, international bond markets and ‘insurance’ that was sold to cover a Eurozone breakup. The Irish culture is considered to differentiate Ireland from other EU countries, in particular, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain.  相似文献   

A bstract . European Community monetary integration has received periodic attention often as a result of financial crises but has now evolved into its major aim. To achieve this goal the European Monetary System was established in 1979. It was designed to provide a tool, the Exchange Rate Mechanism , for exchange rate stabilization and convergence of economic and monetary policies. To give further impetus to monetary integration the Maastricht Treaty was approved in December 1991. Experiences with the operation of the European Monetary System show that there is no conclusive evidence that it has disciplined the monetary and fiscal policies of all its members. More recently, Germany's insistence on a tight monetary- policy, to fight the inflation that resulted from unification costs, has brought turmoil in European financial markets and has dealt a serious blow to the system. Furthermore, the ensuing recession and its impact on the European economies make improbable that the timetable of the Maastricht Treaty will be met.  相似文献   

This article chronicles industrial relations developments throughout the European Union (EU) during 1999. The information is gleaned from articles published by the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO). The text therefore contains numerical references to records contained in the EIRO database in order to allow the reader easy access to the relevant records. The article is divided into five sections. The first contains an overview of political, economic and legislative events at EU‐level, the second looks at EU‐level developments in employee representation, the third looks at the impact of European economic and monetary union (EMU) on industrial relations and collective bargaining and the fourth and fifth give a more detailed country‐by‐country analysis of main trends in key industrial relations areas—collective bargaining and industrial action; and employment creation, working time and new forms of work.  相似文献   

In theAntibes in September, Mr. Laws on perplexed and irritated his fellow European finance ministers by proposing a scheme for allowing currencies to compete one against the other in Europe. It perplexed them because it was presented as a basis for proceeding towards monetary union within the European Community in accordance with the resolve of European Heads of State at the Madrid Summit, whereas it appeared as a recipe for monetary confusion, not fusion. It irritated them because it appeared to them to be yet another British manoeuvre to derail agreed progress towards greater economic and monetary integration in Europe. It especially annoyed the potential allies of the UK on this issue who regard the French and Commission attempts to push rapidly towards monetary union as ill-advised, and who saw the Chancellor's ill-thought out proposal as playing into their hands. Some political commentators have suggested that Mr. Lawson was seeking to play a clever hand. He is known to favour UK entry to the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the European Monetary System, and on this is at odds with Mrs. Thatcher. Professor Alan Walters, adviser to the Prime Minister, is said to favour the idea of competing currencies in Europe. It may be that the Chancellor was not displeased to have this idea knocked down in the Antibes, leaving a strengthened EMS as the only realistic alternative to full monetary union in Europe. Whatever the truth of this, it seems inevitable that UK opposition to ambitious proposals for European Monetary Union will be met with less sympathy in future as a result of the Antibes meeting. This is a pity. For as we suggested in the June Economic Viewpoint, there is a serious case yet to be made in favour of the idea of competing currencies. This idea need not be in conflict with the objective of exchange rate stability, so that it is not incompatible with the EMS. Competition between currencies need not mean exchange rate instability. Rather it may mean competition over responsible monetary policies, encouraging their spread within Europe. An implication is that full monetary union may not be desirable. If the UK advanced this position in Europe, it may well carry the day. In this Viewpoint, we develop this argument about the direction for further monetary integration in Europe.  相似文献   

This paper looks into the origin of the true and fair view override in the European Accounting Directives. It explains the meaning of the true and fair view override within the context of the Directives and how this principle has been implemented by the Member States of the European Union. The paper also compares the true and fair concept adopted in IAS 1 with the similar concept contained in the Accounting Directives. The paper concludes by emphasizing the usefulness of the true and fair view override within the context of an accounting regime based on a conceptual framework.  相似文献   

The rising importance of dimensions such as age, gender, nationality, ethnicity, political attitudes, and multiple choices to organize the notion of "life course" has made the older class concept appear obsolete to the research sociologist. My thesis is that the current expanding discussions of life styles are not necessarily a substitute but a valuable supplement to social stratification theory. Life style research can contribute to the question of the relevance of the class concept. The result of my investigation shows that life style research, when connected to the writings of Thorstein Veblen, Georg Simmel, and Max Weber, can enrich research in the social sciences.  相似文献   

Where classical economics integrates the quantity theory of money with the concept of Ricardian equivalence, the tendency of recent macroeconomic presentations is to focus either upon money and inflation or upon taxation and debt. That neglect of classical monetary–fiscal integration is surprising, given an initiative by the International Monetary Fund that set credit, money, and fiscal policy within a single structure. This article places those ‘credit counterparts of broad money’ in the context of the Great Depression and the recent global financial crisis. The upshot is a set of conclusions: that, to counter the prospect of deflation, quantitative easing is a weak policy response; that fiscal deficits are better; and that cuts in taxation are preferable to increased government spending.  相似文献   

浅谈人本主义学习理论及其对教学设计的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人本主义学习理论对我国教育教学产生了积极的影响,在当前新课程背景下人本主义学习理论对教学设计具有积极的现实指导意义,文章主要基于人本主义的学习理论并从它对教学设计的启示这方面加以透视。  相似文献   

Calendar time has passed the 31.12.1992 deadline for completion of the EC internal market and although a voluminous body of literature has accumulated over recent years, the predictive assessment of the economic consequences of the Single European Market cannot be considered as a settled issue. The widely quoted estimates of the welfare gains from ‘Europe 1992’ suggested in the Cecchini Report of the European Commission have failed to find the unanimous approval of the economics profession. The controversial academic discourse concerning the validity of these estimates has at least shown the need for further research in this direction. Moreover, in the face of the envisaged establishment of the Single European Area, which extends the internal market regime to the EFTA group, as well as in view of the imminent EC membership applications by several Community neighbours, the refinement of the tools for the analysis of further European integration retains a high ranking on the research agenda for future years. As a contribution to the ongoing exploration of the economics of the Single Market, this article summarises the main results of a recently concluded London Business School research project to quantify the net gains from completing the EC internal market for the UK. The analytical approach adopted for the purpose is an applied computable general equilibrium (CGE) model which incorporates recent advances in international trade theory by allowing for the presence of imperfect competition, intra-industry product differentiation and economies of scale. The approach overcomes various shortcomings of previous evaluations of regional integration programmes. The quantitative results suggest in particular that the UK is a net winner of the Single Market programme, yet the aggregate welfare gain remains well below 0.5 per cent of benchmark GDP. The analysis furthermore indicates that the long-tern industrial restructuring processes induced by the programme are likely to be far more moderate than is widely believed.  相似文献   

Nathaniel J. Mass 《Socio》1980,14(6):281-290
The 1900s have marked two major investment booms in the United States. The boom of the 1920s was followed by the Great Depression of the 1930s, in which investment demand fell sharply. The second boom, of the 1950s and 60s, has been followed by a period of lagging investment. The economics literature reflects two disparate schools of thought on long-term investment behavior: the accelerator theory and the monetarist theory. This paper develops an investment function that interrelates monetary and real variables. Analysis of the investment function identifies several powerful non-monetary forces that can trigger investment booms with subsequent collapse due to overexpansion. Money is shown to be a critical element in sustaining a boom, but monetary contraction during the succeeding decline appears to be a symptom rather than essential cause of investment stagnation. The results thus point toward an integration of the monetarist and accelerator theories.  相似文献   

Together the macroeconomic and financial attributes of monetary union are changing the rules governing the European economy. This paper assesses the consequences of these changes for employment relations in member states. The analysis focuses on three matters in particular. First, how labour market actors are responding to the fact that macroeconomic policies are not only out of their own control but may therefore fail to correspond to the needs of particular countries. Second, how employment relations are adapting to the new microeconomic challenges released by the move towards deeper financial integration inside the EU, which has its main impact on the structures of corporate finance and thus on corporate strategy. Finally the implications of both patterns of change for the EU employment policy are assessed to gauge the impact of monetary union on the European social model.  相似文献   

A bstract A trustworthy monetary system is necessary to support the division of labor and extended trading relationships. In the context of classical economics and of Keynes'macroeconomics, the origin of pervasive economywide problems have been traced to monetary disturbances. The relevance (to interest rate theory) of the market for credit and of bond price speculation is critical to judging the plausibility of those rival theories.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a practical methodology for variance estimation for multi‐dimensional measures of poverty and deprivation of households and individuals, derived from sample surveys with complex designs and fairly large sample sizes. The measures considered are based on fuzzy representation of individuals' propensity to deprivation in monetary and diverse non‐monetary dimensions. We believe this to be the first original contribution for estimating standard errors for such fuzzy poverty measures. The second objective is to describe and numerically illustrate computational procedures and difficulties in producing reliable and robust estimates of sampling error for such complex statistics. We attempt to identify some of these problems and provide solutions in the context of actual situations. A detailed application based on European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions data for 19 NUTS2 regions in Spain is provided.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the implications of factor demand linkages for monetary policy design in a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model. Part of the output of each sector serves as a production input in both sectors, in accordance with a realistic input–output structure. Strategic complementarities induced by factor demand linkages significantly alter the transmission of shocks and amplify the loss of social welfare under optimal monetary policy, compared to what is observed in standard two-sector models. The distinction between value added and gross output that naturally arises in this context is of key importance to explore the welfare properties of the model economy. A flexible inflation targeting regime is close to optimal only if the central bank balances inflation and value added variability. Otherwise, targeting gross output variability entails a substantial increase in the loss of welfare.  相似文献   

This article by Michael Chui and John Whitley looks at trade behaviour within the European Union. They argue that measures of trade integration do not support the conventional view that intra-EU trade has increased steadily over the past 20 years, although there may have been a sharp rise during the 1990s. They also find evidence from econometric analysis of a shift in export pricing behaviour during the 1980s. UK export performance after exit from ERM shows some distinct differences from the other economies who also devalued at the same time.  相似文献   

Steps towards internationalisation of the trade union movement are considered in the context of the process of political and economic integration taking place in the EU. The trade unions are trying–partly via the ETUC–to play a role at pan-European level. However, the European trade union movement is not a cohesive entity. Besides, it has no significant transnational power-resources. These factors suggest that any European IR-system will be based primarily on political regulation rather than on a system of collective agreements.  相似文献   

This study provides a survey of recent advances in the literature on proposed African monetary unions. The survey comprises about 70 empirical papers published during the past 15 years. Four main strands are discussed individually and collectively. They comprise the proposed: (i) West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ), (ii) East African Monetary Union (EAMU), (iii) Southern African Monetary Union (SAMU) and (iv) African Monetary Union (AMU). We observe a number of issues with establishing the feasibility and/or desirability of potential monetary unions, inter alia, they are variations in: choice of variables, empirical strategies, sampled countries and considered periodicities. We address this ambiguity by reviewing studies with scenarios that are consistent with Hegelian dialectics and establish selective expansion as the predominant mode of monetary integration. Some proponents make cases for strong pegs and institutions as viable alternatives to currency unions. Using cluster analysis, disaggregating panels into sub-samples and distinguishing shocks from responses in the examination of business cycle synchronisation provide more subtle policy implications. We caution that for inquiries using the same theoretical underpinnings, variables and methods just by modifying the scope/context and periodicity may only contribute to increasing the number of conflicting findings. Authors should place more emphasis on new perspectives and approaches based on caveats of, and lessons from the European Monetary Union (EMU) and CFA zones.  相似文献   

This paper challenges conventional wisdom regarding the sequencing of regional integration, where it is supposed that trade integration should come first, financial integration second, monetary integration third, and political integration fourth. In particular, it questions whether this conventional wisdom is applicable to Asia.  相似文献   

安贵鑫 《价值工程》2010,29(26):176-177
当前社会发展需要高素质的创新人才,要求大学生具有较强的实践创新能力,我国经管类专业的实验教学得到了空前的重视,但实验教学的质量还有待进一步提高,为此,急需加强经管类专业实验教学质量评价研究,以培养出复合型、应用型、创新型经管类专业本科人才。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the vertical integration of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) into manufacturing sectors, using a subsystem approach to input–output analysis. It aims at correctly assessing the process of structural change that has occurred in the four main European countries (France, Germany, Italy and the UK) over time (1995–2005). It does not focus on KIBS sectors per se, but on their function as carriers and sources of knowledge which influences the performance of sectors, value chains and clusters across industries and within countries. The analysis shows that KIBS’ contribution to satisfying the final demand of manufacturing is in general largely underestimated; that KIBS vertical integration into manufacturing has increased over time in all the countries investigated except the UK; and that the extent to which manufacturing sectors outsource to KIBS is significantly affected by their technological intensity.  相似文献   

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