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审计最初被赋予查错纠弊的监督职能,审计署成立初期国家审计主要扮演着国有资产保值增值的守护者角色。随着社会经济环境的变化和人们对审计本质认识的深化,国家审计许多潜在的功能逐渐被人们在实践中所发掘和发现。刘家义审计长提出审计是保障国家经济社会健康运行的免疫系统,突出了审计的建设性作用。本文首先回顾社会变革环境下中国国家审计功能及其演进,然后以组织学习理论和契约经济学理论作为审计建设性作用的理论依据,最后在理论分析的基础上提出基于组织学习的审计建设性功能制度创新。 相似文献
This study examines the impact of the introduction of the legally enforceable Australian Auditing Standards (ASAs) on the auditing profession after the first year of implementation. The study compliments and extends the Australian Government's April 2006 pre-implementation Regulation Impact Statement, which identified potential costs, benefits and other impacts of the new regulatory regime. Relevant data were collected through interviews with the key stakeholders. Overall, the results suggest that the additional burden of compliance with the legally enforceable ASAs has not increased perceived audit quality or public confidence, which were the main aims of the government's regulatory intervention. 相似文献
Over the past decade, improvements in generalized audit software have created a situation in which auditing “through” the computer may be both more effective and more efficient than in the past. This paper describes a series of assignments that allow an instructor to bring a meaningful application of generalized audit software to the undergraduate auditing classroom. The assignments we have developed are meant to supplement traditional audit coursework by providing students an experience of applying audit procedures electronically. 相似文献
风险导向审计:机理与运用 总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18
在审计发展的历史进程中,一直存在两种观念导向:效率导向与风险导向。在不同历史发展时期,由于审计的有效需求、企业经济业务复杂程度以及法律风险水平等因素的不同,审计对两种观念导向的追求不同,并体现在审计方法与审计战略中。风险导向审计从根本上说是一种审计观念导向与审计战略定位,而不是一种审计方法。本文在模拟审计历史演变的基础上,探讨了风险导向审计的存在基础、机理以及应用问题,试图提供认识风险导向审计本质的新视角,加深对其机理与功能的理解,促进风险导向审计在我国的正确运用。 相似文献
经济责任审计与审计理论创新 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
经济责任审计是现代审计理论与方法结合中国特色的审计实践产生的一种制度创新,对完善领导干部监管机制、加强党风廉正建设、促进民主政治、维护国家经济安全具有重要的现实意义。《党政主要领导干部和国有企业领导人员经济责任审计规定》的发布使经济责任审计制度以具体法规形式确立起来,标志着其正逐步走向成熟。经济责任审计制度的实施必将更进一步地推动审计理论创新,促进中国特色社会主义审计理论与方法体系的形成与发展。本文从经济责任审计与现代审计制度创新、审计关系人理论创新、审计类型划分创新等十个方面论述了经济责任审计推动审计理论创新的若干重要问题,以期对助推中国特色社会主义审计理论与方法体系的形成做出我们的贡献。 相似文献
Elina Haapamäki 《Accounting in Europe》2018,15(1):81-104
Voluntary auditing has received increased attention from researchers in recent decades. Empirical studies that have examined demand for voluntary audits have suggested that regulatory intervention may not always be necessary, though some argue that regulators protect society from market failure by demanding statutory audits [Barton, J., & Waymire, G. (2004). Investor protection under unregulated financial reporting. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 38, 65–116]. To date, there has been no review of the literature on determinants of voluntary audits. I provide a research framework to categorize the attributes that affect demand for voluntary audits and identify areas that need further examination. While the given compact body of literature has served different purposes, two major reasons for voluntary auditing are apparent: the importance of audited financial statements to lenders and the intention to further deregulate audits for smaller companies to relieve cost burdens. However, I contribute to the auditing literature by identifying the main attributes associated with the demand for voluntary audit. In doing so, I develop a framework consisting of firm attributes, separation of ownership and control attributes, agency relationship attributes, management attributes, and signalling attributes. 相似文献
根据2002年国际内部审计师协会颁布的《内部审计实务准则》对内部审计的表述,内部审计是一项客观独立的保证和咨询活动,其目的是实现价值增加并提高组织的经营效率。它通过系统规范的方法,对风险管理、控制和治理程序进行评价,改进其有效程度,从而帮助组织实现其目标。这一定义与本期专访人物——交通银行总行审计部总经理樊军对交行审计工作理念的表达不谋而合。他认为“内部审计的主要内容并不是为了查案子而查案子,而是要从根本上持续控制风险、确保整个系统的长治久安”。近年来,交行在审计监督的理念、模式、机制、工具等各方面进行了一系列探索,从组织架构和运行机制两方面对审计系统进行了全面改革。[编者按] 相似文献
风险导向型审计·法律风险·审计质量──兼论“五大”在我国审计市场的行为 总被引:83,自引:2,他引:83
本文讨论了法律风险、风险导向型审计及审计质量之间的关系 ,主要观点包括 :风险导向型审计产生于美国 2 0世纪 70年代高法律风险的外部环境 ;我国会计职业界所面临的法律风险低 ,如果简单套用风险导向型审计 ,有可能导致审计质量系统性低下。文章还进一步讨论了以五大为代表的国际知名会计师事务所面临的道德风险困境及对审计质量的负面影响。 相似文献
为推动执业准则体系的贯彻实施,切实促进注册会计师审计实务的发展,中国注册会计师协会发布了《中国注册会计师执业准则指南》。新指南的发布,大大提高了执业准则的可操作性,为2007年顺利实施新的准则体系提供了坚实的基础。笔者认为,新指南不是简单地对执业准则做出解释和说明,而是结合审计职业的技术特点,联系国际上审计技术最新的发展状况,对准则做出的一种再创造、再开发,体现并突出了现代审计技术的特点。 相似文献
《中国注册会计师审计准则第1613号—与银行监管机构的关系》(以下简称“1613号准则”)适用于注册会计师对商业银行的财务报表审计业务以及注册会计师接受银行监管机构委托对商业银行 相似文献
论科学发展中国特色审计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
当前,国家审计机关学习贯彻落实党的十七大精神,就是要紧密围绕十七大精神,紧密联系审计实际,大力推进中国特色社会主义审计科学发展。本文围绕贯彻科学发展观树立中国特色审计科学思想、围绕坚持中国特色道路创立中国特色审计理论体系、围绕实现小康目标要求确立中国特色审计发展策略、围绕促进经济好快发展探索中国特色审计监督新路、围绕发展政治文化社会发挥中国特色审计职能作用、围绕推进党建伟大工程强化中国特色审计队伍建设等方面进行粗浅探讨,以此期能对科学发展中国特色审计事业起到积极促进作用。 相似文献
This article reports several archival auditing discoveries and episodes, including significant previously unpublished ones, in a context that relates auditing to early corporate enterprises in the United States. While the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's reliance on its audit committee of directors from its inception in 1827 and the functions of the auditing committee of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad in the 1850s are the principal subjects of the article, other railroad examples are also provided. These uses of auditing in the early corporate United States provide materials which provide a useful perspective for today's accounting researchers and practitioners as to the fundamental control and governance values of the auditing function. The article advances the basis for explaining the origins and development of auditing in the United States. 相似文献
《Critical Perspectives On Accounting》2001,12(5):647-671
In the context of the recent debate that was stimulated by Sutton and Arnold’s paper entitled “Toward a Framework for a Corporate Single Audit", this paper examines the impact of environmental audit and eco-labelling strategies on governance arrangements in the forestry industry. In particular, it shows how consumer-driven forest management audits sanctioned by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) could shift much of the responsibility for sustainable forest management from state bureaucracy to management control mechanisms within forest exploitation companies. The paper uses evidence from a case study of Leroy Gabon, a large Franco-German logging concession in the Congo basin rainforest, to analyse the impact of a third-party audit of forest management processes based upon FSC principles. The findings reveal tensions between claims to professionalism of the FSC (and one of its accredited auditors, i.e. Société Générale de Surveillance) on the one hand, and sustainability concerns of stakeholders (notably representatives of indigenous people, environmental campaigners, Friends of the Earth, and Rainforest Coalition) on the other. 相似文献
企业存货是指日常经营过程中将消耗的材料、商品、半成品、产成品等。在会计核算中,存货的取得一般以实际成本作为账面价值,存货的领用或发出也应按实际成本核算,采用先进先出法、加权平均法、移动平均法、个别计价法或后进先出法。然而,有些企业在实际工作中不能正确核 相似文献
中国注册会计师协会专业标准部 《中国注册会计师》2002,(11)
最近,中注协发布了《审计报告(试行)》(包括准则和指南)、《持续经营》、《前后任注册会计师的沟通》等几个独立审计准则征求意见稿以及《审计技术提示第2号-会计报表公布日后发现的事实》. 相似文献