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Speculators who prey on hedgers can stifle financial innovation in the sense that new markets can fail. In this paper I analyze whether a profit maximizing exchange nonetheless chooses to open markets for speculative securities and if so, how to circumvent the problem of market failure. I find that the optimal financial innovation takes two forms. The first is a market structure consisting of hedge instruments, traded in low volume at stable asset prices. The second is a market structure consisting of speculative instruments, traded in greater volume at volatile asset prices. These strategies are derived within the same framework where the cost and the quality of the speculators' information set and the hedgers risk aversion ultimately determine which is the optimal one.  相似文献   

This article successively introduces variable velocity, durability,and habit persistence in a standard two-country general equilibriummodel and explores their effects on the variability of exchangerate changes, forward premiums, and the foreign exchange riskpremium. A new feature of the model is that agents make decisionsat a weekly frequency and face conditionally heteroskedasticshocks. Nevertheless, even the most complex model fails to deliversufficiently variable risk premiums without causing forwardpremiums and exchange rates to be excessively variable. Unlikeprevious models, the model can roughly match the persistenceof forward premiums.  相似文献   

We study the behavior of market risk, value, small cap, and momentum premia under different macro economic scenarios. If these factors are risk factors, then these factors offer high returns to investors at times when the gain (marginal utility) of additional consumption is low (good economic times) and low returns at times when the gain (marginal utility) of additional consumption is high (bad economics times). Our results show that market risk and small cap premia behave more like risk factors while value premium does not. In fact, our results show that a portfolio with a long position in value and a short position in growth is a hedge in the down market and recessionary periods. Our results also show that a momentum premium exists under different economically distressed scenarios we studied.  相似文献   

This paper extends the equivalence relationship between risk/return linearity and portfolio efficiency as derived in Roll (1977) to the case where there is differential taxation affecting investors optimal portfolio choice. Following the formulation of Brennan (1970a), the fundamental linearity relationship is derived which raises serious doubts to the testability of the extendedCAPM that accounts for the effect of differential taxation. Finally by aggregating other imperfections as well as differential taxation into a dividend yield constraint, a different version of theCAPM is derived which offers alternative interpretations of the existing empirical results on the subject.  相似文献   

We employ MIDAS (mixed data sampling) to study the risk–expected return trade-off in several European stock indices. Using MIDAS, we report that in most indices there is a significant positive relationship between risk and expected return. This strongly contrasts with the result we obtain when we employ both symmetric and asymmetric GARCH models for conditional variance. We also find that asymmetric specifications of the variance process within the MIDAS framework improve the relationship between risk and expected return. As an additional application, we analyze the extent to which European stock markets are integrated, which is a particularly relevant issue, especially following the launch of the Euro in January 1999. Finally, we propose a bivariate MIDAS specification to test the pricing significance of the hedging component within an intertemporal risk–return trade-off with multiple European market indices.  相似文献   

This study employs an asset pricing approach to quantify the exposure of private real estate funds to both private and publicly traded real estate risk factors. The analysis includes the creation of specific performance indices and the use of methods seeking to address some of the inherent issues with private real estate fund data, such as the high degree of serial correlation in observed total returns. The use of the Driessen et al. (2012) estimator leads to markedly higher risk factor coefficient estimates than seen in the prior literature and estimated with time series regression.  相似文献   

We document that gold mining firms have consistently realized economically significant cash flow gains from their derivatives transactions. We conclude that these cash flows have increased shareholder value since there is no evidence of an offsetting adjustment in firms’ systematic risk. This finding contradicts a central assumption in the risk management literature that derivatives transactions have zero net present value, and highlights an important motive for firms to use derivatives that the literature has hitherto ignored. Although we find considerable evidence of selective hedging in our sample, the cash flow gains from selective hedging appear to be small at best.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the DCC MIDAS approach to assess the validity of the wake-up call hypothesis for developed and emerging markets during the global financial crisis (GFC). We use this approach to decompose the total correlations into short- (daily) and long-run (quarterly) correlations for the period from 1999 to 2011. We then examine the transmission mechanisms by regressing the quarterly economic, financial, and behavioral variables on the quarterly DCC–MIDAS correlations. We find that country specific factors are crisis contingent transmission mechanisms for the co-movements of emerging country pairs and mixed pairs of advanced and emerging countries during the global financial crisis. However, we do not observe wake-up calls in the transmission of the crisis among advanced country pairs. The classification of the transmission mechanisms for crisis and non-crisis periods with the different country pairs has important implications for crisis management as well as for portfolio investment strategies. Thus, our findings contribute to the discussion on the role and effectiveness of the international financial architecture.  相似文献   

The contemporary understanding of public sector risk management entails a broadening of the traditional bureaucratic approach to risk beyond the boundaries of purely financial risks. However, evidence suggests that in reality public sector risk management does not always match the rhetoric. This paper focuses on the apparent inadequacy of any risk framework in the current Prudential Borrowing Framework (PBF) guidance in relation to that which was developed under Public Private Partnerships and Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Our analysis shows that the PBF and its associated indicators for local authorities adopt a narrow financial approach and fail to account for the full range of potential risks associated with capital projects. The PBF does not provide a framework for local authorities to consider long‐term risk and fails to encourage understanding of the generic nature of risk. The introduction of the PBF appears to represent a retrograde step from PPP/PFI as regards risk and risk management.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the skewness risk premium in the financial market under a general equilibrium setting. Extending the long-run risks (LRR) model proposed by Bansal and Yaron (J Financ 59:1481–1509, 2004) by introducing a stochastic jump intensity for jumps in the LRR factor and the variance of consumption growth rate, we provide an explicit representation for the skewness risk premium, as well as the volatility risk premium, in equilibrium. On the basis of the representation for the skewness risk premium, we propose a possible reason for the empirical facts of time-varying and negative risk-neutral skewness. Moreover, we also provide an equity risk premium representation of a linear factor pricing model with the variance and skewness risk premiums. The empirical results imply that the skewness risk premium, as well as the variance risk premium, has superior predictive power for future aggregate stock market index returns, which are consistent with the theoretical implication derived by our model. Compared with the variance risk premium, the results show that the skewness risk premium plays an independent and essential role for predicting the market index returns.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether adolescents who are more aware of the risks on substance use in the early teenage years are later less likely to turn into binge drinkers or smokers. It also examines if reduction in substance use, due to high risk perception among adolescents, consequently improves their educational achievement. This research is important for two reasons. First, enhancing risk perception of substance use is an important strategy to prevent the youth from binge drinking and smoking. Second, adolescent substance use and educational achievement are key predictors of adulthood outcomes. We apply a bivariate probit model to a large representative dataset which codes youth risk perception, substance use, and educational attainment. The analysis shows high risk perception lowers the likelihood of substance use among the high school seniors. The resulting low alcohol use increases the chance of attending college and decreases the probability of dropping out of high school. The reduction in cigarette use caused by high risk perception has a similar effect on such two educational outcomes. It also increases high school graduation by 22%. Overall, this study suggests that enhancing recognition on the hazards of substance use is an effective policy intervention to reduce adolescent binge drinking and smoking, as well as improve educational attainment.  相似文献   

The apparent predictability of stock prices, and the related profitability of investment strategies based on this, has generated a great deal of research. Since the late 1980s, momentum strategies have attracted considerable attention and have been found to be profitable in numerous markets. This paper investigates the returns to short-term and intermediate-horizon momentum strategies in the Australian equity market. We focus on ‘practical’ or ‘realistic’ investment strategies, and find that momentum is prevalent in the Australian market and that the returns are of greater magnitude than previously found in overseas markets. These momentum strategy returns are robust to risk adjustment and prevail over time. We also examine the interaction of momentum on size and liquidity variables and conclude that the observed profits to these investment strategies are not explained by size or liquidity differences among the stocks.  相似文献   

Concerns surrounding the health risk of engineered nanomaterials, effective regulation and the lack of specifically tailored insurance products for the nanotechnology sector are putting the industry’s long-term economic viability at risk. From the perspective of the underwriter, this article speculates on the relationship between risk perception, regulation and insurability. In the nanotechnology sector, regulators are currently failing to keep pace with innovation, and insurers generally lack guiding principles for underwriting occupational risk from nanomaterial exposure. Such vulnerabilities when combined with misguided risk perceptions can lead to the overpricing of risk transfer and ill-conceived regulatory initiatives, thus potentially exhausting resources and stifling innovation in the sector. In the absence of well-developed regulatory protocols, the insurance industry has, and will continue, to occupy a key role as an effective lobby in terms of improved risk management practice. We suggest that the insurance industry will increasingly rely on control banding frameworks and ‘risk mitigation at source’ methods developed in conjunction with their clients to manage severe acute diversifiable risks. Long tail risk will continue to represent a serious challenge to insurers and regulators. In the meantime, insurers will have to bridge their current needs with improvised solutions. As an example of one possible solution, we outline a framework that utilizes financial instruments to hedge an insurer’s exposure to uncertain estimates of these long-term risks.  相似文献   

We investigate the impacts of speculation on stock price and return volatility in a framework with regime shifting. We find that greater difference in beliefs about the probability of bad state leads to higher stock prices. The intuition is that in periods of higher dispersion of beliefs, the investors perceive greater speculative opportunities, leading to increased demands and valuations of the stock. When investors agree with each other on the state of dividend growth, they have a stronger incentive to invest in the riskless bond, when becoming more pessimistic about the dividend growth. As a result, the demand and the valuations of stock decrease. Moreover, higher level of heterogeneity in beliefs gives rise to higher volatility of the stock returns, even in the absence of dividend shocks. Furthermore, with homogeneous beliefs, return volatility with respect to investors’ beliefs follows an inverted-U shape.  相似文献   

Biases in risk perception potentially have a large effect on insurance and risk-related behavior. The government can alter these perceptions either through informational programs or controlling the risk. Policies that convey a higher risk level generally have the expected effects on insurance and protective actions, whereas efforts that increase the precision of either the government risk information or private beliefs typically have ambiguous effects. In some cases, the structure of how government policies enter the risk-belief function is consequential. Ascertaining the magnitude of the effects, not simply the direction, also is an important issue. For example, misperceptions have a dramatic effect on the tradeoffs between compensating differentials and the size of the loss but a negligible effect on the tradeoff between compensating differentials and the magnitude of the probability.  相似文献   


In recent years, the number of unauthorized migrants trying to reach Europe by boat has increased. In an attempt to curtail this trend, European countries have increasingly deployed information campaigns regarding the risks involved in unauthorized migration. The assumption behind these campaigns is that a strong relation exists between the prevalence of high-risk migration and a lack of awareness of the involved dangers, and that the dissemination of ‘objective’ information would cause prospective migrants to refrain from leaving. Although regarded as a crucial tool in the management of migration, there is little evidence on their effectiveness. Based on four weeks of fieldwork in Ghana, this qualitative study has sought to fill this lacuna. By concentrating on both the circulation and perception of the available risk information in Ghana, this article explores the ways in which notions of risk affect the motivation and decision of unauthorized migrants to engage in high-risk behaviour. Thereby, it will be argued that unauthorized migrants are not the ignorant actors they are often portrayed to be, but that they make their decisions carefully and within a particular vulnerable, socioeconomic and cultural context.  相似文献   

Conditional risk, return and contagion in the banking sector in asia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates risk and return in the banking sector in three Asian markets of Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. The study focuses on the risk-return relation in a conditional factor GARCH-M framework that controls for time-series effects. The factor approach is adopted to incorporate intra-industry contagion and an analysis of spillovers between large banks and small banks. Finally, the study provides evidence on these relations before and after the Asian financial crisis of 1997. The results are generally consistent across the markets and with expectations.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the role played by overconfidence and risk perception in the risk-taking behaviors of finance professionals. We interviewed 64 high-level professionals and demonstrate that they are overconfident in both the general and the financial domains. Using a recent measure proposed by Glaser et al. (2013), we indicate that respondents are overconfident in forecasting future stock prices. We demonstrate that the risk they are willing to assume is positively influenced by overconfidence and optimism and negatively influenced by risk perception. However, the stock return volatility anticipated is, in most cases, an insignificant determinant of the risk that professionals are ready to assume.  相似文献   

Risk perception research has been dominated by cognitive psychology as a theoretical basis for understanding how people perceive and judge risks. However, during the last few years the role of affect in risk perception has received increased attention. Potential hazards may cause worry and concern and, consequently, an affective component is involved. Affects are often assumed to be post-cognitive. The present study aims to test the hypothesis that an 'image of risk', i.e. affect, may precede cognitive judgement and need not always be a criterion variable. During the period 1996 to 1998 a questionnaire survey was carried out in Norway. In total 1450 respondents replied to the questionnaire. Structural equation modelling showed that the fit of the models of risk depended on the respondents' sex, education and the type of risks evaluated. In the majority of model tests the idea that an image of risk may predict the cognitive judgement of risk was supported. The study also identified two dimensions of affectivity. Cognitive judgements of risk seemed not be related to affectivity as such, but rather to one aspect of affect, i.e. worry and concern. Treating affectivity as one dimension may be a hindrance to detecting the real associations between general affect and cognitive risk judgements.  相似文献   

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