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  • The declared objective of World Youth Day (WYD), a Catholic Church event staged in a major world city every 2–3 years, is to evangelize youth – including those on the fringes of, and outside, the Church. The 20th WYD, which was held in Cologne, Germany in 2005, was the subject of a project conducted by a research consortium funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The preliminary hypothesis that WYD combines elements of traditionalistic festivals and modernistic events and that this combination yields a new event form – the “hybrid event” – was confirmed.
  • This paper presents some of the findings gained from an ethnographic investigation of the organization of WYD that was informed by an action-theory perspective in the tradition of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann's sociology of knowledge. From this perspective, which focuses on the goals, strategies, and personal relevancies of the organizing team (German) WYD can be unequivocally reconstructed as a Catholic Church marketing event. The “product” – the Catholic faith, uniquely personified by the Pope – is presented by an elite organizing team in an atmosphere of fun and mystery that especially appeals to young people. Hence, the Catholic Church succeeds in shedding its sometimes fuddy-duddy image and in bringing young people to perceive it as a vibrant, modern religious institution. This should prove to be a competitive advantage in an age of religious pluralism.
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the extent to which primary schools in a region of New Zealand are challenged by limited funds to enable the effective management and performance of their school. The study involved interviews with school principals and analysis of their schools' financial statements. The aim of this project is to gain a current understanding of the issues and challenges facing primary schools in a defined region (Waikato) to see whether the trends identified in national research studies, confirms the problem that schools are underfunded. The results of the current study identified the issues experienced by the Waikato schools and in most cases supported previous research findings. The findings of the current study also suggest that schools share the dilemmas associated with limited government funding and rely significantly on local funding sources to achieve their basic objectives. Although schools may be effective in the management of their school objectives, there is more government funding required to relieve the pressures and challenges.  相似文献   

This paper aims to confront the long-held view that legacy fundraising is a depressing and death-related subject, which must be carried out apart from other fundraising activities. In the past, legacy fundraising has been focused on the mechanism and tax benefits, and the marketing focus has been on professional advisers. This paper challenges the past by discussing recent developments which show that legacy marketing is fulfilled more effectively by integrating it into all other fundraising structures and activities. In addition, successful legacy marketing is given a better opportunity to succeed if a rigorous strategic approach is taken and the resultant message is a positive one, which is spread by face-to-face meetings of peers—especially volunteers, trustees and even users of the not-for-profit service.  相似文献   

In this paper we focus on the performance impact associated with whether R&D or marketing takes the lead in product innovations and/or product development. We examine empirically the performance of a sample of entrepreneurial firms across 10 European Union countries for which we can identify alternative regimes in which R&D, or in which marketing, is viewed as being relatively more important in creating and sustaining the firm’s competitive advantage. We find that when R&D is the dominant strategy, firms realize greater growth in sales, other factors held constant.  相似文献   

我国加入世贸组织(WTO)后,实行国际商贸活动的全面依序接轨,在“引进来”的同时,积极执行“走出去”的战略,大踏步进入国际市场,展开国际市场竞争,进行广泛的境内与境外国际市场营销。而进行国际市场营销,必须以“本土”市场需求为导向,把其建立在适应差别区域市场的差别需求的基础上,把一般性与差异性有机结合起来。  相似文献   

Fundraising literature predominantly focuses on adult donors, with limited literature addressing younger donors, particularly children, and virtually no discussion on the normative ethics which inform fundraising with children. Addressing this gap, this article examines the ethical dilemmas posed by the mainstreaming of charity fundraising in primary schools. Regardless of high levels of participation, research with primary school pupils shows that children's engagement in fundraising activities is often passive, with little decision making afforded to children. First, we question the ethics of passively engaging children in the fundraising relationship. Second, we question the role of fundraising more broadly in helping to cultivate children's philanthropic citizenship, suggesting that current fundraising mechanisms in schools are counter-intuitive to fostering long-term philanthropic engagement. We argue that by critically engaging children in the process of giving, children develop a deeper understanding of the cause areas that matter to them, which cultivates a longer-term commitment to philanthropy. This is potentially a different goal than that of many organisations involving schools in fundraising, where the focus is on incentivising transactional fundraising efforts aiming to raise as much money as possible and thus raises particular ethical challenges which must be considered. In this paper we draw on previous research and established frameworks for understanding philanthropic behaviour to explore the ethical challenges of fundraising with children in schools and present a pathway towards a more child-led, children's rights approach to fundraising in primary schools.  相似文献   

城市如何经营   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经营城市是市场经济条件下筹措城建资金 ,转换城建机制 ,加快城建步伐的有效途径 ,也是抢占城市发展制高点 ,把握城市竞争主动权 ,促进城市建设与经济发展步入良性循环的重要举措。新的世纪 ,株洲启动了城市发展带动战略 ,这无疑对经营城市提出了更高的要求。要进一步做好经营城市这篇文章 ,我认为需要把握好以下几个方面。1 以建立土地储备制度为突破口 ,舞活经营城市的“龙头”城市土地是城市的最大资产。针对有偿转让和无偿划拨“双轨制”下 ,部分存量土地自发入市 ,土地供应的口子较多 ,土地经营效益不佳的问题 ,必须建立土地储备制度 ,…  相似文献   

杨莹 《企业技术开发》2009,28(8):176-177
音乐教育对于一个人的全面发展、塑造完美人格有着不可估量的作用,而且对于一个民族整体素质的提高有着不可替代的作用。在新一轮基础教育课程改革大力推进,新的音乐教育课程标准全面推广实施的今天,农村学校音乐教育却没有得到应有的重视与发展。在几次前往湖北周边县镇的社会实践中,我就深刻认识到这一急需解决的问题:农村地区学校音乐教育得不到应有的发展,直接导致了城乡学校音乐教育之间的差距进一步拉大。  相似文献   

车韦 《中外企业家》2002,(11):65-67
近年来,国内企业纷纷上网.然而其中不少是把上网当时髦,流行过后就了事,网页形式一成不变,内容数年如一日,不用说网上营销了,连最基本的宣传企业形象的效果都难以达到.相比而言,柯达利用网站大做营销的文章很值得国内企业认真思考、借鉴.  相似文献   

企业要在激烈的竞争中求得生存和发展,除了要树立以顾客为中心的现代营销观念以外,还必须制定适应市场营销环境的市场营销战略.根据孙子阐述的兵法战略用于指导商战,可从中得到兵法战略商用的启迪.  相似文献   

  • Although the music industry is dominated by a few global players, the vast majority of musical performances are by nonprofit organisations, self-employed musicians or small and medium enterprises (SMEs). But, while a great deal has been written about the marketing of music—distribution, branding, audience development, etc.—comparatively little is known about the attitudes of musicians themselves to marketing, despite the fact their role as both product and producer is so central to the musical experience.
  • The research sets out to gain an understanding of this neglected topic by undertaking a cross-cultural analysis of musicians from two different cultures: it compares the attitudes of artists in a mature, post-industrial economy (UK) with those in a post-communist, emerging democracy (Poland). The research finds that society, culture and the economic environment appear to shape attitudes far less than art itself. Across both cultures the research discovers at best an ambivalence towards marketing, and at worst a general antipathy towards the whole notion of art-as-business.
  • The implications of these findings, if replicated across other countries, other musical genres and across the arts as a whole, could be worrying. Historically, the arts have been dominated by nonprofit organisations funded at least in part by public and private subsidies, funds which are being substantially eroded in both mature economies and in developing nations. The challenge for nonprofits and SMEs in the arts, then, is about achieving some sort of engagement with business and marketing, without losing their artistic integrity in the process.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Rerum Novarum, the first of the modern social encyclicals, Pope Leo XIII argued that there is a right to the possession of property, but there are limits on the use of wealth. Christians have an obligation to use their property and talents for the good of others. Private ownership must serve not only the interests of the individual but also the public welfare. The disadvantages of private ownership are not to be corrected by socialism, communism, or the free market, but by the teaching of the Church on faith and morals, the laws of the State, and the action of private associations. Efforts to solve the problems of poverty and unjust working conditions will be in vain unless principles of Christian living drawn from the Gospel are taught to people in all ranks of society.  相似文献   

营销模式变革凸显顾客价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过往的百年,是营销领域从孕育、生长到壮大发展的百年,是营销管理思想不断创新与丰富的百年.在营销领域差不多每隔十年就会产生创新的思想、创新的作法,营销思想的创新是营销领域前进的动力和知识源泉.  相似文献   

Database systems are intimately associated with fundraising effectiveness, but often leave much to be desired in the way they are implemented. This paper looks at the strengths, weaknesses and origins of three main database types: island, integrated and transitional. Observations support the view that database systems are created reactively in the face of strategies for fundraising. Where marketing strategy dictates a holistic approach to donor management, then systems will ten to the integrated or ‘contacts’ model. However, where there is no co-ordinated view on donoi development and maximised lifetime value, then fragmented island-type databases will be found.  相似文献   

文章在实地调查的基础上,结合市场营销的相关理论,针对灰汤温泉度假区在市场营销方面存在的问题,提出了相应的旅游市场营销战略措施。  相似文献   

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