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We use the standard contrarian portfolio approach to examine short-horizon return predictability in 24 US futures markets. We find strong evidence of weekly return reversals, similar to the findings from equity market studies. When interacting between past returns and lagged changes in trading activity (volume and/or open interest), we find that the profits to contrarian portfolio strategies are, on average, positively associated with lagged changes in trading volume, but negatively related to lagged changes in open interest. We also show that futures return predictability is more pronounced if interacting between past returns and lagged changes in both volume and open interest. Our results suggest that futures market overreaction exists, and both past prices and trading activity contain useful information about future market movements. These findings have implications for futures market efficiency and are useful for futures market participants, particularly commodity pool operators.  相似文献   

We use Lo and MacKinlay's [Lo, A.W., MacKinlay, C., 1990. When are contrarian profits due to stock market overreaction? The Review of Financial Studies 3, 175–205.] contrarian portfolio approach to examine the profitability of short-horizon contrarian strategies in the context of the Australian Stock Exchange. The results show that simple contrarian strategies lead to small but still statistically significant profits when applied to daily and intra-day portfolio formation. However, the profits are not sufficient to cover transaction costs for institutional investors. The source of contrarian profits is also analyzed leading to the conclusion that stock market overreaction is found to be the primary source of contrarian profits. We also examine the relation between the degree of return reversal and order flow activity after abnormal price changes. We find that the degree of return reversal is positively related to the level of order flow imbalance. Larger profits are generated from order flow based contrarian strategies when the order flow imbalances are high.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the profitability of contrarian strategies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) across various ranking and holding horizons ranging from 1 month to 3 years. In sharp contrast to the evidence from the U.S. and European markets, our data show that contrarian strategies are profitable in Japan across all horizons, especially with a very short horizon of 1 month or a very long horizon of 2 years or longer. The results are very robust to skipping 1 month between the holding and ranking periods, excluding firms with extreme past returns, and partitioning the whole sample into bull and bear subperiods. In addition, we find that contrarian strategies perform much better when the aggregate market also performs better in either the ranking or the holding period. Finally, contrarian profits are mostly attributed to the lead–lag effect. Further analysis indicates that contrarian profits are not attributed to the pricing errors of the Fama–French three-factor model. Instead, contrarian profits are mainly due to cross-autocorrelations among firm-specific error components of the Fama–French three-factor model.  相似文献   

This paper considers the returns to technical analysis on the New Zealand stock market. The small nature, short-selling constraints, lack of analyst coverage, and loose insider trading regulation suggest that the New Zealand equity market may be less efficient than overseas markets. This raises the possibility that technical analysis is still profitable in New Zealand. Using a bootstrapping technique with common null models for stock returns and 12 popular technical trading rules, we find that the returns to technical analysis in New Zealand follow a similar pattern to those in large offshore markets. Technical analysis is no longer profitable.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of international predictors from liquid markets on the predictability of excess returns in the New Zealand stock market using data from May 1992 to February 2011. We find that US stock market return and VIX contribute significantly to the out‐of‐sample forecasts at short horizons even after controlling for the effect of local predictors, while the contribution by Australian stock market return is not significant. We further demonstrate that the predictability of New Zealand stock market returns using US market predictors could be explained by the information diffusion between these two countries.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that market participants underestimate earnings growth for past winner stocks, and that growth stocks are more sensitive to earnings surprises. These findings suggest implementing momentum strategies with growth stocks. This study investigates linkages between value versus growth investment styles and momentum strategies in international markets. In addition, we extend Jegadeesh and Titman (2001)-type tests, which attempt to distinguish between competing explanations of the momentum phenomenon, to international market indices. Our full sample results show that momentum profits are concentrated in the growth indices, and that there is evidence of short-term overreaction in these and other indices that is subsequently corrected. Our subsample results are mixed; there is some evidence that the profitability of momentum (but not contrarian) strategies persists in the post-December 1987 period. However, unlike the earlier period, there is no evidence that markets overreact and that these overreactions are subsequently corrected.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the capital structure of New Zealand firms influences their product-market performance in the period from 1984 to 2008. Our main findings are that the use of leverage by publicly listed New Zealand companies leads to an increase in relative-to-industry sales growth, but a decrease in relative-to-industry return on assets (ROA). We also conduct a reverse causality test by examining whether sales growth and ROA influence leverage. We find no evidence that sales growth has an impact on the use of debt, but significant evidence that ROA is negatively correlated with its use. Our results suggest that New Zealand firms use debt to compete more aggressively in their product markets, even though this strategy comes at a cost of lower relative-to-industry profitability. A possible explanation for this behavior is the more competitive trading environment that has developed in New Zealand over the last 25 years.  相似文献   

This study investigates long run overreaction and seasonal effects for Malaysian stocks quoted on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE), for the period 1986–1996. Stocks exhibiting extreme returns relative to the market over a three year period experience a reversal of fortunes during the following three years. There is also evidence that employing a contrarian trading strategy may yield excess returns. Of particular interest is the apparent existence of a Chinese New Year effect in both the level of market returns, and the overreaction profile for KLSE stocks. These seasonalities mirror the January-effect observed in US markets.  相似文献   

The vast majority of the literature reports momentum profitability to be overwhelming in the US market and widespread in other countries. However, this paper finds that the pure momentum strategy in general does not yield excess profitability in the Chinese stock markets. We find instead strong mean reversion with an average half-life slightly shorter than 1 year. A pure contrarian investment strategy produces positive excess returns and in general outperforms the pure momentum strategy. Furthermore, momentum may interact with mean reversion. A strategy based on the rolling-regression parameter estimates of the model combining mean reversion and momentum generates both statistically and economically significant excess returns. The combined strategy outperforms both pure momentum and pure contrarian strategies. We conduct a number of robustness tests and confirm the basic findings. Collectively, our results support the overreaction hypothesis.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on short-term predictability of stock returns on the Malaysian stock market. We examine the relation between return predictability and the level of trading activity. This is particularly relevant in emerging stock markets, where thin trading is more pervasive. We find that the returns from a contrarian portfolio strategy are positively related to the level of trading activity in the securities. Specifically, the contrarian profits on actively and frequently traded securities are significantly higher than that generated from the low trading activity securities. We find that the differential behavior of high- and low-volume securities is not subsumed by the size effect, although for the small firms, the volume–predictability relation is most pronounced. We also suggest that the price patterns may be related to the institutional arrangement in the Malaysian stock market.  相似文献   

The relationship between insider stock ownership and firm value is examined for a sample of publicly traded companies in New Zealand. Results in this study confirm earlier findings of a curvilinear relationship reported for larger markets. Insider ownership and firm value are positively related for ownership levels below 14% and above 40% and inversely related at intermediate levels of ownership. These results are fairly robust to different measures of firm performance (Tobin's q, market to book ratio and return on equity) and to several different estimation techniques such as ordinary least squares, two stage least squares, seemingly unrelated regressions and fixed effects regressions on panel data over 1994–1998. Findings in this study contribute to the growing body of international evidence that the non-linear cubic relationship between insider ownership and firm value is robust to differences in governance structures across markets.  相似文献   

This study examines how the introduction of options affects the level of informed short selling. In particular, we test whether option introductions increases or decreases the level of informed short selling. Our tests are motivated by a theoretical debate in the literature. The first stream of literature argues that introducing options into markets may increase speculative trading which can result in less informed trading when informed traders perceive speculative trades as noise. The second stream argues that introducing options into markets improves the informational environment of the market because option prices provide an additional information mechanism for informed traders. We approximate informed short selling by examining (i) non-exempt short sales, (ii) contrarian short-selling activity, and (iii) the return predictability contained in shorting activity. Results show that non-exempt shorting activity increases after options become available. Further, we show that both the level of contrarian short selling and the return predictability contained in short selling increase after options are listed. Our results suggest that informed short selling increases after options are introduced.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(2):203-211
Traders in a market typically have widely different, private information on the return of an asset. The equilibrium price of the asset may reflect this information more accurately if the number of traders is large enough compared to the number of the states of the world that determine the return of the asset. We study the transition from markets where prices do not reflect the information accurately into markets where it does. In competitive markets, this transition takes place suddenly, at a critical value of the ratio between number of states and number of traders. The Nash equilibrium market behaves quite differently from a competitive market even in the limit of large economies.  相似文献   

Optimal Investment, Growth Options, and Security Returns   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
As a consequence of optimal investment choices, a firm's assets and growth options change in predictable ways. Using a dynamic model, we show that this imparts predictability to changes in a firm's systematic risk, and its expected return. Simulations show that the model simultaneously reproduces: (i) the time-series relation between the book-to-market ratio and asset returns; (ii) the cross-sectional relation between book-to-market, market value, and return; (iii) contrarian effects at short horizons; (iv) momentum effects at longer horizons; and (v) the inverse relation between interest rates and the market risk premium.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper provides evidence on short-term contrarian profits and their sources for the London Stock Exchange. Profits are decomposed to sources due to factors derived from the Fama and French (1996) three-factor model. For the empirical testing, size-sorted sub-samples are used, and adjustments for infrequent trading and bid-ask biases are also made. Results indicate that UK short-term contrarian strategies are profitable and more pronounced for extreme market capitalization stocks. These profits persist even when the sample is adjusted for market frictions, risk, seasonality, and irrespective of whether equally-weighted or value-weighted portfolios are employed. The most important factor that drives contrarian profits appears to be investor overreaction to firm-specific information.  相似文献   

This article documents and examines weekday patterns in short-term contrarian profits in futures markets. The Lo and Mackinlay (1990) methodology is used to construct contrarian portfolios and to compute daily contrarian profits. Contrarian portfolios are formed using daily closing prices and are based on the previous day's performance relative to a benchmark. Contrarian profits are measured over subsequent half-day intervals. The empirical results suggest that there are weekday patterns in short-term contrarian profits in futures markets. On average, contrarian profits are largest on Fridays, followed by those on Wednesdays, and smallest on Mondays. For currency futures, however, contrarian profits are largest on Mondays and smallest on Fridays.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that contrarian, or value investment strategies deliver superior returns. Gregory, Harris and Michou (2001) examine the performance of contrarian investment strategies in the UK and find that value strategies formed on the basis of a wide range of measures of value have delivered excess returns that are both statistically and economically significant. However, while value strategies appear to be profitable, the reason for their superior perform‐ ance is far from clear. Under the contrarian model, value strategies are profitable because they are contrarian to naïve strategies such as those that erroneously extrapolate past performance, while under the rational pricing model, value strategies are profitable because they are fundamentally riskier in some sense. In this paper, we discriminate between these two possibilities by undertaking a comprehensive investigation of the relationship between the returns to value investment strategies and various macroeconomic state variables that in a multi‐factor asset pricing model could reasonably be taken as proxies for risk. Moreover, we examine whether the returns to value strategies predict future GDP, consumption and investment growth over and above the contribution of the Fama and French (1993 and 1996) SMB, HML and market factors. While the SMB and HML factors behave in a manner consistent with the rational pricing model, we show that some value strategies in the UK are able to generate excess returns that do not seem to be related to known risk factors.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between contrarian flows, consumption growth, and market risk premium. We construct a contrarian flows measure by summing up the capital flows to stocks that go against the total flow of the aggregate market. We show that the contrarian flows are negatively influenced by the same-quarter consumption growth. During bad times, the majority of investors who are affected by the negative shock reduce their equity exposure, and these extra supplies of risky assets are absorbed by contrarian investors who are least affected by the consumption shock. Using quarterly stock market data, we find that the contrarian flows forecast market returns at short-to-intermediate horizons. The predictability stems from the component that is explained by the consumption growth, and therefore the consumption growth contains valuable information about the market risk premium. Moreover, the predictability is stronger for growth stocks than for value stocks, and hence it negatively predicts the value premium. This is because the contrarian flows measure the market risk premium and growth stocks bear more discount rate risk than value stocks. Out-of-sample tests show that the main results are robust to data-snooping bias.  相似文献   

The early automation of the Australian and New Zealand financial markets provided researchers with access to high‐frequency data to undertake extensive empirical market microstructure research. We use this anniversary edition of Accounting and Finance to review some of this research and to discuss the development of the Australian and New Zealand markets since their automation. We identify issues currently facing the markets and highlight potential areas for future research. The paper also provides a review of market microstructure theory on inventory control models and asymmetric information models.  相似文献   

A variety of variables have been used to form contrarian portfolios, ranging from relatively simple measures, like book‐to‐market, cash flow‐to‐price, earnings‐to‐price and past returns, to more sophisticated measures based on the Ohlson model and residual income model (RIM). This paper investigates whether: (i) contrarian strategies based on RIM perform better or worse than those based on the Ohlson model; (ii) contrarian strategies based on more sophisticated valuation models (e.g. Ohlson and RIM) perform much better than the relatively simpler ranking variables that have been used so extensively in the finance literature. Given that the RIM and Ohlson models require greater information inputs and technical know‐how, and make different implicit assumptions on future abnormal earnings, it is important to ascertain if they offer significantly greater contrarian profits to outweigh the increased costs that they entail. Indeed, our surprising finding is that simple cash flow‐to‐price measures appear to do almost as well as the more sophisticated alternatives. One would have expected the sophisticated models to significantly outperform the simple cash flow to price model for the reasons given by Penman (2007) .  相似文献   

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