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The present paper examines export and import pricing behavior following exchange rate changes in small, open economies. Using a monopolistic model, this study reveals that export and import prices should change but not in proportion to exchange rate movements. The policy implication of the results is that the pricing to market phenomenon could be a critical factor in explaining the evolution of the external trade balance with strategic interaction present in the case of prices on tradable goods. Consequently, the use of an exchange rate policy in the case of external imbalances should be a central issue within the broader context of how market structure and conduct affect the optimal traded goods prices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates dynamic interrelations between exchange rate uncertainty, international trade, and trading competitiveness in prices, using UK data. The empirical results derived from vector autoregressive (VAR) models show that a shock to exchange rate volatility negatively affects trade volumes, and such negative effects are greater than the effects on trade price levels. JEL Classification Numbers: F14, F31, F41  相似文献   

This article investigates the behavior of real exchange rates under fixed and flexible exchange rates. Using data from both the Bretton Woods and the modern floating periods, we decompose real exchange rate movements into components attributable to supply shocks, real demand shocks, monetary shocks, capital flows shocks, and real oil price shocks. Empirical results show that real demand shocks are an important source of real exchange rate movements under both fixed and flexible rates, while monetary shocks are negligible. Supply and oil price shocks seem to be more important under Bretton Woods, while capital flows shocks seem to explain a relatively higher proportion of real exchange rate movements under the modern floating period.  相似文献   

进入浮动汇率以来,日元汇率波动对日本批发物价带来了怎样的影响是一个值得研究的问题。实证分析结果表明,1971~2003年,日元汇率对总体国内批发物价的影响显著,但对各行业批发物价的影响不同;美国出口价格、石油价格对日本国内批发物价的影响显著;日本的货币供应是影响日本批发物价的重要因素,但日本名义GDP对日本批发物价的影响不明显。  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment and Real Exchange Rate Interlinkages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines theoretically and empirically the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and the real exchange rate. It is found that in large countries with freely floating currencies, such as the USA, the UK and Japan, causality runs from the real exchange rate to FDI. These results are consistent with the predictions of models of financial behavior. Causality runs both ways in small countries with fixed or quasi fixed currencies, such as the EU countries. These results are consistent with models, which emphasize on trade integration. It is shown that a weaker euro will not have uniform effects on FDI inflows across the unified Europe.  相似文献   

The “exchange rate exposure puzzle” refers to the phenomenon in which the proportion of firms with significant exchange rate exposure tends to be lower than expected figures. Some studies use changes in exchange rate to indicate exchange rate risks relevant to firm value. However, a different measure of exchange rate risks, which is the volatility in exchange rate changes, can also affect the value of firms because exchange rate uncertainty can affect international trade and investments of firms. This study classifies exchange rate risks into two types, namely, changes in exchange rate and the standard deviation of exchange rate changes, and empirically examines exchange rate exposure of firms in 12 countries. The results suggest that the proportion of firms with significant exchange rate exposure increases substantially, and thus, weakens the exchange rate exposure puzzle when we also count the cases in which the standard deviation of exchange rate changes affects stock return significantly.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how productivity differentials between the United States and the euro area drive the euro-dollar real exchange rate. We derive impulse responses from a two-sector new open economy macro (NOEM) model. These are used as sign restrictions to identify a structural vector autoregression. Our results show that the Balassa–Samuelson effect, through traded sector productivity shocks, is less important in explaining the variation in the euro-dollar exchange rate than are demand and nominal shocks. In particular, productivity can explain part of the appreciation of the dollar in the late 1990s only to the extent that it created a boost to aggregate demand in the United States. JEL no. F41, F31  相似文献   

During the second half of 2007 and early part of 2008 when there were intense inflationary pressures in China, RMB appreciation was advocated as a means of helping to curb inflation. The effectiveness of appreciation in controlling inflation depends on the impact of exchange rate movements on import and domestic prices. Our analysis finds fairly large and speedy exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) to import prices: 50 and 60percent for the short run and long run, respectively. However, the degree of ERPT decreases along the price chain from upstream to downstream prices. ERPT for consumer prices, the most downstream prices, is much milder and has substantial lags. A 10-percent rise in the nominal effective exchange rate will dampen consumer prices by 1.1 percent within a year, with very little pass-through in the first half year, and by 2.0percent over the long run. These findings, particularly the ERPT to consumer prices, suggest that RMB appreciation can help to reduce inflationary pressures over the longer term. However, it is unlikely to provide rapid relief to the current round of high inflation because of the long lags in ERPZ. The RMB needs to strengthen in effective terms to exert the desired dampening impact on prices.  相似文献   

汇率波动牵扯产业发展:由制造业和服务业生发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外经典研究和我国调查数据发现,汇率波动对中、美制造业和服务业的影响是多方面的,但各行业存在差异。由于人民币汇率对不同企业影响差异较大,因此目前客观存在实施产业转移(汇率影响大的企业)和产业调整(汇率影响小的企业)的时机。虽然人民币汇率升值对企业影响较大,但钉住美元的成本更大,升值对我国贸易的整体收益大于成本。  相似文献   

“三元悖论”与人民币汇率制度选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“三元悖论”从宏观上揭示货币政策独立性、汇率稳定、资本自由流动三大金融目标之间的相互制衡关系, 是汇率制度选择问题的一个基本理论分析工具。我国现行的汇率制度实质上是钉住美元的固定汇率制,在金融进一步开放的背景下,其弊端日益凸现,改革现行的汇率制度势在必行。我国现实经济条件决定了我国汇率制度改革的近期目标只能是建立汇率目标区,长期目标则是建立浮动汇率制。  相似文献   

Exchange Rate Disconnect in a Standard Open-Economy Macro Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper demonstrates that the well-documented exchange rate disconnect can be explained within traditional exchange rate models. It is shown that even if the underlying fundamentals are invariant across exchange rate regimes, equilibrium real exchange rates are more volatile under flexible nominal exchange rates than under fixed rates. In particular, fixed rates reduce the requisite adjustments of the real exchange rate in response to both nominal and real shocks relative to a floating-rate scenario.  相似文献   

国内价格的汇率传递性——基于VAR模型的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用VAR模型研究了我国国内价格的汇率传递性。VAR模型的脉冲反应函数显示,存在人民币汇率对国内价格的不完全传递性,但是,传递弹性极低,进口价格指数的汇率传递弹性要强于消费价格指数的汇率传递弹性,且进口价格指数向消费价格指数传导逐渐衰减。因此,通过汇率升值来抑制通胀效果并不理想,从紧的货币政策才是医治通胀的良药。  相似文献   

Drawing on the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate and the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate approaches, this paper assesses the equilibrium value of the real effective exchange rate of the Malaysian ringgit over the past 25 years. For 2005, when the Malaysian authorities exited from the peg with the US dollar, both models determine a slight undervaluation of the currency. Openness and real GDP per capita have been the main drivers of real exchange rate movements in the past, although non-tradable productivity, government consumption, and net foreign assets have also had a sizable impact. The paper also highlights the limitations of applying the two approaches in the context of emerging countries.  相似文献   

中日贸易逆差与汇率之间关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于VAR模型的研究方法,应用季度数据,分析2001--2007年间汇率和需求等因素对中日两国双边贸易收支的影响。结果显示:长期中汇率与中日贸易收支不满足马歇尔-勒纳条件,短期内实际汇率对贸易逆差的调节作用很小。无论在短期还是长期,真正影响中日双边贸易收支的因素是日本的国内需求和政治因素。葛兰杰因果检验显示中国对日本的贸易逆差是日本经济复苏的原因。  相似文献   

Real Exchange Rate in China:A Long-run Perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates the RMB exchange rate from a long‐run viewpoint. Whether China's rapid economic growth brought about real exchange rate appreciation between 1975 and 2002 is empirically examined, based on a supply‐side model, the Balassa—Semuelson Hypothesis (BSH). The same test is conducted on Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and India. Our result indicates that the BSH only exists where the industrial structure has been upgraded and the economy has been successfully transformed from an agricultural economy to a manufacturing economy. Interestingly, China, among those where the BSH does not present, appears to be upgrading its industrial and trade structure. We then try to answer the question of why past rapid growth has no significant relationship with the RMB real exchange rate and what factors are underlying the trend of the RMB real exchange rate. We expect an appreciating trend of RMB real exchange rate in the foreseeable future, presuming that China's industrial upgrading process continues and the factors pertaining to the BSH's prediction, such as rise of wage rates in both tradables and nontradables, become more significant. (Edited by Xiaoming Feng)  相似文献   

当今外汇市场上每天用于贸易交易的外汇交易量不到5%,95%以上都是与贸易交易无关的虚拟资本流动。但迄今为止,理论界和实务部门仍主要从贸易角度入手构建人民币实际有效汇率。本研究从国际收支即同时从经常帐户和资本与金融帐户角度考虑人民币实际有效汇率的形成机制,将相对生产率进步指标纳入人民币实际有效汇率权重的构成中,既吸收了篮子货币的优点,又能减轻由于非汇率对实体经济的冲击造成汇率的较大波动,从而保持一个较稳定的人民币实际有效汇率。论文的模型比IMF的模型更符合当代汇率的形成机制,论文预测了2009和2010年人民币实际有效汇率分别较上一年升值1.36%和1.17%。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the rapid growth of China's share in the international commodity market and the structural changes of China's commodity exports. It demonstrates a significant improvement of international competitiveness in China's manufacturing sector. The panel data analysis, based on a Solow–Swan type growth model on China's 37 manufacturing industries from 1991 to 2002, reveals that the main sources of the strengthened competitiveness of China's manufacturing sector have been mainly from Total Factor Productivity (TFP), while labour productivity has been increasing and capital productivity has been falling. A preliminary empirical analysis on the impacts of China's increasing competitiveness finds that there are negative correlations between China and most of its neighbouring countries, both newly industrialised economies and other Southeast Asian developing economies. However, there is no evidence of negative impacts of China's increasing competitiveness on developed countries such as the United States and Japan.  相似文献   

This study investigates the co-movements and linkages among gold prices, oil prices, and Indian rupee–dollar exchange rates for the time span of 12 January 2004 to 30 April 2015 to investigate whether Indian economic policy-makers should detach financial policies from energy policies. Various econometrical methods such as Johansen’s cointegration test, vector autoregressive model, Granger causality test, and impulse response were used to explain the co-movements among the variables. We find that gold prices, oil prices, and rupee–dollar exchange rates stay substantially independent from each other, which denotes energy policies and financial policies must be detached.  相似文献   

We build a simple overlapping generation model to investigate the effect of life expectancy on the real exchange rate where fertility is chosen endogenously. The model reveals that, although the overall effect of life expectancy on the real exchange rate is not certain, longer life expectancy tends to cause the real exchange rate to depreciate by reducing fertility. Fertility thus serves as a mediator in the effect of life expectancy on the real exchange rate. Evidence from 148 economies (1980–2018) shows a statistically significant and robust negative relationship between life expectancy and the real exchange rate. It is estimated that a 1 year increase in life expectancy is associated with a 1.5 percent depreciation in the real exchange rate. The evidence also confirms the mediated effect of fertility. The mediated effect that fertility exerts accounts for 30 percent to 50 percent of the total effect, depending on the real exchange rate index used.  相似文献   

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