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The interaction between national competition authorities (NCAs) and national regulatory authorities (NRAs) plays a vital role in institutionalizing competition policy during regulatory reforms. Questions about jurisdictional authority over competition policy are far from settled  相似文献   

Indonesia is currently enjoying rapid development in the telecommunications sector despite the economy having been heavily dependent for almost four decades on the two largest sectors: the manufacturing industry and trade. The telecommunications sector has played an important role in stimulating economic growth in the country during the last few years, with an annual growth rate higher than that of other sectors. This contribution is supported to a great extent by the rapid diffusion of telephony, in particular cellular telephony, as the number of subscribers increased from just 2.1 million in 1999 to 170 million in 2011. Previous studies investigating the impact of the telecommunications sector on the economy aggregate the impact of the sectors on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) without further scrutiny of what sources of growth telecommunications has contributed. Hence, an interesting question arises as to whether the achievement of cellular diffusion is also followed by structural change in the telecommunications sector. That said, this study aims to decompose the output of telecommunications into several sources of growth: domestic final demand, export effect, import substitution effect and technological coefficient effect. A particular interest in this study is to compare the source of growth concerning domestic final demand and the technological coefficient effect. The main tool for analysis in this study is the Input–Output (IO) method, while the time series of the investigation covers the period 1975–2008, allowing comparison of structural changes in the telecommunications sector between the pre- and post-cellular eras. The study found that the coefficient multiplier of the telecommunications sector, which was approximately 1.8 during the 1980s, had decreased to only 1.3 by the end of 2008. Consequently, the final demand from the telecommunications sector contributed less to economic output in the late 2000s compared to the impact in the 1980. Moreover, the cellular era that started in the early 2000s also brought about a trend of changes in telecommunications output. While final demand remains very dominant, the technological coefficient effect has diminished as the source of telecommunications output. This finding indicates a lower ability of the telecommunications sector to build an inter-industry relationship with other sectors. A possible explanation for this result is the cellular uses which are much less related to business activities than that of fixed telephony dating back to the 1970s in Indonesia.  相似文献   

This paper presents a view of the changing structure of corporate R&D in telecommunications – one that is close to Adam Smith’s insightful and enduring idea of division of labor – that perhaps we are witnessing the beginnings of vertical disintegration and unbundling of important segments of the industry’s R&D activity. The paper maintains that the emergence of an independent software industry – aided by the convergence of computer, telecommunications and imaging technologies – and the rapid growth of technology-based alliances are at the heart of this trend. So extensive is the vertical disintegration of R&D that, in 1997, the top 10 independent software vendors in the US spent more on R&D than the combined spending by AT&T and Lucent whose sales were well over three times as large. It appears that the source of future innovation in the telecommunications industry lies not in its services segment but rather in telecommunications and Internet equipment firms and independent software firms. Increasingly, the fortunes of large service providers like AT&T will depend less on innovation and more on their ability to configure and market complete one-stop-shopping solutions to customers by combining internal resources with outsourced technologies, products and services.  相似文献   

Over 1994–2010, adult dietary quality in the United States increased by 10 percent. We find a shift in consumption between at-home and away-from-home food played a relatively minor role as compared to changes in demographics and educational attainment. The two largest contributors we identify include an increased usage of nutritional information and a shift away from relying heavily on price, taste, storability and ease of preparation when shopping for food. Our findings suggest nutrition policy discussions could focus on further shifting attitudes/preferences towards healthier diets while allowing consumers to better extract nutrition information when making food choices.  相似文献   

Teaching design and product development at upper secondary school level in Sweden is a matter of interdisciplinary considerations. Education in product development, at this level, prepares students for further studies and career in engineering or industrial design. Knowledge of artefacts is an important element in the education. In coherence with the visual and rhetorical strategies characterising the knowledge field, students learn how to develop an idea to a final product. In this study twelve engineers and industrial designers, professionals representing the knowledge field of product development are studied regarding their interpretations of eight pre-selected artefacts. Data is collected and analysed using repertory grid technique. The aim of the study is to examine whether/what we can learn from the informants’ experiences and knowledge that is relevant to education in design and product development at upper secondary school level. Findings show that four of the artefacts appear to be carriers of attributes that reveal the interviewees’ definitions of the artefacts’ functional nature. From these findings it is shown that the interviewees’ definitions of concepts concerning aesthetics/decoration and function can be seen as cultural expressions. How the repertory grid technique is used in this particular study is thoroughly described and the results relevance for education is discussed.  相似文献   

This study uses a two-stage approach to explore the relationship between the operational performance of U.S. telecommunications companies and their implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In the first stage, this study adopts the dynamic data envelopment analysis model to measure the efficiency of the telecommunications industry in the U.S. from 2004 to 2008. The empirical results show that the corporate efficiency of those companies that implemented CSR was higher than that of those companies that did not. In the second stage, the study adopts OLS and 2SLS to explore the influence of the execution level of CSR on performance. The results show that the Kinder, Lyndenberg, and Domini & Co (KLD) social ratings indexes are significantly and positively related to corporate performance. Finally, this study suggests ways in which corporate policy makers can enhance CSR in order to improve corporate performance in the U.S. telecommunications industry.  相似文献   

China??s Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) sets forth the country??s antitrust enforcement policies. We investigate the welfare standard that the AML seeks to maximize by examining both its stated language and, via revealed preference, the antitrust actions taken by the Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Authority.  相似文献   

Quick response behaviour is a necessity in the clothing industry. It was expected that the requirements for this would show a number of dysfunctions in the Taylorist production concept. However, it is concluded that the way in which clothing companies are attempting to reorganise their processes can be termed 'intensification': changes designed to increase productivity without substantial reorganisation of the Taylorist production concept.  相似文献   

Using the melamine contamination incident in China as an exogenous shock, this paper studies how the investors respond to corporate social responsibilities (CSRs) of listed firms in food industry. We find that investors’ or consumers’ concerns for CSR in the food industry could be significantly influenced by the mounting attention given to CSR-related events. This study offers important policy implications. First, the government, as well as supervisors, should release appropriate policies to improve various firms’ activities on CSR, especially in the food industry. Second, firms, particularly those in the food industry, can obtain long-term benefits by strengthening their CSR-related activities.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs in high‐technology industries often have prior experience at incumbent firms, but we know little about how knowledge obtained at the prior employer impacts entrepreneurial performance. Drawing on previous work from strategy, economics, and organizational sociology, I assess the impact of industry experience on entrepreneurial performance and innovation in medical device start‐ups. I find that spawns (ventures started by former employees of incumbent firms) perform better than other new entrants. Interestingly, my findings suggest that this superior performance is not driven by technological spillovers from parent to spawn, but rather by nontechnical knowledge related to regulatory strategy and marketing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

What Fraction of a Capital Investment is Sunk Costs?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To what extent are capital investments sunk costs? This question is addressed by examining the salvage values of discarded metalworking machinery. Even though such assets are expected to be non‐specific, many discarded assets are scrapped rather than sold on second‐hand markets. Econometric results suggest that firms can only expect to get back 20–50 percent of the initial price of a ‘new’ machine once it is installed. The results also indicate differences in value‐age profiles across firms, but provide only weak support for the hypothesis that salvage values are particularly low during recessions.  相似文献   

This paper draws on data from 73 UK Monopolies and Mergers Commission reports on monopoly between 1973 and 1995. It shows that there is a roughly two in three chance that the Commission will come to an adverse conclusion against the investigated firms in a given case. 75–80% of decisions can be explained purely in terms of the market share of the leading firm and knowledge of the broad nature of the alleged anti-competitive practice. An adverse finding is most likely in cases involving exclusive dealing, and least likely where other vertical restraints are involved.  相似文献   

Economy-wide investment in Big Data Analytics (BDA) offers retailers a number of opportunities and while there is some evidence that new technologies have been widely adopted by retailers, it also transpires that many retailers have yet to fully exploit the benefits of BDA. Most research on Big Data and productivity (or performance) tends to focus on internal factors that prevent retailers from fully exploiting their investment in BDA. Research has paid scarce attention to the benefits that can accrue to the focal firm from the upstream investment in BDA and the features of the B2B marketing environment that may hamper (or enhance) these benefits. Unlike the previous literature, the paper tests the extent to which retailers, by having access to larger share of graduate workforce at regionally, can benefit more from inter-industry upstream investment in BDA than retailers located in areas where such workforce is scarce. Using data from ORBIS, KLEMS and QLFS, we show that retailers located in regions with a larger proportion of graduate workforce benefit more from inter-industry upstream investment in BDA as they tend to be more efficient on average. Equally, upstream investment in BDA is positively associated to frontier shifts over time (i.e. technical progress).  相似文献   

In December 2017, the U.S. Congress passed into law the Opportunity Zone (OZ) program. As an OZ, designated low-income census tracts provide considerable tax breaks to property investors, intending to attract investments and spur economic growth. As the success of the program is dependent on investors' responses, we analyze market reactions in a difference-in-differences framework. We identify two potential effects on property markets: tax breaks for investors and expected land value appreciation. Our results show that tax breaks are priced efficiently. Qualified properties increase by 7–20% in price, while vacant land increase up to 37%. In contrast, we find limited signs of expected land value appreciation.  相似文献   

Nigeria has publicly announced its intentions to make basic telecommunications, specifically telephones, affordable and universally available to its people. However, several issues make this proposition especially difficult for countries such as Nigeria. For instance, Nigeria's population is large at 110 million with less than 1% presently able to access telephones. Furthermore, over 70% of Nigerians, the majority of them poor, live in rural areas where telephone lines do not presently exist. This paper studies the universal service proposition viz a viz these conditions by analyzing Nigeria's attempts to provide telephone service since the country's independence in 1960. The paper notes impending problems with Nigeria's attempts to achieve critical mass, which is essential for universal access. Ultimately, it suggests various strategies that the country should use to stimulate critical mass and achieve universal access.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to extend research on employee affective commitment in three ways: (1) instead of organizational commitment the focus is on occupational commitment; (2) the role of proactive personality on affective occupational commitment is examined; and (3) occupational satisfaction is examined as a mediator and political skills as moderator in the relationship between proactive personality and affective occupational commitment. Two connected studies, one in a hospital located in the private sector and one in a university located in the public sector, are carried out in Pakistan, drawing on a total sample of over 400 employees. The results show that proactive personality is positively related to affective occupational commitment, and that occupational satisfaction partly mediates the relationship between proactive personality and affective occupational commitment. No effect is found for a moderator effect of political skills in the relationship between proactive personality and affective occupational commitment. Political skills however moderate the relationship between proactive personality and affective organizational commitment.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of proximity of children to their parents and recent moves of children within a proximate distance in housing tenure transitions of older households. This study is the first to investigate the interplay between health status of older households, moves of their children and a household's decision to make housing tenure transitions. In doing so, we rely on longitudinal household data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics with residential location information at the census tract level. The results demonstrate that after controlling for the financial and demographic characteristics of children, living near children reduces the likelihood of making a housing tenure transition for older households, but that the impact of distance is not monotonic with respect to the degree of geographic distances. The results also demonstrate that if a child enters or moves closer to her or his parents’ home, it increases the probability that older households exit homeownership. Finally, we find no evidence that children's moves mitigate the likelihood that their older parents whose health deteriorates become renters.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ambiguous definition of roles in the matrix is sometimes advocated, but there is evidence that ambiguity can lead to stress and is often experienced as a major problem. A popular alternative is to define the responsibility of project managers without giving them any formal authority. For this to be workable the selection of project managers and the establishment of their function must ensure that they have other sources of effective power. But there is a third option, which is to define responsibility and authority in the matrix clearly and consistently. This approach reveals a range of choice in the authority to be given to project managers, and can be supplemented by the technique of responsibility charting. Finally, choices will need to be made and the paper sets out some of the relevant considerations to be taken into account.  相似文献   

This study investigates how important it is for a firm to select what turns out to be a dominant design in a technology‐driven industry. Using the personal computer industry as a case study, this research shows that firms are not doomed when their entry design choices turn out to be ‘wrong.’ For early entrants, we found that switching to the dominant design is associated with increased chances of survival and market share. Contrary to our expectations, we found that even later entrants that switched to the dominant design also enjoyed higher survival rates and greater market position. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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