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国家衰微可以没有战略进攻,但国家崛起却不可能没有战略防御。大国在其崛起道路上面对诸多战略抉择。一味进攻除了崩溃就没有别的结果。进攻是最好的防御,只是有条件地成立,防御是最好的进攻,也可以有条件地成立。  相似文献   

该文通过文献资料研究以及对2006年德国世界杯足球赛前八强和中国04-05赛季中超足球比赛前八名队伍的比赛进行观察和统计,发现攻守兼备的532阵型以其更具威力的新姿态冲击着风行多年的442阵式,532阵型的最大变化是加强了对两个边后卫的利用,在攻防中运用更灵活的方式参与进攻和防守.了解边后卫攻防的运用情况,可完善和发挥对整体型足球战术的运用的认识,为今后的足球训练和比赛提供理论依据.  相似文献   

<正> 一、伊拉克战争的可能后果分析 石油是国际贸易中数额最大的商品,它已经成为国际政治经济的代名词。目前,油价暴涨的原因主要是人们对战争的担心以及市场投机行为造成。然而,美国对伊拉克的军事进攻已在2003年3月中旬打响,这一战争已直接影响到世界市场上的石  相似文献   

王军 《世界经济与政治》2012,(7):80-98,158,159
互联网进入国家安全议程并与"战争"相结合是从信息战开始的,然后从军事领域延伸到国家综合安全的各领域,网络战的传统安全与非传统安全相结合的特点由是彰显。网络战主体包括国家行为体和各种非国家行为体,它们主要围绕网络基础设施和网络化设施的运转安全、各类信息安全和价值观念进行攻防与对抗,这些对抗可以在国家间展开,也可以发生在国家与非国家行为体之间,还可以是非国家行为体之间。国家发动军事网络战潜力巨大,各国制造了大量先进的网络攻击武器,但它们还没有在实战中充分施展手脚。网络空间中的各类意识形态对抗、黑客战和社会网络战有突出表现,这彰显了非国家行为体在网络战中扮演了非常重要的角色,其深远影响也尚未充分显现。在国际法和国际规范层面,大国有关网络战规则的磋商和国际协调正在缓慢推进,而联合国"规约"网络战的功能有提升之势。鉴于网络战的现实与潜在影响,中国应制定相关的战略,而学界也应多视角、多层次地探索网络战的内涵、机制与意义。  相似文献   

张志荣 《魅力中国》2011,(5):358-358
快攻是篮球进攻战术系统中的一个最重要、最锐利的武器,是进攻得分的重要手段和球队实力的充分体现,而快攻意识是运动员在从事篮球实践活动中,接受客观感知后,经过思维分析而采取的行为应答过程,快攻意识的强弱是决定能否发动快攻的关键。本文从篮球运动员的生理和心理特点出发,通过阅读有关文献资料,旨在为篮球运动员快攻战术的训练和教学提供一点参考。  相似文献   

张耀宇 《魅力中国》2013,(26):259-259
随着现代篮球运动的不断发展,比赛中攻防对抗激烈.身体接触非常多,运动员的身体条件越来越好,个人防守能力越来越强:而且各队对防守的重视要求篮球运动员不仅要有良好的个人技术能力.还要有协同作战的配合意识。掩护配合战术无疑是避开防守取得进攻机会最有效的进攻战术配合。  相似文献   

第十八部分 攻其不备 出其不意 ——突出特色,以奇制胜 攻其不备,出其不意是战争取胜的战略战术之一。毛泽东在革命战争时期,巧妙而生动地运用了这一战略战术,出其不意地打击了敌人,取得了人民战争的胜利。它在军事上闪耀着不灭的光辉,同样可以照亮今天的经济竞争之路。  相似文献   

战略,是指导战争全局的。对夺取整个战争的胜利来说,是第一等重要的。战术,则是在战略指导下的具体作战艺术,是进行战斗战役的方法。毛泽东是把战略战术有机地连在一起运用的,有时叫作战原则,有时叫军事原则,但有时也把战略和战术原则分开来讲,联系着讲,或对比着讲。在企业竞争中,如何对待竞争对手,如何对待竞争中的挫折和困难,这也应该是一个基本的原则。 一、“在战略上藐视敌人,在战术上重视敌人”,是战争和竞争的基本原则 “战略上藐视敌人,战术上重视敌人”的理论,是毛泽东将马克思主义用于中国革命实际,认真研究中国革命战争  相似文献   

在中世纪西欧的战争史中,围攻战与城堡是两个难以割裂的基本范畴。面对当时的军事技术和战术,城堡,特别是一些规模较大的城堡,在抵御敌人进攻时仍然卓有成效,具有不可替代的重要作用,从军事角度上不难理解城堡为什么会遍布中世纪的西欧。  相似文献   

权力转移理论认为崛起国与主导国的权力持平会导致相互冲突。根据这一理论主张,不少人认为中美关系在走上大国对抗的老路。应当承认,权力变迁确实会诱发主导国与崛起国的紧张局面。但是,解决公共问题的需要可以促成新旧权力之间的认可与协调。这是中美关系区别于历史上大国关系的一个显著特征。1945年以前是进攻现实主义主导的时代,由于权力工具能带来显著收益,且国际协调的空间较小,主导国和崛起国都倾向于采用竞争型战略,于是它们经常陷入对抗局面。1945年以后是防御现实主义主导的时代,竞争型战略不再是占优战略,随着协调型战略进入策略组合,"混合策略"成为行为体互动的策略。其结果是,尽管相互合作的最优局面不易出现,相互对抗的最差局面却是可以避免的。在经验层面,英美在美洲的早期竞争揭示出权力变迁导致关系紧张是一个必须正视的现实。但是,美国政策辩论中肆意放大中美关系对抗性的观点是值得警惕的。时代的发展和两国的利益都要求中美实现协调与合作。  相似文献   

While a multitude of New Deal “relief, recovery, and reform” agencies were created in response to the 1930s economic shock, many of these same agencies were subsumed by the Federal Works Agency and played key national defense roles during the 1940s. We examine the wartime expenditure patterns of these agencies, as well as spending on war supply contracts and war-related industrial facilities, to determine whether Depression-era economic goals were addressed during the Second World War. We find that some specific aspects of the New Deal economic agenda were carried out during the war. Furthermore, wartime spending by the alphabet agencies was significantly correlated with the expenditure patterns of those agencies during the 1930s, suggesting that the transition from economic to military objectives may not have been as pointed as the Roosevelt Administration often asserted.  相似文献   

The Korean War marks an epoch in the development of modern history after World War II, For Japan in particular the war had a great significance. Not only did the Korean War play a great role in the process which set out from the destruction accompanying Japan's defeat and led up to the present state of economic development, hut the fact that Japan today possesses military forces, after having renounced rearmament under Article 9 of her Constitution, is also due to the occurrence of the Korean War. Establishing the significance of the Korean War provides a key for the evaluation of post-war Japanese history.  相似文献   


Economic theory predicts that regional wages will converge as transport and communication technologies bring labour markets together. An exploration of this transition from labour market segmentation to unification requires long-term evidence of nominal wages and cost of living by region. This paper presents new evidence of wages for male manufacturing workers and cost-of-living indices across 24 Swedish counties between 1860 and 2009. Our findings indicate that the Swedish regional wage differentials were a great deal larger in the 1860s than in the 2000s. Most of the compression took place between the 1860s and World War I, as well as in the 1930s and during World War II. Differences in expenditures on housing impact on our assessment of convergence in the post-World War II decades: the nominal measure declines, while the real one stays constant. Our concluding discussion engages with the assumption that before World War I, regional wage convergence was associated with labour mobility, spurred by improved communication and transportation technologies as well as by the implementation of modern employment contracts. In the 1930s and 1940s, in contrast, regional wage convergence can be traced to high unionisation and centralised collective bargaining in the labour market, two distinguishing features of the Swedish Model.  相似文献   

军事经费的来源毫无疑问是任何一场战争都必须面对的一个基础性问题,寻找军事经费的来源是财政备战的最重要因素,没有相应的军事经费,战争就无从谈起。俄国在18世纪初成为世界强国之后,为了维持它的强国地位,坚持对外扩张的政策,连年战事不断。进入20世纪,俄国经历了日俄战争和第一次世界大战。然而对于财政经济状况不断恶化的俄国来说,面临战争经费短缺是很正常的,而筹措战争经费则属难事。俄国战争经费来源主要有税收、债务和发行纸币三个方面。  相似文献   

The commercial airframe industry in the US experienced a shakeout from the early 1930s into the post‐Second World War period. Unlike shakeouts in automobiles, tyres, or televisions, the commercial airframe industry's early life cycle was affected by external factors, particularly government demand. Using newly digitized data on all planes introduced in the commercial market between 1926 and 1965, we find that commercial airframe manufacturers with bomber contracts during the Second World War were more likely to have postwar market share than firms without such contracts, controlling for plane characteristics and other forms of government contracting. We attribute the effect of bomber contracts to advantages in R&D learning capacity acquired by firms with military airframe contracts. Despite low (or zero) initial presence in the commercial market, these learning capacity advantages allowed such firms to survive the early period of the shakeout, and later to thrive.  相似文献   

Adelaide entered the Second World War with an industrial urban axis extending north-west from the city to its port, and emerged from the War re-aligned to the north. This article asks why the re-alignment occurred. It argues that previous explanations for Adelaide's north–south alignment are inadequate, and concludes that the orientation is the result of Commonwealth Government investment in military–industrial development and accompanying urbanisation on a remote rural site to the north of Adelaide's metropolitan area. These explanations are now hidden in the landscape and almost forgotten in historical accounts.  相似文献   

随着国际环境的变化和日本防卫政策由守向攻的外向型转变,近年来日本军工产业进行了相应的调整.在政府主导下,日本军工产业以针对性、前瞻性、集约化和增强自主性为目标,以导弹防御系统建设为牵引,加强了远程作战武器平台及系统的研发与生产,重点研发空间技术,并继续维持强大的核武器生产潜力.日本这种军工发展态势与其防卫政策之间的互动极有可能导致地区军备竞赛,严重影响东亚地区和平.  相似文献   

军民技术转移是我国实施自主创新战略的重要内容,是创新成果转化为生产力的重要途径。冷战结束后,世界各主要国家积极开展军用与民用领域技术的双向转移,以提升国防科技工业的核心能力。文章对我国军民技术转移的制约因素进行了探讨,在此基础上,提出了我国军民技术转移的路径,希望能对加快我国军民两用技术的转移,促进军民两用高新技术产业化发展起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

国防重大前沿技术对于国防科技创新发展和武器装备更新换代具有极为重要的意义.主要军事强国都高度重视国防前沿技术遴选预测研究,制定并发布了大量的战略性规划文件与智库研究报告,开展国防重大前沿技术超前布局和谋划.该文通过系统梳理国外战略文件、智库报告等成果,总结国外国防重大前沿技术预测方法,提出了国防重大前沿技术指标评价体系,有效识别遴选出国防重大前沿技术,为政府与军队相关部门宏观把握国防前沿技术发展方向、开展国防科技战略决策、指导装备体系构建等提供了参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

South Korea faces growing problems in the area of productivity and competitiveness throughout its economy. These problems are also present in the economies of the armed forces. The purpose of this paper is to present methods of improving the productivity of the South Korean Ministry of Defense's acquisition and procurement processes. It also attempts to mention the South Korean defense environment including defense industry after the Second World War, to point out the problems of Korean Fighter Program (KFP) as a case study, to explain concepts and principles of Total Quality Management, which is a management philosophy and methods, and to provide with the possible solutions of its defense acquisition and procurement represented as KFP.  相似文献   

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