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Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) have experienced tremendous growth lately. Their combined wealth is currently estimated at $3 trillion, and the International Monetary Fund estimates that they will continue to grow to $10 trillion by 2012. SWFs' recent investments in the United States and Europe have been the focus of media and government scrutiny, given that a number of SWFs are not transparent, and emanate from authoritarian regimes, which are not political allies of the West. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview, along with detailed summary statistics on various aspects of SWFs. We also provide recommendations to facilitate SWFs' role in global financial intermediation. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We compare the types of loans and their rates of returns for domestic versus offshore small and mid-sized private real estate credit funds. The data indicate offshore private credit funds issue smaller and subordinated loans to residential projects. Offshore lenders prefer projects in developed Asian markets, and obtain higher rates of return even after controlling for other things such as loan size, seniority, and borrower location. Our findings suggest the presence of pronounced segmentation across real estate lending markets in Asia as offshore lenders are not a substitute for domestic capital.  相似文献   

Group lending and the role of the group leader   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates strategic monitoring behavior within group lending. We show that monitoring efforts of group members differ in equilibrium due to the asymmetry between members in terms of future profits. In particular, we show that the entrepreneur with the highest future profits also puts in the highest monitoring effort. Moreover, monitoring efforts differ between group members due to free-riding: one member reduces her level of monitoring if the other increases her monitoring effort. This effect is also at play when we introduce a group leader into the model. The individual who becomes the group leader supplies more monitoring effort than in the benchmark case. We empirically test the model using data from a survey of microfinance in Eritrea and show that the group leader attaches more weight to future periods than nonleaders in the group, which may explain why a large part of total monitoring is done by the leader.  相似文献   

The extent to which the entrepreneur interacts with the networks in his local environment during the process of starting a new firm was studied. This study was based on the premise that, during this process, he is seeking not only the resources of equipment, space, and money, but also advice, information, and reassurance. Consequently the help and guidance received from both the formal networks (banks, accountants, lawyers, SBA) and the informal networks (family, friends, business contacts) will influence the nature of the firm substantially.The study was conducted in St. Joseph County, Indiana, a county that has experienced the same economic problems as many other towns in the midwest smoke-stack belt during the 1970s. In 1982, in response to this general decline in the business climate, a fund was raised to create and manage a new industrial strategy. Before this, there was no collective strategy for nurturing either the small firm or the new firm. Therefore, in order to determine the extent to which an interventionist strategy was appropriate, a research project was designed that posed three basic questions: what does the environment look like; does it need changing; and, if so, in what ways? This article reports part of that study—a survey of firms that had started in the county in the previous five years (1977–1982). It was concerned with two issues: the characteristics of the St.Joseph County entrepreneur and the usage of the formal and informal networks.The results of the survey show that the aggregate characteristics of the St. Joseph County entrepreneur are similar to those found in other studies. The new firms were founded by local people from small firms who started their small firms in similar industries that were local in nature. Moreover, the majority (90%) not only started small, but also grew very little subsequently—firms that have been classified elsewhere as life-style ventures. It is to be expected that such people would have a strong local network, both formal and informal, particularly in a county with a population of only 220,000. However, the results of the second part of the study showed that the main sources of help in assembling the resources of raw materials, supplies, equipment, space, employees, and orders were the informal contacts of family, friends, and colleagues. The only institution that was mentioned with any regularity was the bank, which was approached towards the end of the process when many of the resources were assembled and the elements of the business set in the entrepreneur's mind. This was not because the formal sources were unwilling to offer guidance, but rather that the entrepreneur and his social network appeared to be unaware of what was available. Moreover, in using only business contacts, family, and friends, the entrepreneur was likely to re-create the elements of previous employment, even when he was starting business in an entirely new market. Further, there was no significant difference between growth and no-growth firms. It would appear that in this county, the formal network was uniformally inefficient.This research shows that a major aim of the new strategy should be to increase the awareness of the community to the formal sources and types of help that are available. However, whilst most of the institutions are prepared to solve specific problems, they are not in the business of diagnosis or counseling. The network needs a hub or an enterprise office.The data on the start-up process and the role of networks in relation to new firms are very sparse and often anecdotal. This study was conducted in one environment, a small midwest county with a jaded entrepreneurial tradition. Further studies are necessary. Research questions include the extent to which networking is crucial in the start-up process, the length of time it took for the sophisticated networks of Boston's Route 128 and California's Silicon Valley to develop, and the effect of different geographic, cultural, and economic conditions. Only in this way is it possible to determine the extent to which regional, regeneration strategies for new firm creation should be county specific rather than state or country wide.  相似文献   

Ownership structure of banks has dramatically changed over the past two decades in African countries with privatization and foreign bank entry, including the expansion of Pan-African banks. The objective of this paper is to investigate how bank ownership influences cyclicality of lending in Africa. We are then able to assess how changes in bank ownership influence the economy. To this end, we measure the sensitivity of bank loan growth to GDP per capita growth of the host country with dynamic GMM estimations. We use panel data from 190 commercial banks covering 20 African countries spanning the period from 2002 to 2015. We find that lending of African banks is procyclical for all types of banks. However, we observe that Pan-African banks are the least procyclical banks, while no significant difference in procyclicality is observed between state-owned banks, domestic private banks, and other foreign banks. In addition, we find evidence that foreign banks are influenced by GDP per capita growth of their home country. Therefore, our findings support the view that the expansion of Pan-African banks contributes to reduce cyclicality of lending. However, foreign bank entry can enhance the transmission of external shocks.  相似文献   

Networked trade in parts and components is more sensitive to the importer's logistics performance than is final goods trade. The difference between the two trade semi-elasticities is over 45%, which is quantitatively important. We also find that logistics performance is particularly important for trade among developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, which is where the emergence of production networks has been most pronounced. Logistics performance is also more important for South–South trade than for South–North trade. Our results suggest that developing country policymakers can support the development of international production networks by improving trade logistics performance.  相似文献   

Because of the lack of short‐term government bonds, the interbank repo market in China has been providing the best information about market‐driven short‐term interest rates since its inception. This article examines the behavior of the repo rates of various terms and their term premiums. The work in this article supplements the study by F. Longstaff (2000), which reports supportive evidence for the pure expectations hypothesis over the short range of the term structure with the use of repo data from the United States. It is found that the pure expectations hypothesis is statistically rejected, although the term premiums are economically small. It is shown that the short‐term repo rate, repo rate volatility, repo market liquidity, and repo rate spreads are all important in determining the term premiums. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:153–167, 2006  相似文献   

Trade policy depends on the extent to which the government wants to redistribute income as well as on a country's overall factor endowments and their distribution. While the government's desire to redistribute income itself is dependent on asset distribution, it is to a large extent also driven by the partisan nature of the government, i.e., whether it is pro-labor or pro-capital. Using cross-country data on factor endowments, inequality and government orientation, we find that, conditional on inequality, left-wing (pro-labor) governments will adopt more protectionist trade policies in capital-rich countries, but adopt more pro-trade policies in labor-rich economies than right-wing (pro-capital) ones. Also, holding government orientation constant, higher inequality is associated with higher protection in capital-abundant countries while it is associated with lower protection in labor-abundant countries. These results are consistent with the simultaneous presence of both inequality as well as ideology as determinants of protection within a two-factor, two-sector Heckscher-Ohlin framework. Overall, various statistical tests support an umbrella model (that combines both the ideology and inequality models) over each of the individual models.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to investigate the role of religion and spirituality in a business network context, with an empirical focus on the international business development of Turkish SMEs. By drawing on the concept of homophily and tie strength, we argue that, while religion can act as a bridge and thus create a multitude of weak ties within a business network, spirituality can deepen these ties and make them stronger through increased emotional intensity, intimacy and reciprocal service. The data were collected from participants in two Islamic business associations in Turkey. The results suggest that spirituality indeed drives members’ commitment to the network and the presence of spirituality has a distinctive effect on members’ contributions to and demands on the network. More specifically, members who treat their network membership as an extension of their spiritual practice tend to mainly benefit from intangible resources, while members who view their shared religion as an entry point into the network seem to benefit from both tangible and intangible network resources. The findings have several theoretical and practical implications, including the introduction of the spirituality concept into the discussion of homophily and tie strength in business networks, and the role of home networks in the internationalization of SMEs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Business Research》2006,59(10-11):1124-1132
Efficiency and effectiveness are central terms in assessing business performance, yet the challenge for companies is to balance efficiency with effectiveness in business networks. Companies often fail to achieve differentiation and innovation in their surrounding networks, through dealing with efficiency and neglecting effectiveness. This article describes the term efficiency as a necessary condition or hurdle reflected in the company's operating margins, and ‘effectiveness’ as the company's ability to generate a sustainable growth of earnings in its surrounding network. The study builds on notions of efficiency and effectiveness using empirical research in manufacturer-retailer networks conducted between 2002 and 2005. The study draws conclusions to the importance of linking efficiency and effectiveness and more widely on companies' performance in business networks.  相似文献   

For grocery retailers in Europe, intense competition from hard discount formats like Lidl and Aldi is an established part of the competitive landscape. Due to the highly competitive retail environment, traditional retailers’ private label (PL) tiers are now set to become the new battle ground in this competition. This study analyzes how PL tiers (i.e. economy, standard and premium) affect the competition between discounters and traditional retailers. We use a representative UK household panel dataset (2009–2010) for the ready-to-eat cereal and canned soup category, and estimate a demand model for the choice between national brands (NBs) and PL tiers across the top-7 UK retailers. Using our demand estimates, we conduct several counterfactual experiments that predict consumer responses to different strategies of traditional retailers and discounters in their fight for the consumer. In particular, we compare the effectiveness of three types of PLs offered by traditional retailers to fight discounters: economy PLs versus standard PLs versus premium PLs. We find that premium PLs are not very effective strategies for traditional retailers to fight with discounters. On the other hand, economy PLs manage to steal some market share from discounters, but as a downside they also cannibalize traditional retailers’ standard PLs. Standard PLs seem the most effective tool to fight with discounters, since they steal most market share from discounters (and NBs). From the point of view of the discounters, our results indicate that discounters benefit from a further increase in their NB offerings (assortment depth) as well as from a price cut in their own PLs.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of different networks, called the relational mix, on the development of the entrepreneurial firm. Our regression analysis of survey data from 60 venture capital-financed firms questions the importance of network size on firm development. Rather, our results suggest that different types of networks are more important for firm development. In particular, we found a significant positive relationship for reputational networks and a weak significant negative relationship for cooperative technology networks at founding with time-to-break-even. Social networks at founding have no direct effect on time-to-break-even and a significant negative relationship with sales in the years after foundation. Furthermore, our findings show the important role of marketing information and co-opetition networks (relationships with direct competitors) on firm development in the years after foundation. These results suggest that the relational mix is a more appropriate construct for explaining network development than network size alone.  相似文献   

In the worldwide economic and debt crisis of the eighties the International Monetary Fund increasingly became the “lender of last resort” for a great many Third World countries. With world trade weak and interest rates high, a considerable number of developing countries got into serious balance-of-payments difficulties. The demand for stand-by and extended arrangements with the Fund rose dramatically. The conditions or adjustment programmes linked to this lending not infrequently led to serious social and political tensions in the countries concerned. The term “IMF riots” was coined, and the conditionality of credit again became the subject of political and academic debate.  相似文献   

This article presents a survey and an analysis of the academic literature on relationship lending to small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs). It is noted herein that relationship lending depends on soft (non-quantifiable) information, while other “lending technologies” depend on hard (quantifiable) information. Based on relative benefits and costs, relationship lending may be best suited for some types of SMEs, with alternate lending technologies better matched to others. Also discussed in this article are some interesting managerial and public policy issues. On the bank management dimension, relationship lending may create a special challenge for risk managers. On the public policy dimension, evidence suggests that relationship lending may be better delivered by smaller community banks; banking industry consolidation could, however, threaten the presence of such providers. Counter-intuitively, it is possible that banking industry competition may not be the best environment for relationship lending. Finally, this article highlights potentially interesting differences in the relative importance of relationship lending and the other lending technologies across countries with different financial architectures, and examines a potentially powerful link between relationship lending and monetary policy and other monetary shocks.  相似文献   

This study analyzes how exporters begin their internationalization leveraging information collected through interviews with 109 Chinese textile manufacturers. It examines whether firms that found their first international clients through a “proactive” search are likely to export faster, more intensively, and to a larger number of markets. The findings illustrate that the proactiveness of the search for the first client in a foreign market is an important predictor of the intensity and geographic scope of the firm's internationalization path but not of its speed. They support the view of internationalization as an actively pursued entrepreneurial process, which may also be affected by serendipitous events. This study provides new evidence on the first international business discovery of Chinese exporters, contributing to the literature on international entrepreneurship, international new ventures and the network approach to internationalization.  相似文献   

In 1991, the Central Bank of Egypt increased the minimum capital requirements for the banking industry vis-à-vis risk-weighted assets to 8%, along the lines proposed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. In this paper, we investigate the effects of capital regulations on cost of intermediation and profitability. Higher capital adequacy increases the interest of shareholders in managing banks’ portfolios. The result is a higher cost of intermediation and profitability. A number of factors have increased the cost of intermediation in the post-capital regulation period: higher capital-to-assets ratios, an increase in management efficiency, an improvement of liquidity and a reduction in inflation. The reduction in output growth countered these effects. A number of factors contributed positively to banks’ profitability in the post-regulation period: higher capital requirements, the reduction in implicit cost, and the increase in management efficiency. The reduction in economic activity had opposite effects on banks’ profitability. Overall, the results support the Central Bank's efforts to enforce capital regulations to improve the performance of the banking sector in Egypt.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the differences in perceptions between business students and service-sector managers regarding the role that ethics and social responsibility serve in determining organizational effectiveness. An organizational effectiveness instrument containing business ethics and social responsibility items served as a questionnaire for a sample of 151 senior business undergraduates and 53 service-sector managers. The results indicated that while students acting as managers rate some social responsibility issues as more important than do managers, they also rate ethical conduct and a few dimensions of social responsibility lower than do managers. The findings have direct implications for both business practitioners and educators.Kenneth L. Kraft received his D.B.A. from the University of Maryland in 1982 and is currently an Associate Professor of Management at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. His recent papers explore the relationships between strategy, structure, social responsibility, and organizational effectiveness in a variety of settings. Anusorn Singhapakdi is Assistant Professor of Marketing at Old Dominion University. His current research interests center on marketing/business ethics and selected public policy issues in marketing. He has published in Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Value Based Managementas well as other journals and proceedings.  相似文献   

The Chinese financial system has historically been one of secrecy, distrust, and corruption. The process does not align with the western standards of transparency and auditing. In contrast to the transaction-based business culture of the West, Chinese business society is relationship-based (quanxi), which still seems to play a key role in the credit decision. With the growth of the emerging middle class, access to financial instruments such as credit cards, life insurance, stock purchases, and the like will play a greater role in the life of the Chinese consumer. Based on these forecasts, the authors recommend seven actions to manage financial activities in China, all of which are explored within this article.  相似文献   

In a study of 1304 Australian manufacturing industry SMEs, we investigate the relationships among networking (i.e., inter-personal and inter-organisational networks), international market venturing (i.e., export intensity), and family ownership. We find evidence that (1) inter-personal networking and inter-organisational networking positively influence SME international market venturing, but this relationship is contingent on a time lag effect, and (2) family ownership negatively moderates the effect of inter-organisational networking on international market venturing. Implications for managerial practice and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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