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中国经济增长中土地资源的“尾效”分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
土地资源是人类赖以生存与发展的重要物质基础。根据大卫·罗默的假说,由于土地与其他自然资源的限制,实际的经济增长将呈下降趋势,即存在因土地与其他自然资源的消耗而引起的"尾效"。1978—2005年,中国经济增长中土地资源的"尾效"平均每年约为1.26个百分点。也就是说,由于土地资源的消耗,在1978—2005年期间,中国的经济增长速度平均每年降低了1.26%。按照这一数据推算下去,到2030年,中国的年经济增长率将会因为土地资源的"尾效"而降低到目前经济增长率的74%;到2050年,中国的年经济增长率将会因为土地资源的"尾效"而降低到目前经济增长率的57%。  相似文献   

针对填海造地的生态环境损失,文章探讨了生态成本补偿问题的几个关键点。文章认为,由于填海造地行为彻底改变了海洋资源的自然属性,并造成资源和生态环境损失,需要一种补偿来弥补填海造地的负外部性,补偿的主体是填海造地的开发者,补偿对象是海域的所有权方,补偿的标准应以被填海域资源和生态环境损失成本为依据,补偿的手段应为征收生态补偿金。文章以福建某填海造地工程为例,对补偿标准的计算进行实证分析,得出该项填海造地工程的外部生态成本为377.70元/m2,计算结果可为国家征收填海造地的生态补偿金提供决策依据,以实现填海造地的有偿化和有序化。  相似文献   

资源约束条件下人口城市化模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从资源供给的角度看,人口城市化模式取决于一个地区实际人口与资源承载人口的关系.而区域资源承载人口取决于生态、经济和自然等多种资源的综合承载人口,且资源承载人口是动态的,是生产力的函数,自然资源承载是基础,经济承载是关键,生态承载是限制.本文探讨了资源承载人口的计算方法和模型,运用该模型对吉林省四平市2003年的承载人口进行了测算,分析了现实人口与承载人口的关系.在此基础上,探讨了人口城市化的模式.旨在达到区域土地供给约束、人居需求扩大和城市经济增长的三项式关系的平衡,使我国人口城市化可持续发展.  相似文献   

通过构建包括土地资源的多要素CES生产函数,可从理论分析的角度刻画土地资源对经济增长的影响效应,并对其中的重要影响因子进行相关性分析.文章从土地资源约束对经济增长的“阻尼”效应、土地资源在经济增长中的人均产出效应以及土地供给增长对经济增长的拉动效应三个不同的视角,运用数理经济学的研究方法分析了土地资源对于经济增长的影响效应.研究结论是土地资源约束对经济增长的阻力大小一方面取决于行业属性,另一方面囿于国家经济的整体状况;在土地资源有限的客观经济现实约束下,人均可用土地资源的不断减少势必使经济增长回归到由资本和有效劳动所决定的稳态增长路径中,因此土地资源在平衡增长路径下是动态无效率的;更多依赖于土地或者其他自然资源投入的经济增长方式是不可持续的.  相似文献   

Much effort is expended toward planning for conservation, natural resource management and sustainable land use in agricultural landscapes. Although often not explicitly stated, the aims of these efforts are often to restore natural capital for the provision of ecosystem services and stimulate multifunctionality in landscapes. However, the scarcity of resources for, and the potential economic impact of, ameliorative actions that restore natural capital necessitates the identification of cost-effective geographic priorities, or hotspots, which provide multiple ecosystem goods and services. This requires the integrated spatial modelling of multiple environmental and economic processes accompanied by clear goals and performance indicators. Identification of hotspots provides guidance for highly targeted land use change that cost-effectively adds to the stocks of natural capital in a landscape. Additionally, the multifunctionality of the landscape can be increased through the provision of multiple ecosystem goods and services. This paper begins by examining data requirements for identifying geographic hotspots for land use change. This study integrates traditionally disparate landscape-scale biophysical and economic data and models. The elements of natural capital considered here are species and ecosystems, soil and water resources, and the atmosphere. It is demonstrated that locating ameliorative actions towards hotspots will be more cost-effective at restoring natural capital and stimulating landscape multifunctionality than a random targeting approach. We calculate these efficiencies using a small set of indicators for assessing aspects of multifunctionality. The focus of this study is the agricultural landscapes of the Lower Murray region of south-eastern Australia.  相似文献   

转型期农村土地冲突爆发原因探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村土地冲突不仅影响农村土地资源配置及其效率,而且对我国的社会转型、农村社会和经济稳定发展具有重大意义。分析了农村土地冲突的概念和类型,并从土地资源的天然局限性、农村土地制度的设计缺陷、农村土地的社会保障作用和村委会自治权异化的角度探究了转型期农村土地冲突爆发的原因,为进一步化解农村土地冲突提出努力方向。  相似文献   

基于生态足迹模型对新疆可持续发展的动态分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
生态足迹是分析国家或地区自然资源可持续里用的重要指标.本文利用FAO数据、新疆统计年鉴等自然资源生产与消费数据、人口数据,采用可变世界单产法计算了1988~2005年新疆维吾尔自治区生态足迹.结果表明:从1988~2005年间,新疆的人均生态足迹显著上升,从1995年开始出现生态赤字且有逐渐加大的趋势.生态协调系数DS显示,1996年后新疆的资源利用超出生态环境的承载范围,其发展模式是不可持续的.  相似文献   

土地利用规划应把握的几个关键问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对前一轮土地利用规划的新增建设用地,在时间、空间布局、用地规模上存在的安排不合理的问题,提出了编制土地利用规划,要根据自然地理环境特点、区域经济布局、城市化发展趋势、行政区划的调整、人口高峰期耕地保护目标、集约节约用地等,对土地开发、利用、整治、保护,在时间和空间上作出科学合理的安排。  相似文献   

We are faced with a deteriorating land system across the vast low-rainfall areas of the world. This is creating serious social and environmental disruption. The Sahelian zone is a case in point. The loss of both indigenous animals and now the land resource itself is little short of catastrophic.There is, however, a system in these parts of the world that has evolved and stabilized over the millennia. This is the natural system of grassland and “wild” animals living in harmony and forming a healthy and rich ecosystem. Man has substituted domestic animals for this indigenous fauna and is now facing the disruption of the entire system as a result.This paper looks at our “modern” ranching systems and compares them with the natural entity. The implementation of the new land use is now underway, using locally adapted grazing animals within their environment. Insights that have come from this work have led to the development of a new philosophy and thinking about our land-use systems in general.In a world faced with the horrifying specter of food shortages, loss of land resources, and energy crises, “nature's technology” points the way to a new future. If we react fast enough to save our planet and ourselves, the natural systems will be reinstated and become the land use of the future, particularly through the drier lands of the world, which today are in such peril.  相似文献   

东北地区农业资源优化配置研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东北地区农业资源在全国具有不可比拟的优势,然而也依然存在着与全国其他地区所共有的人多地少的约束.以种植大宗粮食作物为主、适宜大面积机械化耕种的东北黑土地来说,由于自然禀赋约束、土地制度约束、行政制度约束和市场约束等原因,并没有迅速地走向资源最优配置的农业发展方向.本文通过上述几个方面的研究,给出了优化配置东北地区农业资源的政策建议.  相似文献   

风景区作为国土生态资源空间和独特的保护地类 型,其土地利用规划是中国空间规划体系中的重要一环。针 对古镇型风景区中自然与人文资源并重、游赏与生活功能交 织、风景区与城镇用地兼具等现实问题与矛盾,基于多规合 一,提出通过确定景源利用导向进行景源评价“合一”、整 合风景区用地分类进行用地属性“合一”和建立多措施协同 机制进行区域管理“合一”,构建以木渎景区为代表的古镇 型风景区的土地利用规划体系,为古镇型风景区保护和发展 提供“一张蓝图”。  相似文献   

湖南省城市化发展与土地利用关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
熊鹰  文先明  郭娴 《经济地理》2006,26(6):1042-1046
城市化是一个国家与地区不断走向现代化的重要标志,同时也是影响区域土地可持续利用的一个重要因素。文章从湖南城市化发展进程出发,研究了城市化进程与土地利用之间的内在关系,从总体用地结构、城市内部土地利用、城市用地效率等方面进行了分析。在此基础上,探讨了城市化进程中土地利用存在的问题,并提出了城市化与土地利用和谐发展的对策。  相似文献   

"公地悲剧"是产权不清的情况下"公地"资源配置失效,被过度使用而枯竭的过程。近年来,该理论被广泛应用于环境科学、经济学、社会学、政治学等领域。本文分析了新疆耕地数量变化与粮食安全、耕地质量变化与生态环境建设、耕地开发利用变化与地区发展战略等情况,从新疆特殊的自然环境条件、管理审批权限、水土资源开发配置、农户农耕理念等方面出发,论述了"有主之地"的耕地也存在"公地悲剧"现象。  相似文献   

Nearly a third of the population of the Northern Territory of Australia is Indigenous and the Northern Territory environment has sustained Indigenous cultures for millennia. Under traditional management the land area used per person was relatively large but few resources were imported. Although the reliance on local resources has declined through interactions with Western society, at least some exploitation of the natural environment remains. This means that higher-density urban populations, which are largely non-Indigenous, have larger footprints than rural and remote populations, which are largely Indigenous. Thus Northern Territory urban populations are not necessarily requiring less land, but are just offsetting their land impacts to other regions. Finally, Indigenous ecological footprints are found to be heavily influenced by the provision of government services.  相似文献   

关于自然资源和环境的观点,循环经济与主流经济学并不矛盾.早在古典经济学时代自然资源和环境就被视作同土地和劳动一样具有稀缺性的生产要素,资源价值补偿一直是主流经济学研究的内容之一,而且循环经济的理论发展和实践推广也依赖主流经济学的研究方法和计量工具,因此二者的一致性远远大于分歧.  相似文献   

This paper refutes the proposition by Caplan and Gochenour that there is no such thing as natural resources because all goods are produced. Caplan and Gochenour use that proposition to argue against the reform proposal of Henry George and his followers, to replace all taxes with a single tax on land value. The rebuttal to Caplan and Gochenour made by this paper is that the discovery of a resource does not constitute its production. The refutation here argues that entrepreneurship and investment create human capital and capital goods, not natural resources. Discovery is not the same as invention or production.  相似文献   

Canada has abundant natural resources—its stock of natural capital wealth. A recurring debate in the literature is whether resource rich countries benefit in the form of higher sustained growth rates or not from the export of their natural resources. Canada's Harold Innis wrote extensively on this subject over 80 years ago and argued for the “no” side in the debate. Was he was right or wrong? I begin with the foundations of natural resource theory then turn to empirical work in recent decades. I agree with the literature that Canada overall has benefited from the export of its natural resources, but question whether that can continue given the focus on short term growth and the failure to account for the social costs of resource extraction and use—the environmental externalities that degrade and reduce stocks of natural capital. These externalities increasingly threaten our water and land resources and without more effective policy, the ability of resources to sustain growth and well‐being is questionable. Was Innis wrong? Yes in that the evidence supports the counter argument—resources have helped Canada become a developed economy with relatively high incomes and sustained growth rates. Innis was right that the uneven distribution of resources causes different impacts regionally especially during booms and busts and recognized the need to find substitutes for declining and degrading resource stocks. But Innis, like many after him, focused more on the intrinsic features of natural resources than policy to address the social costs of their development, a legacy that leaves us in a precarious position today.  相似文献   

农村居民点整理潜力内涵与评价指标体系   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:58  
张正峰  赵伟 《经济地理》2007,27(1):137-140
定量地反映和衡量通过农村居民点整理挖掘其利用上潜力的大小,可以为土地整理专项规划、农村居民点整理项目设计提供科学依据。文章在分析农村居民点整理潜力内涵及其来源的基础上,将其分为自然和现实转化两类潜力。其中自然潜力评价指标从农村居民点整理扩展可利用空间、改善农村生存条件两方面选取,现实转化潜力评价指标则从区位、社会经济发展状况、农村建房周期、后备资源状况等方面选取。同时在界定各指标内涵的基础上采用适宜的方法实现了指标的定量化。  相似文献   

驻马店市相对资源承载力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用相对资源承载力的理论与方法,对1997~2006年的驻马店市相对土地资源承载力、相对经济资源承载力和综合资源承载力进行了分析评价。结果表明,驻马店市近10年经济的持续增长是以自然资源的不断消耗为代价。由此得出,必须转变这种增长方式,走节约资源、保护环境的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

Competition for publicly owned natural resources may be intensified when property rights are incomplete. Incomplete delineation of these rights among claimants to the various resource attributes of the public rangelands of the western United States has resulted in high transaction costs for capturing and/or protecting unassigned rights. This paper addresses how changes in the values society places on the public land resources have resulted in changes in the relative positions of various interest groups with respect to resource allocation decisions. The paper concludes by discussing implications of the property right approach for land management policies and grazing fees.  相似文献   

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