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关系型借贷与中小企业融资的实证分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文通过一个计量经济学模型来检验企业贷款是否存在关系型借贷,结果发现:大型企业的确存在关系型借贷行为,且对企业的贷款量有显著性影响;中小企业关系型借贷对于贷款量的影响较小,且并不明显。原因可能是商业银行在审批中小企业贷款时,注重对“硬”信息的考察,同时中小企业并没有同某一家或几家商业银行保持长期关系。为改善中小企业融资状况,商业银行应建立起一套完整的信用记录体系,并实现信息共享,在贷款过程中增强对“软”信息的考察,积极培育一批资质较好的中小企业客户并建立密切的联系;中小企业则应该规范财务制度并增强财务信息的透明度,同银行建立长期关系。  相似文献   

Technology has created new information alternatives that may influence the way information system users make decisions. This paper proposes a research framework for examining how features of an information system affect the decision-making process. The framework is synthesized by merging frameworks from the accounting information systems (AIS) literature and the human information processing (HIP) literature. The framework is then used to organize a literature review of 15 journals from 1987 through mid-1999, which identified 57 decision-making studies. Findings indicate that a wide range of opportunities is available for information systems research on issues of contemporary importance. This discussion includes changes in the decision process initiated by implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, data warehouses, electronic commerce, virtual organizations, on-line financial reporting, and disaggregated financial statement information.  相似文献   

建立商业银行信息披露制度是我国金融改革中较重要的一环,一般的认识是信息制度的建立将使金融机构运作更审慎,有利于提高整个金融系统的稳定性;但本文通过博弈模型证明:赋予我国商业银行国家信用与进行信息披露制度之间存在着一定的冲突,目前我国对金融体系的过度保护反而会降低商业银行信息披露的对银行体系稳定性的改进,合适的改革次序应是国家信用在金融机构中的先行退出也即建立一个合适的存款保险制度,其次才是规范的信息披露制度的建立.  相似文献   

In this paper we utilize a structured natural language processing implementation of the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) to extract financial information from the unstructured textual data of the social media platform Twitter regarding financial and budget information in the public sector, namely the two public-private agencies of the Port Authority of NY and NJ (PANYNJ), and the NY Metropolitan Transportation Agency (MTA). This research initiative uses the Design Science Research (DSR) perspective to develop an artifact to classify tweets as being either relevant to financial bonds or not. We apply a frame and slot approach from the artificial intelligence and natural language processing literature to operationalize this artifact. FIBO provides standards for defining the facts, terms, and relationships associated with financial concepts. We show that FIBO grammar can be used to mine semantic meaning from unstructured textual data and that it provides a nuanced representation of structured financial data. With this artifact, social media such as Twitter may be accessed for the knowledge that its text contains about financial concepts using the FIBO ontology. This process is anticipated to be of interest to bond issuers, regulators, analysts, investors, and academics. It may also be extended towards other financial domains such as securities, derivatives, commodities, and banking that relate to FIBO ontologies, as well as more generally to develop a structured knowledge representation of unstructured data through the application of an ontology.  相似文献   

Information Technology and Financial Services Competition   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We analyze how two dimensions of technological progress affectcompetition in financial services. While better technology mayresult in improved information processing, it might also leadto low-cost or even free access to information through, forexample, informational spillovers. In the context of creditscreening, we show that better access to information decreasesinterest rates and the returns from screening. However, an improvedability to process information increases interest rates andbank profits. Hence predictions regarding financial claims'pricing hinge on the overall effect ascribed to technologicalprogress. Our results generalize to other financial marketswhere informational asymmetries drive profitability, such asinsurance and securities markets.  相似文献   

企业价值与财富变动报告研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
现行以财务资源和财务状况为核心、以历史成本为基础的企业财务三表报告体系 ,不能满足使用者对企业未来财务潜力、企业核心能力、企业价值、企业财富变动等信息的需求 ,影响了企业财务信息的决策相关性和信息有用性。论文在对国内外财务会计学界关于企业财务报告讨论文献介绍评析的基础上 ,提出了企业价值报告和财富变动信息披露的研究设想 ,并对构建企业价值报告和披露企业财富变动信息的意义与难点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

财务会计的本质、特点及其边界   总被引:69,自引:7,他引:69  
为了指明财务会计的本质特点 ,我认为财务报表是财务报告的中心部分 ,而报表附注、其他财务报告等传送财务信息方法仅是次要的手段。在财务报表上确认的任何项目 ,都必须符合可定义性、可计量性、相关性与可靠性的特征。会计程序包括计量、记录和报告都必须以确认为基础。因此 ,财务报表的信息可以按真实和公允的要求来描述财务业绩和现金流量。财务会计的基本职能既不试图提供可能的未来的信息 ,又不产生非财务信息。财务会计的主要目的是通过它的报表反映一个企业经济活动及其结果的真实图像。结论 :财务会计作为一门学科是历史科学 ;作为一项实务是一个信息系统 ,它的任务是为企业提供历史的财务信息。  相似文献   

金融风险的信息质量特征与我国金融会计制度改革   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文着眼于巴塞尔新资本协议第三次征求意见稿提出的金融风险监管和信息披露框架,以我国金融会计制度的国际化协调为切入点,分析了信用风险、市场风险和操作风险等金融风险的构成要素,指出现有监管信息系统和会计体系存在的问题.同时,本文还评价了我国新<金融企业会计制度>等规范对金融风险的披露和监管特征,分析了新制度对银行类上市公司所产生的影响,并提出了建立以风险计量会计披露为核心的监管体系的构想.本文最后对协同新巴塞尔协议的监管原则,建立完整的银行业信息披露框架,形成动态信息披露机制提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

潘小明 《金融论坛》2006,11(9):35-40
经营模式与增长方式转变推动国内商业银行日益重视建设管理会计平台以获取决策信息。近几年国内商业银行所致力于提炼的均为客户或产品的产出信息,而在处理客户或产品的投入信息方面,至今尚无一家银行取得重大进展。本文提出国内商业银行有必要通过构建核算与管理一体化的矩阵式财务管理应用平台,来解决自身投入信息匮乏的难题。在第一阶段,国内商业银行应构建分业务线的经营管理体制,集约化的矩阵式财务管理,精细化的核算流程,完善实物财产管理,依托流程控制和严格的执行力,与资源配置挂钩并依托强大的技术架构支撑;在第二阶段,将战略成本管理作为长远目标。  相似文献   

经营模式与增长方式转变推动国内商业银行日益重视建设管理会计平台以获取决策信息。近几年国内商业银行所致力于提炼的均为客户或产品的产出信息,而在处理客户或产品的投入信息方面,至今尚无一家银行取得重大进展。本文提出国内商业银行有必要通过构建核算与管理一体化的矩阵式财务管理应用平台,来解决自身投入信息匮乏的难题。在第一阶段,国内商业银行应构建分业务线的经营管理体制,集约化的矩阵式财务管理,精细化的核算流程,完善实物财产管理,依托流程控制和严格的执行力,与资源配置挂钩并依托强大的技术架构支撑;在第二阶段,将战略成本管理作为长远目标。  相似文献   

大数据时代,金融隐私所包含的个人信息已经成为重要的资源和财富。在享受大数据、云计算带来便利的同时,我们也不得不面对其所带来的负面效应,包括但不限于信息被秘密收集、二次利用等新问题。目前,我国有关金融隐私权的保护尚未建立一个完整的法律体系。因此,为保护金融隐私权,需确立金融隐私权的基本概念,明确和强化金融机构隐私保护的义务和责任,完善金融隐私侵权的救济机制。同时,亦可考虑引入选退保护模式。  相似文献   

在信息时代,信息的价值越来越大,财务分析是帮助会计信息的需求者获得企业信息的桥梁,是帮助其做出正确决策的手段。然而现有财务分析体系大多注重运用财务信息进行分析,对非财务信息的分析不足,这就使得财务分析结果不够全面,无法满足各种信息需求者的要求,因此亟待完善。  相似文献   

数据是数字经济时代最重要的生产要素之一,流动的数据才能发挥数据价值,金融数据共享是数据流动的一种形式。金融活动中金融数据在不同金融机构之间、金融机构与科技企业之间、金融机构与金融监管机构之间共享,金融数据控制者对其所控制的数据的财产性权益期待是促进数据共享的动力。金融数据中有大量关涉个人信息的数据,而且金融数据安全关系到国家金融体系安全,在确保国家金融体系稳健和个人信息安全的前提下,将金融数据权利赋予金融数据控制者,有利于促进金融数据共享,最大限度地挖掘金融数据价值。为平衡金融数据共享主体之间的利益冲突,应当以确定数据权属为底层逻辑,优先保障个人信息权益,并通过引进侵权惩罚性赔偿机制,调整惩罚性赔偿金分配机制和个人信息侵权公益诉讼规则,完善个人信息侵权赔偿制度。  相似文献   

Innovation technologies have substantially changed commerce and society. A new financial industry in the form of financial technology (fintech) initiated the era of the digital economy. At the same time, inherent risks in technology-driven financial innovations, such as technical risks, information asymmetry, and even potential systemic risks, necessitate regulatory responses. However, insufficient regulatory techniques, outdated financial laws, and conservative regulatory concepts make it difficult for traditional regulations based on financial intermediaries to adapt to the current environment of decentralized financial transactions. Technology-driven regulations focused on data monitoring could be a remedy for the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of traditional financial regulations and enhance effective protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests. This new regulatory model aims to build a system that integrates equal access to information on blockchain transactions by both parties to it (i.e., the regulators and the financial institutions they regulate) for the purpose of oversight, intelligent real-time oversight, and an experimental sandbox for developing regulatory technology. This dynamic and flexible financial regulatory system could effectively address fintech risks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how financial statement comparability affects the efficiency of internal capital markets and diversification discounts in multi‐segment firms through monitoring mechanisms. Previous studies suggest that financial statement comparability improves transparency and reduces the cost of information processing, mitigating information asymmetry between managers and shareholders. Using measures of comparability and internal capital efficiency, we find that financial statement comparability has a strong positive influence on internal capital market efficiency. Further, we find that by improving the efficiency of internal capital markets, financial statement comparability indeed mitigates diversification discounts. Especially, the effect of financial statement comparability is more pronounced for firms with high information asymmetry or operating environment volatility. The results support our arguments that financial statement comparability enhances the efficiency of internal capital markets and increases firm value in diversified firms by mitigating agency problems via monitoring and corporate control mechanisms.  相似文献   

西安地区金融支持"三农"面临贷款需求大额化、长期化、信贷支持领域多元化、金融服务方式多样化的新形势。但农村信贷市场存在涉农贷款难以满足需求、金融机构进入农村信贷市场的意愿不强、金融机构与农户之间的信息不对称等问题。应坚持统筹兼顾,进一步完善农村金融组织体系;贴近"三农"实际,优化农村金融的功能定位与服务;减少资金分流,有效增加农村信贷资金投入。  相似文献   

The IRS uses information contained in financial statements as well as tax returns to detect tax avoidance behavior. We examine the impact on corporate tax avoidance behavior of reductions in the IRS’s information processing costs resulting from the mandatory adoption of XBRL for financial reporting. Motivated by the recent debate in the U.S. Congress over the cost-benefit of mandatory XBRL reporting for small firms, we pay particular attention to small firms, which inherently have relatively high information frictions. We find that the adoption of XBRL for financial reporting results in a significant decrease in tax avoidance. We further find that the negative relation between XBRL reporting and tax avoidance is less prominent for firms subject to more intense IRS monitoring in the pre-XBRL-reporting period. Overall, our results suggest that XBRL reporting reduces the cost of IRS monitoring in terms of information processing, which dampens managerial incentives to engage in tax avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

论构建财政监督创新机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对我国现行财政监督中存在的法律依据欠缺、组织体系不完善、监督方式单一、技术手段落后等弊端,应进行财政监督机制创新--建立健全财政监督法律体系,强化财政监督的法制保障;搭建财政"大监督"框架,加大执法配合力度;采取多重监督方式配合,运用现代信息技术手段,提升财政监督效果.  相似文献   

基于国家利益的非均衡金融监管国际合作解析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用供求理论和模型分析金融监管国际合作供求非均衡现状,可以发现,在开放程度、经济体制、金融结构方面的差异是造成金融监管国际合作非均衡的主要原因。据此,应基于国家利益建立分层次的金融监管国际合作;加强国家之间的沟通机制;统一会计准则,加强信息披露合作,推动金融监管国际合作的进步。  相似文献   

金融体系最基本的功能是引导资源配置 ,由此衍生出流动性便利或流动性保险、资源汇聚和股权分割、风险管理、信息生产、为投资者提供监控和激励手段等功能。金融中介和金融市场在这些功能方面各有所长 ,因此在金融体系设计上应当扬长避短 ,互为补充 ,以促进融资的顺利进行和融资效率的提高。  相似文献   

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