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This paper considers the estimation and inference of spatial panel data models with heterogeneous spatial lag coefficients, with and without weakly exogenous regressors, and subject to heteroskedastic errors. A quasi maximum likelihood (QML) estimation procedure is developed and the conditions for identification of the spatial coefficients are derived. The QML estimators of individual spatial coefficients, as well as their mean group estimators, are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Small‐sample properties of the proposed estimators are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations and results are shown to be in line with the paper's key theoretical findings, even for panels with moderate time dimensions and irrespective of the number of cross‐section units. A detailed empirical application to US house price changes during the 1975–2014 period shows a significant degree of heterogeneity in spatiotemporal dynamics over the 338 Metropolitan Statistical Areas considered.  相似文献   

This paper considers the identification and estimation of an extension of Roy’s model (1951) of sectoral choice, which includes a non-pecuniary component in the selection equation and allows for uncertainty on potential earnings. We focus on the identification of the non-pecuniary component, which is key to disentangling the relative importance of monetary incentives versus preferences in the context of sorting across sectors. By making the most of the structure of the selection equation, we show that this component is point identified from the knowledge of the covariate effects on earnings, as soon as one covariate is continuous. Notably, and in contrast to most results on the identification of Roy models, this implies that identification can be achieved without any exclusion restriction nor large support condition on the covariates. As a by-product, bounds are obtained on the distribution of the ex ante   monetary returns. We propose a three-stage semiparametric estimation procedure for this model, which yields root-nn consistent and asymptotically normal estimators. Finally, we apply our results to the educational context, by providing new evidence from French data that non-pecuniary factors are a key determinant of higher education attendance decisions.  相似文献   

This paper presents Bayesian inference procedures for the continuous time mover–stayer model applied to labour market transition data collected in discrete time. These methods allow us to derive the probability of embeddability of the discrete‐time modelling with the continuous‐time one. A special emphasis is put on two alternative procedures, namely the importance sampling algorithm and a new Gibbs sampling algorithm. Transition intensities, proportions of stayers and functions of these parameters are then estimated with the Gibbs sampling algorithm for individual transition data coming from the French Labour Force Surveys collected over the period 1986–2000. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a new conditionally heteroskedastic factor model, the GICA-GARCH model, which combines independent component analysis (ICA) and multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) models. This model assumes that the data are generated by a set of underlying independent components (ICs) that capture the co-movements among the observations, which are assumed to be conditionally heteroskedastic. The GICA-GARCH model separates the estimation of the ICs from their fitting with a univariate ARMA-GARCH model. Here, we will use two ICA approaches to find the ICs: the first estimates the components, maximizing their non-Gaussianity, while the second exploits the temporal structure of the data. After estimating and identifying the common ICs, we fit a univariate GARCH model to each of them in order to estimate their univariate conditional variances. The GICA-GARCH model then provides a new framework for modelling the multivariate conditional heteroskedasticity in which we can explain and forecast the conditional covariances of the observations by modelling the univariate conditional variances of a few common ICs. We report some simulation experiments to show the ability of ICA to discover leading factors in a multivariate vector of financial data. Finally, we present an empirical application to the Madrid stock market, where we evaluate the forecasting performances of the GICA-GARCH and two additional factor GARCH models: the orthogonal GARCH and the conditionally uncorrelated components GARCH.  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on returns to schooling based on an interactive fixed-effects framework that allows for multiple unobserved skills with potentially time-varying prices as well as individual-level heterogeneity in returns. This constitutes a substantive generalization of most existing approaches. Our empirical analysis employs a unique linked survey-administrative panel data set on education and earnings. We find average marginal returns to schooling of about 2.8–4.4% relative to least squares/instrumental variable estimates between 7.7% and 12.7%. Omitted ability accounts for a larger fraction of the aggregate least squares bias compared to heterogeneity. We also find considerable heterogeneity in individual returns.  相似文献   

The information contained in a large panel dataset is used to date historical turning points and to forecast future ones. We estimate groups of series with similar time series dynamics and link the groups with a dynamic structure. The dynamic structure identifies a group of leading and a group of coincident series. Robust results across data vintages are obtained when series‐specific information is incorporated in the design of the prior group probability distribution. The forecast evaluation confirms that the Markov switching panel with dynamic structure performs well when compared to other specifications. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a general modeling framework to predict the outcomes, at the population level, of individual psychology and behavior. The framework prescribes that researchers build a cost function that embodies knowledge of what trait values (opinions, behaviors, etc.) are favored by individual interactions under given social conditions. Predictions at the population level are then drawn using methods from statistical mechanics, a branch of theoretical physics born to link the microscopic and macroscopic behavior of physical systems. We demonstrate our approach building a model of cultural contact between two cultures (e.g., immigration), showing that it is possible to make predictions about how contact changes the two cultures.  相似文献   

In this paper, tests for neglected heterogeneity and functional form misspecification of some commonly used parametric distributions are derived within a heterogeneous generalized gamma model. It is argued that the conventional test of heterogeneity may not be valid when the underlying hazard function is misspecified. Hence, if the estimated hazard function is deemed restrictive, tests for functional form misspecification should accompany any test of heterogeneity. An empirical illustration based on Kennan's (1985) model of strikes is used to show that incorrect inferences may be drawn, as in a number of previous analyses, if the relevant restrictions are not tested jointly.  相似文献   

A recent article by Krause (Qual Quant, doi:10.1007/s11135-012-9712-5, Krause (2012)) maintains that: (1) it is untenable to characterize the error term in multiple regression as simply an extraneous random influence on the outcome variable, because any amount of error implies the possibility of one or more omitted, relevant explanatory variables; and (2) the only way to guarantee the prevention of omitted variable bias and thereby justify causal interpretations of estimated coefficients is to construct fully specified models that completely eliminate the error term. The present commentary argues that such an extreme position is impractical and unnecessary, given the availability of specialized techniques for dealing with the primary statistical consequence of omitted variables, namely endogeneity, or the existence of correlations between included explanatory variables and the error term. In particular, the current article discusses the method of instrumental variable estimation, which can resolve the endogeneity problem in causal models where one or more relevant explanatory variables are excluded, thus allowing for accurate estimation of effects. An overview of recent methodological resources and software for conducting instrumental variables estimation is provided, with the aim of helping to place this crucial technique squarely in the statistical toolkit of applied researchers.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of managed care on medical expenditure using a model in which the insurance status is assumed to be endogenous. Insurance plan choice is modeled through the multinomial probit model. The medical expenditure variable, the outcome of interest, has a significant proportion of zeros that are handled using the two‐part model, extended to handle endogenous insurance. The estimation approach is Bayesian, based on the Gibbs Sampler. The model is applied to a sample of 20 460 individuals obtained from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. The results provide substantial evidence of selectivity. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of variable selection in linear regression models. Bayesian model averaging has become an important tool in empirical settings with large numbers of potential regressors and relatively limited numbers of observations. We examine the effect of a variety of prior assumptions on the inference concerning model size, posterior inclusion probabilities of regressors and on predictive performance. We illustrate these issues in the context of cross‐country growth regressions using three datasets with 41–67 potential drivers of growth and 72–93 observations. Finally, we recommend priors for use in this and related contexts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Within the inferential context of predicting a distribution of potential outcomes P[y(t)] under a uniform treatment assignment tT, this paper deals with partial identification of the α‐quantile of the distribution of interest Qα[y(t)] under relatively weak and credible monotonicity‐type assumptions on the individual response functions and the population selection process. On the theoretical side, the paper adds to the existing results on non‐parametric bounds on quantiles with no prior information and under monotone treatment response (MTR) by introducing and studying the identifying properties of α‐quantile monotone treatment selection (α‐QMTS), α‐quantile monotone instrumental variables (α‐QMIV) and their combinations. The main result parallels that for the mean; MTR and α‐QMTS aid identification in a complementary fashion, so that combining them greatly increases identification power. The theoretical results are illustrated through an empirical application on the Italian returns to educational qualifications. Bounds on several quantiles of ln(wage) under different qualifications and on quantile treatments effects (QTE) are estimated and compared with parametric quantile regression (α‐QR) and α‐IVQR estimates from the same sample. Remarkably, the α‐QMTS & MTR upper bounds on the α‐QTE of a college degree versus elementary education imply smaller year‐by‐year returns than the corresponding α‐IVQR point estimates. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper a VAR model is considered as a general framework in which a structural model can be tested. We carefully describe the hypotheses defining a structural model; this leads us to discuss various notions such as: predeterminedness, non-causality, exogeneity, contemporaneous identification, overall identification, weak and strong structural forms. Then we propose a test procedure, based on the asymptotic least-squares method, which allows successive testing of each aspect of a structural model. This procedure is applied to the wage–price spiral.  相似文献   

What is the effect of funding costs on the conditional probability of issuing a corporate bond? We study this question in a novel dataset covering 5610 issuances by US firms over the period from 1990 to 2014. Identification of this effect is complicated because of unobserved, common shocks such as the global financial crisis. To account for these shocks, we extend the common correlated effects estimator to settings where outcomes are discrete. Both the asymptotic properties and the small‐sample behavior of this estimator are documented. We find that for non‐financial firms yields are negatively related to bond issuance but that the effect is larger in the pre‐crisis period.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》1987,35(1):161-190
In this paper we present a consistent standard normal model specification test for ARMAX models. The null hypothesis is that the ARMAX model represents the conditional expectation of the dependent variable relative to the entire past of the economic vector time series process under review. This null is tested against the general alternative hypothesis that the null is false. The test is applied to testing the rational expectations-natural rate (RE-NR) hypothesis for the Netherlands according to the approach of Sargent (1976). It appears that RE-NR hypothesis has to be rejected.  相似文献   

This article examines how efficient art organizations are in raising funds from private giving. We measure fundraising efficiency using a Bayesian estimation approach using the stochastic frontier production model. We show that fundraising efficiencies are generally quite low for art organizations in the U.S. when private giving is only considered as a fundraising output; however, when the effect of fundraising on ticket sales is considered, fundraising efficiencies improve substantially. We also show that government grants have a negative impact on fundraising efficiency and therefore partially crowd out private giving.  相似文献   

We construct a stylized model of transfers within a federation and apply it to the European Union. Our approach differs from that of most of the existing literature in that we fix the preferences for redistribution of resources among a federation's members, rather than fix the current budgetary rules or modify them on the basis of assumed scenarios. The model is tested (successfully) by assessing its ability to predict the effects of the last (1995) enlargement on the European budget. We then use the estimated model to predict the reallocation of the Union's net transfers after the upcoming Eastern enlargement. Our estimates of transfers to the incoming member states exceed those of the rest of the literature. Our results can be interpreted in one of two ways: first, either the European Union, in its collective decision-making process (that in the future will include the five incoming countries as voting members), will institute new rules and programs to further reduce the regional disparities in income, or second, if the current rules and programs are maintained, then the Eastern enlargement would result in a reduction in the “depth” of the Union. The approach we introduce can be more generally applied to the analysis of other intergovernmental or international organizations.  相似文献   

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