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We develop a model and characterize the differences between the investment policies of a rational CEO and an overconfident CEO. In the presence of risky outstanding debt, we show that an overconfident CEO has the incentive to overinvest more than that of a rational CEO. However, this incentive is mitigated by the discipline imposed by outside investors when an overconfident CEO seeks external financing. In contrast, when the firm has sufficient internal funds to meet its investment needs and outstanding debt is relatively safer, the overconfident CEO has no necessity to seek external funds and the overinvestment incentive persists. We examine bondholders’ and stockholders’ reaction around CEO turnover announcements and find evidence consistent with the over investment hypothesis.  相似文献   

Using a sample of CEO turnover from 1999 to 2005, we find that CEOs become significantly more risk averse following the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, SOX. Their increased risk aversion may serve as an explanation for why CEO tenure is not significantly shortened and forced CEO turnover is not more likely post-SOX, as we document in this paper. In addition, we provide evidence that financial restatements have some effects on CEO tenure and the probability of forced CEO turnover. This may be due to intensified monitoring activities by the board and the financial press in the post-SOX era, but we cannot contribute all of it to SOX. In some occasions, SOX seems to weaken the effect of board monitoring on CEO tenure and the effect of firm performance on CEO risk aversion. Though the increased monitoring level post-SOX contribute to the increased CEO risk aversion, little impact is found from the SOX-mandated accuracy and transparency of financial reporting.  相似文献   

Interpersonal relationships are an important factor in organizations, and a growing number of articles examine how such relationships affect why people stay or leave organizations. In this article, we investigate how affective attachment between actors influences the turnover and retention process of non-family CEOs in family firms. By employing a social exchange perspective, we reveal under which conditions affective attachment come into being. We focus on the relationship between a non-family CEO and two generations of the owner family. Conceptualizing their relationship as an exchange triad, we show how imbalances influence the affective attachment created in this triad and outline the implications for turnover. Our article contributes to the literature on family businesses and turnover by linking the affective side of interpersonal relationships to CEO retention and turnover.  相似文献   

This paper studies how alternative managerial delegation contracts in a duopoly product market interact with wage decisions taken by a central (industry‐wide) union in the labor market. Interestingly, results prove to be more varied with respect to findings by the managerial delegation literature with exogenous production costs. Most notably, it is pointed out that, in equilibrium, both firm profitability and welfare outcomes can be superior under both sales delegation and relative profit delegation, depending on various factors such as the degree of product differentiation and the competition regime. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

What happens to CEOs after they are let go by their firm? This study is designed to investigate CEOs who are rehired as CEOs by another firms after turnover. CEOs defined as “moderately optimistic” and those who left voluntarily from their departing firms, are younger, have better prior performance, and work in larger firms are found to have a greater likelihood of being rehired as a CEO by another employer. Moreover, new-hire firms with higher growth opportunity and higher R&D expenditures are found to be significantly more willing to hire overconfident CEOs. Furthermore, more-optimistic CEOs are found to receive higher total compensation from their new-hire firms than CEOs who are less optimistic. Finally, overconfident CEOs working in firms with high growth opportunity and higher R&D show a significantly greater tendency toward increasing firm investment.  相似文献   

体操王子再出山救“李宁” 计划三年走出低谷7月5日.李宁公司在港交所发布公告显示,原行政总裁张志勇自7月4日起退职.短期内公司业务暂由创始人兼执行主席李宁等带领。  相似文献   

据1月16日更新的彭博亿万富翁指数(Blomithrg Billionaires Index),受益于腾讯股价创新高,马化腾资产净值达到130亿美元,成中国新首富。之前排第一的李彦宏目前身家125亿美元,以1亿美元差额居万达集团王健林之后。  相似文献   

11月15日.巴菲特对媒体表示.其旗下伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司斥资超过100亿美元买人约6400万股IBM股票。同时,公司还买八了英特尔公司930万股。此举被业内认为是巴菲特暗示又一个科技浪潮来临。  相似文献   

当地时间2014年12月13日,关国首都华盛顿特区、纽约以及波士顿等城市爆发示威游行,美国民众呼吁各界关注最近被警察打死的手无寸铁的黑人平民。  相似文献   

abstract Arguments based on labour market theory suggest that there may be CEO behavioural issues related to pay deviations from the labour market rate for CEO pay; however, few studies examine this phenomenon. This study attempts to address such behavioural issues by examining the influence of relative CEO underpayment on reductions in R&D spending, the differences in this relationship between firms in high R&D intensive versus low R&D intensive industries, and the moderating affect of ownership structure on the CEO underpayment and R&D spending relationship. Results suggest that relative CEO underpayment is associated with reductions in R&D spending in low R&D intensive industries and increases in R&D spending in high R&D intensive industries. Also, greater relative CEO underpayment leads to greater reductions in R&D spending in manager‐controlled organizations as compared to owner‐controlled organizations. This study provides evidence that pay deviations may, in fact, affect certain CEO behaviours, specifically relating to innovation.  相似文献   

库克去年薪酬3.77亿美元居美国CEO之首据国外媒体报道.苹果首席执行官蒂姆库克(TimCook)去年的薪酬大约为3.77亿美元,较上年增长2%;同时,库克也是去年薪酬最高的美国CEO。  相似文献   

8月19日,北京,由中国企业家单身俱乐部主办的第二季CEGS派对女宾面试活动在北京举行。据主办方介绍,第二季CECS派对活动将于10月中旬在四川举行,目前北京报名女宾人数2700余人。  相似文献   

当地时间2012年11月7日,加沙城外,一个巴勒斯坦男孩举着装满垃圾的塑料袋。在这里,巴勒斯坦孩子们跟着家人在当地一个垃圾场工作,寻找被废弃的旧衣服、金属和木头。一天可以获得相当于1欧元的收入。他们还要躲避随时可能的来自以色列的炮火。  相似文献   

2012年10月13日,阿里巴巴董事局主席马云出席母校杭州长寿桥小学50周年校庆,看望曾经的班主任和英语老师。马云刚理的光头造型成为全场瞩目的焦点。IPO做战略上的准备“不会在IPO前发生,一般足发生在IPO那一刻”。他同时透露,迅雷已经在今年3月份完成新。轮5000万美元的融资,由春华资本领投,第二季度资金已经全部入...  相似文献   

柳传志卸任联想控股总裁朱立南接任  相似文献   

张喜武调任国资委副主任辞去中国神华董事长大型煤炭企业中国神华3月5日盘后发布董事长请辞公告。公司收到原董事长张喜武递交的书面辞呈。即日生效。  相似文献   

12月17日,河南省光山县文殊乡陈棚村完全小学复课。12月14日,该小学23名小学生被一名手持菜刀冲入校园的男子砍伤,犯罪嫌疑人闰拥军16日已被检察机关批准逮捕。图为一名一年级学生(前左)在教室里。她的同桌因为被砍伤无法前来上课。  相似文献   

2012年12月26日,在2012中国民营企业峰会上,阿里巴巴董事局主席马云因为堵车迟到,与浙江省委书记夏宝龙互相致歉,夏宝龙表示要在5年内治堵,同时也表态,浙江还要治理好经济发展中的“交通”问题,以后将加大政府改革力度。  相似文献   

1 沃尔玛高级副总高福澜出任中国区总裁近日,沃尔玛宣布,沃尔玛国际业务高级副总裁高福澜(GregForan)被任命为沃尔玛中国总裁兼茸席执行官.他将在获得工作许可证后.于3月1日正式赴任中国。据了解.这也是在沃尔玛重庆假冒绿色猪肉事件中原中国区CEO陈耀昌辞职后,其中国医CEO正式明确。  相似文献   

1 雅虎正式任命PayPal总裁汤普森为新任CEO北京时间1月4日晚间消息,雅虎宣布任命PayPal总裁斯科特·汤普森为新任CEO。在前CEO卡罗尔·巴茨被辞退3个多月后,雅虎终于迎来了新掌门。  相似文献   

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