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Are common theories of outsourcing useful in predicting the extent of and performance gains from the outsourcing of procurement activities? Or does procurement׳s broad scope and boundary-spanning role confound successful analysis? This study applies a theoretical framework combining concepts from transaction-cost economics (TCE) and the resource-based view (RBV) to study the procurement outsourcing decisions of two hundred and eighty US-based electronics manufacturing firms. Findings suggest that TCE and RBV act in complementary ways on the procurement outsourcing decision. TCE, through fear of supplier opportunism, appears to be the primary driver of the extent to which procurement activities are outsourced. The RBV, through which the OEM׳s resource position in procurement vis-à-vis its outsourcing partner is determined, appears to be the primary determinant of the performance results of the outsourcing decision. Procurement activities are outsourced to a greater extent when fear of supplier opportunism is low, but such outsourcing is only “justified” (expected to yield performance benefits) when the OEM has a weak resource position vis-à-vis the outsourcing partner. An “enriched” TCE–RBV framework is presented and discussed as part of study results.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrating framework, based on theoretical concepts from the fields of strategic management and ecological economics, to enhance our understanding of environmental management practices (EMPs) and their relationship to sustainable competitive advantage. Starting with an expansion of the resource‐based view of the firm to include the natural environment, the article next engages the interdisciplinary field of ecological economics and its thermodynamic approach to ‘joint production’ to provide additional insights into the challenges and opportunities brought by a bio‐physically constrained economy. Informed by this understanding, the article then categorizes examples of EMPs drawn from the literature and discusses their potential impact on competitiveness. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for future research in the hope that the proposed framework will stimulate debate and lead to a fuller understanding of the impact of environmental management in the 21st century. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Recently, much of the thought in strategic sourcing, i.e., dominant logic, has shifted away from the exchange of tangible goods and toward the exchange of intangibles, specialized skills and knowledge, and processes. This study refers to strategic sourcing dominant logic as strategic sourcing centricity (SSC) and describes it as a sourcing management′s mindset based on learning, performance, planning, and relational orientations and manifests itself in the implementation of SS to meet supply management objectives and satisfy stakeholder requirements. Building on insights on intangibility derived from resource-based theory (RBV), the study proposes and empirically tests strategic sourcing centricity (SSC). The authors test the operational measures of SSC dimensions and its impact on performance on a sample of 174 supply management executives. The results indicate strong support for the theorized framework. Managerial implications and future research agenda are provided.  相似文献   

The competitive advantage purchasing provides has been debated for decades. For a novel perspective we derive a theoretical framework grounded in the knowledge-based view in order to examine how purchasing knowledge and purchasing integration impact cost and strategic performance. The derived hypotheses are tested based on extensive secondary data from a large European multinational utility company. The 179 studied ‘purchasing-internal client relationships’ contain real contracted savings data and internal client ratings of purchasing knowledge, purchasing integration and strategic purchasing performance. We show that purchasing knowledge is a major antecedent for both savings and strategic purchasing performance. This effect is further amplified by purchasing integration. With this study, we extend the understanding of the purchasing knowledge–performance link. We conclude that purchasing knowledge becomes particularly valuable when combined with other functions' processes through purchasing integration. This causal chain is also supported through general knowledge-based view theory. Moreover, we provide numerical evidence of the value of knowledge creation and integration processes to purchasing professionals in our managerial implications based on results obtained from actual purchasing savings data.  相似文献   

Strategic project management is gradually becoming a popular and growing trend within the discipline of project management. The general idea is that project management teams must learn how to deal with the business aspects of their projects, as well as better support their company's business strategy and sustainability, rather than just focus on meeting traditional time, budget, and performance goals. Although this approach has been gaining popularity, strategic project management has not yet become an explicit and widely used approach in the practice of project implementation. One of the concepts mentioned as an important element is project strategy; however, no universal framework or even a clear definition of what project strategy is has so far emerged. The goal of this article is to fill in this gap and provide a useful definition and a framework for the further study and implementation of the project strategy concept. Specifically, to achieve this goal, we first look at the origins of strategy in military and business research to discuss the question of what, exactly, project strategy is; we follow this discussion with an explicit definition of a project strategy. We then outline a framework for building a dedicated project strategy document for an individual project, and show how this framework can guide the project planning and execution processes. Using a case study approach, which included an action research phase, we demonstrate how project teams can adopt the strategy concept in a natural way that would lead their project to better business results.  相似文献   

The resource-based view and the knowledge-based view are important developments in strategic management theory, and ‘knowledge management’ has exploded in the popular management literature. There is, however, little empirical literature that explores the connections between firms' attempts at knowledge management and their HR strategies. In this paper, we focus particularly on links between knowledge management and staffing practices. High-technology manufacturing was selected as the site of our research, as high-technology firms rely on highly skilled employees to innovate and develop new products and are therefore an ideal environment for exploring the strategies employed for both managing knowledge, and recruiting and retaining employees. Drawing particularly on the work of Hansen et al. (1999 Hansen, M.T., Nohria, N. and Tierney, T. 1999. What's Your Strategy for Managing Knowledge?. Harvard Business Review, March–April:, : 10616. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), this paper identifies and explores two fits between knowledge management and HR strategy or what we call KM-HR configurations: ‘personalization-retention’ and ‘codification-recruitment’. We argue that there is no one way to manage knowledge and its links to HRM and build a simple framework of potential KM-HR configurations with propositions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the nature and details of the association that the integration of social and environmental considerations with corporate strategy has for different competitive advantages and innovation activities at the firm level. Its objective is to answer the question as to whether a positive link exists between integration and the effects of environmental and social performance on these different dimensions of economic performance. The question of the specific form of this relationship is also raised. These questions are analysed using cluster analysis and regression models. Results are presented for four different dimensions of competitive advantage, and for two types of innovation activity. These raise the possibility that the process of integration is more important for bringing about a positive link than a resulting integration type. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Kraljic's purchasing portfolio model, which was introduced in 1983, still is the dominant approach in the profession. Contrary to the growing use of the Kraljic matrix, there are problems and unanswered questions with respect to measurement and strategic issues. Based on explorative case studies, the critique of Kraljic's model has been disputed and refuted to a large extent. This study describes the solutions of experienced practitioners to the problems which have been put forward in literature. The case studies point out which measurement methods are possible and which supplier strategies are feasible, including additional strategic movements of commodities within the matrix. The research findings indicate that there is no simple, standardized blue print for the application of the portfolio analysis. It requires reflecting on results, critical thinking and sophistication of purchasing management.  相似文献   

The current competitive environment is characterized by new sources of information, new technologies, new management practices, new competitors, and shorter product life cycles, which highlights the importance of organizational knowledge in manufacturing companies. We integrate some of those knowledge-based approaches seeking to understand how aspects related to cross-functional orientation, new technologies, and increasing access to information affect manufacturing strategy. In this paper, “know-what” (where to find the needed information) and “know-how” (how to run operations smoothly) are considered key components of organizational knowledge in the process of manufacturing strategy formulation. Assuming that knowledge accumulation may lead to competitive advantage, we propose a model of manufacturing strategy process from a resource-based view perspective. We used a survey to collect field data from 104 companies. The results indicate that cross-functional activities integrate manufacturing knowledge and contribute to the creation of valuable and rare product characteristics.  相似文献   

璩涛  张燕 《价值工程》2006,25(10):57-59
顾客价值是竞争优势的重要源泉,构建基于顾客价值的竞争战略是房地产企业获取竞争优势的新途径。经营模式的转变及传统竞争策略的痼疾,使我国房地产业需要采取基于顾客价值管理获取竞争优势的新型竞争战略。  相似文献   

文章用资源能力理论对我国出口加工型企业的资源优势基础进行了分析,探讨了以劳动力及自然资源为优势基础的我国出口加工企业,在竞争中难以形成持久的竞争优势的问题,阐述了继续走低成本策略将使企业限入更深的困境,而其本身资源能力并不具备形成差异化战略的可能。  相似文献   

通过加快构建基于比较优势的现代产业体系来获取区域竞争优势的发展战略是当前河南经济发展的战略精要。加快构建基于比较优势的现代产业体系必须打破原有制约和束缚,厘清河南的比较优势和现代产业发展基础,科学构建产业框架,明确发展思路和目标,全面、系统地加快推进产业优化升级。  相似文献   

在市场经济中,企业采取的品牌竞争策略关系着企业竞争力的大小。从价值链的角度出发,通过对企业价值链的分析,寻找适合企业的品牌竞争策略,以取得竞争优势。  相似文献   

汪红丽 《价值工程》2005,24(8):19-22
战略管理和价值管理是管理的两大主题。战略管理对企业价值具有重要影响,同时战略和价值之间又有复杂的关系和机理。本文以服务业为例,试图建立起战略在企业价值中的核心地位,阐明战略价值化的涵义、逻辑以及与传统竞争优势之间的关系,在此基础上,给出战略价值管理与一般战略管理的区别。  相似文献   

During new product development (NPD), firms make critical design and sourcing decisions that determine the new product's cost, performance, competitive position, and profitability. The purchase price of materials and components for the new product provides only part of the picture for design and sourcing decisions. All-encompassing analyses of cost and performance, such as total cost of ownership, are extraordinarily difficult to implement because they are demanding in terms of time, data and cooperation. We study monetary quantification of points of difference, which enables an NPD team to base its decisions instead on more focused, strategically-pertinent analyses of costs and performance. We propose a substantive model of its antecedents and consequences. We then test this model with data from matched samples of 144 project leaders and 144 cost analysts who participated in the same NPD projects. Using structural equation modeling, we also test hypothesized differences in perspectives between project leaders and cost analysts. Results demonstrate the pivotal role of monetary quantification of points of difference among the sourcing alternatives being considered, especially for cost analysts. Results also demonstrate that Decision Justification to senior management drives the NPD team's decision-making process. Finally, monetary quantification of points of difference leads to Uncertainty Reduction, which is found to be the primary antecedent of the judged success of applying analysis of cost and performance.  相似文献   

本文以资源观理论为基础,以连南瑶族自治县南岗千年瑶寨旅游景区为案例研究对象,研究了异质性活文化资源战略对旅游经济持续竞争优势的影响。研究表明,人、物和情境综合体的民族活文化资源,是具有异质性的资源;只有打造这样的民族文化资源,民族地区才能够获取旅游经济持续的竞争优势。本文认为在进行民族文化资源的开发过程中,要认识到异质性资源自身的特点,只有民族文化资源保持原有的特色,保持其活力和生机,才可能具备可持续的旅游经济竞争优势。研究结论将为民族地区的文化旅游战略发展提供参考性建议。  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented for conceptualising the relationship between the management of supply, strategic orientation at the business-unit level and their proposed link with firm performance. The shortcomings of existing approaches in accounting for the wide variety of purchasing practices in a comprehensive supply management framework are discussed as well their alignment with strategic orientation. The paper concludes by presenting a model and propositions concerning firm-level supply management, strategic orientation and firm performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the links between developed environmental innovations and the competitiveness of firms. It seeks answers to the question: Are the developed environmental innovations associated with the improved or impaired competitiveness of firms? In addition, it explores how competitive advantage is created along the innovation process. This will be done by comparing the successful and unsuccessful green innovators. The empirical evidence is based on the longitudinal dataset gathered from 128 Finnish firms which have developed one or more environmental innovations. The data covers nine years from 2002 to 2010. This study provides two contributions to academic literature. First, it deepens the existing knowledge of how environmental innovations are associated with competitive advantage. It identifies the types of competitive advantages as well as potential disadvantages along the innovation process. Second, this study demonstrates how the competitive advantage was enhanced along the successful innovation process. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

刘远海 《价值工程》2015,(17):20-23
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,在回顾湖北竞技体育发展现状的基础上,分析了湖北竞技体育发展的制约因素,提出完善管理,优化发展;处理好各种关系,协调发展和加强后备人才梯队建设等持续发展对策。  相似文献   

战略性贸易政策是近年来国际贸易理论新发展的一个重要内容,也是最有争议性的一个焦点。它于80年代末被引进至国内,该理论建立在不完全竞争、规模收益递增基础之上,与传统的贸易理论相比更接近现实。文中从其暗含的假定入手,从中国的实际情况出发用传统的比较优势理论和其做比较,考察其在中国的适用性。  相似文献   

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