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The overall strategic relationship between U.K. and China is "better than ever", China- Britain relations have maintained good momentum, with increased high-level exchanges and the reinforcement of strategic mutual trust, with more room for growth in the future.  相似文献   

The overall strategic relationship between U.K.and China is"better than ever",China- Britain relations have maintained good momentum,with increased high-level exchanges and the reinforcement of strategic mutual trust,with more room for growth in the future.  相似文献   

President Barack Obama travels to Honolulu to meet with the 21-nation Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation bloc. The president hopes to advance a trade deal few know about but that could shape the future of U.S. commercial relations overall, and with fast-growing Asia  相似文献   

1.The overall development & achievements of the textile
Exposure to the international environment,China's textile industry's policy has experienced great transform from self-satisfaction and import substitution to export-oriented industry in the past thirty years.  相似文献   

China's telecom system equipmentindustry suffered an overall declinein 2002.The main indication of thedemand of the industry is the totalinvestment in telecom fixed assets.BetweenJanuary and October 2002,the totalinvestment dropped 32.74% year-on-year.The investment in telecom fixed assetsadded up to RMB143.76 billion in the firstthree quarters of 2001 and RMB242.89billion in the whole year,with investmentin the fourth quarter accounting for 41% of  相似文献   

The machine-building industry is one of China's traditional industries and has a broad base in China. Its economic strength occupies one quarter of total Chinese industry. The annual export volume of machinery is US $ 15 billion, 16 percent of the total export volume of China. Though China's machine-building industry has an important position in the overall national economy, the level of its products is not high and its proportion is not much on  相似文献   

In June,along with the prompt and effective control fo SARS,the economic index rose again after a temporary fallback in April and May.The Caster economic index shows that in Junethe unanimous contract index was 122.34.That‘s 0.25 higher than that of May,but is 0.21 lower than that of March,the monty just before the outbreak of SARS.This indicates that at present the overall economy is still in a recovery period.But it is on the upswing.By viewing the state of the overall economy in the first half of the year,we can find the following main features.  相似文献   

With the approach of the 21st century, the Asia-Pacific Region where China is situated is becoming a new growth point of the world economy. The development of China's economy will surely bring vitality to the further prosperity of Asia-Pacific Region and the overall development of the world economy. With the daily deepening of  相似文献   

The Competitiveness of "Made in China"
China's annual imports and exports of goods exceeded USD4tn for the first time in 2013 and made China the largest trading nation around the world. However, the overall foreign trade competitiveness of China's industries declined this year. The shift in the trading pecking order reflected China's rising global dominance, and the falling competitiveness may be the reflection of the slowdown in economic growth.  相似文献   

The CPC Central Commit tee and the State Council have made all the principles and policies; the Central Working Conference on Economy and National Working Conference on Commerce,which were held not long ago,have made an overall arrangement, and provided guidance for the work of CCPIT.  相似文献   

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