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Foreign Direct Investment and Real Exchange Rate Interlinkages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines theoretically and empirically the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and the real exchange rate. It is found that in large countries with freely floating currencies, such as the USA, the UK and Japan, causality runs from the real exchange rate to FDI. These results are consistent with the predictions of models of financial behavior. Causality runs both ways in small countries with fixed or quasi fixed currencies, such as the EU countries. These results are consistent with models, which emphasize on trade integration. It is shown that a weaker euro will not have uniform effects on FDI inflows across the unified Europe.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of exchange rate and exchange rate volatility on foreign direct investment (FDI) by using a meta‐analysis. We filter out publication bias within the 1,329 estimates, pooled from 101 studies and employ Bayesian Model Averaging to reduce model uncertainty and explain the existing heterogeneity. The results reveal that the exchange rate system, estimation characteristics, and the modeling approach have an important and noticeable influence on the statistical significance and direction of the estimates. On one hand, the impact of exchange rate volatility is relatively lower in countries with higher trade openness, human capital and better protection of intellectual property rights. On the other hand, greater geographical distance and technology gap between the host and the home economy are associated with greater uncertainty and thus accentuate the negative causality between exchange rate volatility and FDI. Such sensitivities suggest that greater emphasis should be placed on reporting estimates of the impact of the exchange rate and its volatility on FDI across a variety of methodological characteristics and specification and estimation choices.  相似文献   

文章以2004~2014年中国A股上市企业为样本,研究母国税收政策不确定性对企业对外直接投资的影响。研究结果表明,当母国税收政策不确定性上升时,企业对外直接投资的可能性会下降。进一步研究发现:银企关联和政府补贴可以缓解母国税收政策不确定性对企业对外直接投资的抑制作用;企业规模越小、成立时间越短、债务水平和税负水平越高,企业对外直接投资受母国税收政策不确定性的抑制作用越大;对外直接投资企业的总部所在省份GDP较高时,其对外直接投资受母国税收政策不确定性的影响较大。文章拓展了税收政策不确定性和企业对外直接投资领域的相关研究,为更有效地发挥母国税收政策对企业"走出去"的促进作用以及增强企业在"走出去"过程中应对外部风险的能力提供了有价值的政策启示。  相似文献   

汇率不确定性与FDI   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周华 《南方经济》2006,41(10):104-114
关于汇率波动如何影响FDI的问题,一直以来都是学者们争论不休的话题。基于以往对FDI的局部均衡分析中将汇率看作外生因子的局限性。本论文借鉴最优货币区理论中的一般均衡分析框架,将汇率设定为由经济基本因素所决定的内生因子,其中重点分析货币因素的变化对汇率,进而对FDI产生影响的机制;从而调和了过去局部均衡分析所得出的矛盾观点,指出,汇率是促进还是抑制FDI主要取决于影响汇率波动的具体因素。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the impact of institutional uncertainty on vertical foreign direct investment (FDI) strategies. We also consider the impact of economic integration upon FDI decisions. The paper follows the real options approach, which allows investigating the value to a firm of waiting to invest and/or disinvest, when payoffs are stochastic due to institutional uncertainty and investments are partially reversible. Across the board we find that institutional uncertainty can be very detrimental to FDI decisions while economic integration leads to an increasing benefit of investing abroad.  相似文献   

Abstract: We study the behavior of the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of the dirham against the European currencies (the EU15), over the period 1960–2000 (annual data). We measure the volatility using standard deviation, and the misalignments as the difference between the actual REER and the equilibrium REER (the NATREX model). We show that a rise in the volatility of the dirham reduces the trade flows (exports and imports). The misalignments also affect the trade flows: an overvaluation leads to a reduction in Morocco exports, to an increase in Morocco imports, and globally to a deterioration of the trade balance with the European Union. On the other hand, neither the volatility nor the misalignments have an effect on foreign direct investment in favor of Morocco.  相似文献   

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are able to shift investments between home and host countries to minimize the negative effects of changes in the macroeconomic environment. This article formalizes a model that allows studying this investment‐smoothing behavior of MNEs facing inflation taxes in both the home and the host country. The MNE is allowed to invest in two economies, home and host, and to finance its foreign direct investment (FDI) either through domestic or foreign sources. The investment smoothing by the MNE is studied for cases of both vertical and horizontal FDI. The results suggest FDI is used as a hedging tool, mitigating the effects of inflation taxes even if there are no formal hedging mechanisms. The investment‐smoothing reaction of MNEs depends on the reason for investment, the financing sources of FDI, and the substitutability between factors of production. Finally, this investment‐smoothing possibility (FDI) reduces the real negative effects of inflation.  相似文献   

中国的"引进来"和"走出去"是发展失衡还是渐趋平衡?本文从投资规模、投资产业、投资形式和投资政策四个方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper examines the short‐run and long‐run dynamic relationships between exchange rates and foreign direct investment (FDI) in Korea. Monthly data retrieved from the Bank of Korea from January 1999 to March 2012 are examined. A cointegration test, a vector error correction model, the Wald test and impulse responses techniques are applied to analyze the data. The present study finds that, first, long‐run causation between exchange rates and FDI flows exists, which implies that a change in exchange rates negatively affects FDI flows in the long run. Second, short‐run causation between exchange rates and FDI flows exists, which confirms that there is reciprocal feedback between the two variables. Finally, the study finds evidence of a structural break from the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 shock to FDI flows in Korea. An external shock affects changes in the endogenous variables and, thus, causes instability in the cointegrating vector in the system.  相似文献   

Temporary Migration and Foreign Direct Investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question of complementarity or substitutability of FDI and international labour mobility has not yet been answered. The substitutability assumption does not take into consideration the technological spillover of FDI in the host countries. Moreover, migration flows reveal cultural characteristics and labour force properties of their native country which may stimulate bilateral business networks, strengthening the complementarity assumption between capital and labour flows. In this paper we build a continuous time dynamic model where these offsetting forces are at work. We analyze whether, and to what extent, the increase in labour mobility might affect FDI outflows. A numerical simulation is performed showing that a higher income growth rate corresponds to a higher labour mobility. Some policy implications and further research direction are suggested.  相似文献   

本文通过建立包含外商直接投资因素的技术进步内生化增长模型,分析了外资对昆山各行业技术进步的影响。实证结果表明,总体上看,外资对昆山地区的技术进步有着显著的促进作用,进一步的分析表明,外资技术进步作用的发挥逐渐从以间接影响为主转变为以直接影响为主,外资对内资企业的技术溢出效应正逐渐减弱,近年来出现了不太显著的负面溢出效应。  相似文献   

汇率与日本对华直接投资   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本文以日本对华直接投资为背景分析了汇率和外国直接投资 (FDI)之间的关系。通过使用从 1 981年到 2 0 0 0年日本在中国 9个制造业部门的直接投资的数据 ,研究发现 ,日元对人民币的双边真实汇率和日本对华直接投资之间存在显著的正相关关系。具体地说 ,日元的升值显著地刺激了日本对外投资的流量 ,而日元贬值则导致了日本FDI外流的减少。由于人民币的大幅贬值可归因于 90年代初中国刻意采取的人民币贬值并盯住美元的策略 ,中国的汇率机制在加强中国吸引日本FDI的竞争力中起到了极其重要的作用  相似文献   


Ireland was one of the first countries in the world to adopt an FDI-oriented development strategy. It remains to this day the most FDI-intensive economy in Europe. These factors have helped to configure the institutional structure of the economy to be able to respond rapidly to changes in the nature and requirements of the type of global FDI that an economy with Ireland's characteristics could reasonably hope to attract. This paper analyses the changing characteristics of European-bound FDI since the 1960s and the co-evolution of Irish development strategy.  相似文献   

外商直接投资与中国的加工贸易   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
本文就外资对中国加工贸易偏好的因素及对出口增长的经济效应进行分析,并指出中国加工贸易存在的问题,提出重视比较优势的动态转变,以竞争战略为指导,适时地促使我国加工贸易的战略性转型。  相似文献   

异质性与混合型国际直接投资   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从跨国公司异质性的角度,对国际直接投资行为进行了研究.本文的模型表明,选择混合型国际直接投资的跨国公司的边际成本较低,而且节省了运输成本,但是固定成本较高,只有生产率最高的跨国公司才会选择混合型国际直接投资.发展中国家工资、运输成本和中间产品的密集度会影响到跨国公司的选择.  相似文献   

Empirical Studies of Foreign Direct Investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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