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为拓展业务渠道和盈利增长点,部分小型银行类金融机构会作为搭桥机构参与票据市场业务。这在助推市场流动性的同时,也可能会影响宏观经济调控效果。为此,需要将引导和规范相结合,从规范票据市场发展的相关制度与市场环境、稳妥促进信贷资产证券化及贷款转让市场发展等方面矫正票据市场搭桥行为。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of oil price shocks on stock market returns in Saudi Arabia using the country-level as well as the industry-level stock market data. We find that the relation between changes in oil prices and equity returns is positive and significant at the country-level and at the industry level. Our results show that oil prices have asymmetric effects on equity returns for 4 out of 15 industrial sectors (e.g., hotel and tourism, insurance, multi-investment, and petrochemicals). These results have significant implications for investors, portfolio managers, policymakers, and corporate finance managers.  相似文献   

中国财产保险市场分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国自1980年恢复国内财产保险业务以来,保费收入以年均25.3%的速度增长,分析中国财产保险市场状况,对完善我国财产市场,有着重要意义。目前我国财产保险市场在发育过程中还面临着较多的矛盾,应从财产保险市场主体、市场结构、产品体系、财产保险市场的空间布局、财产保险市场开放模式等多角度、多方面着手,完善我国财产保险市场体系。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes whether, and to what extent, emerging market economies (EMEs) have systemic importance for global financial markets, above and beyond their influence during crises episodes. Using a novel database of exogenous economic and political shocks for 14 systematically relevant EMEs, we find that EME shocks not only have a statistically but also economically significant impact on global equity markets. The economic significance of EME shocks is in particular underlined by their remarkably persistent effects over time. Importantly, EMEs are found to influence global equity markets about just as much in “good” times as in “bad” times, though they tend to be stronger during crises or periods of financial turbulence. Finally, we detect a large degree of heterogeneity in the transmission of EME shocks to individual countries' equity markets, stressing the different degrees of financial exposure, which is relatively higher for European equity markets.  相似文献   

The intraday lead-lag relation between returns of the MajorMarket cash index and returns of the Major Market Index futuresand S&P 500 futures is investigated. Empirical results showstrong evidence that the futures leads the cash index and weakevidence that the cash index leads the futures. The asymmetriclead-lag relation holds between the futures and all componentstocks, including. those that trade in almost every five-minuteinterval. Evidence indicates that when more stocks move together(market-wide information) the futures leads the cash index toa greater degree. This suggests that the futures market is themain source of market-wide information.  相似文献   

全球气候变嗳问题日益严峻使节能减排成为全球经济的热点之一,由此衍生的碳金融问题成为理论与实务界讨论的焦点。我国碳减排资源丰富,发展碳金融后发优势明显,但当前尚面临被动接受国际交易规则、定价能力不足等劣势。我国商业银行应充分发挥自身在金融市场领域的优势,借鉴国际同业经验,加快开发相关金融衍生产品,提高风险识别、计量能力,加强金融支持力度,促进国内碳金融市场的建立健全。  相似文献   

We propose a model of time-varying price discovery based on a rolling-window error correction framework. We show that price discovery in nine commodities is dominated by the spot market, while, in only six commodities, price discovery is dominated by the futures market. Our findings, therefore, challenge the well-established view in commodity markets that it is the futures market which dominates the price discovery process. We also show the economic significance of price discovery through a portfolio construction and hedging strategy.  相似文献   

This paper uses a copula model to investigate the degree and determinants of European market dependence across 10 industries in 12 Euro zone and 8 non-Euro zone stock markets during the period 1992–2011. Most of the industries in Euro countries show a dependence increase with the Euro-area after the introduction of the Euro. The effects are strongest in countries with larger market capitalization and in the Financials, Industrials, Consumer Goods, Utilities, Technology and Telecommunications industries. Overall, the export intensity, interest rate sensitivity and competitiveness of an industry and the financial development and economic openness of a country are the most important determinants of changes in equity market dependence. The period around the Lehman collapse also shows higher equity market dependence between European countries, while the lower dependence increase during the period of the recent European sovereign debt crisis suggests that country-specific factors may matter more than before.  相似文献   

运用计量经济学中的协整理论,可以对深圳成分A指和成分B指间的长期均衡关系进行实证分析。分析结果表明,成分A指和成分B指间是协整的。以误差修正模型的形式定量给出协整关系的表达式,通过比较误差修正模型在B股向境内投资者开放前后的变化,支持了中国股市A、B股分割状况有所改善的结论,揭示出深圳股市自身特有的发展规律。  相似文献   

Recent theoretical works have found a link between return sign forecastability and conditional volatility. This paper compares the predictive performance of the conditional country risk and the conditional residual risk in forecasting the direction of change in the return on the UK stock market index. The conditional country risk and the conditional residual risk are estimated using the bivariate BEKK-GARCH technique and the direction of change in the UK stock market index is modelled using the binary logit approach. Both the in-sample and the out-of-sample predictions suggest that, as a predictor, the conditional residual risk is superior to the conditional country risk. Our findings support the residual risk model while contradicting the traditional capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Moreover, our tactical asset allocation simulations show that when the conditional residual risk is used in conjunction with multiple-threshold trading strategies to guide the investment decisions, the actively managed portfolio achieves greater returns than the return on a buy and hold portfolio.  相似文献   

从台湾实践看股指期货对现货市场的影啭   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1987年10月美国纽约股市大崩盘,美国布兰迪报告(The Brady Repon)指出,存在程序交易造成的瀑布效应(Cascade EFFect)。由于股市下跌,组合避险卖出指数期货以降低持股比例,期货之卖压使期约低于理论价格,计算机程序认为有套利机会,进而买进指数同时卖出股票,致使股市再度下跌,继而又触发了避险的期货卖压,如此恶性循环,终于使股市大跌。  相似文献   

我国的商业汇票利率体系主要由承兑费率、贴现利率、转贴现利率和再贴现利率构成。其中作为银行间市场业务的票据转贴现,其利率已实现市场化。在监管部门加大力度规范会计科目核算、严查逃避信贷规模的票据业务后,买断性日趋明显,其利率更多受到信贷规模影响,与其它银行间货币市场利率产生了一定背离;回购式转贴现业务则逐步脱离规模互转方式,近期呈现了较强的资金业务特性,利率水平逐步接轨其它银行间货币市场利率。  相似文献   

The linkage between emerging and developed economies spans beyond the usual trade in goods and services. Underlying trade is the flow of capital for foreign direct investment and for speculation in markets, which renders emerging economies vulnerable to shocks from the developed world. As such, equity return volatility in emerging markets is partly attributable to this dependence. To gauge the importance of bilateral economic and cultural factors in driving economic integration, we adopt a two-step process. First, we use Diebold and Yilmaz's spillover index methodology to extract spillover indices representative of the return volatility spillover effects of the United States, the developed portion of the Euro area, and Japan on financial markets in Asia, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Eastern and Central Europe, Africa, and Latin America. Second, we test whether these indices are governed by economic and cultural factors. Our results show that the spillover effects vary across markets and that a strong correlation exists with the volume of trade, security investment, common language, distance, and market capitalization.  相似文献   

In this study, we employ the GARCH–MIDAS (Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity variant of Mixed Data Sampling) model to investigate the response of stock market volatility of the BRICS group of countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) to oil shocks. We utilise the recent datasets of Baumeister & Hamilton (2019), where oil shocks are decomposed into four variants: oil supply shocks, economic activity shocks, oil consumption shocks, and oil inventory shocks. We further decompose each of these shocks into positive and negative shocks, and our findings show heterogeneous response of stock market volatility of the BRICS countries to the alternative oil shocks, including positive and negative shocks. The differing responses across the BRICS countries could be attributed to differences in the economic size, oil production, and consumption profile of the countries, market share distribution across firms, and financial system and regulation efficiency.  相似文献   

We divided the whole series of Shenzhen stock market into two sub-series at the criterion of the date of a reform and their scale behaviors are investigated using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA). Employing the method of rolling window, we find that Shenzhen stock market was becoming more and more efficient by analyzing the change of Hurst exponent and a new efficient measure, which is equal to multifractality degree sometimes. We also study the change of Hurst exponent and multifractality degree of volatility series. The results show that the volatility series still have significantly long-range dependence and multifractality indicating that some conventional models such as GARCH and EGARCH cannot be used to forecast the volatilities of Shenzhen stock market. At last, the abnormal phenomenon of multifractality degrees for return series is discussed. The results have very important implications for analyzing the influence of policies, especially under the environment of financial crisis.  相似文献   

交易机制与价格发现的关系一直是金融市场微观结构的重要研究方向,其目的是为了发现金融市场如何借由微观行为的不均衡实现市场层面的价格均衡过程。事实上,交易机制、交易习惯和市场均衡过程三者之间是相互影响的关系。分析和研究这三者的内在联系可以加深我们对市场的理解,并找到提高市场资源配置效率的途径。文章以做市报价收益率点差作为研究对象,详细分析了其时间分布、相关性、波动性及时间持续性等微观特征,为深入研究做市商报价和交易行为提供各种可能的切入点。  相似文献   

We investigate the relative importance of market default risk in explaining the time variation of the S&P 500 Index option-implied risk-neutral moments. The results demonstrate that market default risk is positively (negatively) related to the index risk-neutral volatility and skewness (kurtosis). These relations are robust in the presence of other factors relevant to the dynamics and microstructure nature of the spot and option markets. Overall, this study sheds light on a set of economic determinants which help to understand the daily evolution of the S&P 500 Index option-implied risk-neutral distributions. Our findings offer explanations of why theoretical predictions of option pricing models are not consistent with what is observed in practice and provide support that market default risk is important to asset pricing.  相似文献   

2010年11月,银行间市场推出人民币信用风险缓释工具,为丰富市场信用风险管理工具、完善市场信用风险分担机制开创新途径。文章基于信用衍生品市场的国际经验,从信用风险缓释工具与经济周期,信用风险缓释工具与信用债券、利率掉期套利等角度,探讨了人民币信用风险缓释工具的市场应用策略,并展望了其市场发展前景。  相似文献   

Using tick data covering a 12 year period including much of the recent financial crisis we provide an unprecedented examination of the relationship between liquidity and stock returns in the UK market. Previous research on liquidity using high frequency data omits the recent financial crisis and is focused on the US, which has a different market structure to the UK. We first construct several microstructure liquidity measures for FTSE All Share stocks, demonstrating that tick data reveal patterns in intra-day liquidity not observable with lower frequency daily data. Our asymptotic principal component analysis captures commonality in liquidity across stocks to construct systematic market liquidity factors. We find that cross-sectional differences in returns exist across portfolios sorted by liquidity risk. These are strongly robust to market, size and value risk. The inclusion of a momentum factor partially explains some of the liquidity premia but they remain statistically significant. However, during the crisis period a long liquidity risk strategy experiences significantly negative alphas.  相似文献   

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