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近年来,劳务派遣这种用工形式迅速发展,冲击了传统的劳动关系。我国现有的雇主责任体系还不够完善,出现了义务与责任不对称、派遣单位和用工单位的连带责任不尽合理等缺陷,导致许多冲突难以解决。通过分析单一雇主理论和联合雇主理论,立足我国劳动力市场基本现状,坚持单一雇主模式,以非连带责任为原则,以补充连带责任为例外,及时修改程序法,以期更好地保护被派遣劳动者的利益。  相似文献   

劳务派遣是一种招聘和用人相分离的劳动力经营模式,它是指依法成立的劳务派遣公司根据企业(用工单位)的需要,派遣与其建立了劳动关系的劳务工到企业工作,企业支付用工费用的行为。劳务工与劳务派遣公司是法律上的劳动关系,而劳务工与企业是事实上的劳动关系。  相似文献   

白立川 《现代企业》2013,(12):62-63
劳务派遣作为一种新型的用工方式,是市场经济下劳动力资源利用的必然结果.劳务派遣是一种招聘和用人相分离的劳动力经营模式,它是指依法成立的劳务派遣公司根据企业(用工单位)的需要,派遣与其建立了劳动关系的劳务工(劳动者)到企业工作,企业支付用工费用的行为.一、企业劳务派遣用工的现状及存在的问题劳务派遣是由派遣机构与派遣员工签订劳动合同,然后向要派机构(用人单位)派出员工,使其在要派机构的工作场所内提供劳动,接受要派机构的日常管理和监督,以完成劳动力和生产资料结合的一种特殊方式.劳务派遣中传统的一种劳动关系分割为派遣机构与派遣员工之间以劳动合同为载体的形式,劳动关系和要派机构与派遣员工之间的事实劳动关系,这种特征使其兼具了灵活性和保障性.它在我国兴起于20世纪90年代,发展至今已经成为了我国灵活就业形式的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

胡敏  沈国栋 《中国就业》2006,(4):45-46,39
近几年来,一种新的人力资源配置方式——劳务派遣在我国悄然升温。这种异于传统劳动关系模式的牵涉“三方两地”的用工形式,在满足灵活就业的市场需求的同时,也引发了劳动关系的不安定、向劳动者转嫁用工成本等负面影响。实践中,因劳务派遣中雇主责任不明产生的争议与日俱增,劳动争议仲裁部门和人民法院在处理此类案件时往往因法律规定不明而意见不一。为了对劳动派遣行为进行有效法律规制,有必要探讨一下派遣机构、要派机构及劳动者三方的法律关系。  相似文献   

劳务派遣又被称劳动力租赁、劳动派遣、人才租赁、人才派遣等,是指由劳务派遣机构和被派遣人员签订劳动合同,劳动合同关系则是存在于劳务派遣机构和被派遣人员之间,但劳动力运用的事实则发生于派遣劳工与要派企业(即实际用工单位)之间。劳务派遣因其具有灵活便利等特点逐渐被较多的用工单位采用,作为今年最主要的劳务输出方式,劳务派遣既有其便利之处,同样也存在一定的弊端,本文将对劳务派遣这种形式的用工及其对用工单位的利弊和应对办法做一些简单探析。  相似文献   

正劳务派遣是指由劳务派遣单位与被派遣劳动者(以下称劳动者)订立劳动合同,与用工单位订立劳务派遣协议,由劳动者向用工单位给付劳动的一种用工方式。劳务派遣最早产生于美国,其实质是"人力租赁",它显著的特征就是劳动力雇佣与使用的分离。我国《劳动合同法》明  相似文献   

劳务派遣是指劳务派遣单位与被派遣劳动者签订劳动合同以后,由劳务派遣单位与接受以劳务派遣形式用工的单位签订劳务派遣协议,将被派遣劳动者派遣到用工单位参加劳动,用工单位对被派遣劳动者行使劳动指挥权和管理权的特殊劳动法律关系。近年来,这种用工制度在邮政、电信、  相似文献   

随着2008年《劳动合同法》及其《实施条例》的实施,商业银行分支机构开始对编外用工人员实施劳务派遣。这种新型用工方式在减少用工风险、降低用工成本等方面成效明显,但在适用范围、派遣公司选择、雇主责任承担方面存在的法律风险也不容忽视。  相似文献   

劳务派遣及其派生的人事代理制度,作为灵活用工的重要形式和派生事务是适应劳动力市场弹性需求,在20世纪80年代以后逐渐发展起来的,其促进就业的公共价值在于:增加了劳动力市场的弹性,有利于降低企业用工成本,有利于低技能劳动者就业。在中国,低技能劳动者主要来自农民工,他们缺少劳动力市场信息和谈判能力,通过劳务派遣的用工方式可以弥补他们的这些缺陷。但是,在劳务派遣过程中,劳动关系处于明暗两个阶段,如果劳动法制缺位,劳动者的合法权益很容易陷入陷阱,因恐惧劳动者权益被侵犯而因噎废食是不可取的,规范劳务派遣行为是积极选择。■聘…  相似文献   

劳务派遣的现状与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着社会主义市场经济的日益成熟和用工制度改革的深化,劳务派遣作为我国建立劳动力市场机制实践过程中出现的一种新的用工形式,逐渐产生和发展起来。劳务派遣是专门的劳务派遣机构通过将员工派送到用人单位工作的方式进行的劳务活动。雇佣关系与劳动使用关系分离是其一大特点,即派遣机构与劳动者签订劳动合同,并负责员工的劳动关系、劳动报酬、社会保险、劳动保护等权益,用人单位只是用工,与劳务人员之间只有使用关系,没有劳动合同关系。劳务派遣的优势:一是可以降低用人成本支出。用人单位在核算租赁劳务的总支出时,主要考虑岗位效益,以市…  相似文献   

Employer responses to union organising: patterns and effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents original research on employer responses to trade union organising campaigns in the United Kingdom. The evidence indicates that there is no single response, with employers in some cases seeking to block and in others support union activity. These different patterns are strongly path dependent and reflect the prior degree of exposure to trade unionism of workplaces targeted for organising. Another finding is that employer responses co-vary with union approaches to organising, such that when the employer adopts adversarial tactics so does the union. The militancy of both parties, it seems, is mutually reinforcing. Finally, the evidence points to substantial influence of employer responses over the outcomes of organising. When employers are supportive then campaigns tend to be more successful, measured on a range of criteria. When the employer is hostile unions find it difficult to make progress and encounter particular difficulties in securing recognition.  相似文献   

This article discusses the importance of understanding and managing the changing employee–employer relationship (psychological contract). It offers a brief discussion on changing employee–employer expectations and provides a definition and discussion on the importance of the psychological contract in managing employee–employer relationships. Several employee–employer interactions in which human resource management (HRM) personnel can help clarify and reshape the psychological contract are presented.  相似文献   

An increasing number of organizations embark on employer branding although this practice is not theoretically supported. Our study explores the employer brand by employing branding that examines the interrelation between the elements and the branding process’ outcomes. Our study is based on the employer branding model having two major components: the employer brand (with interrelated internal and external images) and the efficiency outcomes originating from the application of the employer branding process. Our study combines quantitative and qualitative research methods. The data were obtained from the companies operating in the western province of Sri Lanka. Our findings reveal that organizations with an advanced employer branding strategy have greater productivity than those organizations who lack or have partially developed strategy. Our study compares organizations with different levels of implementation of the employer branding strategy. Special attention is paid to organizational communication and the incorporation of values into the external and internal employer brand.  相似文献   

This study examines strategy development in employer branding based on structuration theory, focusing on the interplay between employer branding structures and the (inter)actions of employer branding strategists. To analyse this interplay, this paper draws upon a series of strategy meetings in an employer branding project of a multinational construction company. This study adds to the current debate on employer branding by advancing the understanding of the structural embeddedness of strategizing in employer branding. Furthermore, the study proposes that strategy development shifts employer branding engagements into contested territory due to various and contradictory structures strategists need to deal with.  相似文献   

We investigate changes in effort investment of employees who still fulfill a contract with their current employer but already signed a follow‐up contract with a new employer (employer‐to‐employer change). Because effort and outside contract assignments are hard to measure in firms, we use running data from professional football (n = 26,577) to proxy effort decisions. Fixed effect regressions reveal a statistically significant but weak reduction in a player's effort after signing a follow‐up contract with a new club. Because we find a statistically significant effort reduction in public sports, this effect might be even larger in less transparent labor markets.  相似文献   

The changing legal landscape of the right of the employer to control and monitor employee behavior is examined. Two distinct areas are defined: behavioral monitoring and behavioral restrictions. Relevant statutory laws and the developing common law are discussed. We also examine potential employee reactions to such policies by evaluating the reactions of graduate students to six employer policies including weight restrictions, grooming requirements, use of GPS locators, drug testing, ban on off-duty smoking, and email and internet monitoring. Students responded to these policies by determining the reasonable interest of the employer in the behaviors being monitored or controlled and the manner in which policies were implemented. Their comments suggest that employees may accept some level of monitoring or behavioral restrictions if the employer can make a convincing social account of the need for a policy. Additionally, the policy must be clearly communicated and properly implemented. However, restrictions on off-duty behavior were typically poorly received with the exception of illegal drug use.  相似文献   

Using gift exchange theory to explain the growing trend of employers offering employer‐supported volunteering (ESV) benefits, this article discusses the creation of exchange relationships between the employer and employee and between the volunteer organization and employee. Hypotheses derived from the employee's perspective are tested with a nationally representative sample of volunteers (n=3,658). Findings suggest that ESV benefits are positively related to hours volunteered by the employee. Volunteer hours predict employee perceptions of skill acquisition, and such perceptions are positively related to perceptions of job success and employer recognition. We discuss the implications of these findings for business, employees, and volunteer organizations, with an emphasis on human resource management policy and practice. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Disability Champions are a new type of lay workplace trade union activist, whose role is to encourage employers to audit and improve disability policies and offer independent advice and guidance on disability issues to employees. Drawing on a survey of the population of Disability Champions, this article assesses Disability Champion influence on employer disability policy and practice. While the majority of Disability Champions report having had a positive impact, they report greater influence on employer willingness to conduct disability audits and to amend and improve employer equal opportunities practices with regard to disability than employer willingness to make reasonable adjustments. The analysis also identifies several factors that are likely to be important in improving Disability Champion effectiveness. Overall, the results suggest Disability Champions have the potential to enhance the ability of unions to represent disabled people and help manage disability issues within the workplace. The article makes a theoretical contribution to Disability Champion roles by further developing the ‘Activity‐Support‐Characteristic’ framework for the antecedents of new union representatives' effectiveness.  相似文献   

Employees of professional service firms (PSFs) have attachments to multiple groups, which may be either compatible or conflicting: their employer, their clients and their profession. We analyse the antecedents of commitment to these three foci based on a survey of 510 employees in a large PSF in Norway. The main findings are as follows: (1) low quality of internal work relations is negatively associated with employer commitment and draws employees towards external foci of commitment – the clients and the profession; (2) role conflict is associated with stronger commitment to the client organisation and the profession; and (3) autonomy and transferability of skills are associated with stronger commitment to the profession, but does not undermine commitment to the employer. The article contributes to our understanding of the conditions under which employees identify with external groups and when commitment to the employer may be compromised. The findings have implications for how managers can help to increase the commitment of employees involved in complex employment relations.  相似文献   

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