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This paper investigates effectiveness of momentum strategies in the Japanese stock market during the period of 1975 to 1997. The main findings of this research are that momentum strategy portfolios which invest in past three-to-twelve month winners and sell past three-to-twelve month losers lose about 0.5% per month over the subsequent three to twelve months. This means that stock prices in the Japanese stock market reverse rather than continue over a medium-term horizon. The most significant reversal pattern is observed at the first month of portfolio formation and is unique to small stocks. Even with the market risk and size factor controlled, the price reversal is still present.  相似文献   


We explore whether investors earn profits through the use of stochastic oscillator indicators (SOI) for trading stocks. The results reveal that investors might use momentum strategies when trading constituent stocks of SSE 50 as the overbought trading signals emitted by SOI. We infer that the results might be caused by herding behaviors of Chinese investors since overoptimistic moods are likely to exist as evidenced by the 80 percent trading volume traded by individual investors in the Chinese stock market.  相似文献   

基于中国股市的动量策略和反转策略盈利性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文测试了中国股票市场中A股的反转策略和动量策略的盈利性,实证结果证明了短期内的动量收益,而反转收益存在于中长期和长期。在对两类收益的原因探析中,本文证明反转收益部分归因于规模效应。Beta因素对两类收益都没有解释力。本文同时还测试了Fama-French三因素模型,发现包含市场风险、规模差异和账面市场价值比在内的三类公共因素均不能有效解释反转收益和动量收益。  相似文献   

In this paper we study value strategies for four European countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom). We find an outperformance for all four value variables which are investigated: the earnings-to-price (E/P) ratio, the cash-flow-to-price (CF/P) ratio, the book-to-market (B/M) ratio and the dividend yield. This outperformance is especially remarkable for the CF/P ratio, which amounts to 20.8% between the top and bottom quintiles in a univariate model. In a regression analysis, in which all four value variables as well as a correction for the size effect are taken into account, we find a difference of 11.8% for the CF/P ratio. We demonstrate that this result cannot be explained by risk differences alone. Our findings confirm the outperformance of value strategies as found earlier by Chan, Hamao and Lakonishok (1991) and Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny (1994) for Japan and the United States respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper provides evidence on short-term contrarian profits and their sources for the London Stock Exchange. Profits are decomposed to sources due to factors derived from the Fama and French (1996) three-factor model. For the empirical testing, size-sorted sub-samples are used, and adjustments for infrequent trading and bid-ask biases are also made. Results indicate that UK short-term contrarian strategies are profitable and more pronounced for extreme market capitalization stocks. These profits persist even when the sample is adjusted for market frictions, risk, seasonality, and irrespective of whether equally-weighted or value-weighted portfolios are employed. The most important factor that drives contrarian profits appears to be investor overreaction to firm-specific information.  相似文献   

This paper examines the stability and persistence of the market overreaction hypothesis as posited by DeBondt and Thaler (1985 and 1987), and reinforced by Chopra, Lakonishok, and Ritter (1992). Using monthly CRSP data for the period 1926 through 1992, we find that returns obtained from a contrarian investment strategy are not time-stationary. Specifically, there is no winner-loser portfolio relationship during the post-war period of 1940_50s. The relationship resumes during the pre-energy-crisis subperiod, but weakens again during the post-energy-crisis subperiod. The effectiveness of trading based upon the overreaction hypothesis is, therefore, suspect.  相似文献   

The performance of contrarian, or value strategies – those that invest in stocks that have low market value relative to a measure of their fundamentals – continues to attract attention from researchers and practitioners alike. While there is much extant evidence on the profitability of value strategies, however, most of this evidence pertains to the US. In this paper, we provide a detailed characterisation of value strategies using data on UK stocks for the period 1975 to 1998. We first undertake simple one-way and two-way classifications of stocks in which value is defined using both past performance and expected future performance. Using sales growth as a proxy for past performance and book-to-market, earnings yield and cash flow yield as measures of expected future performance, we find that that stocks that have both poor past performance and low expected future performance have significantly higher returns than those that have either good past performance or good expected future performance. Allowing for size effects in returns reduces the value premium but it nevertheless remains significant. We go on to explore whether the profitability of value strategies in the UK can be explained using the three factor model of Fama and French (1996). Broadly consistent with the results for the US, we find that using the one-way classification the excess returns to almost all value strategies can be explained by their loading on the market, book-to-market and size factors. However, in contrast with the US, using the two-way classification there are excess returns to value strategies based on book-to-market and sales growth, even after controlling for their loading on the market, book-to-market and size factors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of accounting–based contrarian investment strategies in the New Zealand market. The return patterns of these strategies are then related to risk–based and behavioral–based explanations of the contrarian anomaly. Based on our analysis of the risk–return characteristics of the various strategies, we attribute the first year underperformance and second year outperformance of the value portfolios to expectational errors caused by noise trading in the relatively illiquid New Zealand market. The longer two–year correction process is in contrast to the much larger and more developed U.S. and Japanese markets, where value stock price corrections have been found to occur more rapidly. This provides support for the conjecture that longer horizons are required for value strategies to pay off in imperfectly competitive markets than in competitive markets.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the relation between overreaction and the speed of information diffusion in the Chinese stock market. Industry-adjusted firm size and residual analyst coverage are used to proxy the speed of information diffusion. We document strong evidence that the profitability of a monthly contrarian strategy decreases with industry-adjusted firm size or residual analyst coverage. Moreover, the profitability of contrarian strategies survives for a longer horizon for stocks with slower information diffusion than for those with faster information diffusion. This result holds true even if risk, bid-ask spread, lead-lag effect, inventory costs, and limits to arbitrage are properly accounted for. Our findings suggest that information environment and information diffusion determine the extent of overreaction.  相似文献   


We examine whether the price impact of foreign investors on the Korean stock market from December 2000 to February 2007 generated a momentum phenomenon. In our empirical results, foreigners seem to have exerted a significantly positive impact on prices in “up” markets (periods of positive stock returns), but have had little impact on prices in “down” markets (periods of negative returns). We document that the impact of foreigners’ trades is concentrated in large companies. Most importantly, when the market is in the up state, the returns of stocks of large companies that were positively affected by foreign investors in the previous six-month period continue to increase in the subsequent six-month period. As a result, the subsequent six-month return on a past “winner” stock portfolio is significantly higher than that on a past “loser” stock portfolio. This brings to mind a momentum phenomenon that has been reported not to exist in the Korean stock market.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that contrarian, or value investment strategies deliver superior returns. Gregory, Harris and Michou (2001) examine the performance of contrarian investment strategies in the UK and find that value strategies formed on the basis of a wide range of measures of value have delivered excess returns that are both statistically and economically significant. However, while value strategies appear to be profitable, the reason for their superior perform‐ ance is far from clear. Under the contrarian model, value strategies are profitable because they are contrarian to naïve strategies such as those that erroneously extrapolate past performance, while under the rational pricing model, value strategies are profitable because they are fundamentally riskier in some sense. In this paper, we discriminate between these two possibilities by undertaking a comprehensive investigation of the relationship between the returns to value investment strategies and various macroeconomic state variables that in a multi‐factor asset pricing model could reasonably be taken as proxies for risk. Moreover, we examine whether the returns to value strategies predict future GDP, consumption and investment growth over and above the contribution of the Fama and French (1993 and 1996) SMB, HML and market factors. While the SMB and HML factors behave in a manner consistent with the rational pricing model, we show that some value strategies in the UK are able to generate excess returns that do not seem to be related to known risk factors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the existence of contrarian profits and their sources for the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). The empirical analysis decomposes contrarian profits to sources due to common factor reactions, overreaction to firm‐specific information, and profits not related to the previous two terms, as suggested by Jegadeesh and Titman (1995). Furthermore, in view of recent evidence that common stock returns are related to firm characteristics such as size and book‐to‐market equity, the paper decomposes contrarian profits to sources due to factors derived from the Fama and French (1993, 1996) three‐factor model. For the empirical testing, size‐sorted sub‐samples that are rebalanced annually are employed, and in addition, adjustments for thin and infrequent trading are made to the data. The results indicate that serial correlation is present in equity returns and that it leads to significant short‐run contrarian profits that persist even after we adjust for market frictions. Consistent with findings for the US market, contrarian profits decline as one moves from small stocks to large stocks, but only when market frictions are considered. Furthermore, the contribution to contrarian profits due to the overreaction to the firm‐specific component appears larger than the underreaction to the common factors.  相似文献   

依据2011年中小板市场股票的日收益率考量对该市场短期动量效应与反转效应。结果显示:当形成期为一周时,持有期为一周、四周、八周的情况下市场均存在收益反转现象;当形成期为两周时,持有期为四周、八周的情况下市场均存在收益反转现象;当形成期为四周、八周时,各种持有期情况下均存在反转效应。重叠抽样结果显示:除了形成期为两周且持有期为两周的情况下,市场效应不明显之外,其他均显著表现为收益反转效应。同时采用静态与动态的投资策略验证2012年上半年的数据,发现时间段的选取对于研究结论有显著的影响;动态投资策略能够实现更为可观的收益,但收益波动也更为剧烈。  相似文献   

This paper examines the post‐cost profitability of momentum trading strategies in the UK over the period 1988–2003 and provides direct evidence on stock concentration, turnover and trading cost associated with the strategy. We find that after factoring out transaction costs the profitability of the momentum strategy disappears for shorter horizons but remains for longer horizons. Indeed, for ranking and holding periods up to 6‐months, profitable momentum returns would not be available to most average investors as the cost of implementation outweighs the possible returns. However, we find post‐cost profitability for ranking and/or holding periods beyond 6 months as portfolio turnover and its associated cost reduces. We find similar results for a sub‐sample of relatively large and liquid stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract:   We show that stock characteristics identified by D'Avolio (2002) provide a reliable index of the mostly unobservable short sales constraints. Specifically, we find that this index is positively related to the level of short interest and to short selling costs implied by the disparity in prices in the options and stock markets, and is negatively related to future returns. Using this index, we show that the magnitude of momentum returns for the period 1984 to 2001 is positively related to short sales constraints, and loser stocks rather than winner stocks drive this result. We conclude that short sales constraints are important in preventing arbitrage of momentum in stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evidence on the stock market overreaction hypothesis (ORH), which holds that, if stock prices systematically overshoot as a consequence of excessive investor optimism or pessimism, price reversals should be predictable from past price performance. The ORH stands in contradiction to the efficient markets hypothesis which is a cornerstone of financial economics. This study is unique in the overreaction literature because it is restricted to larger and better-known listed companies, whose shares are more frequently traded. This restriction more or less eliminates two alternative explanations to the overreaction hypothesis: it minimises the influence of bid-ask biases and infrequent trading, and reduces the possibility that reversals are primarily a small-firm phenomenon. The paper also investigates a third alternative explanation, namely that time-varying risk explains the reversal effect. The study employs unbiased methods of return computation and uses data from 1975 to 1991 for nearly 1,000 UK companies. Overall, the evidence appears to be consistent with the overreaction hypothesis, subject to certain qualifications.  相似文献   

Using a pooled cross-sectional time series approach, we evaluate profits of momentum strategies and identify the sources of profits in China's stock market. Momentum strategies generate significant and negative returns in the A-share market on investment horizons at one month and at and above nine months. In the B-share market, momentum strategies yield significant and negative returns at and above twelve months. Decomposition analysis finds that the negative returns are predominately attributed to the time series profitability of stock returns. Although momentum strategies generate significant and positive returns over the period after China opened its once foreign-restricted B-share market to domestic individual investors, the relative importance of the time series predictability and the cross-sectional variation does not change.  相似文献   

This article examines the effectiveness of momentum strategy at the industry level in the Chinese stock market. We find that the intermediate-horizon momentum effect is stronger in industries with higher competition. This effect is consistent with the hypothesis that information contained in firms from highly competitive industries is vague and hence leaves more space for behavioral biases, which leads to the momentum effect. Alternatively, the measure of the Herfindahl–Hirschman index potentially captures the size effect in explaining this phenomenon. Moreover, concentrated industries experience a pronounced lead-lag effect of big firms on small firms, which is a potential explanation for the contrarian strategy. We do find that the short-horizon contrarian effect is pronounced in highly concentrated industries.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the dispersion in analysts' consensus forecasts contains incremental information to predict future stock returns. Consistent with prior research, stock prices in the German market underreact to news about future earnings and drift in the direction suggested by analysts' forecasts revisions. Even higher abnormal returns can be achieved by applying such an earnings momentum strategy to stocks with a low dispersion in analyst forecasts. These results support one of the recent behavioural models in which investors underweight new evidence and conservatively update their beliefs in the right direction, but by too little in magnitude with respect to more objective information.  相似文献   

For U.S. stock prices, evidence of mean reversion over long horizons is mixed, possibly due to lack of a reliable long time series. Using additional cross-sectional power gained from national stock index data of 18 countries during the period 1969 to 1996, we find strong evidence of mean reversion in relative stock index prices. Our findings imply a significantly positive speed of reversion with a half-life of three to three and one-half years. This result is robust to alternative specifications and data. Parametric contrarian investment strategies that fully exploit mean reversion across national indexes outperform buy-and-hold and standard contrarian strategies.  相似文献   

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