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本文针对现行土地整理规划方案审批验收程序中对生态环境关注不够的实际问题,在土地整理项目对生态环境影响分析的基础之上,根据土地整理项目工程实施的具体技术措施,选取多项指标因子、提出各因子测度与量化的具体方法,力求建立一套完整的土地整理项目规划方案验收评价体系,以达到改进与完善现行土地整理规划方案审批程序的目的.  相似文献   

Gender discrimination in household expenditure on education has led to unsatisfactory progress in educational attainment for women in many countries across the world. It has been observed that households across different states in rural and urban India prefer to incur more expenditure on education for male members than for females. Kingdon (2005) [Where has all the bias gone? Detecting gender bias in the intra-household allocation of educational expenditure, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 53(2), 409–452] has observed significant gender bias in household educational expenditure in a number of Indian states utilizing the household survey data of the National Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi. Other researchers, such as Chaudhuri & Roy (2006) [Do parents spread educational expenditure evenly across the two genders? Evidence from two North Indian states, Economic and Political Weekly, 41, pp. 5276–5282] and Lancaster et al. (2008) [Household expenditure patterns and gender bias: evidence from selected Indian states, Oxford Development Studies, 36(2), 133–157], have also confirmed the presence of significant gender bias in the expenses incurred on education by households in India. However, few of these studies are based on the analysis of sufficiently large, contemporary datasets, and hence they are unable to provide a picture of gender discrimination at the disaggregated level, i.e. at the state level. Since there is wide variation in social, cultural, anthropometrical, economic and many other factors among Indian states, it is important to analyse gender disparity in India at the level of the state. Here, utilizing individual-level data on educational expenditure from the 64th round of the National Sample Survey, an attempt is made to assess the current scenario in gender inequality in household educational expenditure in India at both the national and state level. It is observed that significant gender disparity exists in intra-household educational expenses and that this discrimination is not confined to the “backward” or developing states in India.  相似文献   

低丘岗地改造项目验收是检验项目质量的关键,它不仅包含了工程验收也包含了土地自然条件和土地权属等土地管理内容的验收。当前,土地整治缺乏一套具有针对性的,系统的项目验收定量标准。为了完善土地整治项目的理论体系,给低丘岗地改造项目验收实践提供可操作的方法。通过分析、归纳项目验收的内容、方法和层次,运用特尔菲法和层次分析法,建立低丘岗地改造项目验收评价指标体系,并以湖北省两个低丘岗地改造项目为例对项目成果进行验收,并评价项目实施的情况。实验证明该方法能够很好地对项目工程的实施成果进行量化评价,两个项目的各项验收评价指标均达到相应的标准,验收等级为优良。  相似文献   

This study determines farmer profiles, each unique in technical, managerial and conceptual skills, level of risk acceptance and level of business performance (measured by levels of quasi-fixed resources and indicators of profitability and efficiency). The profiles are used to assess the extent to which current management information sources and recommended practices meet the needs of farmers for strategy planning and deci s ion making. he study results demonstrated that technology of the farm production systems and production per technical unit are statistically valid clas-sificatory proxies for determining managerial profiles. The quasi-fixed resources and indicators of profitability and efficiency rose with improvements in skills and greater willingness to accept risks. Thus, the profiles were indicative of economies of size and scale and needs for information. he use frequency of current information sources and recommended practices differed across profiles with only the modal to upper profiles making substantial use of them. An overemphasis on technical production to the apparent neglect of management and long-term planning was identified in the highest profile. he profiles in management and performance by commodity grouping are helpful guidelines for processing and organizing information which would reduce the guesswork (both educated and uneducated) in adjusting farm level coefficients, and increasing the accuracy and explanatory power of sectoral supply response models and forecasts. Cette étude détermine les profiIs de fermier. Chaque fermier a ses propres aptitudes techniques, conceptuelles et de gestion, niveaux d'ac-ceptation de risque et niveaux de performance en affaires (measurés par les niveaux de ressources quasi-fixes et des indicateurs de rentabilité et d'efficacité. Les profils sont utilisés pour évaluer dans quelle mesure les sources courantes d'information de gestion et de pratiques recommandées satisfont les besoins des fermiers dans leur planification de stratégie et de prise de décision. Les résul tats de l'étude démontrent que la technologie des systémes de production agricole et la production par unité technique sont des ap- proximations de classification statistiquement valides pour déterminer des profils de gestion. Les profils sont homogènes à I'intérieur d'une classe et hétérogénes entre classes. Les ressources quasi-fixes et les indicateurs de rentabilité et d'efficacité augmentent avec I'amélioration des aptitudes et un plus grand desir d'accepter dés risques. Par conséquent. les profils sont indicatifs des économies de taille et d'échelle et des besoins d'information. La fréquence d'utilisation des sources courantes d'information et de pratiques recommandées différe entre les profils avec seulement les profils modaux à supérieurs utilisant de faSon significative ces sources. Un accent particulier sur la production technique au détriment apparent de la gestion et de la planification de long terme est identifié dans le profile plus élevé. Les profils de gestion et de performance par groupe de produits sont des guides utiles pour traitement et l'orqanisation de l'information qui réduiraient le degré de conjecture (fondée ou nonfondée) dans l'ajustement des coefficients au niveau de la ferme, et augmenteraient le degré de précision et le pouvoir d'explication des prévisions et des modéles de réponse d'offre sectorielle.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of tax policy issues that arise with the taxation of the Canadian agricultural sector. The scope of the paper encompasses the federal income tax, the goods and services tax (GST), payroll taxes, provincial sales taxes, provincial and municipal property taxes, and excise taxes. The paper focuses primarily on measures that apply only to farmers or, in a few instances, to small business owners. The paper identifies numerous areas where additional in-depth research is required and some of the considerations that should be addressed in such analyses.  相似文献   

地勘单位的绩效评价和考核奖励是一项十分重要且难度较大的工作。文章以实际案例为基础,分析总结了实行属地化管理的省级地勘局对所属地勘单位、事业单位、企业的绩效评价和考核奖励工作,并结合发现的不足,提出了新的指标和思路,同时阐述了对当前属地化地勘单位绩效评价和考核奖励的一些思考和认识。  相似文献   

This paper uses a distance function approach to measure and decompose productivity growth of Irish agriculture between 1984 and 2000 for four principal farming systems. The technology used by each system is found to be sufficiently different as to warrant a system‐by‐system approach. The overall rate of productivity growth in Irish agriculture is found to be just over 1% for this period, but there are significant differences between systems. Sheep systems had the highest rate of productivity growth followed by dairy and tillage. Productivity in cattle farms fell during this period although there is evidence that this trend has been reversed in more recent years.  相似文献   

苏州高新区征地补偿安置政策绩效评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究目的:评价苏州高新区征地补偿安置政策的绩效.研究方法:多因素综合评价法和实证分析法.研究结果:(1)征地补偿安置政策绩效从征地补偿安置和保障状况、被征地农民生活状况、政策社会影响效果三方面来反映,可分9个目标和13个评价指标;(2)苏州高新区征地补偿安置政策基本达到目标,征地补偿水平和社会保障状况良好,被征地农民生活状况较好,政策的社会影响效果一般.研究结论:建议改革征地补偿包干办法,逐步推行"征地区片综合价";扩大被征地农民养老保险覆盖面,全面与城镇职工养老保险体系接轨;加强安置工作的监管,构建绩效评价制度.  相似文献   

地质矿产勘查投入绩效评价是通过对一定时期内地质矿产勘查的投入、产出、效益等方面进行定量和定性分析,做出客观的评价。根据青海省地质矿产勘查工作的实际情况,经过调查、论证,青海省地质矿产勘查投入绩效评价指标体系由投入、实物工作量、产出、投入增长、效益等5个二级指标,以及26个三级指标构成。运用该评价指标体系,对青海省"十一五"时期地质矿产勘查投入(资金、人员、设备)、实物工作量、产出等指标进行量化分析,显示出青海省地质工作程度提高明显、找矿效果显著,为青海省经济社会发展提供了显著的资源保障,总体评价认为"良好"。  相似文献   

基于DEA的财政农业支出资金绩效评价   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
本文借助数据包络分析(DEA)模型,对1995—2004年财政农业支出资金绩效分别作了DEA检验,结果证实我国财政农业支出资金整体效率不高,并存在逐年下降的趋势。文章认为财政农业支出资金结构偏差是其整体绩效低水平运行的最主要原因。  相似文献   

按照国务院关于深化农村信用社改革的统一部署,人民银行以兑付专项票据的方式,实施对农村信用社的资金支持政策。文章结合安徽省农村信用社改革实际,参考有关公共政策绩效评价理论,分析认为人民银行对农村信用社实施的专项票据扶持政策是富有成效的。  相似文献   

区域土地利用绩效及可持续性评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过构建区域土地利用绩效评价指标体系和评价模型,对湛江市1996-2005年的土地利用绩效和可持续性进行了评价.结果表明:湛江市土地利用绩效指数由1996年的0.1646增长到0.2297,总体呈波浪式增长;以1996年为基准年,1997-1999年的土地利用可持续性指数小于0,土地利用处于不可持续阶段,2000-2005年的土地利用可持续性指数大于0,土地利用处于可持续阶段,说明湛江市的土地利用正逐步优化.根据土地利用存在的问题提出了土地可持续利用的建议.  相似文献   

杭州市和睦湿地农田土壤重金属污染评价及关联特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了和睦湿地农田土壤中的重金属污染现状,结果表明:南星桥、九曲桥、幸福桥和九曲桥南土壤中的Cu、Zn、Ni全量相对较高;从单项污染指数看,俞家桥北土壤中Zn的单项污染指数超过1.0,其它均小于1.0,受污染影响不大;从综合污染指数看,和睦湿地多处农田土壤属安全级,达清洁水平,但少数土壤重金属污染等级已达警戒级。从单项累积指数看,和睦湿地农田土壤中重金属Cu、Zn、Ni和Pb的累积程度相对较高;从综合累积指数看,和睦湿地农田土壤中重金属污染多为中度或轻度累积。就土壤重金属含量与其理化性质相关分析发现,土壤Cu含量与土壤速效K含量呈显著负相关,而与土壤阳离子交换量呈显著正相关;土壤Ni含量与土壤速效P、速效K含量呈显著负相关。和睦湿地农田土壤重金属多达中、轻累积水平,且可能与土壤肥料施用方式密切有关,应引起相关部门高度重视。  相似文献   

本文基于2013年全国15省份城镇居民的调查数据,分析了消费者对不同转基因食品的认知水平和接受程度,并利用计量经济模型定量研究了不同因素对消费者认知水平和接受程度的影响。研究结果表明,2013年与2002年相比,消费者对转基因食品的认知水平和生物技术知识水平均有很大程度的提高,但消费者对转基因食品的接受程度明显下降;消费者对转基因食品的认知水平显著负向影响消费者对转基因食品的接受程度;"2012年黄金大米事件"显著负面影响了消费者对转基因食品的认知,说明媒体关于转基因技术及食品的负面报道对消费者产生了消极影响。  相似文献   

This article explores the issue of price and expenditure endogeneity in empirical demand analysis. The analysis focuses on the U.S. carbonated soft drink market. We test the null hypothesis that price and expenditures are exogenous in the demand for carbonated soft drinks. Using an almost ideal demand system (AIDS) specification, we strongly reject exogeneity for both prices and expenditures. We find that accounting for price/expenditures endogeneity significantly impacts demand elasticity estimates. We also evaluate the implications of endogeneity issues for testing weak separability.  相似文献   

Marketing boards with supply management powers have become part of Canadian agriculture, yet whether these boards improve society's welfare is a much-debated issue. This paper reviews both the methodology and the empirical results of studies which have assessed the effects of supply management. All of the studies reviewed show that there is a sizeable income transfer from consumers to producers along with a misallocation of resources as a result of supply management. However, one could easily reverse these conclusions by changing the assumptions upon which past research has rested. Furthermore, additional research is needed on supply management in the context of both a rent-seeking framework and from an industrial organization point of view.
Les commissions de commercialisation possédant des pouvoirs sur la gestion des stocks. sont devenues inhérentes a ľagriculture canadienne; il y a cependant, controverse quant a ľeffet qu'apportent ces commissions sur le bien-être de la société. Cette analyse examine à la fois la méthodologie ulilisée, de méme que les résullats empiriques obtenus selon des études examinées, montrent qu'il y a un transfert considérable de revenu, entre les consummateurs et les producteurs, allant de pair avec une mauvaise répartition des ressources, résultant de la gestion des stocks. Cependant, comme le démontre cette étude, il est facilement possible ďinverser ces conclusions en changeant les hypothèses sur lesquelles la recherche antérieure a été bátie. De plus, une recherche supplément aire, sur la gestion des stocks, dans le contexte ďune structure recherchant un cadre, et du point de vue de ľorganisation industrielle est nécéssaire.  相似文献   

研究目的:对土地整治项目绩效水平进行评价,并揭示其内在影响机理。研究方法:基于项目过程思维,从项目投入、管理、建设和效益4个方面构建评价指标体系,采用改进熵权可拓物元模型,对湖北省平原类型区13个土地整治项目绩效水平进行评价,并从单指标层面对其影响因素进行定量分析。研究结果:改进后的可拓物元模型有效避免了经典关联函数的不足,较大提高了模型的计算效率和结果的精确度;湖北省13个土地整治项目绩效水平高低不一,项目之间差异较大,其中1个项目绩效水平达到优秀,3个项目绩效水平良好,4个项目绩效水平一般,5个项目绩效水平较差;影响湖北省土地整治项目绩效水平的主要原因是防护林网密度较低、土地利用提高率较低、粮食产能及农地年产值增量不高、土地垦殖率较低及植被覆盖降低等。研究结论:集合单指标影响因素分析及多项目比较的评价方法可为"十三五"时期新一轮中国土地整治的政策创新和绩效改善提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

This paper applies Albert Hirschman's exit-voice framework to the problems of education coverage and quality in Latin America. It argues that the combination of low direct taxation and high levels of private primary enrolment provides exit options for the wealthy and reduces their incentive to exercise their “voice”, or protest mechanisms, in the face of poor education performance. It also argues that fragmented and clientelist political party structures limit the provision and monitoring of public education, and also reduce the political capacity of the poor to exercise their voice regarding public education coverage and quality. The main policy implication of the paper is that good governance in education cannot realistically be addressed without analysing how the structure of power and voice, and of conflicts of interest within civil society, affect the actual political pressures that state institutions face.  相似文献   

The study describes a management model designed for a rural development plan in Manitoba. Issues confronting regional development plan managers include: goal setting, control, innovation and intelligence. The management framework emphasizes the need to explicitly consider communication flows between public managers and plan clientele which is made up of local groups and individuals who are to benefit from the plan. Three critical stages in the evolution of plan management are identified: preplan, implementation and review. Data for the analysis were collected by means of “free narrative” interviews with plan administrators and area residents. The analysis indicates the importance of local involvement in development plan management. L'étude décrit un modèle administratif pour le développment d'un projet rural au Manitoba. Les problèmes, qui confrontent les gérants de développement regional comprennent la détermination du but à atteindre, le control du projet, les innovations et I'expertise. Le cadre administratif exige une échange d'idées entre les dirigeants du projet et leurs clients (compoéts de groupes locaux et des individus qui bénéficieront du projet). Nous identifions trois étapes critiques dans le développement du projet administratif: le plan préparatoire, la mise en marche et la rééaluation. Les donnes qui ont permises l'analyse sont le résuliat de discussion libre et les interviews entre les directeurs du projet et les habitants de la région. L'analyse montre l'importance de la participation locale dans le développement d'un plan administratif.  相似文献   

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