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S. Wang 《Metrika》1991,38(1):259-267
Summary Using Silverman and Young’s (1987) idea of rescaling a rescaled smoothed empirical distribution function is defined and investigated when the smoothing parameter depends on the data. The rescaled smoothed estimator is shown to be often better than the commonly used ordinary smoothed estimator.  相似文献   

This article studies density and parameter estimation problems for nonlinear parametric models with conditional heteroscedasticity. We propose a simple density estimate that is particularly useful for studying the stationary density of nonlinear time series models. Under a general dependence structure, we establish the root nn consistency of the proposed density estimate. For parameter estimation, a Bahadur type representation is obtained for the conditional maximum likelihood estimate. The parameter estimate is shown to be asymptotically efficient in the sense that its limiting variance attains the Cramér–Rao lower bound. The performance of our density estimate is studied by simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of estimating nonparametric panel data models with fixed effects. We introduce an iterative nonparametric kernel estimator. We also extend the estimation method to the case of a semiparametric partially linear fixed effects model. To determine whether a parametric, semiparametric or nonparametric model is appropriate, we propose test statistics to test between the three alternatives in practice. We further propose a test statistic for testing the null hypothesis of random effects against fixed effects in a nonparametric panel data regression model. Simulations are used to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators and the test statistics.  相似文献   

This paper considers a new nonparametric estimation of conditional value-at-risk and expected shortfall functions. Conditional value-at-risk is estimated by inverting the weighted double kernel local linear estimate of the conditional distribution function. The nonparametric estimator of conditional expected shortfall is constructed by a plugging-in method. Both the asymptotic normality and consistency of the proposed nonparametric estimators are established at both boundary and interior points for time series data. We show that the weighted double kernel local linear conditional distribution estimator has the advantages of always being a distribution, continuous, and differentiable, besides the good properties from both the double kernel local linear and weighted Nadaraya–Watson estimators. Moreover, an ad hoc data-driven fashion bandwidth selection method is proposed, based on the nonparametric version of the Akaike information criterion. Finally, an empirical study is carried out to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimation methods and asymptotic theory for the analysis of a nonparametrically specified conditional quantile process. Two estimators based on local linear regressions are proposed. The first estimator applies simple inequality constraints while the second uses rearrangement to maintain quantile monotonicity. The bandwidth parameter is allowed to vary across quantiles to adapt to data sparsity. For inference, the paper first establishes a uniform Bahadur representation and then shows that the two estimators converge weakly to the same limiting Gaussian process. As an empirical illustration, the paper considers a dataset from Project STAR and delivers two new findings.  相似文献   

Motivated by the first-differencing method for linear panel data models, we propose a class of iterative local polynomial estimators for nonparametric dynamic panel data models with or without exogenous regressors. The estimators utilize the additive structure of the first-differenced model—the fact that the two additive components have the same functional form, and the unknown function of interest is implicitly defined as a solution of a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. We establish the uniform consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators. We also propose a consistent test for the correct specification of linearity in typical dynamic panel data models based on the L2L2 distance of our nonparametric estimates and the parametric estimates under the linear restriction. We derive the asymptotic distributions of the test statistic under the null hypothesis and a sequence of Pitman local alternatives, and prove its consistency against global alternatives. Simulations suggest that the proposed estimators and tests perform well for finite samples. We apply our new method to study the relationships among economic growth, the initial economic condition and capital accumulation, and find a significant nonlinear relation between economic growth and the initial economic condition.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the testing of autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) models by gauging the distance between the parametric density and hazard rate functions implied by the duration process and their non-parametric estimates. We derive the asymptotic justification using the functional delta method for fixed and gamma kernels, and then investigate the finite-sample properties through Monte Carlo simulations. Although our tests display some size distortion, bootstrapping suffices to correct the size without compromising their excellent power. We show the practical usefulness of such testing procedures for the estimation of intraday volatility patterns.  相似文献   

We consider nonparametric/semiparametric estimation and testing of econometric models with data dependent smoothing parameters. Most of the existing works on asymptotic distributions of a nonparametric/semiparametric estimator or a test statistic are based on some deterministic smoothing parameters, while in practice it is important to use data-driven methods to select the smoothing parameters. In this paper we give a simple sufficient condition that can be used to establish the first order asymptotic equivalence of a nonparametric estimator or a test statistic with stochastic smoothing parameters to those using deterministic smoothing parameters. We also allow for general weakly dependent data.  相似文献   

Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry in dynamic models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article proposes omnibus tests for conditional symmetry around a parametric function in a dynamic context. Conditional moments may not exist or may depend on the explanatory variables. Test statistics are suitable functionals of the empirical process of residuals and explanatory variables, whose limiting distribution under the null is nonpivotal. The tests are implemented with the assistance of a bootstrap method, which is justified assuming very mild regularity conditions on the specification of the center of symmetry and the underlying serial dependence structure. Finite sample properties are examined by means of a Monte Carlo experiment.  相似文献   

Stable autoregressive models are considered with martingale differences errors scaled by an unknown nonparametric time-varying function generating heterogeneity. An important special case involves structural change in the error variance, but in most practical cases the pattern of variance change over time is unknown and may involve shifts at unknown discrete points in time, continuous evolution or combinations of the two. This paper develops kernel-based estimators of the residual variances and associated adaptive least squares (ALS) estimators of the autoregressive coefficients. Simulations show that efficiency gains are achieved by the adaptive procedure.  相似文献   

This paper considers a panel data model with time-varying individual effects. The data are assumed to contain a large number of cross-sectional units repeatedly observed over a fixed number of time periods. The model has a feature of the fixed-effects model in that the effects are assumed to be correlated with the regressors. The unobservable individual effects are assumed to have a factor structure. For consistent estimation of the model, it is important to estimate the true number of individual effects. We propose a generalized methods of moments procedure by which both the number of individual effects and the regression coefficients can be consistently estimated. Some important identification issues are also discussed. Our simulation results indicate that the proposed methods produce reliable estimates.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for concave distribution functions is investigated. This is made by transforming a mixture of Dirichlet processes on the space of distribution functions to the space of concave distribution functions. We give a method for sampling from the posterior distribution using a Pólya urn scheme in combination with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The methods are extended to estimation of concave distribution functions for incompletely observed data.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of semiparametric efficient estimation in conditional quantile models with time series data. We construct an M-estimator which achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound recently derived by Komunjer and Vuong (forthcoming). Our efficient M-estimator is obtained by minimizing an objective function which depends on a nonparametric estimator of the conditional distribution of the variable of interest rather than its density. The estimator is new and not yet seen in the literature. We illustrate its performance through a Monte Carlo experiment.  相似文献   

Under a conditional mean restriction Das et al. (2003) considered nonparametric estimation of sample selection models. However, their method can only identify the outcome regression function up to a constant. In this paper we strengthen the conditional mean restriction to a symmetry restriction under which selection biases due to selection on unobservables can be eliminated through proper matching of propensity scores; consequently we are able to identify and obtain consistent estimators for the average treatment effects and the structural regression functions. The results from a simulation study suggest that our estimators perform satisfactorily.  相似文献   

This paper investigates statistical properties of the local generalized method of moments (LGMM) estimator for some time series models defined by conditional moment restrictions. First, we consider Markov processes with possible conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown forms and establish the consistency, asymptotic normality, and semi-parametric efficiency of the LGMM estimator. Second, we undertake a higher-order asymptotic expansion and demonstrate that the LGMM estimator possesses some appealing bias reduction properties for positively autocorrelated processes. Our analysis of the asymptotic expansion of the LGMM estimator reveals an interesting contrast with the OLS estimator that helps to shed light on the nature of the bias correction performed by the LGMM estimator. The practical importance of these findings is evaluated in terms of a bond and option pricing exercise based on a diffusion model for spot interest rate.  相似文献   

This paper considers semiparametric efficient estimation of conditional moment models with possibly nonsmooth residuals in unknown parametric components (θ) and unknown functions (h) of endogenous variables. We show that: (1) the penalized sieve minimum distance (PSMD) estimator can simultaneously achieve root-n asymptotic normality of and nonparametric optimal convergence rate of , allowing for noncompact function parameter spaces; (2) a simple weighted bootstrap procedure consistently estimates the limiting distribution of the PSMD ; (3) the semiparametric efficiency bound formula of [Ai, C., Chen, X., 2003. Efficient estimation of models with conditional moment restrictions containing unknown functions. Econometrica, 71, 1795–1843] remains valid for conditional models with nonsmooth residuals, and the optimally weighted PSMD estimator achieves the bound; (4) the centered, profiled optimally weighted PSMD criterion is asymptotically chi-square distributed. We illustrate our theories using a partially linear quantile instrumental variables (IV) regression, a Monte Carlo study, and an empirical estimation of the shape-invariant quantile IV Engel curves.  相似文献   

Existing panel data methods remove unobserved individual effects before change point estimation through data transformations such as first-differencing. In this paper, we show that multiple change points can be consistently estimated in short panels via ordinary least squares. Since no data variation is removed before change point estimation, our method has better small-sample properties compared to first-differencing methods. We also propose two tests that identify whether the change points found by our method originate in the slope parameters or in the covariance of the regressors with individual effects. We illustrate our method via modeling the environmental Kuznets curve and the US house price expectations after the financial crisis.  相似文献   

We propose a nonparametric likelihood ratio testing procedure for choosing between a parametric (likelihood) model and a moment condition model when both models could be misspecified. Our procedure is based on comparing the Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC) between the parametric model and moment condition model. We construct the KLIC for the parametric model using the difference between the parametric log likelihood and a sieve nonparametric estimate of population entropy, and obtain the KLIC for the moment model using the empirical likelihood statistic. We also consider multiple (>2)(>2) model comparison tests, when all the competing models could be misspecified, and some models are parametric while others are moment-based. We evaluate the performance of our tests in a Monte Carlo study, and apply the tests to an example from industrial organization.  相似文献   

This paper extends the familiar notion of fixed effects to nonlinear structures with infinite-dimensional unobservables, like preferences. The main result is that a generalized version of differencing identifies local average responses (LARs) in nonseparable structures. In contrast to existing results, this does not require either substantial restrictions on functional form or independence between the persistent unobservables and the explanatory variables of interest, and it requires only two time periods. On the other hand, the results are confined to the subpopulation of “stayers” (Chamberlain, 1982), i.e., the population for which the explanatory variables do not change over time. We extend the basic framework to include time trends and dynamics in the explanatory variables, and we show how distributional effects as well as average partial effects are identified. Our approach also allows endogeneity in the transitory unobservables. Furthermore, we show that this new identification principle can be applied to well-known objects like the slope coefficient in the semiparametric panel data binary choice model with fixed effects. Finally, we suggest estimators for the local average response and average partial effect, and we analyze their large- and finite-sample behavior.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an extension to the first-order branching process with immigration in the presence of fixed covariates and unobservable random effects. The extension permits the possibility that individuals from the second generation of the process may contribute to the total number of offsprings at time \(t\) by producing offsprings of their own. We will study the basic properties of the second order process and discuss a generalized quasilikelihood (GQL) estimation of the mean and variance parameters and the generalized method of moments estimation of the correlation parameters. We will discuss the asymptotic distribution of the GQL estimator by first deriving the influence curve of the estimator. For the fixed effects model we shall derive a forecasting function and the variance of the forecast error. The performance of the proposed estimators and forecasts will be examined through a simulation study.  相似文献   

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