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Beiqi Foton Motor Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Foton Motor)is a public corporation of multi-industries over different regions,industries and owner- ships.The first shareholder of Foton Motor is Beijing Motor Industry Sharehold- ing Co.,Ltd.,and the headquarter locates in Beijing.The corporation possesses  相似文献   

北汽福田汽车股份有限公司(简称福田汽车)成立于1996年8月28日,是一家跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制的国有控股上市公司,总部位于北京市昌平区,现有资产达72.66亿元,员工2.8万余人,是一个以北京为管理中心,在京、津、鲁、冀、湘、鄂、辽、粤等8个省市区拥有16个整车和零部件事业部,研发分支机构分布在日本、德国、台湾等地的企业集团,其轻型卡车连续8年处于同行业第一的地位。2006年,福田汽车以139.68亿元的品牌价值在汽车行业排名第四,同时在“中国500最具价值品牌”榜单中居第42位。  相似文献   

PhD Wang Xingchu was born in 1962. He is the Board Chairman of Shanghai Biotechnology Industrial Garden Coalition Development Co., Ltd. and the General Manager of Shanghai Hua Xin High-Biotechnology Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, over 100 famous enterprises in Shunde furniture .industry gathered together to negotiate the plan for creating new advantages in Shunde furniture industry and formed the new council of Shunde Furniture Association. Chen Baoguang, Vice Chairman of China Furniture Association, awarded certificate to Chen Weiheng, Board Chairman of Shunde Meihua Furniture Co., Ltd., who is reappointed to be Chairman of Shunde Furniture Association for his fourth sessions.  相似文献   

On November 3, Morocco President Driss Jetou and his delegation paid special visit to Beiqi Foton.  相似文献   

On April 3, the first commission session of 2006 Partenariat was held in CCPIT, the attendees included Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Sui Jianmin, Director General of CCPIT International Relations Department,Guo Qizhou, Project Manager of the EU-China Partenariat 2006, Han Meiqing, Director in charge of International Organizations Affairs at the Department of International Relations, CCPIT, representatives from EU Delegation, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minstry of Commerce, etc..  相似文献   

2005年以来,国际海事组织(IMO)、欧盟(EU)等相继出台了油船和散货船结构共同规范(CSR)、船舶燃油舱保护规则、船舶气体排放标准(IMO Tier2)、涂层新标准(PSPC)等四大新规范,这预示着船舶企业之间的新一轮竞争拉开了帷幕。  相似文献   

On November 13, Latvia-China Business Seminar was held in the meeting hall of CCPIT. Mr. Ludviks, Deputy Chair man of Riga City Council,Mr. Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Le Jia, Director General of Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry attended the seminar and gave speeches. Mr. Ludviks introduced the economic and trade  相似文献   

On February 12, a meaningful scene occurred in London: Xiao Yaqing, the General Manager of Chinalco, and Paul Skinner, the Chairman of Rio Tinto took a handshake at the agreement ceremony, which symbolizes the second cooperation between Rio Tinto and Chinalco, after Chinalco's first investing in Rio Tinto with US$14 billion last year.  相似文献   

80多年来,恒源祥作为中华大地上的一个老字号,可谓是耳熟能详。几经风雨、几经历练,如今的恒源祥,生产制造外包给100多家加盟工厂,产品行销"下放"给9000多个经销网点。在外人看来,两头在外、品牌虚拟的模式,无疑是冒险的游戏。在恒源祥掌门人刘瑞旗看来,恒源祥不是取得了什么成功,而是实现了巨大转变。只是这个变化很另类,很特立独行。能否被大家认可或接受,并不重要,这是企业家个人打造品牌的风格。至于对市场人有何借鉴,就仁者见仁、智者见智,一切就看掌控人的取舍了。  相似文献   

In order to provide more opportuni ties for the high-developing Chinese auto industry including autos and motos to do export, and to enlarge the international influence of Chinese cars,the 4th China Auto International Circuit Exhibition will be held in Syria. The exhibition has been held for three times.  相似文献   

Jointly with China Economic & Trade Counselor Office in Egypt, the General Authority for Investment (GAFI) and the General Authority for Special Economic Zone North-West Gulf of Suez (SEZone) held China-Africa Development Fund Conference in Cairo, Egypt on March 16, 2009. The Minister of Investment Egypt Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Mr. Wu Chunhua, Chairman of GAFI and SEZone Mr. Assem Ragab, Vice President of China-Africa Development Fund Mr. Lu Qingchen, Economic and Trade Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Egypt Mr. Cao Jiachang, as well as over 100 Chinese/Egyptian businessmen attended the conference.  相似文献   

王薇  吴建业 《中国市场》2009,(38):14-19
<正>2009年8月20—21日,在工业与信息化部信息化推进司的指导下,由中国物流与采购联合会主办,深圳市鑫友诚供应链管理有限公司和E56物流电子交易公共服务平台协办的"2009中国物流与采购信息化应用大会暨物流企业CIO峰  相似文献   

On the afternoon of July 3,CCPIT Vice Chairman Dong Songgen met with Mr.Gutierrez,the visiting Peruvian Vice Foreign Minister,both of whom attended the Seminar on Economic and Trade Opportunities in Peru.The seminar was organized by CCPIT and Peruvian Embassy in China,Peru- vian Vice Foreign Minister has briefed on macro economy as well as trade policies and investment opportunities in Peru.  相似文献   

On November 23,2006, Chinese-Mongolian Business Forum was held in Beijing Presidential Plaza. H.E. Miyegombo Enkhbold, Prime Minister of Mongolia, Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, S. Demberel, Chairman of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, at-  相似文献   

On November 2, China-Esthonia Economic and Trade Coopera- tion Forum was held in Talinn, capital of Esthonia. Ansip,Premier of Esthonia, Zhang Dejiang, Vice Premier of China, Yu Ping, Vice Presidefft of CCPIT and Ruman, Chairman of the Esthonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry attended and addressed the forum.  相似文献   

On August 29, Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, meets the visiting delegation led by Sheldon G. Adelson, Chairman of the Board and principal owner of Las Vegas Sands Corp. in CCPIT. Zhao Zhenge, Vice Director of International Connection Department of CCPIT, Luo Guoxiong from Beijing China Exhibition Investment Company, Xu Jingyi, Assistant Director of American and Oceanian Affairs Division of CCPIT, also attended the meeting.  相似文献   

在万向集团,父亲鲁冠球坐的是VOLVO——全球安全系数最高的轿车。儿子鲁伟鼎选择的是讲求速度与驾驶快感的BMW。车如其人。在经营操作中,鲁伟鼎讲速度、有闯劲,冲在第一线;鲁冠球则经常往后拉一拉,严格地掌控着企业的安全系数。  相似文献   

On February 1, 2007 CCPIT tawarded the title of Honorary Member to Wakahara Tomio,Vice Chairman of Tokai Japan-China Trade Center, to praise the contribution he has made to the Sino-Japanese friend-ship and bilateral economic and trade cooperation in the past.  相似文献   

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