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This paper features the application of a novel and recently developed method of statistical and mathematical analysis to the assessment of financial risk, namely regular vine copulas. Dependence modelling using copulas is a popular tool in financial applications but is usually applied to pairs of securities. Vine copulas offer greater flexibility and permit the modelling of complex dependence patterns using the rich variety of bivariate copulas that can be arranged and analysed in a tree structure to facilitate the analysis of multiple dependencies. We apply regular vine copula analysis to a sample of stocks comprising the Dow Jones index to assess their interdependencies and to assess how their correlations change in different economic circumstances using three different sample periods around Global Financial Crisis (GFC).: pre‐GFC (January 2005 to July 2007), GFC (July 2007 to September 2009) and post‐GFC periods (September 2009 to December 2011). The empirical results suggest that the dependencies change in a complex manner, and there is evidence of greater reliance on the Student‐t copula in the copula choice within the tree structures for the GFC period, which is consistent with the existence of larger tails in the distributions of returns for this period. One of the attractions of this approach to risk modelling is the flexibility in the choice of distributions used to model co‐dependencies. The practical application of regular vine metrics is demonstrated via an example of the calculation of the Value at Risk of a portfolio of stocks.  相似文献   

The paper takes up Bayesian inference in time series models when essentially nothing is known about the distribution of the dependent variable given past realizations or other covariates. It proposes the use of kernel quasi likelihoods upon which formal inference can be based. Gibbs sampling with data augmentation is used to perform the computations related to numerical Bayesian analysis of the model. The method is illustrated with artificial and real data sets.  相似文献   

We present a unification of the Archimedean and the Lévy-frailty copula model for portfolio default models. The new default model exhibits a copula known as scale mixture of Marshall-Olkin copulas and an investigation of the dependence structure reveals that desirable properties of both original models are combined. This allows for a wider range of dependence patterns, while the analytical tractability is retained. Furthermore, simultaneous defaults and default clustering are incorporated. In addition, a hierarchical extension is presented which allows for a heterogeneous dependence structure. Finally, the model is applied to the pricing of CDO contracts. For this purpose, an efficient Laplace transform inversion approach is developed. Supporting a separation of marginal default probabilities and dependence structure, the model can be calibrated to CDS contracts in a first step. In a second step, the calibration of several parametric families to CDO contracts demonstrates a good fitting quality, which further emphasizes the suitability of the approach.  相似文献   

Many recent papers in macroeconomics have used large vector autoregressions (VARs) involving 100 or more dependent variables. With so many parameters to estimate, Bayesian prior shrinkage is vital to achieve reasonable results. Computational concerns currently limit the range of priors used and render difficult the addition of empirically important features such as stochastic volatility to the large VAR. In this paper, we develop variational Bayesian methods for large VARs that overcome the computational hurdle and allow for Bayesian inference in large VARs with a range of hierarchical shrinkage priors and with time-varying volatilities. We demonstrate the computational feasibility and good forecast performance of our methods in an empirical application involving a large quarterly US macroeconomic data set.  相似文献   

In this paper copulas are used to generate bivariate discrete distributions. These distributions are fitted to soccer data from the English Premier League. An interesting aspect of these data is that the primary variable of interest, the discrete pair shots-for and shots-against, exhibits negative dependence; thus, in particular, we apply bivariate Poisson-related distributions that allow such dependence. The paper focuses on Archimedian copulas, for which the dependence structure is fully determined by a one-dimensional projection that is invariant under marginal transformations. Diagnostic plots for copula fit based on this projection are adapted to deal with discrete variables. Covariates relating to within-match contributions such as numbers of passes and tackles are introduced to explain variability in shot outcomes. The results of this analysis would appear to support the notion that playing the 'beautiful game' is an effective strategy—more passes and crosses contribute to more effective play and more shots on the goal.  相似文献   

We propose a new dynamic copula model in which the parameter characterizing dependence follows an autoregressive process. As this model class includes the Gaussian copula with stochastic correlation process, it can be viewed as a generalization of multivariate stochastic volatility models. Despite the complexity of the model, the decoupling of marginals and dependence parameters facilitates estimation. We propose estimation in two steps, where first the parameters of the marginal distributions are estimated, and then those of the copula. Parameters of the latent processes (volatilities and dependence) are estimated using efficient importance sampling. We discuss goodness‐of‐fit tests and ways to forecast the dependence parameter. For two bivariate stock index series, we show that the proposed model outperforms standard competing models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes patterns in the earnings development of young labor market entrants over their life cycle. We identify four distinctly different types of transition patterns between discrete earnings states in a large administrative dataset. Further, we investigate the effects of labor market conditions at the time of entry on the probability of belonging to each transition type. To estimate our statistical model we use a model‐based clustering approach. The statistical challenge in our application comes from the difficulty in extending distance‐based clustering approaches to the problem of identifying groups of similar time series in a panel of discrete‐valued time series. We use Markov chain clustering, which is an approach for clustering discrete‐valued time series obtained by observing a categorical variable with several states. This method is based on finite mixtures of first‐order time‐homogeneous Markov chain models. In order to analyze group membership we present an extension to this approach by formulating a probabilistic model for the latent group indicators within the Bayesian classification rule using a multinomial logit model. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of stochastic models and performance measures for the analysis of real life queuing scenarios are based on the fundamental premise that parameters values are known. This is a rarity since more often than not, parameters are usually unknown and require to be estimated. This paper presents techniques for the same from Bayesian perspective. The queue we intend to deal with is the M/M/1 queuing model. Several closed form expressions on posterior inference and prediction are presented which can be readily implemented using standard spreadsheet tools. Previous work in this direction resulted in non-existence of posterior moments. A way out is suggested. Interval estimates and tests of hypothesis on performance measures are also presented.  相似文献   

We propose a nonparametric Bayesian approach to estimate time‐varying grouped patterns of heterogeneity in linear panel data models. Unlike the classical approach in Bonhomme and Manresa (Econometrica, 2015, 83, 1147–1184), our approach can accommodate selection of the optimal number of groups and model estimation jointly, and also be readily extended to quantify uncertainties in the estimated group structure. Our proposed approach performs well in Monte Carlo simulations. Using our approach, we successfully replicate the estimated relationship between income and democracy in Bonhomme and Manresa and the group characteristics when we use the same number of groups. Furthermore, we find that the optimal number of groups could depend on model specifications on heteroskedasticity and discuss ways to choose models in practice.  相似文献   

We describe a test, based on the correlation integral, for the independence of a variable and a vector that can be used with serially dependent data. Monte Carlo simulations suggest that the test has good power to detect dependence in several models, performing nearly as well or better than the BDS test in univariate time series and complementing the BDS test in distributed lag models. Finally, we apply our test in conjunction with the BDS test to examine models of US unemployment rates. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Weak dependence, models and some applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper is devoted to recall weak dependence conditions from Dedecker et al. (Weak dependence, examples and applications. Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol 190, 2007)’s monograph; the main basic results are recalled here and we go further in some new applications. We develop here several models of weakly dependent processes and random fields. Among them an ARCH() model is considered with statistical applications to ordinary least squares. A last part aims at proving new asymptotic results for weakly dependent random fields. Such applications are indeed the main proof of the interest of this theoretical notion which measures the asymptotic decorrelation of a process.  相似文献   

The shipping crisis starting in 2008 was characterized by sharply decreasing freight rates and sharply increasing financing costs. We analyze the dependence structure of these two risk factors employing a conditional copula model. As conditioning factors we use the supply and demand of seaborne transportation. We find that crisis risk strongly increased already about 1 year before the actual crisis outburst and that the shipping crisis was predominantly driven by an oversupply of transport capacity. Therefore, market participants could have prevented or alleviated the consequences of the crisis by reducing the ordering and financing of new vessels.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2019,43(3-4):100717
This study uses asymmetric DCC-GARCH models and copula functions to study exchange rate contagion in a group of twelve Asia-Pacific countries. Using daily data between November 1991 and March 2017, we show that extreme market movements are mainly associated with the high degree of interdependence registered by countries in this region. Evidence of contagion is scarce. Asymmetries do not appear to be important. Specifically, currency co-movements are statistically identical during times of extreme market appreciation and depreciation, indicating that phenomena such as the fear of “appreciation” do not appear to be relevant in the region’s foreign exchange markets.  相似文献   

This paper studies an alternative quasi likelihood approach under possible model misspecification. We derive a filtered likelihood from a given quasi likelihood (QL), called a limited information quasi likelihood (LI-QL), that contains relevant but limited information on the data generation process. Our LI-QL approach, in one hand, extends robustness of the QL approach to inference problems for which the existing approach does not apply. Our study in this paper, on the other hand, builds a bridge between the classical and Bayesian approaches for statistical inference under possible model misspecification. We can establish a large sample correspondence between the classical QL approach and our LI-QL based Bayesian approach. An interesting finding is that the asymptotic distribution of an LI-QL based posterior and that of the corresponding quasi maximum likelihood estimator share the same “sandwich”-type second moment. Based on the LI-QL we can develop inference methods that are useful for practical applications under possible model misspecification. In particular, we can develop the Bayesian counterparts of classical QL methods that carry all the nice features of the latter studied in  White (1982). In addition, we can develop a Bayesian method for analyzing model specification based on an LI-QL.  相似文献   

This paper studies robust inference for linear panel models with fixed effects in the presence of heteroskedasticity and spatiotemporal dependence of unknown forms. We propose a bivariate kernel covariance estimator that nests existing estimators as special cases. Our estimator improves upon existing estimators in terms of robustness, efficiency, and adaptiveness. For distributional approximations, we considered two types of asymptotics: the increasing-smoothing asymptotics and the fixed-smoothing asymptotics. Under the former asymptotics, the Wald statistic based on our covariance estimator converges to a chi-square distribution. Under the latter asymptotics, the Wald statistic is asymptotically equivalent to a distribution that can be well approximated by an F distribution. Simulation results show that our proposed testing procedure works well in finite samples.  相似文献   

This review offers a guided tour to PcGive 10 modules for econometrics analysis of time series (PcGive), limited dependent variable (LogitJD) and static and dynamic panel data analyses (DPD), financial econometric (GARCH) and time series (ARFIMA) modelling. Several empirical applications are reported to illustrate the package.  相似文献   

We consider nonparametric estimation of multivariate versions of Blomqvist’s beta, also known as the medial correlation coefficient. For a two-dimensional population, the sample version of Blomqvist’s beta describes the proportion of data which fall into the first or third quadrant of a two-way contingency table with cutting points being the sample medians. Asymptotic normality and strong consistency of the estimators are established by means of the empirical copula process, imposing weak conditions on the copula. Though the asymptotic variance takes a complicated form, we are able to derive explicit formulas for large families of copulas. For the copulas of elliptically contoured distributions we obtain a variance stabilizing transformation which is similar to Fisher’s z-transformation. This allows for an explicit construction of asymptotic confidence bands used for hypothesis testing and eases the analysis of asymptotic efficiency. The computational complexity of estimating Blomqvist’s beta corresponds to the sample size n, which is lower than the complexity of most competing dependence measures.   相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2002,111(2):363-384
This paper considers the estimation of a stochastically cointegrating regression within the stochastic cointegration modelling framework introduced in McCabe et al. (Stochastic cointegration: testing, 2001). A stochastic cointegrating regression allows some or all of the variables to be conventionally or heteroscedastically integrated. This generalizes Hansen's (J. Econom. 54 (1992) 139) heteroscedastic cointegrating regression model, where the dependent variable is heteroscedastically integrated, but all the regressor variables are restricted to being conventionally integrated. In contrast to conventional and heteroscedastic cointegrating regression, ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimation is shown to be inconsistent, in general, in a stochastically cointegrating regression. As a solution, a new instrumental variables (IVs) estimator is proposed and is shown to be consistent. Under a suitable exogeneity assumption, standard asymptotic inference on the stochastic cointegrating vector can be carried out based on the IV estimator. The finite sample properties of the test statistics, including their robustness to the exogeneity assumption, are examined by simulation.  相似文献   

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