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改善企业应收账款管理的对策探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应收账款具有流动性、时间性的特点,是企业的一项重要的流动资产,也是企业营运资金管理的重要环节。应收账款所占比重过大将会影响到企业资金的收益水平,甚至导致企业资金链发生断裂,从而产生财务危机。另外,应收账款不能收回时还会产生坏账损失。因此加强应收账款的管理意义重大。本文从应收账款管理的现状出发,发现我国企业在应收账款管理在机构设置,责任划分以及实时控制方面存在许多问题。然后针对应收账款管理的整个过程分事前控制、事中控制、事后控制三个阶段对应收账款的管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

沈华英 《时代金融》2012,(33):58+63
针对目前买方市场条件下,销售和回款两难的现实情况,从财务内部控制的角度,分析终端消费品企业该如何加强应收账款的管理,强调了改变原有的管理机制和方法,采用变事后管理为事前、事中管理的方法,从而达到控制应收账款风险的目的。  相似文献   

本文以施工企业应收账款为研究对象,分析我国施工企业应收账款管理中普遍存在的问题,出现这些问题的原因,以及应收账款过度给施工企业带来的风险,在此基础上从事前、事中和事后三个角度探讨施工企业应如何加强应收账款管理,降低企业风险.  相似文献   

彭强 《财会学习》2016,(5):139-140
在简单分析应收账款风险概念及风险产生原因的基础上,从缺乏专门的信用管理部门、应收账款风险意识较为薄弱以及应收账款内部管理制度缺失三个方面探究新形势下医药集团企业应收账款风险管理中存在的问题,并提出应收账款的事前控制,应收账款的事中控制以及应收账款的事后控制等相关管理策略.  相似文献   

应收账款管理问题一直是建筑施工企业面临的主要问题.国内建筑施工企业的应收账款回收压力巨大,大量的应收账款占用了企业的流动资金,降低了企业的资金使用率,影响企业效益.本文找出其应收账款管理问题以及成因,并就此从外部环境提出相应对策及从内部环境提出企业自身对应收账款的事前、事中及事后的控制.  相似文献   

科学的应收账款管理体系应当是全方位的。本文结合高峰林场容县造林部因信用销售所形成的应收账款的实际情况,分析企业应收账款管理存在的问题,并在前人研究探索出的应收账款管理对策之上,试图探索更加方便易行、高效的应收账款管理对策。把应收账款管理控制的环节分解到影响应收账款的各环节,事前控制、事中控制和事后控制相结合,建立一套完善的应收账款管理体系。  相似文献   

陈莉 《投资与合作》2014,(11):167-168
管理和控制好应收账款,使施工企业尽量减少营运资金在应收账款上的呆滞和占用,从而提高施工企业的资金利用效率,减少施工企业经营风险,对施工企业的生存发展十分重要.结合我国施工企业的实际,本文全面研究了应收账款容易发生问题的环节,同时探讨了施工企业加强应收账款管理的现实意义及管理中存在的问题,并从事前、事中、事后三个环节进行全过程控制,并提出了强化企业应收账款管理的主要控制手段.企业要生存发展,离不开资金的运转,而资金的主要来源是收入的实现.但是,近年来施工企业应收账款在资产中所占的比例过大的状况,未曾得到改善,并呈上升趋势.由于应收账款不能及时收回,占用了企业大量的流动资产,致使企业变现能力弱,资金周转困难,严重制约了施工企业的发展,增加了企业的经营风险.同时应收账款也是许多企业财务管理的薄弱环节,企业资金在这方面的流失和沉淀量很大.由于企业外部原因和自身管理的落后使应收账款的负面效应远远超过正面效应,严重影响企业流动资产的安全、完好.因此,在市场竞争日趋激烈的环境下,如何管好、用好和盘活应收账款,以加强资金安全,提高资金使用效率,防范经营风险,已成为企业不容忽视的重要课题,加强应收账款的管理应当提到企业管理的议事日程上来.  相似文献   

本文从企业应收账款管理中存在的问题入手,从企业内部和外部对应收账款的影响进行分析,对应收账款事前、事中、事后控制方面提出建议.  相似文献   

苑春平 《中国外资》2010,(16):62-63
本文从企业应收账款管理中存在的问题入手,从企业内部和外部对应收账款的影响进行分析,对应收账款事前、事中、事后控制方面提出建议。  相似文献   

本文详细的论述了应收账款管理中的加强应收账款的事前防范,强化应收账款事中管理,事后监督好,减少应收账款风险的管理方法,另外还借鉴国外先进的经验,提出了应收账款保理和证券化  相似文献   

信用风险和应收帐款管理问题是当前影响企业经营成败的关键因素之一,湖南永利化工股份有限公司通过设立信管理部门、建立客户信息档案、客户资信管理制度、内部授信制度、应收帐款管理制度、帐龄控制制度等,有效地改善了公司应帐款的市场结构和客户结构,提高了资金周转效率,应收帐款的风险大幅度降低,发展、改善了大客户的战略合作关系,在企业管理方面走出了一条新路。  相似文献   

大股东资金占用和公司绩效:来自其他应收款的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在具体考察大股东资金占用的经济后果和制度成因时,首先发现其他应收款比重不仅对公司经营绩效(EPS和ROE)具有显著且较强的负面影响,还对公司盈利能力(盈利概率)具有显著且较强的负面影响。结果表明,大股东通过其他应收款账户对上市公司的占款行为会对上市公司的经营绩效和盈利能力造成不利影响,并会损害其他中小股东的利益以及公司长远发展的后劲。另外还发现,第一大股东持股对其他应收款比重具有显著较强的非线性影响:当第一大股东的控股地位较弱时,第一大股东具有较强的激励效应去改善公司绩效,并减少对上市公司资金的无效占用;当第一大股东的控股地位较强时,第一大股东具有较强的动机和能力去攫取私人利益,并增加对上市公司的资金占用。  相似文献   

论应收账款的催收管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应收帐款是企业为了稳定销售渠道,面向客户提供信用业务所累积的款项。它是企业顺利运营的前提,但也增加了企业的经营风险。本文首先通过对应收账款成因的分析,提出了企业应怎样加强应收账款的管理;接着阐述了企业应如何根据自己的实际情况制定良好的信用政策;最后详细介绍了应收账款的催收方案、方法和技巧,以及坏账的预防措施。  相似文献   

This research project investigated auditors' perceptions of the importance of inherent risk factors in assessing inherent risk for accounts receivable and inventory. Sixty-eight auditors completed a questionnaire listing 42 inherent risk factors and six control risk factors. The auditors were required to: identify whether each factor was an inherent risk factor; indicate whether the factor affected their assessment of inherent risk at the financial statement or account balance (class of transactions) level; indicate whether the factor was associated with high or low inherent risk; and assess how important the inherent risk factor was in their assessment of inherent risk. In general, the auditors perceived variables pertaining to the characteristics of management and the history of errors to be the major determinants of inherent risk.  相似文献   

I examine whether managers use discretion in revenue recognition to avoid three earnings benchmarks. I find that managers use discretion in both accrued revenue (i.e., accounts receivable) and deferred revenue (i.e., advances from customers) to avoid negative earnings surprises, but find little evidence that discretion is used to avoid losses or earnings decreases. For a common sample of firms with both deferred revenue and accounts receivable, I find evidence that managers do not prefer to exercise discretion in either account. However, further tests show that managers preferred to use discretion in deferred revenue before the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 went into effect, consistent with them choosing to manage an account with the lowest real costs to the firm (i.e., future cash consequences). My results suggest that the revenue recognition joint project undertaken by the FASB and IASB to reduce managerial estimation in revenue recognition may have the unintended consequence of leading to greater real costs imposed on shareholders as firms are likely to use even greater discretion in accounts receivable.  相似文献   

In creating shareholder value, one objective of management is to increase the speed of cash inflows and reduce the speed of cash outflows. To accomplish this task, management must understand the relationships that cause accounts receivable and accounts payable to change. The paper expands a receivable monitoring model by Gentry and De La Garza to incorporate the causes of changes in payables. Several examples are developed to show the operation of the model. The three primary contributions of the paper are (a) developing algorithms that measure the causes of changes in payables, plus an interpretation for each set of conditions; (b) showing that a present value approach to monitoring payables is superior to a recommended accounting approach based on variance analysis; (c) finally, presenting an approach for ranking the performance of payable and receivable strategies.  相似文献   

Are Accruals during Initial Public Offerings Opportunistic?   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
We find evidence that initial public offering (IPO) firms, on average, have high positive issue-year earnings and abnormal accruals, followed by poor long-run earnings and negative abnormal accruals. The IPO-year abnormal, and not expected, accruals explain the cross-sectional variation in post-issue earnings and stock returns. The results are robust with respect to alternative abnormal accruals and earnings performance measures. IPO firms adopt more income-increasing depreciation policies when they deviate from similar prior performance same industry non-issuers, and they provide significantly less for uncollectible accounts receivable than their matched non-issuers. The results taken together suggest opportunistic earnings management partially explains the new issues anomaly.  相似文献   

科研单位经常遇到应收帐款收回不及时或无法收回的现象,不仅占用了企业流动资金,还增加了企业管理成本和坏帐成本,严重制约了企业的生存和发展。分析了我国科研单位应收账款管理中存在的主要问题,开展应收账款融资的现实意义,在此基础上提出我国科研单位应收账款融资的方式选择。  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests hypotheses that explain the choice of accounts receivable management policies. The tests focus on both cross-sectional explanations of policy-choice determinants, as well as incentives to establish captives. We find size, concentration, and credit standing of the firm's traded debt and commercial paper are each important in explaining the use of factoring, accounts receivable secured debt, captive finance subsidiaries, and general corporate credit. We also offer evidence that captive formation allows more flexible financial contracting. However, we find no evidence that captive formation expropriates bondholder wealth.  相似文献   

沙钢这家中国历史最悠久的民营钢铁企业,小到应收账款管理,大到战略成本规划和产品结构调整,无一不渗透着朴素而高明的财务常识,进而在这个饱受金融危机冲击的国民经济支柱产业中成为盈利能力最稳健、最强大的钢铁企业之一。  相似文献   

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