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巴西素称"咖啡王国",是世界上最大的咖啡生产国和消费国。几次的巴西之行,使我深感咖啡对巴西人的生活和待客是多么的重要。巴西人早餐则往往是一杯浓浓的加奶咖啡,工问休息则称为"喝咖啡时间"。巴西商人接待客户时,比很多的欧美公司要大方得多,一定会送上一杯又浓又甜的热咖啡,而且往往会为你续添。热腾腾的咖啡浓浓的香味,表达了主人的热情好客,  相似文献   

This article reviews the organizational values, recruitment, and reward policies of Brazilian samba schools and Indian dabbawalas to illustrate how their fit to local cultures results in greater productivity, engagement, and low turnover. American‐style management has spread worldwide, yet in emerging market countries such as India and Brazil, multinationals often struggle to motivate and engage their employees. The companies’ top ranks in these countries are usually dominated by English‐speaking, university‐educated elites who are comfortable with Western management techniques. But these managers can be, as the Comprador class was in seventeenth‐century China, strangers in their own land, implementing management techniques that feel foreign and inappropriate to their employees. The result is often low productivity, absenteeism, and unhappiness. However, there are organizations in both India and Brazil that achieve staggeringly high productivity and consistently strong engagement though unaware of mainstream management techniques. The samba schools of Brazil and the dabbawala lunch‐delivery system of Mumbai do this by working within local cultural norms rather than trying to impose foreign ideas about efficient management. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

2006年德国特别引人注目,不仅世界杯足球赛魂牵梦绕着球迷们和吸引着商家的追逐豪赌,而且德国人振兴国力,并想“撑起欧洲”的举措也为世人瞩目。从去年开始,欧洲出现颓势,人们不约而同地将目光对准了在欧洲内部经济实力第一的德国。德国积极倡导和推行欧洲统一并出钱出力,虽然去年欧盟宪法受挫,但德国表示不会放弃。目前,德国政府计划每年追加投资10亿欧元优先发展生物基因、材料、医药等科研领域的新技术,以保持德国的经济增长和在技术方面的领先地位。德国总理默克尔执政170天后访华,将科尔时代开始孕育、施罗德时代形成的中德战略伙伴关系进一步推向深入;签署的以经贸科技领域为主的19份合作文件必将将2005年632.5亿美元的双边贸易额推向更高点!凭着渴望安全感的责任心和善于逻辑分析的头脑,认真执着,勤奋努力,用科技振兴国力,以实力推动欧洲,让“欧洲发动机”的轰鸣响彻世界。这就是今日的德国!  相似文献   

自9月起,南京菲亚特独家赞助"20032004赛季意大利足球甲级联赛"CCTV-5中国地区电视转播."百年菲亚特百年意甲"主题活动也同期展开,活动包括三部分内容,分别是"开菲亚特,感受亚平宁之旅"主题活动、"百年菲亚特百年意甲"大型图片展、菲亚特4S店"意甲聚焦区"主题展示活动.  相似文献   

Successful organizations have dynamic capabilities that are aligned with their competitive environments. As competitive environments globalize, the dynamic capabilities driven by managers with multicultural backgrounds are increasingly relevant. These managers are more likely to seize cognitively distant opportunities than monocultural managers. Using panel analysis of multilevel data from 355 elite football (soccer) teams, we find support for a moderated relationship among the degree of globalization in the competitive environment, the multicultural background of team managers, and team performance. When the competitive environment is highly global, teams with multicultural managers outperform teams with monocultural managers. When the competitive environment is less global, the reverse is true. The same effect holds when tested both cross-sectionally and longitudinally.  相似文献   


Sport fans develop unique and engaging relationships with their favourite sport teams, both offline and online. However, research on sport fan engagement is still limited in relation to social media. The purpose of this research is to understand why and how sport fans engage with clubs on social media. Following the Uses and Gratifications approach and the Consumers’ Online Brand-Related Activities framework, seven motivations (Information, Entertainment, Personal Identity, Integration and Social Interaction, Empowerment, Remuneration and Brand Love) and three dimensions of online engagement behaviours (Consumption, Contribution and Creation) were considered. A web-based survey was conducted among football club fans of a major UEFA league on Facebook, resulting in 562 responses. The need for Information, Empowerment and Brand Love mainly drive Consumption, Contribution and Creation, respectively, while the need for Integration and Social Interaction emerged as the second most important motivation overall. This study contributes to the emerging research on social media use in the sport marketing literature, thus revealing additional opportunities for managers to engage their fan base online.  相似文献   

Association Football is a highly competitive business. In this article Filippo dell'Osso and Stefan Szymanski ask how Liverpool FC the most successful team in the English Football League of the last 20 years have achieved their record. They identify four general categories of distinctive capability which can create competitive advantage: monopoly, reputation, technology and architecture. Nottingham Forest derives its performance by monopolising a unique input: Brian Clough. Manchester United survive on the basis of its reputation. Liverpool's success derives from the club's "architecture", the structure of contracts and relationships which makes the whole greater than the sum of its parts.  相似文献   

We investigated the independent effect of commonly postulated risk factors on injury incidence in amateur football (soccer), using a prospective cohort design with follow-up over two seasons. A total of 1702 male and female players aged 13 years or older contributed information on 21,797 player-matches. Confirmed, were the effect of male vs. female sex (injury rate ratios (IRR) = 0.81, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.67–0.97), older age (increasing IRR gradient), New Zealand European ethnicity (IRR = 0.87, 95% CI: 0.74–1.01), being taller (180–189 cm: IRR = 1.32, 95% CI: 1.06–1.63), previous injury (IRR = 1.32, 95% CI: 1.12–1.57), playing against medical advice (IRR = 1.24, 95% CI: 1.03–1.49), playing while recovering from injury (IRR = 1.40, 95% CI: 1.20–1.49), history of cigarette smoking (IRR = 1.27, 95% CI: 1.00–1.61) and time of season (IRR = 0.97, 95% CI: 0.96–0.98). Female, adult, non-European and taller players could be paid particular attention in injury prevention programmes. The need for effective injury management is reinforced. Adding physical conditioning to pre-season training may be required.  相似文献   

This paper tests for the impact of match outcome uncertainty on two types of audience for Spanish football, fans at the stadium and television viewers. We find that fans inside the stadium prefer games that are less and not more likely to finish with a close score. This is contrary to much theoretical literature in sports economics which argues that fans prefer close contests and imposes this assumption in formal modelling. We also find that television viewers prefer close contests to more predictable contests. The different preferences of fans inside the stadium and television viewers need to be reconciled by the league when considering the effectiveness of policies to redistribute resources amongst teams in the league. We use our empirical model to consider how this tension might be resolved so as to maximise total audience and total league revenues.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to develop detailed insight into loyalty among football fans of Hibernian FC, moving beyond typologies to a more socially grounded approach. Issues explored include patterns of consumption, distinctions between fan groups, and antecedents of loyalty. The origins and development of the club are evaluated, and consumer fanaticism, football fan loyalty, consumption behaviour, and the sociological impact of fan communities are discussed. Data were collected using a variety of methods, including participant observation, in-depth interviews, and analysis of websites and fan forums. Key findings relate to the impact of family and community influences on loyalty, initial experiences of developing associations with the club, through to the impact of socialisation, and the lived experience of being a supporter. A supporter matrix is constructed as a portrayal of the loyalty found at the club. A range of theoretical implications is considered, and the matrix promoted as a tool for understanding loyalty in clubs with similar social structures and community connections.  相似文献   

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