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Theories of irreversible investment suggest a negative relation between investment and uncertainty, and nonlinear adjustment costs open for asymmetries in the adjustment of fixed capital. We propose an econometric modelling approach to estimate and test the key predictions of modern investment theory, including asymmetric dynamics and various uncertainty indicators. Our application on a data set from the oil industry offers empirical support for both asymmetric dynamics and uncertainty in oil and gas investment.  相似文献   

Abel and Eberly (1999) prove that uncertainty has an ambiguous effect on long run capital accumulation in a real options model. We show that, with adjustment costs quadratic in investment, more uncertainty reduces capital and this effect may be large.  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess the determinants of information and communication technology (ICT) investment at the macro-level, for a panel of 10 advanced countries, in the period 1992–2005. We investigate the idea that, since ICTs are general purpose technologies, the decision to invest in these technologies is strongly affected by the general business environment in which the investment takes place. The empirical results are consistent with this idea: facilitating factors such as changes in market regulation, amount of human capital, expenditure on R&D, and the share of the dynamic services sector in the economy, positively influence investment in ICT.  相似文献   

This paper examines one of the fastest growing industries in our world today, the ICT industry. We assess the sensitivity of a firm’s investment to a set of financial determinants, by developing a flexible adjustment dynamic model. In particular, we examine the degree to which a firm’s liquidity influences firm investment and whether firm size and firm specialization have any additional implications. Moreover, the effect of the dot-com burst is also considered. For a panel of ICT and non-ICT US companies listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange, the results reveal the following: (1) all firms are sensitive to the availability of internal funds; (2) investment intensity decreases with firm size; (3) and leverage negatively affects investment for ICT firms.  相似文献   

Recent developments in investment research have highlighted the importance of non-convexities and irreversibilities in firms’ adjustment of quasi-fixed inputs. Aggregation across capital goods may smooth out the discontinuities associated with the adjustment of individual assets. Lack of suitable data is one of the reasons why empirical work has typically relied on the assumption of capital homogeneity. In this paper we exploit a data set of 1539 Italian firms which allows us to disaggregate capital into equipment and structures, and purchases and sales of assets. We construct measures of fundamental Q to capture investment opportunities associated with each asset. We uncover the pattern of dynamic adjustment by using non-parametric techniques to relate each individual investment to its own fundamental Q.  相似文献   

Using ideas from the endogenous growth literature, we present a model of the endogenous determination of productivity growth based on individual worker decisions about human capital investment. We calibrate a version of the model to match long run growth facts from the US and study the business cycle properties of this model. This approach offers improvements along several dimensions over standard exogenous growth methodologies. Most importantly, our stochastic endogenous growth model generates much greater serial correlation in output growth and labor supply volatility relative to its real business cycle counterpart. We conclude that using the extra discipline of reproducing the trend productivity growth features of the data endogenously constitutes an important missing component from the real business cycle approach.  相似文献   

Recent work in macro theory suggests that aggregate 'demand' policies have direct supply-side effects in the short run, if Lucas's standard specification of the nonlinear adjustment costs for capital is generalized In this paper, we estimate an investment equation (involving Tobin's valuation ratio and Australian data) which nests three hypotheses: Lucas's standard specification of adjustment costs, a simple generalization which permits labour to be involved in the installation of capital and a model which allows for liquidity constraints. The results support the suggested alternative formulation of the q-theory  相似文献   

Yi  Jin  Zhixiong  Zeng 《Pacific Economic Review》2009,14(2):275-293
Abstract.  We developed a two-sector general equilibrium model with money and credit to study cross-sector comovement over the business cycle. Through a working capital channel, both money and productivity shocks can generate procyclicality of sectoral activities and positive cross-sector correlations of output, employment and investment. In our model, firms in each sector borrow in the credit market to finance their purchase of labour inputs, part of which are used in the adjustment process of capital stock. The shocks affect sectoral employment and investment through their impacts on interest rates and external finance premia.  相似文献   

This paper studies the complementarity between investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the related investment in human and organizational capital. Using firm-level data taken from a large sample of Italian manufacturing firms, an ICT marginal product much higher than its user cost is estimated. It is then argued that missing complementary investments may have acted as barriers to investment in ICT. Results support the conjecture that the marginal product excess over the user cost is due to those firms that did not complement their ICT investment with an increase in the human capital of their labour force and with a reorganization of the workplace.  相似文献   

Using a panel of Colombian banks and quarterly data between 1996:1 and 2010:3, we study the relationship between short-run adjustments in bank capital buffers and the business cycle. We follow a partial adjustment framework and control for several variables that have been identified as important determinants of bank capital buffers in previous studies, and find that bank capital buffers vary over the business cycle. We are able to identify a negative co-movement of capital buffers and the business cycle. However, we also find that capital buffers of small and large banks behave asymmetrically during the business cycle. While the former appear to be constant over time, once the appropriate set of control variables is used, the latter present a countercyclical behavior. Our results suggest the possible need of the implementation of regulatory policy measures in developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the process of capital accumulation and the forces that drive it in the countries undergoing the transition from plan to market. The methodological framework for analyzing the determinants of aggregate business investment draws on the neoclassical accelerator model, extending it to reflect some of the specificities of the transition environment. The model is estimated on data for the economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The results highlight the role of some key drivers of capital accumulation in an economy in transition, in particular, the relatively significant accelerator response to output, the importance of adjustment effects and financing constraints and the relatively minor role of the cost of capital.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on environmental policies aimed at rising investment in pollution abatement capital. We assume that ecological uncertainty, i.e., uncertainty over the dynamics of pollution, affects firm investment decisions. Capital irreversibility is not postulated but endogenized using a quadratic adjustment cost function. Using this framework, we study the effects of environmental policies considering taxes on polluting inputs and subsidies to reduce the cost of abatement capital. Environmental policies promoted to enforce abatement capital may generate the unexpected result of reducing the abatement investment rate.  相似文献   

In a continuous time model, a representative household has to allocate its investment and consumption in an optimal manner under conditions of uncertainty. In the present study it is hypothesized that there are two types of assets: a risk-free and a risky asset. The risk-free asset is assumed to be the physical capital, while at the same time uncertainty is allowed to result from the exogenous random variations in the public debt market, rendering in this way government bonds to act as the risky asset. In the endogenous growth framework with productive public investment, the expected long-run growth rate, the dynamic path of consumption as well as the optimal allocation of investment between a risky and a riskless asset, are analytically derived. This kind of treatment allows us to create a locus for the long-run growth over the various levels of uncertainty. The outcome of the analysis is that a rise in uncertainty impacts negatively upon the long-run growth rate. In order to empirically assess the relationship between growth and uncertainty, we lay our emphasis on the US economy for the period 1957:1 to 2008:4. Within the framework of a bivariate BEKK–GARCH(1,1)-M model a significant negative relationship between uncertainty and economic growth has been established.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is two-fold. First, we reexamine the evidence for the capital-skill complementarity (CSC) and the skill-biased technological change (SBTC) hypotheses at the sectoral level in the US economy for the period 1970–2005. Second, we quantify their effect on the evolution of the wage skill premium. To do so, we estimate a translog model with three production factors (skilled labor, unskilled labor, and capital) for different sets of industry aggregates suggested by the literature. At the aggregated level, we find that both CSC and SBTC explain a substantial part of the observed change in the skill premium. The CSC hypothesis also receives support across sectors, although SBTC often explains a larger part of the premium change. We also find that the relevance of CSC increases with the level of aggregation of the data. Besides, when we disaggregate capital into ICT and non-ICT, our results suggest that often ICT capital is not the primary source of CSC. However, ICT-CSC is the most important driver of the skill premium in specific sectors, such as financial and business services.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present an analysis of the production process for some OECD countries and consider the new technology of the ICT capital as driver of growth. In doing so, the production function approach adopted allows to disentangle the externalities not exploited. In line with the general-purpose technology theory, we attribute such externalities to the new technology ICT capital. Business services are a relevant vehicle to use better the innovative capital embedded in the production process. We develop and implement a methodology for the evaluation of the effect on growth related to the interaction between innovative capital and business services. The main conclusion of the paper is that the potentials of new technologies in use are almost completely exploited during the productive process. Then, even if a competitive solution is viable, there are small, though possible, margins to improve a sustainable European growth in the long run linked to externalities. We also point out some conclusions on the capital and labor shares showing that the latter is ‘too small’ both in the long and short run.  相似文献   

曾岚婷  叶阿忠 《技术经济》2020,39(11):44-51
基于中国30个省份面板数据,通过构建半参数空间向量自回归模型(SSPVAR),利用时空脉冲响应函数、偏导图探讨了经济增长、能源消耗及外商直接投资的时空传导效应与信息与通讯技术(ICT)非线性的影响作用。研究结果显示:外商直接投资、经济增长及能耗强度受到彼此冲击后的响应较为明显;能耗强度具有自强化效应,空间溢出作用促进了周边省份经济发展,短期内不利于其外资引入,但长期却能提高外资利用。经济发展产生不可持续的自身累积效应,与单位产值能耗走在了“U”的上行区,但却对邻近区域产生了积极的正向溢出。外资长期利好效应凸显,发挥经济发展和能源节约的促进作用;短期内却抑制经济发展,强化能耗度,更无法发挥“示范”效应吸引更大规模的外资流入。ICT具有正向的节能、增产和引流效应,分别以倒V和V型形态推进,但是发展的初级阶段却没有任何影响作用。加速ICT应用,智能化和信息化商业、生产模式转型将有助于更少能耗的经济高质量发展。  相似文献   

Irreversibility does not only raise the user cost of capital and discourage new investment but also hinders disinvestment because of the hangover effect. This paper derives a theoretical model that separates the impact of conventional convex adjustment costs from the impact of irreversibility, based on which we test the hangover effect of irreversibility by using a panel of Dutch listed firms during 1985–2000. We find that the sample firms cut both the capital stock and the inventory stock facing shocks to sales and cash flow, but they cut the inventory stock by a larger magnitude than they cut the capital stock. Given that fixed investment is more irreversible than inventory investment, the result suggests that the diminished impact of irreversibility provides the firm with more flexibility in responding to uncertainty, which lends support for the hangover effect of irreversibility on investment.  相似文献   

What is the Real Story for Interest Rate Volatility?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What is the source of interest rate volatility? Why do low interest rates precede business cycle booms? Most observers tend to assume that monetary policy is largely responsible for it. Indeed, a standard real business cycle model delivers rather small fluctuations in real interest rates. Here, however, we present two models of the real business cycle variety, in which the fluctuations of real rates are of similar magnitude as in the data, while simultaneously matching salient business cycle facts. The second model also replicates the cyclical behavior of real interest rates. The models build on recent work by Danthine and Donaldson, Jermann, and Boldrin, Christiano and Fisher. We assume that there are workers and capital owners. The first model posits habit formation and adjustment costs to the stock of capital. The second model assumes that it takes time to plan investment and time to build capital.  相似文献   

国际金融危机的爆发引起了人们对银行资本缓冲经济周期行为更为广泛的关注。本文构建动态面板数据模型对银行资本缓冲与经济周期及相关决定性因素的关系进行估计。研究结果表明,2002-2009年,中国上市银行资本缓冲具有逆周期行为,该特征并未因商业银行产权性质不同而存在显著差异,其主要来源于银行资本金及风险加权资产与经济周期之间显著相关性的共同作用,政府注资、上市融资等资本补充渠道是短期内提高银行资本缓冲的重要外源途径,建立市场化的长效资本金补充机制、确定适度的资本缓冲区间是后金融危机时代我国监管当局和商业银行的重点议题。  相似文献   

Recent studies on economic growth focus on persistent inequality across countries. In this paper we study mechanisms that may give rise to such persistent inequality. We consider countries that accumulate capital in order to increase the per capita income in the long run. We show that the long-run growth dynamics of those countries can generate a twin-peak distribution of per capita income. The twin-peak distribution is caused by (1) locally increasing returns to scale and (2) capital market constraints. These two forces give rise to a twin-peaked distribution of per capita income in the long run. In our model investment decisions are separated from consumption decisions and we thus do not have to consider preferences. Empirical evidence in support of a twin-peak distribution of per capita income is provided.  相似文献   

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