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Counterparty credit risk has become one of the highest-profile risks facing participants in the financial markets. Despite this, relatively little is known about how counterparty credit risk is actually priced. We examine this issue using an extensive proprietary data set of contemporaneous CDS transaction prices and quotes by 14 different CDS dealers selling credit protection on the same underlying firm. This unique cross-sectional data set allows us to identify directly how dealers' credit risk affects the prices of these controversial credit derivatives. We find that counterparty credit risk is priced in the CDS market. The magnitude of the effect, however, is vanishingly small and is consistent with a market structure in which participants require collateralization of swap liabilities by counterparties.  相似文献   

This study theoretically and empirically investigates effects of product market competition on credit risk. We first develop a real-options-based structural model in a homogeneous oligopoly and show that credit spreads are positively related to the number of firms in an industry. The disparity of firm size in an industry is relevant to both product market competition and credit risk, and we therefore extend the model to an asymmetric duopoly case. In particular, we demonstrate that credit spreads of relatively small (large) firms within an industry are positively (negatively) related to Herfindahl-Hirschman index, and the relative firm size in an industry is an important determinant of credit risk. The models’ implications are empirically scrutinized by a reduced-form hazard model and generally supported. By performing out-of-sample analyses, the results demonstrate that firm size together with the interaction terms between intra-industry firm size dummies and competition intensity can effectively predict default.  相似文献   

Experience during the financial crisis illustrates that the integrated measurement and management of different forms of risk remains a challenge for industry practitioners, researchers and financial supervisors alike. In the context of related literature, this article summarizes new research on the interaction of market and credit risk and implications for risk management that is presented in this special issue. The research covered highlights in particular the errors that can occur in the aggregation of the two types of risk and the strong relationships between them that suggest caution in the use of pragmatic distinctions between them. The article also touches on some research-based lessons for supervisory policies and suggests some directions for future research.  相似文献   

马业松 《新金融》2000,(7):26-29
授信是指银行为客户办理贷款、承兑、担保、开立信用证及其他贸易融资等具有授予银行信用性质的业务,综合授信管理是银行对客户办理上述业务的统一管理.这是我国商业银行在市场经济条件下,根据中国人民银行的有关规定,借鉴国外商业银行的经验,为防范经营风险采取的一项重要的管理措施.  相似文献   

While financial statement auditing dominates the market for corporate auditing, internal controls and operational auditing appear to be emphasized in governmental markets. The size of the governmental audit budget (beyond the minimum level prescribed by generally accepted auditing standards) is ultimately a cost/benefit decision, with lower borrowing costs being one of several potential benefits. In testing for empirical regularities between auditing quantity and investor decisions, we found the size of the audit budget to be indeed associated with borrowing costs, but the direction of the relationship was anomalous. The anomalous positive sign for the audit budget variable could be due to self-selection bias. Self-selection bias is a confounding effect that has come up repeatedly to muddy the interpretation of empirical findings in prior (corporate) market based research on discretionary accounting variables. The supply of (discretionary) internal and operational audits may be driven by operational considerations (e.g., internal control weaknesses), which cannot be directly observed by outsiders. The bond markets may be interpreting the size of the audit budget as a signal about underlying economic characteristics that make the state a more risky investment. Alternatively, larger state audit budgets may signal less use of private sector auditors and be interpreted as less useful to investors (though, possibly more useful to governmental concerns focusing on compliance issues). Despite the inclusion of CPAs' audit fees in state budgets, the signal “inferred” for the state's municipalities may have a carryover effect onto state issues.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(2):131-139
This paper illustrates how modelling the contagion effect among assets of a given bond portfolio changes the risk perception associated to it. This empirical work is developed in a hybrid credit risk framework that incorporates recovery rate risk. Dependence structures among firms and between external shocks affecting firms together are considered. The presence of correlations among firm leverage ratios and the interrelation between default probabilities and recovery rates produces clusters of defaults with low recovery rates. This has a major impact on standard risk measures such as Value-at-Risk and conditional tail expectation. Consequently, an appropriate measurement of the contagion has a tremendous effect on the capital requirement of many financial institutions.  相似文献   

The use of credit ratings in financial and other legal documents — both in the USA and Europe —, has led to a situation in which the major rating agencies have become (largely unwilling) participants in the legislative process. This situation has become partly formalized in the US (and is being repeated elsewhere in the European Union, Eastern Europe and Latin America) through the creation of officially ‘recognized’ agencies whose ratings now carry the imprimatur of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate on the necessity for formal legal status to be sustained in the market for bond credit ratings. In this context, the criteria for a credible rating agency are examined and evidence is provided on one element of the criteria which is under-researched: namely, the impact of the ratings in the market place. The influence of rating agencies in international capital markets is assessed through an analysis of the impact of ratings on the yields of bonds, represented by a comprehensive sample of actively traded debt. The sample contains analysis of ratings introductions on both new and seasoned debt and also examines the impact of ratings revisions. It is concluded that official recognition has no market-based role and it is argued that ratings are used by regulators because of the success of the major agencies in performing their market function.  相似文献   

Sovereign risk premiums in the European government bond market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a study of bond yield differentials among EU government bonds on the basis of a unique data set of issue spreads in the US and DM (Euro) bond market between 1993 and 2009. Interest differentials between bonds issued by EU countries and Germany or the USA contain risk premiums which increase with fiscal imbalances and depend negatively on the issuer’s relative bond market size. The start of the European Monetary Union has shifted market attention to deficit and debt service payments as key measures of fiscal soundness and eliminated liquidity premiums in the euro area. With the financial crisis, the cost of loose fiscal policy has increased considerably.  相似文献   

We introduce a modelling paradigm which integrates credit risk and market risk in describing the random dynamical behaviour of the underlying fixed income assets. We then consider an asset and liability management (ALM) problem and develop a multistage stochastic programming model which focuses on optimum risk decisions. These models exploit the dynamical multiperiod structure of credit risk and provide insight into the corrective recourse decisions whereby issues such as the timing risk of default is appropriately taken into consideration. We also present an index tracking model in which risk is measured (and optimised) by the CVaR of the tracking portfolio in relation to the index. In-sample as well as out-of-sample (backtesting) experiments are undertaken to validate our approach. The main benefits of backtesting, that is, ex-post analysis are that (a) we gain insight into asset allocation decisions, and (b) we are able to demonstrate the feasibility and flexibility of the chosen framework.  相似文献   

Internal credit risk modelling is important for banks for the calculation of capital adequacy in terms of the Basel Accords, and for the management of sectoral exposure. We examine Credit Value at Risk (VaR), Conditional Credit Value at Risk (Credit CVaR) and the relationship between market and credit risk. Significant association is found between different Credit CVaR methods, and between market and credit risk. Simpler Credit CVaR methods are found to be viable alternatives to more complex methodology. The relationship between market and credit risk is used to develop a new model that allows banks to incorporate industry risk into transition modelling, without macroeconomic analysis.  相似文献   

2014年上半年,市场资金面较为宽松;受经济增长乏力、央行货币政策偏松、资金面宽松、非标资产配置受限、配置交易需求旺盛等多因素影响,利率债收益率曲线陡峭化下行,信用利差分化。预计下半年,资金面仍然较为宽松,利率债收益率曲线仍将震荡下行,债市呈现慢牛行情;受政府融资利率存在降低趋势、城投债需求旺盛等因素影响,城投类债券利差仍有收窄空间,非城投类债券受供给压力影响走势仍不乐观。  相似文献   

This article develops an alternative location-specific stock market index driven by investors’ ‘attachment’ towards investment at a specific location. We evaluate the performance of hypothetical stock market indices that track companies based on their state of registration, taking the US stock market as our case. Using annual data since 1980 we present raw, risk-adjusted and value-weighted state portfolios’ returns to study the extent to which stock market performance varies by state-level demographics and economic factors. A dynamic panel data estimation – with and without spatial spillover effects – is employed to establish a strong association between stock price performance and the state-level (or geography-weighted) factors. We find that spatial effects are strong and that the ‘spatial attachment’ of companies in interaction with the various location-specific variables imparts an overarching influence on stock-price performance. Comparison of model performances further supports our claims.  相似文献   

We derive an analytic approximation to the credit loss distribution of large portfolios by letting the number of exposures tend to infinity. Defaults and rating migrations for individual exposures are driven by a factor model in order to capture co-movements in changing credit quality. The limiting credit loss distribution obeys the empirical stylized facts of skewness and heavy tails. We show how portfolio features like the degree of systematic risk, credit quality and term to maturity affect the distributional shape of portfolio credit losses. Using empirical data, it appears that the Basle 8% rule corresponds to quantiles with confidence levels exceeding 98%. The limit law's relevance for credit risk management is investigated further by checking its applicability to portfolios with a finite number of exposures. Relatively homogeneous portfolios of 300 exposures can be well approximated by the limit law. A minimum of 800 exposures is required if portfolios are relatively heterogeneous. Realistic loan portfolios often contain thousands of exposures implying that our analytic approach can be a fast and accurate alternative to the standard Monte-Carlo simulation techniques adopted in much of the literature.  相似文献   

Recent decades have witnessed several waves of buyout activity. We find leveraged buyouts (LBOs) to be a significant concern for bondholders by showing that a) intra-industry credit spreads increase upon an LBO announcement, b) yields on bonds without event risk covenants are, on average, 21 basis points higher than those on same-firm bonds with such covenants, and c) structural models calibrated to historical LBO events imply an impact of 18–21 basis points on 10-year credit spreads. The impact is strongest in expansion periods and for bonds with maturities of 10–20 years.  相似文献   

Beginning in 2011, credit unions in the United States have been required to report in their quarterly call reports their holdings of private student loans. Since this time, private student loans have been the fastest growing loan product among credit unions. The empirical results here indicate credit unions respond to external market forces and internal exposure to interest rate risk in their decision to hold private student loans. The effect of which, to date, has led to lower returns on their assets and no effect on overall risk. Credit unions looking to diversify their loan portfolio should do so with caution. Private student loans being in deferral reduce both delinquency and charge-off rates, which will rise over time with their seasoning and as interest rates rise.  相似文献   

We provide evidence that the impact of the investment horizon of institutional investors on the credit risk of U.S. industrial firms is both statistically and economically significant. Ceteris paribus, a one percent point increase in the ownership by short-term (long-term) institutions leads to a 0.188 (.046) percentage point decrease (increase) of a firm’s credit spread during 2001–2011. However, during the financial crisis period of 2007/08, long-term institutional investors tend to reduce a firm’s credit risk, especially when a firm’s risk profile is high. Hence, long-term institutions play an important role in enhancing financial stability during the crisis period by mitigating risk.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - The purpose of this paper is to examine whether industry-level risk affects corporate bond yield spreads. We use three types of industry risk...  相似文献   

Recent research establishes a negative relation between stock returns and dispersion of analysts’ earnings forecasts, arguing that asset prices more reflect the views of optimistic investors because of short-sale constraints in equity markets. In this article, we examine whether a similar effect prevails in corporate bond markets. After controlling for common bond-level, firm-level, and macroeconomic variables, we find evidence that bonds of firms with higher dispersion demand significantly higher credit spreads than otherwise similar bonds and that changes in dispersion reliably predict changes in credit spreads. This evidence suggests a limited role of short-sale constraints in our corporate bond data sets. Consistent with a rational explanation, dispersion appears to proxy largely for future cash flow uncertainty in corporate bond markets.  相似文献   

This paper measures credit risk in prime money market funds (MMFs) and studies how such credit risk evolved during the eurozone crisis of 2011–2012. To accomplish this, we estimate the annualized expected loss on each fund's portfolio. We also calculate by Monte Carlo the cost of insuring a fund against losses amounting to over 50 basis points. We find that credit risk of prime MMFs, though small, doubled from 12 basis points in June 2011 to 23 basis points in December 2011 before receding in 2012. Contrary to common perceptions, this did not primarily reflect funds’ credit exposure to eurozone banks because funds took measures to reduce this exposure. Instead, credit risk in prime MMFs rose because of the deteriorating credit outlook of banks in the Asia/Pacific region. We conclude that the increase in the credit risk of prime MMFs in the second half of 2011 reflected contagion in the worldwide banking system coupled with slowing global economic growth, not actions taken by MMFs.  相似文献   

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