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金融科技的产业化发展给商业银行和银行业竞争格局带来了显著而深远的影响。本文利用2011—2016年全国31个省份的经济金融面板数据,通过构建空间计量模型实证检验金融科技对于地区银行业竞争的影响。研究结果显示,金融科技对于地区银行业竞争的影响存在显著的空间地理效应和产业竞争效应。其中,金融科技的空间地理效应主要体现为显著的空间依赖效应,而金融科技的产业竞争效应则主要来源于“市场挤出”和“技术溢出”两个作用渠道。研究结论对于如何通过金融科技促进银行业有效竞争,促进商业银行更好地发挥服务实体经济功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

美国放松银行业地域管制后出现大规模的银行并购,但银行业的并购和跨区域扩张并没有使美国银行业市场过度集中和对中小企业贷款造成明显冲击。中国银行业可以从中得到有益启示:放开中小银行跨区域限制的同时必须保证足够数量的中小银行业机构,使银行市场保持适度的竞争;中小银行应更多立足本地,积极发挥对中小企业关系型贷款优势;大型银行发展中小企业贷款必须进行贷款技术创新,以降低对中小企业交易型贷款成本。  相似文献   

We investigate the impacts of market structure and bank risk taking on the efficiency of Chinese commercial banks, employing a two-stage semi-parametric data envelopment analysis model. Our empirical results show that the intense market competition compels Chinese commercial banks to develop advanced technical experience and skills, thus improving their technical efficiency. Besides, the technical efficiency is positive associated with the risk taking. Since more risk taking implies a credit expansion of Chinese commercial banks based on the soft risk constraint, the improvement of technical efficiency may accompany an accumulation of banking risks in the current financial system of China.  相似文献   

巴塞尔新协议将操作风险与市场风险、信用风险列为商业银行的三大风险,加强对我国商业银行操作风险的管理,要选取或者制定符合我国银行业的风险量化模型。通过对商业银行操作风险以及常用的度量方法进行分析,运用收入模型对我国两家商业银行的操作风险进行了量化,提出了加强我国商业银行操作风险管理的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Spurred by deregulation, cost, and risk factors, commercial bank mergers have accelerated sharply in recent years. Many banks appear to be positioning themselves for the advent of interstate banking through holding company or reciprocal branching arrangements. Yet, the performance effects of mergers among operating U.S. banks (as opposed to holding company acquisitions) have been examined both infrequently and inconclusively. This study focuses upon the characteristics and performance effects of national bank mergers occurring during the 1970–1980 period. Acquiring national banks were found to have lower operating efficiency and productivity than nonmerging banks and their profitability did not increase following the mergers, but credit availability, productivity, loan losses, deposit service charges, and interest-rate risk did rise. Frequency of merger activity did not significantly influence bank profitability or growth, but did augment stockholder risks and increase business and real-estate credit. In the aggregate, national bank mergers appeared to result neither in significant service benefits nor in significant service costs to the public.Spurred by deregulation of the industry, rising cost pressures, and increased operating risk, merger transactions among U.S. banks have soared in recent years. During the 1982–1986 period, for example, banking led all other industries in the number of consummated mergers and consistently was among the ten leading U.S. industries in the estimated market value of merger agreements. Moreover, the recent upsurge in reciprocal interstate banking agreements and proposals for fully legalized interstate banking hold out the prospect for a further acceleration in bank merger transactions in the years ahead. In view of the fact that legislation in more than 30 states now permits some form of interstate banking by merger or de novo entry and a June 1985 ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court has legitimized regional banking compacts, the public and private impact of bank mergers becomes of much greater importance as a research focus.Despite the magnitude of recent bank merger transactions and their implications for the public, the research literature in this area is surprisingly meager and often contradictory. This article is an attempt to focus more sharply on recent research findings, provide additional evidence concerning the effects of mergers on the financial performance of banks, and assess their impact on the public's interest in an adequate supply of financial services.  相似文献   

王晓博 《商业研究》2006,(24):122-126
历时6年修订于2004年6月获G10央行行长会议通过的《新巴塞尔资本协议》是国际银行业最重要的竞争规则之一。借鉴新资本协议的要求对于我国商业银行增强国际竞争力具有重要的意义。新资本协议框架更多地强调银行要建立内部的风险评估体系。在当前我国大多数商业银行尚处于构建信用风险防范机制的起步之际,通过对新巴塞尔资本协议对内部评级制度的要求和内部评级方法的主要内容的介绍,针对目前我国商业银行信用风险内部评级制度的缺陷,对构建我国商业银行信用风险内部评级体系的途径等方面具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study examines how bank ownership influenced the credit supply during the recent financial crisis in Russia, where the banking sector consists of a mix of state-controlled banks, foreign-owned banks, and domestic private banks. To estimate credit supply changes, we apply an original approach based on stochastic frontier analysis. We use quarterly data for Russian banks covering the period from the beginning of 2007 to the end of 2009. Our findings suggest that bank ownership affected credit supply during the financial crisis and that the crisis led to an overall decrease in the credit supply. Relative to domestic private banks foreign-owned banks reduced their credit supply more and state-controlled banks less. This supports the hypothesis that foreign banks have a “lack of loyalty” to domestic actors during a crisis, as well as the view that an objective function of state-controlled banks leads them to support the economy during economic downturns.  相似文献   

The reforms of the banking sector in China conducted so far have been seeking to accomplish, simultaneously, two conflicting goals. On the one hand, the objective was to prepare Chinese banks for international competition and put them at the pace with the transformations observed in its overall economy. On the other, there is a social-driven agenda concerning employment and regional inequalities. Using principal component analysis, this article explores the impact of the ongoing reforms in the Chinese banking sector on the performance of individual banks. The results show that despite identical regulation, business practices can be dissimilar at the individual level. Taken collectively, the results also show the increasing influence of Western management standards in the Chinese banking sector.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between “financialization” and the performance of credit institutions in Mexico over the period 1999–2013. On average, foreign banks have higher cost-to-income ratio and return on assets than domestically owned banks. Non-interest income to gross revenue positively contributes to foreign bank profits, which highlights income other than conventional banking transactions. When considering references in the literature to non-interest income as a proxy for financialization, our results imply that domestic banks are more dependent on traditional lending, such as interest-earning assets, whereas foreign banks seem to engage in greater diversification to support profitability. Overall, the banking system reveals tendencies (“financialization”) that can possibly work against credit facilitation in Mexico.  相似文献   

运用动态GMM回归方法,探讨了2005-2013年我国各地区腐败与银行不良贷款之间的关系,结果表明:腐败程度与银行不良贷款规模正相关。同时,银行信贷规模增加会导致不良贷款增加,而经济发展水平、非国有化程度提高,政府干预程度以及企业资产负债率提高都能抑制我国银行业不良贷款增加。据此,提出如下政策建议:继续加大对腐败案件的查处力度,完善相关法律法规体系;商业银行应建立科学有效的风险防范机制;政府职能应由干预型向服务型转变,在提高经济增速的同时加快提高经济非国有化程度;企业应合理利用银行贷款,控制贷款资金流向。  相似文献   

城市商业银行竞争环境与市场定位策略探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2006年12月,我国将取消外资银行经营人民币业务的所有地域限制,允许外资银行对所有中国客户提供服务,我国银行将面临一个全面竞争的时代。本文认为,与竞争对手相比,城市商业银行在资本实力、资产规模、市场影响力、金融技术等方面都处于劣势,其优势则在于地方政府背景下特有的社区文化,对地方市场较熟悉,已建立了良好的银企业务关系,也容易获得诸如市财政工资统发、城镇医疗保险、区级国库代理、政务公开大厅各类收费大型项目的代理权。文章提出,城市商业银行应以“求异型为主,跟随型为辅”,为中小企业或家庭服务,在社区关系型融资领域发挥其“小银行优势”。  相似文献   

李芳  陈德棉 《财贸研究》2011,22(1):94-98
信贷集中利弊的理论研究尚缺乏结合中国银行业数据的论证,而近年商业银行实际发放信贷有明显的集中倾向,实证研究信贷集中的风险、收益效应对银行未来信贷决策有重要理论参考价值。根据我国信贷的周期性,选取2005—2009年12家样本银行数据指标进行实证分析,结果发现,信贷集中能够为银行带来收益,但也会带来不良贷款率增加、贷款减值损失增加和贷款质量恶化等负面效应。  相似文献   

The Chinese banking sector has undergone noteworthy financial reforms, which significantly metamorphosed the banking system. This article seeks to examine the determinants of the profitability of the Chinese banking sector. The empirical analysis is confined to the four State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs) and the 12 Joint Stock Commercial Banks (JSCBs) during the postreform period of 2000–2007. The empirical findings of this study suggest that size, credit risk, and capitalization are positively related to the profitability of China banks, whereas liquidity, overhead costs, and network embeddedness have negative impacts. However, the impact of liquidity is not uniform across bank types. We find that the SOCBs with higher level of liquidity tend to be relatively more profitable, which could be vindicated by the significant amount of lending to the State Owned Enterprises. The impact of economic growth and inflation are always positive whether we examine the SOCB or the JSCB.  相似文献   

本文从商业银行信贷井喷与大量融资要求的现象出发,以信贷可得性和资本约束为视角,提出两个假说:资本充足率与信贷扩张正相关,资本充足率越高,信贷扩张越快;商业银行的资本充足率具有顺周期特征.基于1998-2009年我国银行业的数据,本文采用动态面板数据方法验证了两个假说,并提出三点政策主张:强化宏观审慎监管意识,建立逆周期的资本监管制度;将资本充足率纳入宏观调控工具体系;强化资本质量要求.  相似文献   

信用环境建设作为一项国家正大力推进的基础性金融工作,有助于缓解信息不对称。作为地方政府,如何推进信用环境建设落地成为当前的执政之要。浙江省台州市通过搭建信用信息共享平台进行了积极尝试,目前全国已有20多个地区复制推广,但是这一举措对增加小微企业信贷获取是否明显有效,学术界鲜有研究。本文基于2012—2015年城市层面季度数据,采用合成控制法,研究信用环境建设中信用信息平台的搭建对银行发放小微企业贷款的影响。研究发现,信用信息平台搭建有效地促进了银行发放小微企业贷款,但其作用效果还受到当时宏观政策背景的影响,并非一直显著。进一步使用农村商业银行微观数据研究表明,地方信用环境建设能够促进中央银行的定向降准政策在地方上发挥“支小”作用,并且随着信用环境建设质量的提升,享受定向降准政策优惠的银行其风险承担意愿也在增强,对小微企业“敢贷、愿贷”。本文的研究发现既是对“加强营商环境建设”这一决策部署的学术回应,也为“精准滴灌”货币政策的实施提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

论我国城市商业银行的跨区域经营   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国城市商业银行跨区域经营是城市商业银行经营方式上的一次革命。城市商业银行跨区域经营的模式有并购重组和直接设立异地分支机构两种,这两种模式各有利弊,城市商业银行应该从自身条件出发作出选择。城市商业银行要进行跨区域经营,就应该加强风险管理,完善公司治理,合理定位,提高核心竞争力。  相似文献   


The 1997 financial crisis wiped out 30% of the Bulgarian banking sector and created severe strains on corporations. With the establishment of the currency board in 1997 and the new Banking Law, which set the legal framework for proper bank supervision, major Bulgarian banks were rapidly privatized through sales to foreigners, now controlling around 80% of bank assets. Since 1997, the Bulgarian banking sector has recovered from the crisis by improving its profitability and efficiency and adopted a legal framework compatible with the European Union standards. Based on a regression analysis of bank balance sheets and income statements, this paper shows that low level of credit volume during 1997-1999 derived from banks' cautious stance towards credit making reflecting both the ongoing risks in the real sector, and the stringent new banking regulations. Large banks, however, benefited from scale economies in improving profitability in the same period.  相似文献   

城市商业银行异军突起,成为银行业发展最快的新生力量。为寻求长远发展,城市商业银行应进行战略成本管理。由于价值链分析是战略成本管理的核心,城市商业银行价值链中的战略环节包括研究开发、市场营销和客户服务环节,所以战略成本管理应围绕服务中小企业、实施金融产品差异化、开发战略联盟和发展网络银行四个方面进行。  相似文献   

Considering China's stimulus policy in 2008 as a quasi-natural experiment, our study attempts to provide evidence to understand how expansionary monetary policy is likely to influence bank risk-taking in emerging markets, specifically in China. Using data on Chinese counties from 2006 to 2011, we theoretically discuss and empirically observe a positive relationship between the stimulus policy and bank risk-taking, as measured by nonperforming loans. Such a nexus stems from the negative effect of the stimulus policy on banks' lending standards and the positive effect on banks' credit support to small and medium sized enterprises. In addition, our study is enriched by estimating the moderating effects of bank capitalization based on the “risk-shifting” effect and “search for yield” effect caused by the stimulus policy. Specifically, we find important differences across banking groups, such that small and medium-sized banks with low capitalization increase their exposure to risk, while large state-owned banks with high capitalization notably reduce their risk tolerance. The results of this study may help to characterize monetary policy and macro prudential regulation, especially for emerging economies.  相似文献   

We examine whether Islamic financing can explain three important bank risks in a country with a dual banking system: credit risk, interest‐rate risk, and liquidity risk. Using Malaysian data, we find that commercial banks with Islamic financing have significantly lower credit and liquidity risks but significantly higher interest‐rate risk than banks without Islamic financing. There is also evidence that bank size is significantly related to credit risk; the proportion of loan sales to total liabilities and bank size are significant determinants of interest‐rate risk; and off‐balance‐sheet financing, the extent of securitization, loan volatility, bank capital, and bank size are statistically significantly related to liquidity risk. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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