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A “vintage” framework is described for studying the effects of technical change on economic development, particular attention being given to the level of employment. The framework is based on the notion that investment in new techniques is a major mechanism through which improvements in productivity are obtained. With the specification of demand and investment functions, a simple dynamic model is developed by means of which the effects of both continuous and discontinuous technical changes can be investigated, under various assumptions regarding the response of other economic variables to such changes. It is shown that a variety of behavioral characteristics are produced when technical change does not occur smoothly; in particular, it is suggested that variations in rates of technical change may act as a determinant of fluctuations in other economic variables.  相似文献   


Disjunctures between corporate governance, increasingly dominated by financial considerations, and social inequality have been among the motor forces of current world-wide “populist” voter revolts. This article looks for clues for the relation between economic inequality, corporate governance, and financialization by re-examining the work of Karl Marx and of Adolphe Berle and Gardiner Means. Marx is widely considered, in Japan, to have pointed out that the division of profit into the wages of management and the profit of enterprise is considered as a path to the association. However, this general interpretation in Japan may not be sufficient for capturing capitalism’s contemporary reality. This presentation develops an alternative interpretation of this chapter by combining Marx’s explanation with the theory of the separation of ownership and management proposed by Berle and Means. We then explore causal relations among income inequality, corporate governance, and financialization.  相似文献   

王利  韩玉启  陆继  李龙洙 《技术经济》2006,25(9):1-5,12
仅以合作关系作为供应链利润分配机制是与共享原则相悖的,且也无法实现。基于合作利润分配机制应包括的结构要素和运行要素之间的辩证关系,建立了一厂一商的供应链合作利润分配机制的数学模型。通过对该模型的求解,确定了厂商和渠道利润的数学表达式,定量描述了机制结构要素与运行要素之间的“硬件”与“软件”关系,并对它们的变化区域与对各决策变量及利润的影响程度进行了深入的分析,对现行返利系数的应用进行了讨论:构造出了一种较为有效的供应链合作利润分配机制。  相似文献   

Notes on some inequalities in economics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. Inequalities created by relating gauge (distance) functions and their dual support functions have been used in economics and operations research/management science to measure efficiency and productivity. The most familiar example is the Farrell (1957) measure of cost efficiency and its decomposition into technical and allocative components, which can be shown to be an application of the Mahler (1939) inequalities, although Farrell was probably unaware of the connection. In this short paper we add to this literature by providing explicit relationships between distance functions and support functions to form five different inequalities. These inequalities are derived from three support functions: the cost function, the revenue function and the profit function, and three gauge (distance) functions: the input distance function, the output distance function and the directional (technology) distance function.  相似文献   

干中学、低成本竞争和增长路径转变   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:35  
中国经济增长模式转变已经成为了共识,但大多数分析限于宏观分析,缺少对微观行为的机理讨论。本文从分析“干中学”的演进机制入手,得出了赶超型的供给曲线,然后针对“干中学”引起的套利型一哄而起的低成本竞争模式加以探讨,从理论和典型事实上理解了中国经济增长的内生演进机制和技术要素组合方式,最后提出了通过供给政策和深化市场改革来推进经济增长方式转变的结论。  相似文献   

Jan Zielonka 《Geopolitics》2013,18(3):502-525
In recent years several important books have argued that the United States of America, China, Russia and even the European Union “look, talk and walk” like empires. However, these books have failed to impress those working in the field of international relations. For some, the Westphalian state is still the major unit of analysis. Others prefer to use the terms “great powers” or “hegemony.” This research note will, first, try to assess the added value that the concept of empire brings to the study of international relations. The second aim is to establish how best to study contemporary empires. Which actors can be classified as empires? Should one focus on imperial structure, mission or behaviour? The third objective is to seek ways of identifying patterns of cooperation and competition among empires. Can the contemporary manifestations of empire co-exist without major conflict?  相似文献   

Most technological changes can be described as a substitution of one material, process or product for another. Each such substitution, if successful, normally tends to follow an S-shaped (or “logistic”) curve: that is, it starts slowly as initial problems and resistances have to be overcome; then it proceeds more rapidly as the competition between the new and the old technology grows keener and the new technology gains an advantage; and finally, as the market for the new technology approaches saturation, the pace of substitution slows down. Sometimes, when the process is completed, the old technology continues to retain some specialized portion of the total market (i.e., a sub-market) for which it is particularly well adapted. In forecasting the course and speed of the substitution process especially when it has already begun and partially taken place, the simplest approach is to project a function having the appropriate S-shaped curve, using historical data to determine the free parameters of the function. While useful, especially where data are not available for a more sophisticated study, the simple curve-fitting techniques fail to take into account several important factors that affect economic and management decisions on the part of producers and intermediate users (as well as “final” consumers) and thereby influence the course which the substitution process is likely to take. To overcome this limitation, a simulation model has been developed at IR&T which allows some of these factors to be evaluated and incorporated explicitly and quantitatively. The model is described and its application is illustrated in the case of the substitution of plastic for glass in bottles. It is most applicable where the competing technologies are rather precisely defined, where a good deal of current technical and economic data are available, and where an in-depth analysis is desired. Because this particular forecast was made before the sudden precipitous increase in petroleum prices, which upsets the price relationships assumed in the forecast, there is discussion of the vulnerability of forecasts to political and other contra-economic developments.  相似文献   

Prominent economic sociologist Richard Swedberg has argued that economists have failed to develop a theory of the market that recognizes it as a “social phenomenon in its own right.” While this may be true of mainstream economics, the Austrian school’s theory of the market is much richer than the standard view. For Austrians, the market has always been a central concern. And Austrians have always argued that the market is a social structure where both exchange and competition occurs. Still, Austrians give little more than scant attention to the noneconomic sociality that occurs in markets. The market, however, is both a conversation and an arena where meaningful conversations can occur. This paper is an effort to focus attention on the market as a social space where social activity (beyond competition and exchange) takes place and where noneconomic relationships and economic relationships develop.  相似文献   

I argue that math, like love, can cover a multitude of sins, and I use the neoclassical object of adoration, the Arrow-Debreu model, as the case in point. It is commonplace that the Arrow-Debreu (AD) model of general equilibrium does not describe the real world, but it is equally commonplace to accept it as representing the pure logic of the competitive capitalist economy in an idealized world free of transactions costs. I show that the AD model fails even as an idealized model; it actually mistakes the logic of pure capitalism. Unlike McKenzie’s model of idealized general equilibrium under constant returns to scale, Arrow and Debreu claim to have shown the existence of competitive equilibrium under decreasing returns to scale and positive pure profits. The AD model (again unlike the McKinzie model) needs to assign the profits to individuals and this is done using the notion of “ownership of the production set.” But this notion suffers from a fatal ambiguity. If Arrow and Debreu interpret it to mean “ownership of a corporation” then a simple argument in the form “labor can hire capital or capital can hire labor” defeats the alleged necessity of assigning residual claimancy to the corporation. A given corporation may or may not end up exploiting a set of production opportunities (represented by a production set) depending on whether it hires in labor and undertakes production or hires out its capital to others (all by assumption at the parametrically given prices). In the latter case, residual claimancy is elsewhere. There is no such property right as “ownership of a production set” in a private property market economy. The legal party which purchases or already owns all the inputs used up in production has the defensible legal claim on the outputs: there is no need to also “purchase the production set.” At any set of prices that allow positive pure profits, anyone in the idealized AD model could bid up the price of the inputs and thus try to reap a smaller but still positive profit. Therefore,pace Arrow and Debreu, there could be no equilibrium with positive pure profits. In the Appendix, the property rights fallacy that afflicts the AD model is shown to also afflict orthodox capital theory and corporate finance theory.  相似文献   

The stability of the solution path in a macroeconomic model implies that it admits a Wold representation. This Wold representation can be estimated semi‐parametrically by local projections and used to estimate the model's parameters by minimum distance techniques even when the stochastic process for the solution path is unknown or unconventional. We name this two‐step estimation procedure “projection minimum distance” and investigate its statistical properties for the broad class of models where the mapping between Wold coefficients and parameters is linear. This includes many situations with likelihood score functions nonlinear in the parameters that would otherwise require numerical optimization routines.  相似文献   

In this reply to Paola Potestio, it is argued that there are cases in which both the “supply” of and the “demand” for “capital” can be conceptualised in an economically meaningful way and used in the conventional long-period neoclassical manner to determine an equilibrium or to investigate the adjustment process towards it. This conceptualisation is based on strict assumptions. If, for the sake of the argument, we concede these assumptions, the critique of the theory that tries to generalise the determination of distribution in a simple one-good model, or “corn-economy”, to multi-good models can be safely founded on the possibility of reswitching and capital reversing, contrary to Potestio's critique.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the observed high persistence of cross-country differences in inequality. It focuses on the interactions between inequality and the predominance of either horizontal coalitions (among individuals of similar economic status) or vertical ones (among individuals with different economic status). A model is proposed showing that the interactions between inequality and the type of coalition formed in a society can give rise to self-sustained social contracts where inequality persists. Key mechanisms of the model are illustrated using the transformation in inequality, redistribution and social relations in Modern England, as well as the “paternalist” system of the US South at the beginning of the XXth century.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to show that “there are optimal partners for technology transfer to be most effective,” and for many countries this may, in fact, mean looking for “technical cooperation among developing countries (TCDC).” In this article a technology transfer model has been presented, in relatively simple mathematical form, which incorporates both the dynamic and the spatial aspects of the innovation diffusion process. The existing models of technological change at a particular location, i.e., technological substitution, are shown to be special cases of the developed time-level model of technology transfer. The model has been applied to evaluate the international transfer potentials of the “computerization” technology. Optimal partners are identified and the prospects for TCDC has been evaluated. Model usefulness and related policy implications have been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Theoretical relationships between parameters of the normalized quadratic profit and cost functions are derived allowing for economies of scope to be calculated using profit function estimates. An empirical example confirms that the cost function is recovered using the estimated profit function.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2014,68(2):117-132
We examine human capital's contribution to economy-wide technological progress through two channels – imitation and innovation – innovation being more skill-intensive than imitation. We develop a growth model based on the endogenous ability-driven skill acquisition decision of an individual. It is shown that skilled human capital is growth enhancing in the “imitation-innovation” regime and in the “innovation-only” regime whereas unskilled human capital is growth enhancing in the “imitation-only” regime. Steady state exists and, in the long run, the economy converges to the world technology frontier. In the diversified regime, technological progress raises the return to ability and generates an increase in wage inequality between and within groups – consistent with the pattern observed across countries.  相似文献   

Uncertainty about technology and resources is represented in terms of uncertainty about an (exogenous) environment whose successive states form a stationary stochastic process, with probabilities that are unaffected by economic decisions. The successive states of the economy depend both on the environment and on the decisions taken with regard to production and consumption. It is shown that, under conditions that are natural extensions of “neoclassical” conditions in the case of certainty, (1) Capital saturation is possible, i.e., an optimal stationary stochastic program exists, and (2) An optimal program can be sustained by a price system that takes the form of a stationary stochastic process of price vectors. In other words, an optimal stationary program can be sustained by a stochastic “equilibrium,” in which at each date the optimal production decisions maximize expected intertemporal profit, and the optimal aggregate consumption vector has minimum cost among all aggregate consumption vectors yielding no less (social) utility.  相似文献   

Efe A. Ok 《Economic Theory》1996,7(3):513-530
Summary This paper starts from the premise that the concept of income inequality is ill-defined, and hence, it studies the measurement of income inequality from a fuzzy set theoretical point of view. It is argued that the standard (fuzzy) transitivity concepts are not compatible with fuzzy inequality orderings which respect Lorenz ordering. For instance, we show that there does not exist a max-min transitive fuzzy relation on a given income distribution space which ranks distributions unambiguously according to the Lorenz criterion whenever they can actually be ranked by it. Weakening the imposed transitivity concept, it is possible to escape from the noted impossibility theorems. We introduce some alternative transitivity concepts for fuzzy relations, and subsequently, construct a class of fuzzy orderings which preserve Lorenz ordering and satisfy these alternative transitivities. It is also shown that fuzzy measurement can be used to construct confidence intervals for the crisp conclusions of inequality indices.I wish to thank Ashish Banerjee, Kaushik Basu, Larry Blume, Gary Fields, Semih Koray, Tapan Mitra, Antony Shorrocks, Sinan Unur and two anonymous referees of this journal for insighthul comments and suggestions. I am also grateful to the participants of the 1993 Midwest Mathematical Economics Conference held in University of Wisconsin at Madison and the 2nd International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare held in University of Rochester.  相似文献   

柳欣  曹静 《财经研究》2006,32(12):87-95
瓦尔拉斯把资本形成方程引入一般均衡体系后出现了内在的不一致性,从而在异质资本品的假设下,一般均衡体系只存在“差别利润率”。在斯拉法体系中,不同的资本品部门却拥有“统一利润率”。两种类型的利润率体现了两种均衡体系的对立。与“差别利润率”相联系的一般均衡体系只研究一般生产过程中的资源配置,体现技术关系;而与“统一利润率”相对应的斯拉法体系则涉及特定市场经济关系下的总量分配,体现社会关系。而后者才可以更好地解释市场经济中的现实问题。  相似文献   

Using a broad panel dataset and semiparametric methods, the impact of past economic growth on current income inequality is examined. Increases in past short-run or medium-run growth rates raise current inequality. However, there is an inverted “U”-shaped relationship between past long-run growth and current inequality. Increases in past long-run growth rates raise current inequality in slow-growing economies and reduce current inequality in rapidly growing economies.  相似文献   

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