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This paper tests two hypotheses derived from the Data et al. (1991) theoretical model of auditor choice by companies newly listing on the stock exchange. The results offer support to their predictions of the demand for auditor quality. In particular, higher-risk companies are associated with the selection of a high-quality auditor, as proxied by a Big Eight firm of accountants. Additionally, companies who employed Big Eight firms had higher market valuations of their stock at the time of listing.  相似文献   

I extend the option pricing framework for the underwriting of rights issues, by considering that the funds received at maturity may already have been committed to a project at the time of signing of the underwriting agreement (investment commitment). The model yields valuations that are up to several times the amount implied by no investment commitment, and this is most pronounced for large issues. An upper bound for the model’s explanatory power is obtained by assuming that all issues exhibit full investment commitment; under this assumption, the model explains 40–65% of the overpricing of underwriting agreements in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

目前的资产评估业存在着信息严重不对称的现象.评估委托人往往不清楚评估机构的能力,而评估机构常常不清楚委托人评估的目的,或没有清楚地掌握被评估资产的真实运作状况.当评估委托人难以辨识评估机构的真实能力时,往往以价格为主要标杆选择机构,这样极易出现"柠檬市场"现象.一旦评估市场发展为"柠檬市场",必然会出现恶性竞争,甚至会造成高质量的评估服务与评估市场份额背离,出现"劣币驱逐良币"的现象,极不利于资产评估业的发展.市场从来就不是万能的,尤其是信息严重不对称的市场,政府的监管必不可少.政府可以从增强信息传递来有效监管资产评估业,通过优化评估机构组织形式,实施机构等级管理与注册资产评估师的分级、分类管理等惩假褒真机制向市场有效地传递信息.有效的信息传递和信息甄别机制不但会丰富资产评估市场的信息,也能鼓励评估机构更加规范地执业,从而有利于我国资产评估业的良性发展.  相似文献   

This study uses a sample of over 7000 firms in 38 countries to investigate the relation between firm valuation and earnings quality. We find a positive and significant relation between firm valuation and an aggregate earnings quality measure based on seven earnings attributes (accruals quality, persistence, predictability, smoothness, value relevance, timeliness, and conservatism). This relation is particularly strong for firms with greater investment opportunities and more need for external finance, and for firms in low investor protection countries. Thus, firms are able to compensate for a weak legal environment by adopting higher earnings quality standards, particularly when they need to gain access to global capital markets. Overall, our findings suggest that firms with higher earnings quality are valued more highly in stock markets, supporting the idea that investors require a premium for the information risk associated with lower‐quality earnings.  相似文献   

关于当前我国资产评估学历教育中几个问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等院校的资产评估学科专业建设是开展资产评估科学研究、推动资产评估理论发展和提高我国资产评估水平的重要途径;而高等院校资产评估学历教育是培养和储备资产评估专门人才的重要途径。经过了大约十年的发展,我国高校的资产评估学科专业建设水平与学历教育水平得到了很大提高。本文讨论了我国高校当前资产评估学历教育中学科专业建设的情况和建设模式的选择等问题。  相似文献   

The option pricing model developed by Black and Scholes and extended by Merton gives rise to partial differential equations governing the value of an option. When the underlying stock pays no dividends – and in some very restrictive cases when it does – a closed form solution to the differential equation subject to the appropriate boundary conditions, has been obtained. But, in some relevant cases such as the one in which the stock pays discrete dividends, no closed form solution has been found. This paper shows how to solve these equations by numerical methods. In addition, the optimal strategy for exercising American options is derived. A numerical illustration of the procedure is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper uses insider trading around new security issues to provide evidence of managerial timing ability. I show that insider sales increase and purchases decrease prior to issues of information-sensitive securities (convertible debt and equity) by industrial firms. I then examine the relation between insider trading and subsequent stock returns. Although not all equity issues are motivated by overvaluation, those where managers sell prior to the issue are more likely to be. I find that industrial firms with abnormal insider selling underperform in the long run, whereas those with abnormal buying do not. There is no evidence of a relation between abnormal selling and future performance for utility offerings, however. Overall, the evidence is consistent with poor long-term performance being due to overvaluation.  相似文献   

为做好2007年全国资产评估行业执业质量自律检查工作,2007年4月,中国资产评估协会下发了《关于做好2007年资产评估行业执业质量自律检查工作的通知》(中评协[2007]48号)。2007年,中评协和地方协会将根据职责分工,分别对具有证券评估业务资格的特别团体会员和具  相似文献   

We analyze the interaction between a firm's product market advertising and its corporate financing decisions. We consider a firm that faces asymmetric information in both the product and financial markets and that needs to raise external financing to fund its growth opportunity (new project). Any product market advertising undertaken by the firm is visible to the financial market as well. In equilibrium, the firm uses a combination of product market advertising, equity underpricing, and underfinancing (raising a smaller amount of external capital than the full information optimum) to convey its true product quality and the intrinsic value of its projects to consumers and investors. The following two predictions arise from our theoretical analysis for the relation between product market advertising and equity underpricing around new equity issues. First, firms choose a higher level of product market advertising when they are planning to issue new equity, compared with situations in which they have no immediate plans to do so. Second, product market advertising and equity underpricing are substitutes for a firm issuing new equity. We empirically test the above two predictions and find supporting evidence in the context of firms making initial public offerings and seasoned equity offerings.  相似文献   

我国新颁布的企业会计准则提出了投资性房地产的概念,其定义为能够单独计量和出售的、为赚取租金或资本增值,或两者兼有而持有的房地产。它包括已出租的土地使用权、持有并准备增值后转让的土地使用权以及企业拥有并已出租的建筑;但不包括为生产商品、提供劳务或经营管理而持有的自用房地产和作为存货的房地产。  相似文献   

The paper studies both the initial and aftermarket performance (measured by risk-adjusted returns) on newly issued common stocks which were offered to the public during the 1960s. The results confirm that average initial performance is positive (11.4 percent), while the distribution of returns is skewed so that the subscriber of a single random new issue offering has about an equal chance for gain or loss. The results are generally consistent with aftermarket efficiency. Positive initial performance along with aftermarket efficiency indicate that new issue offerings are underpriced. The paper provides insights into this underpricing mystery, but does not solve it.  相似文献   

This article primarily addresses two largely unanswered questions in the financial economics literature: (i) is there a demand for lead bank monitoring in the initial public offering (IPO) market?, and (ii) does monitoring by the lead investment banker lead to better post-issue performance? We find evidence consistent with the demand for underwriter monitoring in the IPO market. We examine variables which proxy for the incentives of lead underwriters to supply monitoring post-issue. These variables include lead investment bank reputation and whether warrants are issued to the underwriter by the issuing firm. We find that lead bank reputation is positively associated with the post-issue performance of IPO firms. We also examine whether additional value added monitoring is provided by unaffiliated analysts. The number of unaffiliated analysts following is positively correlated with post-issue performance. Our results are consistent with third party monitoring in the new issues market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Hong Kong IPO market from August 1995 to July 1999 and finds that the time of the June 30 1997 political handover coincides with the transition in the IPO market from ‘hot’ to ‘cold’. Although the handover was an anticipated event, an explanation for the change in market is that the political handover created uncertainty among investors; a type of information asymmetry where all investors faced greater uncertainty. Our finding provides empirical support to literature which proposes that events in the months preceding the October 27 1997 correction in Asian stock markets facilitated a decline in confidence in financial markets, subsequently characterised as the ‘Asia Financial Crisis’. In addition, we find initial returns of newly listed stocks in the Hong Kong market are associated with market condition but not associated with any particular industry (i.e., PROPERTY) or geographic location (i.e., ‘H’ SHARES) suggesting that the prevailing market condition was spread more generally across issues.  相似文献   

By documenting the evolution of Tobin's q before, during, and after firms internationalize, this paper provides evidence on the bonding, segmentation, and market-timing theories of internationalization. We find that Tobin's q does not rise after internationalization, even relative to domestic firms. Instead, q rises significantly before and during the internationalization year, but then falls sharply in the following year, quickly relinquishing the increases of the previous years. In decomposing these dynamics, we find that market capitalization rises before internationalization and remains high, while corporate assets increase during internationalization. The evidence supports the theory that financial internationalization facilitates corporate expansion, but challenges the theory that internationalization produces an enduring effect on q by bonding firms to a better corporate governance system.  相似文献   

Price movements in many commodity markets exhibit significant seasonal patterns. However, given an observed futures price, a deterministic seasonal component at the price level is not relevant for the pricing of commodity options. In contrast, this is not true for the seasonal pattern observed in the volatility of the commodity price. Analyzing an extensive sample of soybean, corn, heating oil and natural gas options, we find that seasonality in volatility is an important aspect to consider when valuing these contracts. The inclusion of an appropriate seasonality adjustment significantly reduces pricing errors in these markets and yields more improvement in valuation accuracy than increasing the number of stochastic factors.  相似文献   

The volatility in emerging market finance over the last decade has highlighted the importance of developing equity exchanges to enhance risk sharing between international investors. Debt markets do not allow for as much risk sharing. Theoretically, stock market development involves trading externalities, as the decision by one firm to list provides a positive spillover for other firms considering an initial offering. This theory thus has a clear policy implication in terms of deliberate government action to promote stock market development. This paper tests empirically for the existence of trading externalities in developing countries, and finds evidence of such externalities for Latin American, but not Asian, stock markets.  相似文献   

Portfolio performance evaluation: old issues and new insights   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This article presents a model that provides insights about variousmeasures of portfolio performance. The model explores severalcriticisms of these measures. These include the problem of identifyingan appropriate benchmark portfolio, the possibility of overestimatingrisk because of market-timing ability, and the failure of informedinvestors to earn positive risk-adjusted returns because ofincreasing risk aversion. The article argues that these neednot be serious impediments to performance evaluation.  相似文献   

Municipal bonds trade in decentralized broker-dealer markets, and are underpriced when issued, but unlike equities the average price rises slowly over several days. Newly issued municipal bonds have high levels of price dispersion and the average price rises because the mix of trade sizes changes over time. While large trades occur close to the reoffering price, small trades occur between the reoffering price to as much as 5% above the reoffering price. Using a mixed-distribution model we quantify the losses uninformed traders or issuers give up to broker-dealers.  相似文献   

Review of Accounting Studies - Under SFAS No. 159, U.S. firms can measure debt liabilities at fair value, which results in recognition of unrealized gains and losses from debt valuation adjustments...  相似文献   

公允价值与资产评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
引言近十年来,国际会计准则委员会在推广公允价值方面取得了很大的进展。2005年1月1日,包括欧盟在内的90多个国家和地区开始采用新的国际会计准则,相应地也开始执行该准则中关于公允价值应用的规定。  相似文献   

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