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For Poisson inverse Gaussian regression models, it is very complicated to obtain the influence measures based on the traditional method, because the associated likelihood function involves intractable expressions, such as the modified Bessel function. In this paper, the EM algorithm is employed as a basis to derive diagnostic measures for the models by treating them as a mixed Poisson regression with the weights from the inverse Gaussian distributions. Several diagnostic measures are obtained in both case-deletion model and local influence analysis, based on the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function in the EM algorithm. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

It is shown how to implement an EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation of hierarchical nonlinear models for data sets consisting of more than two levels of nesting. This upward–downward algorithm makes use of the conditional independence assumptions implied by the hierarchical model. It cannot only be used for the estimation of models with a parametric specification of the random effects, but also to extend the two-level nonparametric approach – sometimes referred to as latent class regression – to three or more levels. The proposed approach is illustrated with an empirical application.  相似文献   

We analyse additive regression model fitting via the backfitting algorithm. We show that in the case of a large class of curve estimators, which includes regressograms, simple step-by-step formulae can be given for the back-fitting algorithm. The result of each cycle of the algorithm may be represented succinctly in terms of a sequence of d projections in n-dimensional space, where d is the number of design coordinates and n is sample size. It follows from our formulae that the limit of the algorithm is simply the projection of the data onto that vector space which is orthogonal to the space of all n-vectors fixed by each of the projections. The formulae also provide the convergence rate of the algorithm, the variance of the backfitting estimator, consistency of the estimator, and the relationship of the estimator to that obtained by directly minimizing mean squared distance.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data sets with the structure T (time points) × N (subjects) are often incomplete because of data missing for certain subjects at certain time points. The EM algorithm is applied in conjunction with the Kalman smoother for computing maximum likelihood estimates of longitudinal LISREL models from varying missing data patterns. The iterative procedure uses the LISREL program in the M-step and the Kalman smoother in the E-step. The application of the method is illustrated by simulating missing data on a data set from educational research.  相似文献   

Quantile regression techniques have been widely used in empirical economics. In this paper, we consider the estimation of a generalized quantile regression model when data are subject to fixed or random censoring. Through a discretization technique, we transform the censored regression model into a sequence of binary choice models and further propose an integrated smoothed maximum score estimator by combining individual binary choice models, following the insights of Horowitz (1992) and Manski (1985). Unlike the estimators of Horowitz (1992) and Manski (1985), our estimators converge at the usual parametric rate through an integration process. In the case of fixed censoring, our approach overcomes a major drawback of existing approaches associated with the curse-of-dimensionality problem. Our approach for the fixed censored case can be extended readily to the case with random censoring for which other existing approaches are no longer applicable. Both of our estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. A simulation study demonstrates that our estimators perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an alternative to maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the censored regression (or censored ‘Tobit’) model. The proposed estimator is a generalization of least absolute deviations estimation for the standard linear model, and, unlike estimation methods based on the assumption of normally distributed error terms, the estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal for a wide class of error distributions, and is also robust to heteroscedasticity. The paper gives the regularity conditions and proofs of these large-sample results, and proposes classes of consistent estimators of the asymptotic covariance matrix for both homoscedastic and heteroscedastic disturbances.  相似文献   

Daniel J. Nordman 《Metrika》2008,68(3):351-363
Properties of a “blockwise”empirical likelihood for spatial regression with non-stochastic regressors are investigated for spatial data on a lattice. The method enables nonparametric confidence regions for spatial trend parameters to be calibrated, even though non-random regressors introduce non-stationary forms of spatial dependence into the “blockwise” construction. Additionally, the regression results are valid in a general framework allowing for a variety of behavior in regressor variables as well as the underlying spatial error process. The same regression method also applies when the regressors are stochastic.  相似文献   

In standard regression analysis the relationship between the (response) variable and a set of (explanatory) variables is investigated. In the classical framework the response is affected by probabilistic uncertainty (randomness) and, thus, treated as a random variable. However, the data can also be subjected to other kinds of uncertainty such as imprecision. A possible way to manage all of these uncertainties is represented by the concept of fuzzy random variable (FRV). The most common class of FRVs is the LR family (LR FRV), which allows us to express every FRV in terms of three random variables, namely, the center, the left spread and the right spread. In this work, limiting our attention to the LR FRV class, we consider the linear regression problem in the presence of one or more imprecise random elements. The procedure for estimating the model parameters and the determination coefficient are discussed and the hypothesis testing problem is addressed following a bootstrap approach. Furthermore, in order to illustrate how the proposed model works in practice, the results of a real-life example are given together with a comparison with those obtained by applying classical regression analysis.  相似文献   

波动率是利率期限结构模型的重要因素,基于CKLS模型并运用SV模型对对国债券市场中具有基准性质的市场利率国债回购利率波动性建模,运用Bayes方法对模型参数进行估计,效果良好。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new computational technique for solving spatial economic equilibrium problems which are generalizations of the classic transportation problem. This technique makes use of a type of algorithm which has been developed in recent years to compute Kakutani fixed points and solve related problems. Existing algorithms for the generalized transportation problem employ quadratic programming, and therefore require that demand and supply functions be linear. By contrast, the algorithm of this paper can handle demand and supply relationships which are nonlinear or even semi-continuous. It can also handle non-constant transport costs and various other complications. The technique is capable of yielding highly accurate solutions, and appears to be computationally efficient on problems of reasonable size.  相似文献   

The best guesses of unknown coefficients specified in Theil's model of introspection are like predictions and not like de Finetti's prevision and therefore not the values taken by random variables. Constrained least squares procedures can be formulated which are free of these difficulties. The ridge estimator is a simple version of a constrained least squares estimator which can be made operational even when little prior information is available. Our operational ridge estimators are nearly minimax and are not less stable than least squares in the presence of high multicollinearity. Finally, we have presented the ridge estimates for the Rotterdam demand model.  相似文献   

We propose a class of nonparametric tests for testing non-stochasticity of the regression parameterβ in the regression modely i =βx i +ɛ i ,i=1, ...,n. We prove that the test statistics are asymptotically normally distributed both underH 0 and under contiguous alternatives. The asymptotic relative efficiencies (in the Pitman sense) with respect to the best parametric test have also been computed and they are quite high. Some simulation studies are carried out to illustrate the results. Research was supported by the University Grants Commission, India.  相似文献   

The exponentiated Weibull distribution is a convenient alternative to the generalized gamma distribution to model time-to-event data. It accommodates both monotone and nonmonotone hazard shapes, and flexible enough to describe data with wide ranging characteristics. It can also be used for regression analysis of time-to-event data. The maximum likelihood method is thus far the most widely used technique for inference, though there is a considerable body of research of improving the maximum likelihood estimators in terms of asymptotic efficiency. For example, there has recently been considerable attention on applying James–Stein shrinkage ideas to parameter estimation in regression models. We propose nonpenalty shrinkage estimation for the exponentiated Weibull regression model for time-to-event data. Comparative studies suggest that the shrinkage estimators outperform the maximum likelihood estimators in terms of statistical efficiency. Overall, the shrinkage method leads to more accurate statistical inference, a fundamental and desirable component of statistical theory.  相似文献   

A frequently occurring problem is to find the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of p subject to pC (CP the probability vectors in R k ). The problem has been discussed by many authors and they mainly focused when p is restricted by linear constraints or log-linear constraints. In this paper, we construct the relationship between the the maximum likelihood estimation of p restricted by pC and EM algorithm and demonstrate that the maximum likelihood estimator can be computed through the EM algorithm (Dempster et al. in J R Stat Soc Ser B 39:1–38, 1997). Several examples are analyzed by the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to hypotheses testing problems which are non-nested in the classical sense and which concern the covariance matrix of the disturbance vector of the linear regression model. In particular, the application of the approach to testing for AR(1) disturbances against MA(1) disturbances is explored in some detail. Practical difficulties are discussed and selected upper bounds for the test's five percent significance points are tabulated. The small sample power of four versions of the new test are compared empirically and a clear conclusion is made in regard to the best overall test.  相似文献   

Electric load forecasting is a crucial part of business operations in the energy industry. Various load forecasting methods and techniques have been proposed and tested. With growing concerns about cybersecurity and malicious data manipulations, an emerging topic is to develop robust load forecasting models. In this paper, we propose a robust support vector regression (SVR) model to forecast the electricity demand under data integrity attacks. We first introduce a weight function to calculate the relative importance of each observation in the load history. We then construct a weighted quadratic surface SVR model. Some theoretical properties of the proposed model are derived. Extensive computational experiments are based on the publicly available data from Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2012 and ISO New England. To imitate data integrity attacks, we have deliberately increased or decreased the historical load data. Finally, the computational results demonstrate better accuracy of the proposed robust model over other recently proposed robust models in the load forecasting literature.  相似文献   

In this paper an approach is developed that accommodates heterogeneity in Poisson regression models for count data. The model developed assumes that heterogeneity arises from a distribution of both the intercept and the coefficients of the explanatory variables. We assume that the mixing distribution is discrete, resulting in a finite mixture model formulation. An EM algorithm for estimation is described, and the algorithm is applied to data on customer purchases of books offered through direct mail. Our model is compared empirically to a number of other approaches that deal with heterogeneity in Poisson regression models.  相似文献   

Journal of Productivity Analysis - This paper proposes a probabilistic frontier regression model for multinomial ordinal type output data. We consider some of the output categories as...  相似文献   

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