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MMDS发送和接收的常见故障及处理方法。  相似文献   

本文归纳了软土地基处理的常用方法与一般原则,结合施工中的实践经验,阐述了关于软土地基处理中存在的问题,可供类似工程参考,选择出合理有效的地基处理方案.  相似文献   

本文通过分析住宅建筑设计中一些常见的不符合要求的问题,提高设计整体水平,创作出“适用、安全、经济、美观”的作品。  相似文献   

2006年2月15日,财政部发布了包括《企业会计准则——基本准则》和38项具体准则在内的企业会计准则体系,实现了我国会计准则与国际财务报告准则的实质性趋同,顺应了完善我国社会主义市场经济体制和经济全球化的需要。为了规范债务重组的确认、计量和相关信息的披露,财政部根据《企业会计准则——基本准则》制定了《企业会计准则第12号——债务重组》。本文在这里对企业债务重组的一般原则进行探讨,并提出了新债务重组准则会计处理上的一些变化。  相似文献   

在体育运动或运动训练中常常会发生运动损伤,运动损伤给锻炼者或运动员带来很多的不方便,有甚者影响身体健康。了解运动损伤就是为了减少或降低在体育运动中造成的伤害,研究运动损伤可以早点做出准备和预防。从运动损伤的原因、处理方法、急救措施进行了叙述,介绍了损伤发生后正确处理与急救方法,对诊断治疗、减轻疼痛和伤后的愈合有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

从检疫处理的原则、检疫处理的方法两方面来论述。对于检疫处理方法则从五个方面简要论述了木材检疫处理的原则,同时对四种检疫处理的方法进行了细致的论述,为木材检疫工作提供参考资料。  相似文献   

室内装饰构造设计是室内设计不可缺少的部分,在室内装饰构造设计中,需要坚持相应的原则,合理选择和使用材料、满足人们的使用和需求、结构坚固与科学、便利施工原则、经济适用原则。与此同时,还必须采用相应的方法,充分利用色彩的功能、充分利用纹理的装饰、加强材料质感的作用、重视运用技术的处理。只有这样,才可能提高室内装饰构造设计的效果,提高室内设计的质量。  相似文献   

一、对于可能明确处理的问题的模糊处理的方法和艺术 领导者对处于事物发展的模糊阶段的非常规性问题或条件不成熟的问题,或不能立即认识清楚,或阻力太大,因而难于及时、明确或精确地处理,只有模糊处理.对这几类问题的模糊处理,主要有以下几种表现形式和方法、艺术.  相似文献   

近几年因为酒店外国客人的入住率越来越高,不免会有一些外国客人因服务方面的一些不满而提出投诉,我们把这种投诉称“外事投诉”。由于语言、信仰、文化的不同,处理起来比较麻烦,我发现由于看待问题和解决方法的角度不同,往往造成处理投诉的结果不同。有时会把小事变成了双方对立的大事,有时会把大事变成小事或没事。  相似文献   

公路标志的设置是以保证交通畅通和行车安全为目的,应结合道路线型、交通状况、沿线设施等情况,根据交通标志的不同种类设置和施工.以利于向道路使用者提供正确的信息,通过交通标志的引导,使车辆能顺利、快捷地抵达目的地.  相似文献   

Most charitable organizations can only rely on appeals to purely philanthropic motivations in attempting to solicit donor contributions. The decision processes exhibited by the targets of charitable solicitations are very different from those the same individuals use in making daily purchase decisions. Although both charitable giving and purchase contexts have been studied extensively, there are numerous organizations that require targeted customers to use a decision process that merges elements of both domains. Charitable hybrids, such as museums and universities, are such organizations, supplementing traditional revenue streams by soliciting charitable contributions, thus evoking a complex consumer decision process. For these firms, giving good service may yield an added benefit of maximizing charitable contributions received. Drawing on both the services and charitable giving literatures, a model of the consumer decision process is developed in this hybrid situation. In an exploratory test of the model, initial evidence is found that both classes of effects have significant influence on donors' intentions to give. However, in charitable giving contexts, organizational identification appears to fill a central role in influencing decision outcomes, which diminishes the role of satisfaction. The findings provide provocative evidence that further research in this setting is warranted. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

经济危机真的使白领们缩衣节食过寒冬了吗?危机当前,白领们最担心及最关心的又是什么,商家怎么做才能使自己扩大商机……针对这些问题,国内最大的出租车内互动媒体触动传媒公司.近日公布了一份80多万人参与的、以“经济危机”为主题的消费行为调查结果。此次调查从去年12月份开始并持续到今年1月,且是该公司自全球金融危机开始以来首次对外发布此类调查成果。结果显示.  相似文献   

We use Chinese firm‐level data from the World Bank Investment Climate Survey to examine the link between importing intermediates and intra‐firm wage inequality. Our results show that intermediate input importers not only have a significant wage premium but also have a greater intra‐firm wage dispersion than non‐importing firms. This pattern is robust when we control for productivity and use trade costs as the instruments. We further investigate the mechanism of how importing intermediates might contribute to both inter‐firm and intra‐firm wage inequality. Our evidence is consistent with three important channels. First, imported intermediate inputs complement skilled labour. Second, intermediates importers are more likely to use performance pay. Third, imported inputs complement innovation and employee training.  相似文献   

China Southern Airlines, the country's largest carrier, said late on Feb.22 that it was likely to receive 1.5 billion yuan (about 219 million U.S. dollars) as capital injection from its parent company.  相似文献   

China's steel industry overestimated the country's demand for iron ore and as a result imported a record high amount of the material in March. A surge of domestic steel output and price increases in the beginning of 2009 raised market expectations. Many domestic steel mills and traders increased orders for iron ore in February and March as they anticipated demand would continue growing, said Liang Shuhe, deputy-director with the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce (MOC), at an industry conference in the port city of Tianjin on April 13.  相似文献   

Though imported fruit sells in China for many times the price of its local equivalent, and sometimes at prices higher than in developed countries, there are still many willing buyers. Previous reports argue that this purchase behaviour is impelled by the perceived high quality of imported fruit. However, perceived quality itself cannot explain this behaviour comprehensively without examining the intended use behind the decision to purchase. In this research we examined the relationships between intended use and people's perceptions of fruit quality. After convergent interviewing, an intercept mail survey of 1000 consumers was conducted in two different Chinese cities, Guangzhou (highly developed) and Urumqi (relatively undeveloped). The research identified five intended uses of imported fruit, each associated with different functions. Statistical analysis showed that intended use did affect people's perceptions of fruit quality, and that a significant difference exists between the two investigated cities in terms of the relative importance of the five intended uses. Results from this study could help to better understand why Chinese consumers purchase imported fruit and the interrelationships between quality attributes and intended uses. Such an understanding would be significant in developing strategies and policies in marketing imported fruit in China.  相似文献   

随着民众财富的积累,民众对于汽车的采购能力有了显著地提升,而长期以来国外汽车企业长期占领国内绝大部分的中高档汽车市场,导致国内存在着相当大数量的进口车。这对于国内的消费者来说无疑不是一个有利的事情。在国内,价格限制、地区销售限制等制度一直是汽车制造与经销企业侵害汽车消费者合法权益以及进行行业垄断的手段。对于这种垄断危害消费者权益的行为,《反垄断法》的出台无疑为维护消费者自身合法权益提供了重要依据。因此,怎么样凭借《反垄断法》这一有利武器去对抗汽车行业的垄断,让消费者在买车以及对汽车的维护与保养中获得实惠是当下我们所需要关注并解决的问题。  相似文献   

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