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岁是春作首,虎是百兽王,在这个虎虎生威的庚寅年里,重要的不是跑多快,而是影响力有多远。  相似文献   

随着全球经济形势的进一步恶化,北京写字楼市场的租赁需求也表现出明显的下降。2009年第1季度,市场净吸纳量为-1804平方米.至于空置率,与2008年第4季度相比,北京写字楼市场的空置率上升了5.72%,为18.97%。其中表现最为明显的是CBD,由于几个新项目的入住率都较低,因而使得整个区域的空置率急剧上升。  相似文献   

据悉,近日越秀城建地产旗下天河CBD甲级写字楼——维多利广场B塔带租约全球发售,该项目于2010年3月份获颁授国内建筑最高荣誉——中国土木工程詹天佑奖,为广大的写字楼投资者提供了绝佳的选择。  相似文献   

完善战略布局2010年,新中物业共计拓展新项目15个,总面积68万平方米,完成全年拓展目标任务的340%。根据企业战略的要求,2010年市场拓展工作具有以下显著特点:首先是继续完善战略布局,扩大中部、西部、北部等内陆重点城市的市场占有率。  相似文献   

张雷 《房地产导刊》2013,(3):116-117
戴德梁行日前发布数据称,2012年广州甲级写字楼表现强劲。吸纳量超49.3万平方米,达到历年之最,其中仅第四季度全市的吸纳量便达68700平方米。因无新物业入市,整体空置率为8.6%,比2011年下调2.4个百分点。而写字楼的租金因为珠江新城个别物业的拉动而上调0.3个百分点,每月每平为165.1元。  相似文献   

孔令燕 《现代企业》2011,(11):68-68
本刊讯 2010年冬天,贾平凹结束了巨制的写作,一个偶然的想法让他开始行走,他选择了中国目前最为贫困偏狭的地区之一定西。”  相似文献   

2010年12月28日,宁波首个第三方医药物流项目宁波协星医药物流中心开工,计划于2011年7月前竣工并投入运行。该项目的实施,将填补宁波及周边地区第三方医药物流服务的空白。  相似文献   

保持个税税率水平、激励资本投入的政策表明,美国的财政政策着眼于刺激经济增长,因此,整个商业相关部门以及消费群体都表现出了更为积极的态势。此外,持续扩张的货币政策,也将使2011年的地产行业收入持续2010年的良好状况。在这样的经济大背景下,2010年年底,  相似文献   

2010年,原江苏五星控股集团董事长汪建国二次创业,投资创办母婴童连锁企业孩子王。成立不到一年时间,"孩子王"在南京、合肥、淮安等地成立了四家超大母婴童专业购物中心,未来五年,计划开50家大店,并谋划上市。  相似文献   

苏黎 《房地产导刊》2010,(1):123-123
2010年1月末,位于金沙洲的大型住宅社区时代糖果将再次为置业者们奉上甜蜜的"新年礼物"——项目将推出二期新品。  相似文献   

Abstract. This survey examines the role of wage indexation and exchange rate policy in dampening fluctuations in output around its target level. It is demonstrated that the appropriate choice for wage indexation and exchange rate flexibility is highly sensitive to the nature and the relative importance of the shocks impinging upon the economy, as well as to the relevant parameters in the economy. Moreover, the question of the desired flexibility of the exchange rate should be studied in the context of wage indexation, and vice versa. This interdependence raises the possibility of both policies being complements or substitutes to each other depending on the number of shocks that perturb the economy.  相似文献   

Strategic flexibility is proposed as an expedient capability for managing capricious settings, such as those confronted in technology-intensive arenas. This article examines the historical evolution of the concept of flexibility and analyses its different senses by relating it to other concepts with a ‘family resemblance’. A conceptual framework is subsequently developed, which integrates the temporal and intentional dimensions of flexibility. Four archetypal manoeuvres, derived from the framework, are proposed as a means of attaining strategic flexibility. The deployment of these manoeuvres is exemplified by means of selected strategic engagements of firms in the computer peripherals arena. The article concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the research.  相似文献   

企业是经济社会的细胞和基本元素,企业活动在社会经济活动中发挥着核心和基础的作用,企业信息化建设也必将形成推动信息时代发展的强劲力量。广义的电子商务不仅包含诸如B2B、B2C的电子交易等企业经营方面的内容,还包括了企业管理等所有商务活动中的信息化建设内容。然而,在经历了ERP和SCM(供应链管理系统)的建设热潮之后,目前人们关注的焦点似乎正在向CRM以及相关的整个需求链管理(DCM)上移聚,企业已经越来越强烈地意识到必  相似文献   

This paper discusses the estimation of a social accounting matrix that distinguishes between formal and informal activities for China and India for 2000 and 1998–99 respectively. Wage shares for formal/informal employment in China and net domestic product shares for organized/unorganized sectors in India are used as weights to calculate the size of the two sectors. The proposed methodology is a first step towards an integrated approach to account for the dualism of many economies in the developing world. The results can serve as data input for any policy-driven CGE model for developing countries.  相似文献   

In the first two years of the Conservative government elected in May 1979 sterling rose 25 per cent on a trade weighted basis. It then fell back and is currently little changed from the level inherited by the Conservatives. In the first two years of the Reagan administration the dollar rose 30 per cent on the same basis. It too fell back thereafter, but only briefly - throughout 1983 the rise of the dollar has been resumed and it now stands at its highest level for at least twenty years. In this Forecast Release we examine the similarities and differences between these two currencies. We argue that a crucial element explaining the performance of the currency has been the size and expected development of the public sector deficit and that prospects for the dollar depend crucially on this. A sharp fall in the dollar could occur in the next year or two if rapid growth of output begins to produce a signijcant reduction in federal borrowing.  相似文献   

This paper extends Schwarm and Cutler (2003) by incorporating three labor groups while using their methods to source data and provide an organizational framework that allows effective and straightforward creation of social accounting matrices (SAMs) and regional computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. While CGE models typically describe relatively large geographical areas and are therefore not able to capture the uniqueness of individual cities or towns within the region, our model allows simulations of small cities and towns that highlight regional similarities or differences. The differing effects of both an increase in manufacturing and a change in the sales tax are examined to demonstrate the insights and regional characteristics that such methods allow a researcher to obtain.  相似文献   

There has been considerable merger activity in EU energy markets in recent years. It could be argued that competition authorities should be required to take into account potential innovation effects of mergers. In the UK, regulators are now trying to achieve multiple objectives within the current framework. There is a danger that if markets are expected to deliver mutually incompatible objectives they will be unable to achieve any of them.  相似文献   

Abstract The modeling of monopolistic competition has contributed to rapid developments in numerous fields of economics, notably macroeconomics, international trade, industrial organization, economic growth and economic geography. This paper provides a systematic review and some extensions of various path‐breaking models of monopolistic competition and their subsequent developments, including the works of Spence, Dixit and Stiglitz that are based on the ‘love‐of‐variety’ approach, the works of Lancaster that are based on the ‘love‐of‐characteristic’ approach, and the large‐group monopolistic competition models of Hart, among others. The paper also examines the properties of some utility functions frequently used in the literature on models of monopolistic competition. Perhaps owing to the complexity of these models, the literature lacks a broad and systematic coverage of this essential subject. The paper aims to help fill the gap.  相似文献   

The excess burden of taxation, which in the US is over $1 trillion, could be reduced by transferring responsibility for funding infrastructure to the private sector, with a corresponding cut in taxes. While governments may resist optimal taxation, private communities are induced to do so by competition. A promising approach to efficient funding of civic infrastructure is its transfer to private enterprise  相似文献   

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