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Summary The procedure proposed consists in going through the population to be sampled item by item deciding each time with probability p whether the item at hand shall be incorporated in the sample. The "distances" between successive items in the sample will then form a random sample from a geometric distribution. A series of these random distances can easily be produced on a computer and can be conveniently used for taking the sample required. In some cases this method may have its advantages over the conventional use of a table of random numbers.  相似文献   

Anna Lytova  Leonid Pastur 《Metrika》2009,69(2-3):153-172
We consider n × n real symmetric random matrices n ?1/2 W with independent (modulo symmetry condition) entries and the (null) sample covariance matrices n ?1 A T A with independent entries of m × n matrix A. Assuming first that the 4th cumulant (excess) κ 4 of entries of W and A is zero and that their 4th moments satisfy a Lindeberg type condition, we prove that linear statistics of eigenvalues of the above matrices satisfy the central limit theorem (CLT) as n → ∞, m → ∞, ${m/n\rightarrow c\in[0,\infty)}$ with the same variance as for Gaussian matrices if the test functions of statistics are smooth enough (essentially of the class ${\mathbb{C}^5}$ ). This is done by using a simple “interpolation trick”. Then, by using a more elaborated techniques, we prove the CLT in the case of non-zero excess of entries for essentially ${\mathbb{C}^4}$ test function. Here the variance contains additional term proportional to κ 4. The proofs of all limit theorems follow essentially the same scheme.  相似文献   

Claire Coiffard 《Metrika》2011,73(3):359-371
We consider multivariate spacings blocks in the usual sense (refer to Deheuvels (Z Wahrsch Verw Gebiete 64:411–424, 1983)). We consider the sets of exceptional points in the neighborhood of which such spacings are, infinitely often, unusually large. Our main result, in the spirit of Hawkes (Math Proc Camb Phil Soc 293–303, 1981), shows that these sets constitute random fractals, whose Hausdorff dimensions are explicitly evaluated.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we show how a consistent estimator can be derived for the asymptotic covariance matrix of stationary 0–1-valued vector fields in R d , whose supports are jointly stationary random closed sets. As an example, which is of particular interest for statistical applications, we consider jointly stationary random closed sets associated with the Boolean model in R d such that the components indicate the frequency of coverage by the single grains of the Boolean model. For this model, a representation formula for the entries of the covariance matrix is obtained.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a computationally simple way to construct confidence sets for a parameter of interest in models comprised of moment inequalities. Building on results from the literature on multivariate one-sided tests, I show how to test the hypothesis that any particular parameter value is logically consistent with the maintained moment inequalities. The associated test statistic has an asymptotic chi-bar-square distribution, and can be inverted to construct an asymptotic confidence set for the parameter of interest, even if that parameter is only partially identified. Critical values for the test are easily computed, and a Monte Carlo study demonstrates implementation and finite sample performance.  相似文献   

The standard model for the analysis of variance with random effects implies, for the case of two independent variables, that single effects must be tested not against the error, but against the interaction mean squares. This causes, in comparison with the fixed effects AV, a considerable loss of test power, particularly for the 2 × 2 table. An alternative modelling of the interaction effect is proposed which completely avoids the loss of power.  相似文献   

The won-loss percentage for all games played in a season by NBA teams is modeled as a function of team performance statistics. Four variables field goals, free throws, rebounds, and turnovers are found to be statistically significant and account for more than 90% of the variation in the data. The regression coefficients also appear to be stable from year to year. Predictions for four years obtained from the estimates of one season show good agreement with the observed data. Forecasts for the 1993 season are also given based on mid-season statistics. Predictions for play-off winners are also briefly discussed. The analysis is carried out in the spirit of exploratory data analysis using graphical methods.  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has become one of the most widely used instruments for measuring bank efficiency. However, its application encounters many problems, which is evidenced by continuous evolvements in the DEA method so far. Our paper addresses the pitfalls of DEA in the context of measuring bank efficiency, with focus on the specification of performance factors. We aim at examining whether the input-output specification for banks in DEA applications is in consistence with the criteria upon which banks make decisions. Four bank behaviour models which are most popularly employed to determine input and output factors in DEA studies—the intermediation approach, production approach, user cost approach and value added approach—are comprehensively discussed and reviewed. The comparative reflection on the bank behaviour models and the standard DEA models shows that the input-output related pitfalls of a DEA application are associated with its implicitly fixed preference structure, flexible weight determination and limited explanatory power. Due to the pitfalls, the conventional DEA models may fail to capture bank behaviours. In such cases, DEA results can hardly reflect the performance in its true sense, i.e. how banks perform against the goals that they decide to pursue. The findings suggest focusing on (DEA-based) performance measurement from a goal-oriented perspective, i.e. from the point of view of multi criteria decision making.  相似文献   

  • Branding is being adopted by charities and written about in academic and practitioner charity literature with increasing frequency. There is also growing concern, however, about the over-commercialistion of the sector and the misappropriation of techniques developed specifically for the commercial environment. Literature supporting the claim that charities are values-based organisations is reviewed and the proposition is made that it is in fact the non-negotiability of charity values that differentiate them from commercial organisations. Given the significance of values in the charity sector, the paper argues that a clearer understanding of how values are conceptualised in branding is necessary in order to establish whether branding is an appropriate and effective tool in the charity context. To achieve this, the paper reviews relevant branding literature focusing in particular upon the delineation of the values dimensions identified in for-profit branding models. To aid further understanding of these values dimensions in the non-profit context and their applicability (or otherwise) to it, the metaphors of brand as ‘mirror’, ‘lamp’ and ‘lens’ are introduced.
  • It is argued that in the corporate sector the brand concept has been utilised to ‘mirror’ those values that underpin the needs and desires of consumers. In contrast to the passive mirror, when operationalised as ‘lamp’, it is claimed that the brand aims to influence both the values of the organisation and the values of its target audience. It is postulated that neither of these approaches is appropriate for values-led organisations and that it is only as a metaphorical ‘lens’, projecting the values of the organisation itself that branding offers an applicable and effective model in the charity context.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

科技进步对浙江经济增长的贡献率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技进步的基本概念源自经济学家对生产函数的研究。改革开放20多年来,浙江省经济高速发展,取得了长足的进步。通过增长速度方程测算,发现科技进步对浙江经济增长的贡献却是在不断下降的,尤其是2000—2003年期间,贡献率竟然出现了负值,这与“科学技术是第一生产力”理论背道而驰。因此,必须进一步贯彻“科教兴国”战略,提高科技进步对经济增长的贡献率。  相似文献   

To nurture the export capabilities of small businesses, the potential of state universities as resources was examined. Separate focus group sessions for small business exporters and nonexporters were held in four locations throughout Viginia to determine user information needs of the two classes. Findings suggest lhat universities can be helpful in providing information resource centers, continuing education, sponsored programs, and paid-for personal services.  相似文献   

从投入产出模型看科技进步对中国产业结构升级的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以马克思的“生产力的发展尺度是劳动生产率的提高,科学技术是推动生产力提高的原动力”为指导思想,从我国改革开放以来经济发展的实际过程出发,运用科学的投入产出模型,从技术原理上定量地测算了科学技术诸因素对我国产业结构升级的影响程度,并针对现状进行分析,提出了“十五”期间进一步依靠科技进步,完成产业结构升级的途径。  相似文献   

农民工融入城镇能力测评指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对农民工融入城镇能力相关概念进行辨析与界定,提出了我国农民工融入城镇能力测评指标体系,并对该指标体系的应用及后续研究进行了讨论。认为该指标体系的提出,有助于规范该领域的学术研究和深化对农民工融入城镇问题的认识。  相似文献   

In 1995, the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) changed its Generally Accepted Accounting Principles on accounting for joint ventures from permitting a choice between the equity method (EM) and proportionate consolidation (PC) to requiring only PC. More recently, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has decided to issue a new standard that will eliminate choice between EM and PC and require only EM; but as of October 2010 a new standard was still to be issued. The past Canadian and proposed IASB changes are similar in that choice between the same two reporting methods is removed but differ in the required alternative, PC for Canada and EM for the IASB. In this paper we use a sample of Canadian companies over the period 1985–2003 to study financial reporting for joint ventures. To our knowledge, our Canadian sample is the only one reflecting a reduction of choice in financial reporting methods for joint ventures. Therefore, our results have particular relevance for evaluating the IASB's proposed change. Specifically, we investigate whether firms that use EM between 1985 and 1994 experience a decline in value relevance of key balance sheet amounts such as total assets and liabilities when forced to use PC from 1995 onwards. Since 1995 firms are also required to provide footnote disclosures on their share of joint venture assets and liabilities in addition to revenues, expenses and cash flows. Using these disclosures, we investigate whether disaggregate joint venture assets and liabilities are incrementally and overall value relevant. We find that firms that are forced to switch from EM to PC experience a decline in value relevance of reported assets and liabilities. The firms that use PC for the entire sample period experience no such decline. We also find that joint venture assets and liabilities are incrementally and overall value relevant when disclosures are mandatory from 1995 onwards. Our results show that the removal of choice of financial reporting method does have value-relevance implications, something that is of importance to users. We also find that the requirement of additional disclosure of joint venture assets and liabilities is value relevant, which may offset, to some extent, the costs of the reduction in choice. Our inferences may have implications for a number of jurisdictions across Europe and beyond that are affected by a similar reduction of accounting choice proposed by the IASB.  相似文献   

Abstract . This study analyzes some criticisms of the empirical use of the median voter model. In an attempt to evaluate these criticisms, a local school expenditure model is constructed which incorporates various income measures and various measures of tax price. Results indicate that median income outperforms other income measures. This empirical evidence offers support for the median voter model and its use in empirical work. The median tax price measure proved not to be of statistical significance. It should not be used without independent validation. Moreover, it does not outperform other tax price measures, in this test, at least. Further research is needed to explain this seeming anomaly.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - In Path Analysis, especially in social sciences studies, many researchers usually assume that errors in the model are uncorrelated with all exogenous variables as well as...  相似文献   

本文以跨区域自愿连锁超市为例,讨论跨区域自愿连锁组织的信息化需求和面临的问题,在分析中小企业信息化适用模式的基础上,将ASP理念应用于自愿连锁组织的信息化过程,提出基于总部ASP管理的跨区域自愿连锁组织的信息化模式,并分析其具备的优势和存在的问题。  相似文献   

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