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The importance of technology intelligence is widely accepted in theory and practice. However, existing research is contradictory on how this process should be coordinated. Therefore it was the objective of this contribution to derive insight into the coordination of the technology intelligence process. The results of an exploratory case study research in 26 leading European and North American companies in the pharmaceutical, telecommunications equipment and automobile/machinery industry are presented. The results show first, that the coordination of technology intelligence processes cannot be limited to structural coordination. Hybrid and informal forms of coordination are used simultaneously. Second, it is shown that the three forms of coordination of technology intelligence processes are being integrated differently based on the style of decision making and the culture of the company. Third, it is shown that the distribution and size of technology intelligence activities between corporate and divisional level as well as between different regions depend on the location of decision making on innovative activities and on the preconditions for performing technology intelligence  相似文献   

For established companies, radical technological change is not only a challenge, but it also constitutes a major source of failure. By establishing effective technology intelligence processes, companies may react to radical trends in time which is a prerequisite for coping with technological change. Therefore, this study analyzes the technology intelligence processes in 25 multinational companies in the pharmaceutical, telecommunications equipment and automobile industries in the context of radical technological change. In the three industries, the technologies combinatorial chemistry, dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) and fuel cell are used as settings to analyze these processes on the technology level against the background of the company-level perspective. By applying this complex view, which allows to take into account interactions between different organizational mechanisms and between different hierarchical levels inside a firm, three types of organizing technology intelligence processes can be identified: the participatory, the hybrid and the hierarchical technology intelligence process. The organization of the technology intelligence process according to the three types is influenced by the corporate culture and the decision-making style of the companies. Furthermore, industry differences are identified which may be explained by different rates of radical technological change in the industries. This study suggests that more complex and differentiated views on radical technological change, on corporate technology intelligence processes and on the variety of organizational structures involved in these processes are required.  相似文献   

粗糙集技术在人才招聘中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人才是企业的灵魂,招聘决策的优劣直接影响到今后企业发展的前途。将启发式数据挖掘中的粗糙集技术引入企业CEO的智能决策中,利用粗糙集理论,通过预加工、数据约减等步骤从企业现有员工数据库中收集员工属性信息,消除多余的属性,并由此确定决策要求,协助人事经理拟定录用员工的具体条件。  相似文献   

Many forms of analyzing future technology and its consequences coexist, for example, technology intelligence, forecasting, roadmapping, assessment, and foresight. All of these techniques fit into a field we call technology futures analysis (TFA). These methods have matured rather separately, with little interchange and sharing of information on methods and processes. There is a range of experience in the use of all of these, but changes in the technologies in which these methods are used—from industrial to information and molecular—make it necessary to reconsider the TFA methods. New methods need to be explored to take advantage of information resources and new approaches to complex systems. Examination of the processes sheds light on ways to improve the usefulness of TFA to a variety of potential users, from corporate managers to national policy makers. Sharing perspectives among the several TFA forms and introducing new approaches from other fields should advance TFA methods and processes to better inform technology management as well as science and research policy.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid pace of change in technology and its impact on society, there is an increasing demand for use of Technology Forecasting methods to improve policy planning and implementation. One such area is the field of Health Care and the impact of Health Information Technology (HIT) on this field. Using HIT has shown to be associated with reduced cost, improved quality, and better patient experience; yet HIT adoption has been slow. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the HIT adoption processes in order to meet the evolving requirements for health care delivery.We propose collecting Technology Intelligence for use in Research Forecasting as part of the larger HIT Technology Forecasting efforts. In this study, we systematically probed for HIT-related technology intelligence in the fields of Information Systems, Engineering Management, and Medical Informatics. Results of our analysis show that all three fields are active in Health IT research, but could benefit from further collaboration. We were also able to identify instances of emerging journals and emerging topics in Health IT research. We conclude that it is indeed plausible and meaningful to collect technology intelligence on HIT adoption, to support the overall goal of improving healthcare delivery.  相似文献   

张欣亮  唐斯斯  李晶 《技术经济》2023,42(11):113-119
敏捷治理是前沿科技与政府治理深度融合下的一种全新治理模式,其所倡导的快速感知、灵活响应、多元参与和持续协调等理念与构建现代化治理体系的价值追求相契合。本文对人工智能、政府治理及敏捷治理进行梳理并探索人工智能驱动政府敏捷治理的运行逻辑,发现人工智能技术已经广泛参与到政府治理中,凭借其数据共享、智能算法、趋势研判、自动交互等特性,极大推动了政府科学决策、高效治理、公众参与和及时响应外界环境变化。并以北京市海淀区城市大脑为例,介绍了其通过创新体制机制、简化业务流程、夯实技术基础及全天实时监测等方式,拓展了人工智能技术在政府治理应用场景,为超大城市政府开展敏捷治理探索了路径。  相似文献   

通过对人工智能与车联网技术融合特征进行研究,能够精准识别车联网产业技术机会,为人工智能与车联网产业创新融合发展提供方向指引。选取2000-2019年相关专利数据,对人工智能与车联网领域技术融合进行识别与测度,采用Word2vec文本挖掘算法和社会网络分析法,揭示融合领域技术发展态势、技术主题关联模式、技术共现网络整体结构和节点功能演变情况。研究发现,融合过程呈现明显的阶段性特征,图像识别等相关算法是车联网领域最基础的人工智能算法,卷积神经网络等相关算法是最具潜力和发展前景的人工智能算法;智能交通平台是融合领域的重点发展方向;数据识别与数据表示技术在融合演变过程中的控制能力较强,无线通信网络技术发展受到相关人工智能技术发展水平的制约。基于研究结论,从研发方向、学科建设、平台搭建等方面提出启示和建议。  相似文献   

中美两国拥有迥然不同的国家科技决策体系,其差异具体体现在国家、部委和项目3个决策层面。基于宏观视角比较研究了中美国家科技计划决策体系,从两国科技计划决策体系总体特征、决策层面、决策过程、决策环境入手,剖析中美国家科技计划决策过程背后的逻辑。结果发现,美国科技决策体系为典型的"自下而上"式决策结构,上层决策主体多元而分散,存在政治分肥;下层执行主体清晰,决策独立集中。中国则为"自上而下"式决策结构,上层主体明确,战略决策集中有效;下层执行主体分散,缺乏专业化管理。研究结论为决策者和研究者提供了一个比较清晰的框架,加深了对中美科技决策的理解,有助于促进中美科技对话与交流。  相似文献   

复杂的科技服务需求对单一的专业科技服务提出了巨大挑战,需要研究可行的综合科技服务方案予以应对。通过初始服务流程识别和客户需求到服务流程转化,得到与客户需求相关的服务流程。基于功能相关性评价,对服务流程进行模糊聚类分析,通过计算最大适应度值确定最优科技服务流程拼接方案。贡献在于,提出一种综合科技服务流程动态拼接方法,并以技术转移类综合科技服务为例进行说明。  相似文献   

科技企业孵化器作为推动国家创新驱动发展战略实施的重要载体,参与主体趋于多元化,主体间冲突以及多主体协调机制成为制约孵化器可持续发展的关键问题。基于利益相关者理论,运用探索性案例研究法,结合Y科技企业孵化器实践,构建协调机制,剖析主体之间冲突的根源。研究发现,冲突源包括利益相关者间的利益分歧和权力配置不合理,以及某个利益相关者的“利益—权力”不对称;协调机制包括通过文化协同协调由利益分歧引发的利益相关者间目标不一致,通过分散控制协调由权力配置不合理导致的利益相关者之间的权力争夺,通过动态管理和孵化服务整合协调由“利益—权力”不对称引发的利益相关者机会主义行为,最终实现各利益相关者“利益—权力”分散对称配置、彼此间关系有序。  相似文献   

The adoption of a variety of new regulatory approaches and concepts, decision making processes and educational frames over the last three decades can be interpreted as an attempt to improve social acceptability of the process of science and technology governance. However, as argued in this paper, neither the introduction of non-standard scientific methodology and precautionary policy, nor participatory decision making, nor increased scientific-technological education are likely to significantly improve social acceptance of science and technology governance. Such reforms may shift the focus of ongoing policy debates, but do not lead to closure. In consequence, more research is needed on the complex relationship between acceptance, trust, information and participation, the implications of non-standard methodology in regulatory decision making, as well as the different interpretations that stakeholders may give to key regulatory concepts.  相似文献   

Towards New Forms of Participatory Technology Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Technical change is crucial for sustainable development. Yet, it is unclear what kind of technology policy would suit such development. In this article constructive technology assessment (CTA) is offered as a model. CTA proposes broadening design by bringing together all interested parties early on and throughout the design process. CTA activities are not automatically directed at substantive goals such as those incorporated in the notion of sustainable development. The purpose of CTA is to shape technology development processes in such a way that social aspects are symmetrically considered in the process itself. To evaluate and shape CTA processes three criteria are offered: anticipation, reflexivity and social learning. These criteria are applied to three case-studies to illustrate their usefulness.  相似文献   

重大疫情下,科技研发在病毒溯源、病患救治、疫情防控、风险治理等方面发挥重要作用,科研力量有效协同将放大和加速科技研发的作用。协同整合效果如何,既与科研单位内外部因素有关,也与科研单位间的协同互动过程有关。基于个体、组织和互动过程3个维度,分析科研力量协同整合的相关影响因素。在此基础上,从健全协同整合体制机制、完善应急管理科技支撑体系、培育龙头科研单位、加快人工智能新技术应用、加强与世卫组织对接联动以及培养应急管理科研人才等方面,提出重大疫情应对中我国科研力量协同整合优化策略。  相似文献   

The objective of this research is a study of technology forecasting not only as a discipline but also as an executive responsibility by applying the information processing theory to this task. A protocol analysis from Ericsson and Simon, modified for this study, was used for the analysis of interview data of top executives from the magnetic resonance imaging industry and their superconducting magnet suppliers, when they had to face a specific technological event. The technological event is the breakthrough discovery of ceramic superconducting materials in 1986, and the fast technological progress that followed between 1987 and 1989. This paper illustrates the processes through which senior executives collect information, process it, and develop plans and predictions in the context of “hard” uncertainty. We use cognitive and strategic decision-making research to develop a normative typology of executive decision making in similar contexts.  相似文献   

At a time when Western market economies are struggling with ways of directing and stimulating technological innovation, China, with a highly centralized system for the planning and coordination of science and technology, offers an unusual perspective on the feasibility and operations of a large-scale, national organization of scientific and technical resources. This paper describes the mechanics of the science and technology planning process in the Chinese system and then draws conclusions on a variety of pertinent issues, such as: whether or not planning is actually conducted at a macrolevel; what are the useful sources of information for scientific and technical decision making within the system; what are the motivations for doing research in China's planned economy and how do they affect the research that is done; and, in summation, does the Chinese attempt at macroscience and technology planning really work?  相似文献   

提名方式是选举的重要组成部分 ,农村民主选举的不同提名方式对村领导的行为及其绩效有不同的影响。对土地的投入是农村普遍的经济活动 ,与土地相关的活动对村民来说是至关重要的 ,村民对村领导决定的土地分配有着强烈的反响。从农村民主选举与土地管理体制的角度来研究选举提名方式是农村民主政治建设研究的一个新视角。  相似文献   

This paper is part of a wider research programme which aims at understanding the organizational factors that promote inflexible technology. The technology of the Space Shuttle's performance has been poor in many areas; that the technology was chosen throught a centralized process dominated by a few like-minded organizations with little debate and compromise, and with risk falling on public pockets; and that there are more flexible technical alternatives, some of which are open to more decentralized decision making. Lessons are drawn about the problems of developing inflexible technology, and the degree of organizational centralization appropriate to technical innovation. These are restated in terms of incrementalism. In general, a technology that performs better is likely to be one which can be developed in a series of small steps, with choices made in a decentralized way. Suggestions are made for technical developments that would enhance the flexibility of the US space programme following the Shuttle, together with organizational chgange that would ease their introduction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address challenges of organizing future-oriented consultation processes within European coordination tools for ‘Open Method of Coordination’ – such as ERA-NETs – which are promoted by the European Commission towards the establishment of the European Research Area. Specifically, we report experiences from a recent consultation process that was organized within WoodWisdom-Net (ERA-NET) with the aim of creating an international research agenda, based on the recognition of long-term challenges of the European forest sector and the attendant identification of gaps and new opportunities in wood material science and engineering. This consultation process involved eighteen funding organizations from eight European countries, as well as over 400 participants who represented relevant stakeholder groups, most notably leading researchers and industrialists. Methodologically, the process was based on the Internet-based solicitation and assessment of research issues, the deployment of Robust Portfolio Modeling (RPM) in the identification of promising research issues, and facilitated workshops where the results of Internet-based activities where discussed, validated and synthesized. In addition, extensive network analyses were conducted to support the identification of possible collaboration networks and the development of joint calls for proposals. Drawing on the results from the WoodWisdom-Net consultation process, we discuss the broader potential of Internet-based decision support tools and participatory workshops in promoting foresight activities within ERA-NETs and European coordination tools.  相似文献   

突破关键核心技术是“十四五”时期我国建设世界科技强国面临的重要问题。人工智能作为科技变革的核心力量,科学合理地评价其技术创新能力,对提升我国科技竞争力具有重要意义。基于创新生态系统视角,从创新主体、创新环境和系统效益3个维度对我国人工智能关键核心技术创新能力进行测度。结果发现:①我国人工智能关键核心技术创新能力逐年增强,创新主体数量、企业研发资金、算法等成为主要影响因素。其中,创新主体数量对关键核心技术创新能力的影响高于资源投入;②基础研究在关键核心技术创新过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色;③算法、数据和算力是提升人工智能关键核心技术的三大显著性影响因素,其与该技术生命周期密切相关。我国应坚持创新导向,培育多元创新主体,持续鼓励算法研究,加快开放平台建设和技术标准制定,协调技术发展与治理的关系,实现我国在关键核心技术领域的突破。  相似文献   

通过对大量现实案例进行总结,揭示了个性化定制需求与3D打印云智能-分布式定制的衔接机制:打造云智能-个性化定制服务平台,采用分布式制造模式,社会大众通过搜索与众包方式参与产品制造全过程;提出了基于企业的3D打印云智能-分布式定制模式创新模型、基于跨界的3D打印云智能-分布式定制模式创新模型;给出了实现3D打印云智能-分布式定制模式的商业化策略:基于节点企业个性化解决方案的商业模式创新、基于全价值链整体解决方案的商业模式创新、基于商业生态圈跨界解决方案的商业模式创新。研究成果不但为满足消费者的个性化定制需求提供了定制模式和商业化策略,而且为拓展3D打印的主流应用市场提供了重要的理论支撑与决策借鉴。  相似文献   

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