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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of a daily calibration of a multivariate stochastic volatility model, namely the principal component stochastic volatility (PCSV) model, to market data of plain vanilla options on foreign exchange rates. To this end, a general setting describing a foreign exchange market is introduced. Two adequate models—PCSV and a simpler multivariate Heston model—are adjusted to suit the foreign exchange setting. For both models, characteristic functions are found which allow for an almost instantaneous calculation of option prices using Fourier techniques. After presenting the general calibration procedure, both the multivariate Heston and the PCSV models are calibrated to a time series of option data on three exchange rates—USD-SEK, EUR-SEK, and EUR-USD—spanning more than 11 years. Finally, the benefits of the PCSV model which we find to be superior to the multivariate extension of the Heston model in replicating the dynamics of these options are highlighted.  相似文献   

Market implied liquidity links the pricing of European options under stochastic volatility with the Conic Finance theory of two prices  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce an extension to the LIBOR Market Model (LMM) that is suitable to incorporate both sudden market shocks as well as changes in the overall economic climate into the interest rate dynamics. This is achieved by substituting the simple diffusion process of the original LMM by a regime-switching jump diffusion. We demonstrate that the new Markov-switching jump diffusion (MSJD) LMM can be embedded into a generalized regime-switching Heath–Jarrow–Morton model and prove that the considered market is arbitrage-free. We derive pricing formulas for caps, floors and swaptions using Fourier pricing techniques and show how the model can be calibrated to real market data.  相似文献   

This paper develops a two-step estimation methodology that allows us to apply catastrophe theory to stock market returns with time-varying volatility and to model stock market crashes. In the first step, we utilize high-frequency data to estimate daily realized volatility from returns. Then, we use stochastic cusp catastrophe theory on data normalized by the estimated volatility in the second step to study possible discontinuities in the markets. We support our methodology through simulations in which we discuss the importance of stochastic noise and volatility in a deterministic cusp catastrophe model. The methodology is empirically tested on nearly 27 years of US stock market returns covering several important recessions and crisis periods. While we find that the stock markets showed signs of bifurcation in the first half of the period, catastrophe theory was not able to confirm this behaviour in the second half. Translating the results, we find that the US stock market’s downturns were more likely to be driven by the endogenous market forces during the first half of the studied period, while during the second half of the period, exogenous forces seem to be driving the market’s instability. The results suggest that the proposed methodology provides an important shift in the application of catastrophe theory to stock markets.  相似文献   

Based on the multi-currency LIBOR Market Model, this paper constructs a hybrid commodity interest rate market model with a stochastic local volatility function allowing the model to simultaneously fit the implied volatility surfaces of commodity and interest rate options. Since liquid market prices are only available for options on commodity futures, rather than forwards, a convexity correction formula for the model is derived to account for the difference between forward and futures prices. A procedure for efficiently calibrating the model to interest rate and commodity volatility smiles is constructed. Finally, the model is fitted to an exogenously given correlation structure between forward interest rates and commodity prices (cross-correlation). When calibrating to options on forwards (rather than futures), the fitting of cross-correlation preserves the (separate) calibration in the two markets (interest rate and commodity options), while in the case of futures a (rapidly converging) iterative fitting procedure is presented. The fitting of cross-correlation is reduced to finding an optimal rotation of volatility vectors, which is shown to be an appropriately modified version of the ‘orthonormal Procrustes’ problem in linear algebra. The calibration approach is demonstrated in an application to market data for oil futures.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel stochastic volatility model where the squared volatility of the asset return follows a Jacobi process. It contains the Heston model as a limit case. We show that the joint density of any finite sequence of log-returns admits a Gram–Charlier A expansion with closed-form coefficients. We derive closed-form series representations for option prices whose discounted payoffs are functions of the asset price trajectory at finitely many time points. This includes European call, put and digital options, forward start options, and can be applied to discretely monitored Asian options. In a numerical study, we show that option prices can be accurately and efficiently approximated by truncating their series representations.  相似文献   

The number of factors driving the uncertain dynamics of commodity prices has been a central consideration in financial literature. While the majority of empirical studies relies on the assumption that up to three factors are sufficient to explain all relevant uncertainty inherent in commodity spot, futures, and option prices, evidence from Trolle and Schwartz (Rev Financ Stud 22(11):4423–4461, 2009b) and Hughen (J Futures Mark 30(2):101–133, 2010) indicates a need for additional risk factors. In this article, we propose a four-factor maximal affine stochastic volatility model that allows for three independent sources of risk in the futures term structure and an additional, potentially unspanned stochastic volatility process. The model principally integrates the insights from Hughen (2010) and Tang (Quant Finance 12(5):781–790, 2012) and nests many well-known models in the literature. It can account for several stylized facts associated with commodity dynamics such as mean reversion to a stochastic level, stochastic volatility in the convenience yield, a time-varying correlation structure, and time-varying risk-premia. In-sample and out-of-sample tests indicate a superior model fit to futures and options data as well as lower hedging errors compared to three-factor benchmark models. The results also indicate that three factors are not sufficient to model the joint dynamics of futures and option prices accurately.  相似文献   

Junwu Gan 《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(11):1937-1959
A new variant of the LIBOR market model is implemented and calibrated simultaneously to both at-the-money and out-of-the-money caps and swaptions. This model is a two-factor version of a new class of the almost Markovian LIBOR market models with properties long sought after: (i) the almost Markovian parameterization of the LIBOR market model volatility functions is unique and asymptotically exact in the limit of a short time horizon up to a few years, (ii) only minimum plausible assumptions are required to derive the implemented volatility parameterization, (iii) the calibration yields very good results, (iv) the calibration is almost immediate, (v) the implemented LIBOR market model has a related short-rate model. Numerical results for the two-factor case show that the volatility functions for the LIBOR market model can be imported into its short-rate model cousin without adjustment.  相似文献   

LIBOR and swap market models and measures   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A self-contained theory is presented for pricing and hedging LIBOR and swap derivatives by arbitrage. Appropriate payoff homogeneity and measurability conditions are identified which guarantee that a given payoff can be attained by a self-financing trading strategy. LIBOR and swap derivatives satisfy this condition, implying they can be priced and hedged with a finite number of zero-coupon bonds, even when there is no instantaneous saving bond. Notion of locally arbitrage-free price system is introduced and equivalent criteria established. Stochastic differential equations are derived for term structures of forward libor and swap rates, and shown to have a unique positive solution when the percentage volatility function is bounded, implying existence of an arbitrage-free model with such volatility specification. The construction is explicit for the lognormal LIBOR and swap “market models”, the former following Musiela and Rutkowski (1995). Primary examples of LIBOR and swap derivatives are discussed and appropriate practical models suggested for each.  相似文献   

This paper studies the implications of model uncertainty under stochastic volatility model for equilibrium asset pricing. We derive the equilibrium equity premium and risk-free rate in a pure-exchange economy with one representative agent who is averse not only to risk but also to model uncertainty. The results show that robustness increases the equilibrium equity premium while lowers the risk-free rate.  相似文献   

Consider discrete-time observations (X ? δ )1≤?n+1 of the process X satisfying $dX_{t}=\sqrt{V_{t}}dB_{t}Consider discrete-time observations (X δ )1≤n+1 of the process X satisfying dXt=?{Vt}dBtdX_{t}=\sqrt{V_{t}}dB_{t} , with V a one-dimensional positive diffusion process independent of the Brownian motion B. For both the drift and the diffusion coefficient of the unobserved diffusion V, we propose nonparametric least square estimators, and provide bounds for their risk. Estimators are chosen among a collection of functions belonging to a finite-dimensional space whose dimension is selected by a data driven procedure. Implementation on simulated data illustrates how the method works.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the volatilityof the crude oil futures market and changes in initial marginrequirements. To closely match changes in futures market volatilitywith the corresponding changes in margin requirements, we inferthe volatility of the futures market from the prices of crudeoil futures options contracts. Using a mean-reverting diffusionprocess for volatility, we show that changes in margin policydo not affect subsequent market volatility.  相似文献   

We consider a GARCH-MIDAS model with short-term and long-term volatility components, in which the long-term volatility component depends on many macroeconomic and financial variables. We select the variables that exhibit the strongest effects on the long-term stock market volatility via maximizing the penalized log-likelihood function with an Adaptive-Lasso penalty. The GARCH-MIDAS model with variable selection enables us to incorporate many variables in a single model without estimating a large number of parameters. In the empirical analysis, three variables (namely, housing starts, default spread and realized volatility) are selected from a large set of macroeconomic and financial variables. The recursive out-of-sample forecasting evaluation shows that variable selection significantly improves the predictive ability of the GARCH-MIDAS model for the long-term stock market volatility.  相似文献   

We derive an explicit representation of the transitions of the Heston stochastic volatility model and use it for fast and accurate simulation of the model. Of particular interest is the integral of the variance process over an interval, conditional on the level of the variance at the endpoints. We give an explicit representation of this quantity in terms of infinite sums and mixtures of gamma random variables. The increments of the variance process are themselves mixtures of gamma random variables. The representation of the integrated conditional variance applies the Pitman–Yor decomposition of Bessel bridges. We combine this representation with the Broadie–Kaya exact simulation method and use it to circumvent the most time-consuming step in that method.  相似文献   

Review of Derivatives Research - This paper aims to develop a new free stochastic volatility model, joint with jumps. By freeing the power parameter of instantaneous variance, this paper takes...  相似文献   

In this paper the performance of locally risk-minimizing delta hedge strategies for European options in stochastic volatility models is studied from an experimental as well as from an empirical perspective. These hedge strategies are derived for a large class of diffusion-type stochastic volatility models, and they are as easy to implement as usual delta hedges. Our simulation results on model risk show that these risk-minimizing hedges are robust with respect to uncertainty and misconceptions about the underlying data generating process. The empirical study, which includes the US sub-prime crisis period, documents that in equity markets risk-minimizing delta hedges consistently outperform usual delta hedges by approximately halving the standard deviation of the profit-and-loss ratio.  相似文献   

This study presents a set of closed-form exact solutions for pricing discretely sampled variance swaps and volatility swaps, based on the Heston stochastic volatility model with regime switching. In comparison with all the previous studies in the literature, this research, which obtains closed-form exact solutions for variance and volatility swaps with discrete sampling times, serves several purposes. (1) It verifies the degree of validity of Elliott et al.'s [Appl. Math. Finance, 2007, 14(1), 41–62] continuous-sampling-time approximation for variance and volatility swaps of relatively short sampling periods. (2) It examines the effect of ignoring regime switching on pricing variance and volatility swaps. (3) It contributes to bridging the gap between Zhu and Lian's [Math. Finance, 2011, 21(2), 233–256] approach and Elliott et al.'s framework. (4) Finally, it presents a semi-Monte-Carlo simulation for the pricing of other important realized variance based derivatives.  相似文献   

This paper is the first study to apply the multivariate factor stochastic volatility model (MFSVM) for analyzing the correlations among six cryptocurrencies. We use MFSVM with the Bayesian estimation procedure for the period from August 8, 2015, to January 1, 2020. According to the findings, there is a significant positive correlation between price volatility values of Bitcoin and Litecoin. Besides, the volatility values of Ethereum have a positive correlation with both Ripple and Stellar. There is also a positive correlation between the volatility values of Ripple and Dash. These findings are robust to consider different correlation networks. The evidence implies that Bitcoin is mainly related to Litecoin, but Ethereum is associated with other cryptocurrencies.  相似文献   

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